SQLite format 3@ 3/3- cET!EE!tabletblDefinitionstblDefinitionsCREATE TABLE "tblDefinitions" ("DefinitionID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"Definition" VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL )!II%tablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)!--etabletblUserstblUsersCREATE TABLE "tblUsers" ("UserID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL '4!0,$"      -New User t]@$d<$ItblLexiconWords |E tblRecentItems&QtblUserKnownWords9tblPrefixes& QtblListCategories 1WordLists  AtblChecklists -WordListB* UtblWordDefinitions[9tblVersions9tblSuffixes-tblStems!Words+,9tblLexicons"ItblDictionaries'"EtblDefinitionst-tblUsers.Z{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(!  aKA7,$ vlcZPF<1'|pf[MA5+#uk^SJA~7}-|!{z yxywpvcuXtKs=r3q(ponmlskhj`iWhNgCf9e/!5.cʅ`fh:NօrJ P Fg R ~= } D Rg  q &V „c ^?KT2u΄6j5u@>ڃv.<[JHZA5:V IsP "AMike Wolfbergen BT!EE!tabletblDefinitionstblDefinitionsCREATE TABLE "tblDefinitions" ("DefinitionID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"Definition" VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL )!II%tablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)!--etabletblUserstblUsersCREATE TABLE "tblUsers" ("UserID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"UserName" VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL ) UUM(!IIAtabletblDictionariestblDictionariesCREATE TABLE "tblDictionaries" ("DictionaryID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"Dictionary" VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"Lang" VARCHAR(10) NULL DEFAULT NULL )  MI ODS5http://www.ottawascrabbleclub.com/Lists/ods5.txtThe ODS5 lexicon is an older version of the official French Scrabble dictionaryfr <!99 tabletblLexiconstblLexiconsCREATE TABLE "tblLexicons" ("LexiconID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"LexiconName" VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL ,"LexiconSource" VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"LexiconStuff" VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"LexiconNotice" TEXT NULL ,"LexiconHookIndex" BOOLEAN NULL DEFAULT 0 ,"LexLanguage" VARCHAR(8) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"LexiconInnerIndex" BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 )IZxph`XPH@80( xph`XPH@80( xph`XPH@80( PHHGG쁞kGCG6FہsFKF%#Eʁ{EoSE+DGD^D[C%CMoB9BB>SW=T=(=B|<灗P<~<1c;ցz;{; x:Ł1:j:r99Y 8@8A8H7큕H7p776܁@66&]5ˁ+5py54!4_;4U3o3N 2󁓣y2_2=E1⁒+11,w0с]0vC0W///e/ _.7.T-g-?-C,聐o,t,2>+ׁ+|R+!*Ɓf*k0*z)D)Z2(n(*(If'"'^'8j&݁>&&'f% %YvIY+ 0 0(V!EE%tabletblRecentItemstblRecentItems CREATE TABLE "tblRecentItems" ("RecentID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"UserID" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"RecentTag" VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"RecentText" VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,CONSTRAINT `UserLink` FOREIGN KEY (`UserID`) REFERENCES tblUsers (`UserID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION)t!!!)tableWordsWords CREATE TABLE "Words" ("WordID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"Word" VARCHAR(22) NOT NULL ) L:(tbP>,xfTB0 |2% DESIRE1% TEINDS0% TENAIL/% STANED.% LATENS-% SEENIT,% SERINE+% ADORES*% SNIDER)% DATERS(% LADIES'% DIALER&% SILENT%% TIRADE$% SALTER#% ENTERS"% LISTER!% GAINER % DORIES% SAINED% ISATON% ORALES% SOLATE% ATONES% SADTIE% ENTIRE% RETIES% RETAIL% SALTIE% IONSEA% ALIENS% NAILER% SERIAL% TOILES% TORIES% LESION% RAINED % AIDERS % EASTER % TONERS % INSERT % REASON% ORATES% TOESIN% STERNA% SENIOR% ARSINE% RETAڂBق؁jׁ=ցd2   !99AtabletblSuffixestblSuffixesCREATE TABLE "tblSuffixes" ("SuffixID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"Suffix" VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"SuffixLanguage" VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '""' )d!--qtabletblStemstblStems CREATE TABLE "tblStems" ("StemID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"Stem" VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"StemType" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL )zjZJ:, ~pbTB2$~l^P@. ~8IESen7IERen 6IEen5ICALen 4ICen3IBLEen2IALen 1IAen0HOODen/HEADen .FYen-FULLen,FULen +FTen *FSen)FORMen(FOLDen'FISHen &EYen %EUen$ETTEen#ESTen"ESSen!!ESQUEen ERYenERSen ERenENTenENCEen ENen EEen EDenEAUXenEAUenDOMen CYenCLEen CKen CHen CEen!BERRYenBANEen AYen AUen ATEen ARYen ANTen ANEenANCEen ANen ALenAGEen AEenACYenABLEen)Aށ%o8  " iia  !QQ tabletblUserKnownWordstblUserKnownWordsCREATE TABLE "tblUserKnownWords" ("KnownID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"UserID" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"WordID" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL ,CONSTRAINT `tblUserstblUserKnownWords` FOREIGN KEY (`UserID`) REFERENCES tblUsers (`UserID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE,CONSTRAINT `WordstblUserKnownWords` FOREIGN KEY (`WordID`) REFERENCES Words (`WordID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE) pM0 ! 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E2 Letter Words AA9 < !AAytabletblCheckliststblChecklistsCREATE TABLE "tblChecklists" ("CheckListID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"UserID" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"Completion" BOOLEAN NULL DEFAULT 0 ,"Task" VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,CONSTRAINT `UserRef` FOREIGN KEY (`UserID`) REFERENCES tblUsers (`UserID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION)  WWOj !UU-tabletblWordDefinitionstblWordDefinitionsCREATE 8 !99tabletblVersionstblVersionsCREATE TABLE "tblVersions" ("VersionID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"VersionNumber" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL )t{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! #"SVRQfP.OvN>MLNKJ^I&HnG6F~EFDCVBAf@.?v>>=-,N+*^)&(n'6&~%F$#V"!f .v>N^&n6~FVf.v>  N  ^ &n6~FVf.v>N^&n{fN&O~떡V.#^[6f/>˓gnF;vɑNW&V~TABLE "tblWordDefinitions" ("WordDefID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"WordID" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"DictionaryID" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"DefinitionID" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL ,CONSTRAINT `SeeDefn` FOREIGN KEY (`DefinitionID`) REFERENCES tblDefinitions (`DefinitionID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,CONSTRAINT `SeeWord` FOREIGN KEY (`WordID`) REFERENCES Words (`WordID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION)|pdXL@4(th\PD8, xl`TH<0$  l "0 k " j " i "R h " g " f " e " d " c " b " a " ` " _ " ^ "{ ] "f \ "b [ "9 Z " Y "j X " W " V " U " T " S " R " Q " P " O " N " M " L " K " J " I " H "M G " F " E " D " C " B " A " @ " ? 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"> - ". , " + " * " ) " ( "G ' D|4l ee]!--YtableWordListWordListCREATE TABLE "WordList" ("WordListID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NULL ,"ListID" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"WordID" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL ,"CategoryID" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 ,CONSTRAINT `WordListsWordList` FOREIGN KEY (`ListID`) REFERENCES WordLists (`ListID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE,CONSTRAINT `WordsWordList` FOREIGN KEY (`WordID`) REFERENCES Words (`WordID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE) =1IUI Common NamesDana BellSee DescriptionA list of common proper names compiled and edited from http://www.scrabble.org.au/words/names.htm, http://www.scrabblestop.com/proper-names.html, and https://www.seattlescrabble.org/data/ThemeLists/names.txtSee Descri  EE|!Qindexsqlite_autoindex_tblListCategories_1tblListCategories2!11tableWordListsWordListsCREATE TABLE WordLists (ListID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ListName VARCHAR (80) DEFAULT NULL, ListAuthor VARCHAR (80) DEFAULT NULL, ListCredits VARCHAR (255) DEFAULT NULL, ListDescription TEXT, ListSource VARCHAR (255) DEFAULT NULL, ListLink VARCHAR (255) DEFAULT NULL, ListAuthorEmail VARCHAR (80) DEFAULT NULL, CategoryID INTEGER REFERENCES tblListCategories (CategoryID)) AUncategorizedACommon Things AUncategorizedA Common Things Q^!99MtabletblPrefixestblPrefixesCREATE TABLE tblPrefixes (PrefixID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Prefix VARCHAR (80) DEFAULT NULL, PrefixLanguage VARCHAR (8) DEFAULT NULL)|!Qindexsqlite_autoindex_tblListCategories_1tblListCategories.!QQ=tabletblListCategoriestblListCategoriesCREATE TABLE tblListCategories (CategoryID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Category VARCHAR (255) UNIQUE)nT: ~dH,f!-EYEen  -EXen -ENen -EMen ")-ELECTROen -EARen -DOGen -DISen -DIAen -DJen -DIen -DEen -CZen -COWen -CONen -COMen -COen -BYen -BIen -BULLen  -BLUEen  -BLOWen  !-BLACKen  -BEDen  -BEen -BACKen -AXen -AUTOen -ANTIen -ANTEen -AIRen -ADen _.bA!\{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! 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E2 Letter Words  JJd!uUindextblWordDefinitions_SpecialtblWordDefinitions1CREATE UNIQUE INDEX 'tblWordDefinitions_Special' ON 'tblWordDefinitions' (`WordID` ASC,`DictionaryID` ASC,`DefinitionID` ASC)3!9indextblVersions_Index_0F7083D1_F88A_4629tblVersions/CREATE UNIQUE INDEX 'tblVersions_Index_0F7083D1_F88A_4629' ON 'tblVersions' (`VersionNumber` ASC)0!qA}indextblChecklists_f!Q-QindexWordList_ListWordWordList2CREATE UNIQUE INDEX 'WordList_ListWord' ON 'WordList' (`ListID` ASC,`WordID` ASC)*t`L8$p\H4  lXD0|h"ʗ"^_"(\O"~$9l$q$#A$y];/$eS$S8c$?y y$+]*Q$1K~!$LF9#8g'#Wk#I/a#i:g1#+YC#ĵ#\ E#Cq#A#a۲#̮`#{;i#|c7#rcOQ#h>=p!#^ *B#S|#INQ#?a#5b+1#+Jˮ^#! pP#R^# 7?` q#vEA"?q",-"xC"ٺM"ϚQ"œ!"e&Ѩ "$ϰ|qf[PE:/$ti^SH=2'wlaVK@5* "ĝ "k " " "› " "0 " " "R " " " " " " " " " " "{ "f "b "9 " "j " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "M " " " " " " " " ") " " "? " " " " " " " "/ " " " "} "u "> ". 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ABATISES a barrier made of felled treesBd ABATER n pl. -S one that abatescAABATE v ABATED, ABATING, ABATES to reduce in degree or intensity ABATABLE adj|b}ABASIA n pl. -S a defect in muscular coordination in walkingnaaABASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to make ashamed or embarrassedB` ABASER n pl. -S one that abases c}MRc7suABBOTCY n pl. -CIES abbacyXr5ABBOT n pl. -S the superior of a monasteryTq-ABBEY n pl. -BEYS a monastery or conventvpqABBESS n pl. -ES the female superior of a convent of nuns/oeABBE n pl. -S an abbotJnABBATIAL adj pertaining to an abbotVm1ABBACY n pl. -CIES the office of an abbotdlMABBA n pl. -S father -- used as a title of honorjkYABAYA n pl. -S a long loose robe worn by Arab women)jYABAXILE adj abaxialRi)ABAXIAL adj situated away from the axis ;M $`;!}IABED adv in bedb|IABEAM adv at right angles to the keel of a shipZ{9ABDUCTOR n pl. -ES or -S an abducent muscle\z=ABDUCTEE n pl. -S one that has been abductedyABDUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to draw away from the original position@xABDUCENT adj serving to abductPw%ABDUCENS n pl. -CENTES a cranial nerveXv5ABDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to abduct uABDOMEN n pl. -MENS or -MINA the body cavity containing the viscerapteABDICATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to give up formally &3y<r9h&> ABEYANCY n pl. -CIES abeyanceP %ABEYANCE n pl. -S temporary inactivityB ABETTOR n pl. -S one that abets3mABETTER n pl. -S abettor5qABETTAL n pl. -S abetmentN!ABETMENT n pl. -S the act of abettingtmABET v ABETTED, ABETTING, ABETS to encourage and support9yABERRANT n pl. -S a deviantFABELMOSK n pl. -S a tropical herbl]ABELIAN adj being a commutative group in mathematicsV1ABELIA n pl. -S an Asian or Mexican shrub@ABELE n pl. -S a Eurasian tree+~]ABEGGING adj begging mhZ y3m~ABILITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being able to do something@ABIGAIL n pl. -S a lady.s maidB ABIDER n pl. -S one that abides ABIDE v ABODE or ABIDED, ABIDING, ABIDES to accept without objectionLABIDANCE n pl. -S the act of abidingFABHORRER n pl. -S one that abhorsX5ABHOR v -HORRED, -HORRING, -HORS to loathed MABHENRY n pl. -RIES or -RYS a unit of inductanceP %ABFARAD n pl. -S a unit of capacitance@ ABEYANT adj marked by abeyance <4tDs<3mABLAZE adj being on fire ABLAUT n pl. -S a patterned change in root vowels of verb formsFABLATOR n pl. -S one that ablatesLABLATIVE n pl. -S a grammatical casejYABLATION n pl. -S surgical removal of a bodily partnaABLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to remove by cuttingFABJURER n pl. -S one that abjuresriABJURE v -JURED, -JURING, -JURES to renounce under oathbIABJECT adj sunk to a low condition ABJECTLY advbIABIOSIS n pl. -OSES absence of life ABIOTIC adj 7qYj?n73*mABLUTED adj washed clean))YABLUSH adj blushingH(ABLUENT n pl. -S a cleansing agent)'YABLOOM adj blooming'&UABLINS adv perhaps'%UABLINGS adv ablinsZ$9ABLEIST n pl. -S one that practices ableism #ABLEISM n pl. -S prejudice or discrimination against disabled peopleB" ABLEGATE n pl. -S a papal envoyT!-ABLED adj capable of unimpaired functionv qABLE n pl. -S a communications code word for the letter A ABLE adj ABLER, ABLEST having sufficient power, skill, or resources HC`4EABOIDEAU n pl. -DEAUS or -DEAUX a type of dike`3EABOHM n pl. -S a unit of electrical resistanceZ29ABODE v ABODED, ABODING, ABODES to foreboden1aABOARD adv into, in, or on a ship, train, or airplane0!ABO n pl. -S an aborigine (an original inhabitant) *deemed offensive*^/AABNORMAL n pl. -S a mentally deficient personn.aABNEGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to deny to oneselfh-UABMHO n pl. -MHOS a unit of electrical conductance7,uABLY adv in an able manner9+yABLUTION n pl. -S a washing 'qkF>?ABORNING adv while being bornl>]ABORAL adj situated away from the mouth ABORALLY adv!=IABOON adv above><ABOMASUS n pl. -MASI abomasumj;YABOMASUM n pl. -SA the fourth stomach of a ruminantR:)ABOMASAL adj pertaining to the abomasumN9!ABOMA n pl. -S a South American snake`8EABOLLA n pl. -LAE a cloak worn in ancient RomeT7-ABOLISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to do away withT6-ABOITEAU n pl. -TEAUS or -TEAUX aboideau%5QABOIL adj boiling C@jCxIuABOVE n pl. -S something that is above (in a higher place)1HiABOUT adv approximatelyrGiABOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to have a large number or amountJFABOULIA n pl. -S abulia ABOULIC adjHEABORTUS n pl. -ES an aborted fetuszDyABORTUARY n pl. -RIES an abortion clinic *deemed offensive*BC ABORTIVE adj failing to succeedtBmABORTION n pl. -S induced expulsion of a nonviable fetusDA ABORTER n pl. -S one that abortst@mABORT v -ED, -ING, -S to bring forth a fetus prematurely 2vT/2S ABRIDGE v ABRIDGED, ABRIDGING, ABRIDGES to reduce the length of;R}ABRI n pl. -S a bomb shelter3QmABREAST adv side by sideJPABREACT v -ED, -ING, -S to release repressed emotions by reliving the original traumatic experienceRO)ABRASIVE n pl. -S an abrading substanceNN!ABRASION n pl. -S the act of abradingLMABRADER n pl. -S a tool for abrading|L}ABRADE v ABRADED, ABRADING, ABRADES to wear away by friction>KABRADANT n pl. -S an abrasiveDJ ABRACHIA n pl. -S a lack of arms +;X +t\mABSCISIN n pl. -S a regulatory substance found in plantsb[IABSCISE v -SCISED, -SCISING, -SCISES to cut offVZ1ABSCESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to form an abscess (a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue)pYeABRUPT adj -RUPTER, -RUPTEST rudely brief ABRUPTLY advLXABROSIA n pl. -S a fasting from foodW!ABROGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to abolish by authoritative actionJVABROAD adv out of one.s own country%UQABROACH adj astirJTABRIDGER n pl. -S one that abridges 1~td}1HgABSINTHE n pl. -S a bitter liqueur5fqABSINTH n pl. -S absintheNe!ABSENTLY adv in an inattentive mannerXd5ABSENTER n pl. -S one that absents himselfVc1ABSENTEE n pl. -S one that is not presentZb9ABSENT v -ED, -ING, -S to take or keep awayTa-ABSENCE n pl. -S the state of being awayH`ABSEILER n pl. -S one that abseilsD_ ABSEIL v -ED, -ING, -S to rappelr^iABSCOND v -ED, -ING, -S to depart suddenly and secretly~]ABSCISSA n pl. -SAS or -SAE a particular geometric coordinate ,4?d~,Nq!ABSTRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to take away~pABSTERGE v -STERGED, -STERGING, -STERGES to cleanse by wiping`oEABSTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to refrain voluntarilyHnABSORBER n pl. -S one that absorbsRm)ABSORB v -ED, -ING, -S to take up or in5lqABSONANT adj unreasonableJkABSOLVER n pl. -S one that absolves"jIABSOLVE v -SOLVED, -SOLVING, -SOLVES to free from the consequences of an action\i=ABSOLUTE n pl. -S something that is absolutehhUABSOLUTE adj -LUTER, -LUTEST free from restriction U: UPy%ABUNDANT adj present in great quantity^xAABULIA n pl. -S loss of will power ABULIC adj+w]ABUBBLE adj bubbling:vyABSURD n pl. -S the condition in which man exists in an irrational and meaningless universe(uUABSURD adj -SURDER, -SURDEST ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable ABSURDLY advttmABSTRUSE adj -STRUSER, -STRUSEST difficult to understandbsIABSTRICT v -ED, -ING, -S to form by cutting offxruABSTRACT adj -STRACTER, -STRACTEST difficult to understand Ee=\EB ABWATT n pl. -S a unit of power^AABVOLT n pl. -S a unit of electromotive force%QABUZZ adj buzzingB ABUTTER n pl. -S one that abuts;}ABUTTAL n pl. -S an abutmentP%ABUTMENT n pl. -S something that abutsJ~ABUTILON n pl. -S a flowering plantr}iABUT v ABUTTED, ABUTTING, ABUTS to touch along a borderh|UABUSIVE adj characterized by wrong or improper useB{ ABUSER n pl. -S one that abusesz1ABUSE v ABUSED, ABUSING, ABUSES to use wrongly or improperly ABUSABLE adj DiQvqACAI n pl. -S a purple berrylike fruit of a tropical palmP%ACADEMY n pl. -MIES a secondary school` EACADEMIC n pl. -S a college student or teacherd MACADEMIA n pl. -S scholastic life or environmentR )ACADEME n pl. -S a place of instructionV 1ACACIA n pl. -S a flowering tree or shrub` EABYSS n pl. -ES a bottomless chasm ABYSSAL adj>ABYSMAL adj immeasurably deep1iABYSM n pl. -S an abyssLABYE v ABOUGHT, ABYING, ABYES to abyhUABY v ABOUGHT, ABYING, ABYS to pay the penalty for Q\#:QQD ACAROID adj resembling an acarid1iACARINE n pl. -S acarid3mACARIDAN n pl. -S acaridHACARID n pl. -S a type of arachnid`EACARBOSE n pl. -S a drug for treating diabetesACAPNIA n pl. -S a lack of carbon dioxide in blood and tissues%ACANTHUS n pl. -THI or -THUSES a prickly herb ACANTHOID, ACANTHOUS adjP%ACANTHA n pl. -THAE a sharp spiny part5qACALEPHE n pl. -S acalephZ9ACALEPH n pl. -LEPHAE or -LEPHS a jellyfishB ACAJOU n pl. -S a tropical tree 'Hzd%s'H(ACCEPTER n pl. -S one that acceptsP'%ACCEPTEE n pl. -S one that is acceptedZ&9ACCEPT v -ED, -ING, -S to receive willingly;%}ACCENTOR n pl. -S a songbirdj$YACCENT v -ED, -ING, -S to pronounce with prominenceF#ACCEDER n pl. -S one that accedesZ"9ACCEDE v -CEDED, -CEDING, -CEDES to consent-!aACAULOUS adj acauline- aACAULOSE adj acauline9yACAULINE adj having no stem+]ACAUDATE adj acaudal7uACAUDAL adj having no tail1iACARUS n pl. -RI a miteD ACARPOUS adj not producing fruit M{3o#M`3EACCOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to give an explanationn2aACCOST v -ED, -ING, -S to approach and speak to firstH1ACCORDER n pl. -S one that accords`0EACCORD v -ED, -ING, -S to bring into agreement\/=ACCOLADE v -LADED, -LADING, -LADES to praise\.=ACCLAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to shout approval of1-iACCIDIE n pl. -S acedia1,iACCIDIA n pl. -S acediaz+yACCIDENT n pl. -S an unexpected or unintentional occurrenceF*ACCESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to get at7)uACCEPTOR n pl. -S accepter 0Xj0L>ACCUSAL n pl. -S the act of accusing+=]ACCURST adj accursed-<aACCURSED adj damnable;;}ACCURATE adj free from errorh:UACCURACY n pl. -CIES the quality of being accurate 9ACCRUE v -CRUED, -CRUING, -CRUES to come as an increase or additionL8ACCRUAL n pl. -S the act of accruingn7aACCRETE v -CRETED, -CRETING, -CRETES to grow togetherx6uACCREDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to give official authorization toZ59ACCOUTRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to accouterF4ACCOUTER v -ED, -ING, -S to equip =? C=DJ ACERB adj ACERBER, ACERBEST sour+I]ACERATED adj acerose)HYACERATE adj acerose^GAACEQUIA n pl. -S an irrigation ditch or canal>FACENTRIC adj having no centerPE%ACELDAMA n pl. -S a place of bloodshed/DeACEDIA n pl. -S apathy CACE v ACED, ACING, ACES to score a point against in a single strokeVB1ACCUSTOM v -ED, -ING, -S to make familiarFAACCUSER n pl. -S one that accuses~@ACCUSE v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES to make an assertion against;?}ACCUSANT n pl. -S an accuser Pq/y!5PXV5ACETAMIDE n pl. -S an amide of acetic acid9UyACETAMID n pl. -S acetamideHTACETAL n pl. -S a flammable liquidfSQACESCENT n pl. -S something that is slightly sour~RACERVULUS n pl -VULI a spore-producing organ of certain fungiTQ-ACERVATE adj growing in compact clusters)PYACEROUS adj acerose5OqACEROSE adj needle-shapedLNACEROLA n pl. -S a West Indian shrub>MACERBITY n pl. -TIES sourness%LQACERBIC adj acerbbKIACERBATE v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES to make sour `J Y"`Va1ACETYLIDE n pl. -s a metal-acetylene saltd`MACETYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ACETYLIC adj3_mACETUM n pl. -TA vinegarN^!ACETOXYL n pl. -S a univalent radicalD] ACETOUS adj tasting like vinegar)\YACETOSE adj acetousd[MACETONE n pl. -S a flammable liquid ACETONIC adjJZACETIN n pl. -S a chemical compoundpYeACETIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into vinegarDX ACETIC adj pertaining to vinegarjWYACETATE n pl. -S a salt of acetic acid ACETATED adj ?~Ejl?)lYACHOO interj ahchooBk ACHOLIA n pl. -S a lack of biledjMACHIRAL adj pertaining to a symmetrical moleculeLiACHIOTE n pl. -S a yellowish red dyeDh ACHINGLY adv in an aching mannerXg5ACHINESS n pl. -ES the state of being achy3fmACHILLEA n pl. -S yarrowJeACHIEVER n pl. -S one that achievesdACHIEVE v ACHIEVED, ACHIEVING, ACHIEVES to carry out successfully\c=ACHENE n pl. -S a type of fruit ACHENIAL adj~bACHE v ACHED, ACHING, ACHES to suffer a dull, continuous pain Py3(GPpveACIDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into an acid!uIACIDIC adj sourZt9ACIDHEAD n pl. -S one who uses teh drug LSDs ACIDEMIA n pl. -S a condition of increased acidity of the bloodVr1ACID n pl. -S a type of chemical compound`qEACICULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a bristlelike part"pIACICULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a needlelike part or process ACICULAR, ACICULATE adjBo ACHY adj ACHIER, ACHIEST aching;n}ACHROMIC adj having no colorDm ACHROMAT n pl. -S a type of lens )]%]s)FACLINIC adj having no inclination)YACKEE n pl. -S akee8uACINUS n pl. -NI a small, saclike division of a gland ACINAR, ACINIC, ACINOSE, ACINOUS adj5~qACIFORM adj needle-shapedh}UACIERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to turn into steel|EACIDY adj sour {EACIDURIA n pl. -S a condition of having excessive amounts of acid in the urinez!ACIDOSIS n pl. -DOSES an abnormal condition of the blood ACIDOTIC adj7yuACIDNESS n pl. -ES acidity%xQACIDLY adv sourly;w}ACIDITY n pl. -TIES sourness W@^?Wl ]ACORN n pl. -S the fruit of the oak tree ACORNED adj5 qACONITUM n pl. -S aconite; }ACONITINE n an alkaloid drug` EACONITE n pl. -S a poisonous herb ACONITIC adj>ACOLYTE n pl. -S an assistantEACOLD adj coldR)ACOELOUS adj lacking a true body cavity#MACOCK adj cocked6qACNODE n pl. -S an element of a mathematical set that is isolated from the other elementsP%ACNE n pl. -S a skin disease ACNED adjhUACME n pl. -S the highest point ACMATIC, ACMIC adj ;`76;ACRASIN n pl. -S a substance secreted by the cells of a slime moldjYACRASIA n pl. -S a lack of self-control ACRATIC adj.aACQUIT v -QUITTED, -QUITTING, -QUITS to free or clear from a charge of fault or crimeJACQUIRER n pl. -S one that acquiresP%ACQUIREE n pl. -S one that is acquired ACQUIRE v -QUIRED, -QUIRING, -QUIRES to come into possession ofJACQUEST n pl. -S something acquiredV1ACQUAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to knowB  ACOUSTIC n pl. -S a hearing aid }@g8(UACRO n pl. ACROS a skiing event in which a skier performs acrobatic moves to music ACRIMONY n pl. -NIES sharpness or bitterness of speech or temper@ACRIDLY adv in an acrid manner^AACRIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being acridN!ACRIDINE n pl. -S a chemical compound ACRID adj -RIDER, -RIDEST sharp and harsh to the taste or smell9yACRED adj owning many acres@ACREAGE n pl. -S area in acres;}ACRE n pl. -S a unit of area NB& ACRONIC adj occurring at sunset%%ACROMION n pl. -MIA the outward end of the shoulder blade ACROMIAL adjH$ACROLITH n pl. -S a type of statueL#ACROLEIN n pl. -S a flammable liquidZ"9ACROLECT n pl. -S a high form of a languagef!QACROGEN n pl. -S a plant growing at the apex onlyf QACRODONT n pl. -S an animal having rootless teeth|}ACROBAT n pl. -S one skilled in feats of agility and balance . &q|.J.ACT v -ED, -ING, -S to do somethingD- ACRYLIC n pl. -S a type of resin;,}ACRYLATE n pl. -S an acrylicj+YACROTISM n pl. -S weakness of the pulse ACROTIC adj0*eACROSTIC n pl. -S a poem in which certain letters taken in order form a word or phraseV)1ACROSS prep from one side of to the other(ACROSOME n pl. -S a thin sac at the head of a sperm ACROSOMAL adjp'eACRONYM n pl. -S a word formed from the initials of a compound term or series of words ACRONYMIC adj ACRONYMICALLY adv @R@_@ 8EACTINISM n pl. -S the property of radiant energy that effects chemical changesv7qACTINIDE n pl. -S any of a series of radioactive elementsH6ACTINIC adj pertaining to actinism55qACTINIAN n pl. -S actiniaX45ACTINIA n pl. -IAE or -IAS a marine animalX35ACTING n pl. -S the occupation of an actorX25ACTINAL adj having tentacles ACTINALLY advV11ACTIN n pl. -S a protein in muscle tissuef0QACTABLE adj suitable for performance on the stage@/ACTA n/pl recorded proceedings 8hLd)8VB1ACTIVIST n pl. -S an advocate of activismA)ACTIVISM n pl. -S a doctrine that emphasizes direct and decisive action7@uACTIVELY adv with activityv?qACTIVE n pl. -S a participating member of an organizationj>YACTIVATE v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES to set in motion^=AACTIONER n pl. -S a film with exciting actionf<QACTION v -ED, -ING, -S to bring a lawsuit againstL;ACTINON n pl. -S an isotope of radon>:ACTINOID n pl. -S an actinideR9)ACTINIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element @`@zKyACTUATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to set into action or motionJAACTUARY n pl. -ARIES a statistician who computes insurance risks and premiumsbIIACTUALIZE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to make actual^HAACTUALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to actualizeTG-ACTUAL adj existing in fact ACTUALLY adv^FAACTRESS n pl. -ES a female actor ACTRESSY adjzEyACTOR n pl. -S a theatrical performer ACTORISH, ACTORLY adjZD9ACTIVIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to activate^CAACTIVITY n pl. -TIES brisk action or movement uICBuFVACYL n pl. -S a univalent radical/UeACYCLIC adj not cyclicLTACUTE n pl. -S a type of accent markS!ACUTE adj ACUTER, ACUTEST marked by sharpness or severity ACUTELY advjRYACUTANCE n pl. -S a measure of photographic clarity^QAACUMEN n pl. -S mental keenness ACUMINOUS adjRP)ACULEUS n pl. -LEI a sharp-pointed partJOACULEATE n pl. -S a stinging insect>NACUITY n pl. -ITIES sharpness#MMACUATE adj sharpJLACTUATOR n pl. -S one that actuates %.Hn{%R_)ADAMSITE n pl. -S a lung-irritating gas^1ADAMANT n pl. -S an extremely hard substance ADAMANTINE adj ADAMANTLY advT]-ADAMANCY n pl. -CIES unyielding hardness7\uADAMANCE n pl. -S adamancy[9ADAGIO n pl. -GIOS a musical composition or movement played in a slow tempo"ZIADAGE n pl. -S a traditional saying expressing a common observation ADAGIAL adj;Y}AD n pl. -S an advertisement\X=ACYLOIN n pl. -S a type of chemical compoundnWaACYLATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to introduce acyl into sdiXsbiIADDEND n pl. -S a number to be added to another3hmADDEDLY adv additionallyDg ADDAX n pl. -ES a large antelope*fYADD v -ED, -ING, -S to combine or join so as to bring about an increase ADDABLE adj^eAADBOT n pl. -S a specialized computer programTd-ADAXIAL adj situated on the same side as3cmADAPTOR n pl. -S adapterhbUADAPTION n pl. -S the act of adapting ADAPTIVE adjDa ADAPTER n pl. -S one that adaptsP`%ADAPT v -ED, -ING, -S to make suitable 6>?T6~rADDRESS v -DRESSED or -DREST, -DRESSING, -DRESSES to speak toRq)ADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to confuseBp ADDITORY adj making an additiono=ADDITIVE n pl. -S a substance added to another to impart desirable qualitiesFnADDITION n pl. -S something added.maADDICT v -ED, -ING, -S to devote or surrender to something habitually or compulsivelyHlADDIBLE adj capable of being addedBk ADDER n pl. -S a venomous snakexjuADDENDUM n pl. -DUMS or -DA something added or to be added R~:2aR|AADENOID n pl. -S an enlarged lymphoid growth behind the pharynx ADENOIDAL adjh{UADENITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of a lymph node;z}ADENINE n pl. -S an alkaloidBy ADELGID n pl. -S a small insectHxADEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to take awayLwADDUCTOR n pl. -S an adducent musclejvYADDUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to draw toward the main axisFuADDUCER n pl. -S one that adduces@tADDUCENT adj serving to adduct~sADDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to bring forward as evidence kN 6kFADHERE v -HERED, -HERING, -HERES to become or remain attached or close to something ADHERABLE adjhUADEQUATE adj sufficient for a specific requirementdMADEQUACY n pl. -CIES the state of being adequate@ADEPT n pl. -S an adept personpeADEPT adj ADEPTER, ADEPTEST highly skilled ADEPTLY advJADENYL n pl. -S a univalent radicalv~qADENOSIS n pl. -NOSES abnormal growth of glandular tissuer}iADENOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a tumor of glandular origin 8B:Qq85qADIT n pl. -S an entranceFADIPOUS adj pertaining to adipose>ADIPOSIS n pl. -POSES obesityP %ADIPOSE n pl. -S animal fat ADIPIC adj5 qADIOS n pl. -OSES goodbyeR )ADIEU n pl. ADIEUS or ADIEUX a farewellV 1ADHIBIT v -ED, -ING, -S to take or let inh UADHESIVE n pl. -S a substance that causes adhesionN!ADHESION n pl. -S the act of adheringFADHERER n pl. -S one that adheres>ADHERENT n pl. -S a supporterxuADHEREND n pl. -S the surface to which an adhesive adheres 6)76|}ADJUST v -ED, -ING, -S to bring to a more satisfactory state3mADJUROR n pl. -S adjurerFADJURER n pl. -S one that adjuresl]ADJURE v -JURED, -JURING, -JURES to command solemnly~ADJUNCT n pl. -S something attached in a subordinate position|}ADJUDGE v -JUDGED, -JUDGING, -JUDGES to determine judiciallynaADJOURN v -ED, -ING, -S to suspend until a later time`EADJOINT n pl. -S a type of mathematical matrixN!ADJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to lie next to+]ADJACENT adj next to ,y5}v,F%ADMIRER n pl. -S one that admires $EADMIRE v -MIRED, -MIRING, -MIRES to regard with wonder, pleasure, and approval^#AADMIRAL n pl. -S a high-ranking naval officerD" ADMIN n pl. -S an administrationR!)ADMASS n pl. -ES mass-media advertisingz yADMAN n pl. -MEN a man employed in the advertising businessT-ADLAND n pl. -S the world of advertising@ADJUVANT n pl. -S an assistant@ADJUTANT n pl. -S an assistant7uADJUSTOR n pl. -S adjusterHADJUSTER n pl. -S one that adjusts 0@d0d/MADNOUN n pl. -S an adjective when used as a noun\.=ADNOMINAL adj grammatically modifying a nounh-UADNEXA n/pl conjoined anatomical parts ADNEXAL adjZ,9ADNATION n pl. -S the state of being adnateX+5ADNATE adj joined to another part or organn*aADMONISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to reprove mildly or kindlyb)IADMIX v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES to mixF(ADMITTER n pl. -S one that admitsP'%ADMITTEE n pl. -S one that is admittedh&UADMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to allow to enter AXy A`9EADORE v ADORED, ADORING, ADORES to love deeplyd8MADORABLE adj worthy of being adored ADORABLY advh7UADOPTION n pl. -S the act of adopting ADOPTIVE adjD6 ADOPTER n pl. -S one that adoptsL5ADOPTEE n pl. -S one that is adopted4ADOPT v -ED, -ING, -S to take into one.s family by legal meansR3)ADONIS n pl. -ISES a handsome young manh2UADOBO n pl. -BOS a Philippine dish of fish or meatX15ADOBE n pl. -S an unburnt, sun-dried brickH0ADO n pl. ADOS bustling excitement ^ q#^CADSORB v -ED, -ING, -S to gather on a surface in a condensed layerB1ADSCRIPT n pl. -S a distinguishing symbol written after another characterlA]ADROIT adj ADROITER, ADROITEST skillful ADROITLY adv)@YADRIFT adj driftingJ?ADRENAL n pl. -S an endocrine gland#>MADOZE adj dozing'=UADOWN adv downwardD< ADORNER n pl. -S one that adorns*;YADORN v -ED, -ING, -S to add something to for the purpose of making more attractiveB: ADORER n pl. -S one that adores FD"/qF'NUADUNCATE adj adunc-MaADUNC adj bent inward+L]ADUMBRAL adj shadowyZK9ADULTLY adv in a manner typical of an adultnJaADULTERY n pl. -TERIES voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her spouseZI9ADULT n pl. -S a fully developed individualJHADULATOR n pl. -S one that adulatesrGiADULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to praise excessively9FyADULARIA n pl. -S a mineral/EeADSUKI n pl. -S adzukiHDADSORBER n pl. -S one that absorbs <PTW-ADVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to call attentionDV ADVERSE adj acting in opposition2UiADVERB n pl. -S a word used to modify the meaning of a verb, adjective, or other adverb1TiADVENT n pl. -S arrival SADVECT v -ED, -ING, -S to convey or transport by the flow of a fluidJRADVANCER n pl. -S one that advances QADVANCE v -VANCED, -VANCING, -VANCES to move or cause to move ahead'PUADUST adj scorched'OUADUNCOUS adj adunc ega*7er`iADVOCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to speak in favor ofX_5ADVOCACY n pl. -CIES the act of advocating^ADVOCAAT n pl. -S a liqueur consisting of brandy, sugar, and eggsd]MADVISORY n pl. -RIES a report giving information3\mADVISOR n pl. -S adviserF[ADVISER n pl. -S one that advisesLZADVISEE n pl. -S one that is advisedhYUADVISE v -VISED, -VISING, -VISES to give advice toX-ADVICE n pl. -S recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct &]1Aj&@hADZUKI n pl. -S a type of beanHgADZE v ADZED, ADZING, ADZES to adzfADZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool)temADYTUM n pl. -TA an inner sanctuary in an ancient templetdmADYNAMIA n pl. -S lack of physical strength ADYNAMIC adjc ADWOMAN n pl. -MEN a woman employed in the advertising business bEADWARE n pl. -S computer software that is provided free but has advertisementsaAADVOWSON n pl. -S the right of presenting a nominee to a vacant church office II ,@ITs-AENEOUS adj having a greenish gold colorr9AEGROTAT n pl. -S a certificate excusing an ill student from an examination>qAEGIS n pl. -GISES protectionFpAEDINE adj pertaining to an aedes\o=AEDILE n pl. -S a magistrate of ancient Rome`nEAEDES n pl. AEDES any of a genus of mosquitoesvmqAECIUM n pl. -IA a spore-producing organ of certain fungi;l}AECIDIUM n pl. -IA an aeciumLkAECIDIAL adj pertaining to an aeciumHjAECIAL adj pertaining to an aeciumi5AE adj one V-SO`EAERIALLY adv in a manner pertaining to the air7~uAERIAL n pl. -S an antennaF}AERATOR n pl. -S one that aeratesN|!AERATION n pl. -S the act of aeratingd{MAERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to supply with airlz]AERADIO n pl. -S a Canadian radio service for pilotsfyQAEQUORIN n pl. -S a protein secreted by jellyfish%xQAEONIC adj eonian'wUAEONIAN adj eonian%vQAEON n pl. -S eon'uUAEOLIAN adj eolian'tUAENEUS adj aeneous 7e<5r77uAEROBIUM n pl. -BIA aerobe>AEROBICS n/pl exercises for conditioning the heart and lungs by increasing oxygen consumption AEROBE n pl. -S an organism that requires oxygen to live AEROBIC adjriAEROBAT n pl. -S one that performs feats in an aircraftB AERO adj pertaining to aircraft;}AERILY adv in an aery mannerR)AERIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to aerateJAERIFORM adj having the form of air1AERIE n pl. -S a bird.s nest built high on a mountain or cliff AERIED adj b8]8bpeAERONOMY n pl. -MIES the study of the upper atmosphere^AAERONAUT n pl. -S one who operates an airshipdMAEROLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of the atmosphere7uAEROLITH n pl. -S aerolite~AEROLITE n pl. -S a meteorite containing more stone than ironJ AEROGRAM n pl. -S an airmail letterP %AEROGEL n pl. -S a highly porous solid5 qAEROFOIL n pl. -S airfoilp eAERODYNE n pl. -S an aircraft that is heavier than airP %AERODUCT n pl. -S a type of jet engine &w Y*j&@AFAR n pl. -S a great distance AETHER n pl. -S the upper region of the atmosphere AETHERIC adj5qAETATIS adj of the age of+]AESTIVAL adj estival5qAESTHETE n pl. -S esthete1iAERY n pl. AERIES aerie>AERY adj AERIER, AERIEST airyjYAERUGO n pl. -GOS a green film that forms on copperpeAEROSTAT n pl. -S an aircraft that is lighter than air)AEROSOL n pl. -S a gaseous suspension of fine solid or liquid particleszyAEROSAT n pl. -S a satellite for use in air-traffic control mP:~^(AAFFIANCE v -ANCED, -ANCING, -ANCES to betroth'!AFFERENT n pl. -S a nerve that conveys impulses toward a nerve centerH&AFFECTER n pl. -S one that affectsl%]AFFECT v -ED, -ING, -S to give a false appearance of^$AAFFAIRE n pl. -S a brief amorous relationshipZ#9AFFAIR n pl. -S anything done or to be doneR")AFFABLE adj easy to talk to AFFABLY adv!9AFF adv off; }AFEBRILE adj having no fever'UAFEARED adj afeard%QAFEARD adj afraid !y@iq!\3=AFFIXAL adj pertaining to a prefix or suffixD2 AFFIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to attachH1AFFIRMER n pl. -S one that affirmsX05AFFIRM v -ED, -ING, -S to state positivelyt/mAFFINITY n pl. -TIES a natural attraction or inclination|.}AFFINELY adv in the manner of a type of mathematical mapping9-yAFFINED adj closely relatedP,%AFFINE n pl. -S a relative by marriageB+ AFFINAL adj related by marriage5*qAFFICHE n pl. -S a poster) AFFIANT n pl. -S one who makes a written declaration under oath +-8Kw+H=AFFRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to frightenb<IAFFOREST v -ED, -ING, -S to convert into forestj;YAFFORD v -ED, -ING, -S to have sufficient means forV:1AFFLUX n pl. -ES a flowing toward a point9!AFFLUENZA n pl. -S unhealthy preoccupation with an affluent lifestyleh8UAFFLUENT n pl. -S a stream that flows into another7 AFFLICT v -ED, -ING, -S to distress with mental or physical painV61AFFLATUS n pl. -ES a creative inspiration+5]AFFIXIAL adj affixalF4AFFIXER n pl. -S one that affixes cd L|Q$c)KYAFOUL adj entangled#JMAFORE adv before%IQAFOOT adv on foot@HAFLUTTER adj nervously excited)GYAFLOAT adj floating'FUAFLAME adj flaming1EiAFIRE adj being on fire1DiAFIELD adv in the fieldbCIAFGHANI n pl. -S a monetary unit of AfghanistanVB1AFGHAN n pl. -S a woolen blanket or shawlbAIAFFUSION n pl. -S an act of pouring a liquid onT@-AFFRONT v -ED, -ING, -S to insult openlyL?AFFRIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to frightenH>AFFRAYER n pl. -S one that affrays 7F!Y |:7lX]AGA n pl. -S a high-ranking Turkish military officer1WiAG n pl. -S agricultureZV9AFTOSA n pl. -S a disease of hoofed mammals>UAFTMOST adj nearest the stern^TAAFTERTAX adj remaining after payment of taxes)SYAFTERS n/pl dessertJRAFTER prep behind in place or order3QmAFT adv toward the stern\P=AFRO n pl. AFROS a curly or frizzy hairstyle-OaAFRIT n pl. -S afreet!NIAFRESH adv anewhMUAFREET n pl. -S an evil spirit in Arabic mythologyJLAFRAID adj filled with apprehension n8 nc AGAR n pl. -S a viscous substance obtained from certain seaweedsb5AGAPE n pl. -PES or -PAE or -PAI a communal meal of fellowship AGAPEIC adj'aUAGAMOUS adj agamicJ`AGAMID n pl. -S an Old World lizard'_UAGAMIC adj asexual^^AAGAMETE n pl. -S an asexual reproductive cellD] AGAMA n pl. -S a tropical lizard7\uAGALWOOD n pl. -S agallochp[eAGALLOCH n pl. -S the fragrant wood of a tropical tree>ZAGAINST prep in opposition to)YYAGAIN adv once more +Jl&v; }+Np!AGEIST n pl. -S an advocate of ageismZo9AGEISM n pl. -S discrimination based on age-naAGEING n pl. -S aging+m]AGEE adv to one side7luAGEDNESS n pl. -ES oldness#kMAGEDLY adv oldly^jAAGE v AGED, AGING or AGEING, AGES to grow old#iMAGAZE adj gazingBh AGAVE n pl. -S a tropical plantvgqAGATIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to cause to resemble agate`fEAGATE n pl. -S a variety of quartz AGATOID adjZe9AGAROSE n pl. -S a sugar obtained from agarTd-AGARIC n pl. -S any of a family of fungi [pwK[0yeAGENESIS n pl. AGENESES absence or imperfect development of a bodily part AGENETIC adj7xuAGENESIA n pl. -S agenesisxwuAGENE n pl. -S a chemical compound used in bleaching flourNv!AGENDUM n pl. -S an item on an agendaZu9AGENDA n pl. -S a list of things to be donet AGENCY n pl. -CIES an organization that does business for othersls]AGEMATE n pl. -S a person of the same age as anotherJrAGELONG adj lasting for a long time>qAGELESS adj never growing old GUG^AAGGADAH n pl. -DAHS or -DOT or -DOTH haggadahZ9AGGADA n pl. -DAS or -DOT or -DOTH haggadahJAGERATUM n pl. -S a flowering plant9yAGER n pl. -S one that agesl~]AGENTRY n pl. -RIES the office or duties of an agent} AGENTIVE n pl. -S a word part that denotes the doer of an actiont|mAGENTING n pl. -S the business or activities of an agent{AGENT v -ED, -ING, -S to act as a representative for AGENTIAL adjnzaAGENIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to treat with agene 9[v,9n aAGILE adj able to move quickly and easily AGILELY advT -AGHAST adj shocked by something horrible% QAGHA n pl. -S agaT -AGGRO n pl. -GROS a rivalry or grievancel]AGGRIEVE v -GRIEVED, -GRIEVING, -GRIEVES to distress~AGGRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to commit the first act of hostility AGGRADE v -GRADED, -GRADING, -GRADES to fill with detrital materialR)AGGIE n pl. -S a type of playing marbleriAGGER n pl. -S a mound of earth used as a fortification+]AGGADIC adj haggadic sN!AGITA n pl. -S a feeling of agitation%AGIST v -ED, -ING, -S to feed and take care of for a fee, as livestock-aAGISM n pl. -S ageismX5AGIOTAGE n pl. -S the business of a broker=AGIO n pl. AGIOS a premium paid for the exchange of one currency for anotherZ9AGINNER n pl. -S one that is against changeV1AGING n pl. -S the process of growing old%QAGIN prep against` EAGILITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being agile 'I{6'~!AGLOO n pl. AGLOOS an air hole through the ice made by a seal1 iAGLITTER adj glittering1iAGLIMMER adj glimmeringEAGLEY adv awryhUAGLET n pl. -S a metal sheath at the end of a lace!IAGLEE adv agley)YAGLEAM adj gleaming'UAGLARE adj glaringX5AGITPROP n pl. -S pro-Communist propagandaJAGITATOR n pl. -S one that agitates|}AGITATO adj fast and stirring -- used as a musical direction2iAGITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to move with a violent, irregular action AGITABLE adj 8'v8b-IAGNIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to acknowledge^,AAGNATION n pl. -S the relationship of agnatesr+iAGNATHAN n pl. -S one of a group of jawless vertebratesz*yAGNATE n pl. -S a relative on the father.s side AGNATIC adj)AGNAIL n pl. -S a piece of loose skin at the base of a fingernailB( AGMINATE adj clustered together%'QAGMA n pl. -S eng5&qAGLYCONE n pl. -S aglycon\%=AGLYCON n pl. -S a type of chemical compound$EAGLY adv agley)#YAGLU n pl. -S agloo%"QAGLOW adj glowing 'eh;2'\7=AGONISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to agonizeB6 AGONIC adj not forming an angle5AAGONE adv ago@4AGONAL adj pertaining to agony03eAGON n pl. -S or -ES the dramatic conflict between the main characters in a Greek playP2%AGOG adv in a state of eager curiosity)1YAGO adv in the pastt0mAGNOSTIC n pl. -S one who disclaims any knowledge of God/AGNOSIA n pl. -S loss of ability to recognize familiar objects.1AGNOMEN n pl. -MINA or -MENS an additional name given to an ancient Roman ~@ <~LAAGRAFFE n pl. -S an ornamental clasp1@iAGRAFE n pl. -S agraffe5?qAGOUTY n pl. -TIES agoutiV>1AGOUTI n pl. -S or -ES a burrowing rodentr=iAGORA n pl. AGOROT or AGOROTH a monetary unit of Israelt<mAGORA n pl. -RAS or -RAE a marketplace in ancient Greece@;AGONY n pl. -NIES extreme paint:mAGONIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to suffer extreme painh9UAGONIST n pl. -S one that is engaged in a struggleP8%AGONISM n pl. -S a contest or struggle kgw>kNJ!AGRIMONY n pl. -NIES a perennial herbRI)AGRIA n pl. -S severe pustular eruption'HUAGRESTIC adj rural5GqAGRESTAL adj growing wildvFqAGREE v AGREED, AGREEING, AGREES to have the same opinionrEiAGRAVIC adj pertaining to a condition of no gravitationzDyAGRARIAN n pl. -S one who favors equal distribution of landCAAGRAPHIA n pl. -S a mental disorder marked by inability to write AGRAPHIC adjtBmAGRAPHA n/pl the sayings of Jesus not found in the Bible V 5SqAH v -ED, -ING, -S to aahJRAGUEWEED n pl. -S a flowering plantQ)AGUE n pl. -S a malarial fever AGUED, AGUELIKE, AGUISH adj AGUISHLY adv;P}AGUACATE n pl. -S an avocado7OuAGRYPNIA n pl. -S insomnia5NqAGROUND adv on the ground4MmAGRONOMY n pl. -MIES the application of scientific principles to the cultivation of landLAGROLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of soils in relation to cropshKUAGRO n pl. AGROS a student of agricultural science *q+a0n*@^AI n pl. -S a three-toed slothX]5AHULL adj abandoned and flooded, as a shipb\IAHOY interj -- used in hailing a ship or person-[aAHORSE adv on a horseZZ9AHOLD n pl. -S a hold or grasp of somethinghYUAHIMSA n pl. -S the Hindu principle of nonviolenceBX AHI n pl. -S a marine food fishTW-AHEM interj -- used to attract attention;V}AHEAD adv at or to the fronttUmAHCHOO interj -- used to represent the sound of a sneeze|T}AHA interj -- used to express surprise, triumph, or derision a]T5ahkUAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to cause pain or discomfort todjMAIKIDO n pl. -DOS a Japanese art of self-defensediMAIGUILLE n pl. -S a sharp, pointed mountain peak|h}AIGRETTE n pl. -S a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament3gmAIGRET n pl. -S aigrette-faAIGLET n pl. -S aglet;e}AIDMAN n pl. -MEN a corpsman+d]AIDLESS adj helpless'cUAIDFUL adj helpful;b}AIDER n pl. -S one that aids7auAIDE n pl. -S an assistant9`yAID v -ED, -ING, -S to help'_UAIBLINS adv ablins @{QzA@4umAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to expose to the air (the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth)Dt AIOLI n pl. -S garlic mayonnaise5sqAINSELL n pl. -S own self%rQAIN n pl. -S ayinTq-AIMLESS adj lacking direction or purposeRp)AIMFUL adj full of purpose AIMFULLY adv;o}AIMER n pl. -S one that aimsn AIM v -ED, -ING, -S to direct toward a specified object or goal`mEAILMENT n pl. -S a physical or mental disorderlAILERON n pl. -S a movable control surface on an airplane wing )CTk)vqAIRCHECK n pl. -S a recording made from a radio broadcastj~YAIRBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BUSSES a passenger airplaneV}1AIRBURST n pl. -S an explosion in the air |EAIRBRUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to apply in a fine spray by compressed air, as paint@{AIRBOUND adj stopped up by air)zYAIRBORNE adj flying\y=AIRBOAT n pl. -S a boat used in swampy areas^xAAIRBASE n pl. -S a military base for aircraft|w}AIRBAG n pl. -S an inflatable safety device in an automobile9vyAIR adv AIRER, AIREST early E]~NE;}AIRFIELD n pl. -S an airportbIAIRFARE n pl. -S payment for travel by airplane`EAIRER n pl. -S a frame on which to dry clothesAIRDROP v -DROPPED, -DROPPING, -DROPS to drop from an aircraft;}AIRDROME n pl. -S an airporthUAIRDATE n pl. -S the scheduled date of a broadcastT-AIRCREW n pl. -S the crew of an aircraft AIRCRAFT n pl. AIRCRAFT any machine or device capable of flyingAAIRCOACH n pl. -ES the cheaper class of accommodations in commercial aircraft X(AX5qAIRLESS adj having no airP%AIRING n pl. -S an exposure to the airX5AIRINESS n pl. -ES the state of being airy;}AIRILY adv in an airy manner\=AIRHOLE n pl. -S a hole to let air in or outD  AIRHEAD n pl. -S a stupid personb IAIRGLOW n pl. -S a glow in the upper atmosphere AIRFRAME n pl. -S the framework and external covering of an airplane 5AIRFOIL n pl. -S a part of an aircraft designed to provide lift or control@ AIRFLOW n pl. -S a flow of air b]rGb5AIRPLANE n pl. -S a winged aircraft propelled by jet engines or propellersD AIRPARK n pl. -S a small airport'UAIRN n pl. -S iron;}AIRMAN n pl. -MEN an aviatordMAIRMAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to send mail by airplane~AIRLOCK n pl. -S a blockage in a pipe caused by an air bubble\=AIRLINER n pl. -S a large passenger aircraft^AAIRLINE n pl. -S an air transportation system7uAIRLIKE adj resembling airdMAIRLIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by airplane nyT_nR#)AIRSCREW n pl. -S an airplane propeller"1AIRSCAPE n pl. -S a view of the earth from an aircraft or a high positionj!YAIRPROOF v -ED, -ING, -S to make impermeable to air  AIRPOWER n pl. -S the military strength of a nation.s air forceriAIRPOST n pl. -S a system of conveying mail by airplane*YAIRPORT n pl. -S a tract of land maintained for the landing and takeoff of aircraft AIRPLAY n pl. -PLAYS the playing of a record on a radio program }>E}+=AIRSPACE n pl. -S the portion of the atmosphere above a particular land area#*MAIRSOME adj cold )AIRSIDE n pl. -S the side of an airport terminal facing the aircraftd(MAIRSICK adj nauseated from flying in an airplanef'QAIRSHOW n pl. -S an exhibition of aircraft stunts;&}AIRSHOT n pl. -S an aircheck*%YAIRSHIP n pl. -S a lighter-than-air aircraft having propulsion and steering systemsf$QAIRSHED n pl. -S the air supply of a given region nq6J2n5 AIRWAVE n pl. -S the medium of radio and television transmission74uAIRWARD adv toward the skyZ39AIRVAC n pl. -S evacuation by air ambulanceL2AIRTRAM n pl. -S an aerial cable carf1QAIRTIME n pl. -S the time when a broadcast beginsd0MAIRTIGHT adj not allowing air to escape or enter>/AIRTH v -ED, -ING, -S to airt>.AIRT v -ED, -ING, -S to guide7-uAIRSTRIP n pl. -S a runway ,AIRSPEED n pl. -S the speed of an aircraft with relation to the air PB|=qPAAAJEE adv agee+@]AJAR adj partly openZ?9AIYEE interj -- used to express great alarm;>}AIVER n pl. -S a draft horse;=}AITCH n pl. -ES the letter H9<yAIT n pl. -S a small island>;AISLEWAY n pl. -WAYS an aisle: AISLE n pl. -S a passageway between sections of seats AISLED adjf9QAIRY adj AIRIER, AIRIEST having the nature of airP8%AIRWOMAN n pl. -WOMEN a female aviatorD7 AIRWISE adj skillful in aviationr6iAIRWAY n pl. -WAYS a passageway in which air circulates 4lx614LMAKRASIA n pl. -S acrasia AKRATIC adjpLeAKINESIA n pl. -S loss of muscle function AKINETIC adj5KqAKIN adj related by bloodrJiAKIMBO adj having hands on hips and elbows bent outward-IaAKENE n pl. -S acheneZH9AKELA n pl. -S a leader of a cub scout pack>GAKEE n pl. -S a tropical treeDF AKEBIA n pl. -S a climbing shrubDE AJUGA n pl. -S a flowering plant`DEAJOWAN n pl. -S the fruit of an Egyptian plantBC AJIVA n pl. -S inanimate matterJBAJI n pl. -S a type of chili pepper _/+U _1[iALANIN n pl. -S alanine!ZIALANG adv along!YIALANE adj alone)XYALAND n pl. -S alanFWALAN n pl. -S a large hunting dog@VALAMODE n pl. -S a silk fabricDU ALAMO n pl. -MOS a softwood treeFTALAMEDA n pl. -S a shaded walkwayTS-ALACRITY n pl. -TIES cheerful promptnessdRMALACK interj -- used to express sorrow or regret@QALACHLOR n pl. -S an herbicidePP%ALA n pl. ALAE a wing or winglike partBO AL n pl. -S an East Indian tree3NmAKVAVIT n pl. -S aquavit vAuC v@fALASKA n pl. -S a heavy fabricbeIALAS interj -- used to express sorrow or regretdEALARY adj alarBc ALARUM v -ED, -ING, -S to alarmhbUALARMIST n pl. -S one who alarms others needlessly|a}ALARMISM n pl. -S the practice of alarming others needlessly`ALARM v -ED, -ING, -S to frighten by a sudden revelation of danger;_}ALAR adj pertaining to wingsJ^ALANYL n pl. -S a univalent radical)]YALANT n pl. -S alan@\ALANINE n pl. -S an amino acid UNm IU+p]ALBEIT conj although@oALBEDO n pl. -DOS or -DOES the ratio of the light reflected by a planet to that received by itln]ALBATA n pl. -S an alloy of copper, nickel, and zincLmALBACORE n pl. -S a marine food fish`lEALBA n pl. -S the white substance of the brainLkALB n pl. -S a long-sleeved vestmentXj5ALATION n pl. -S the state of having wings1iiALATED adj having wings@hALATE n pl. -S a winged insectjgYALASTOR n pl. -S an avenging deity in Greek tragedy >Lf}>;|}ALBUMOSE n pl. -S a proteoseF{ALBUMIN n pl. -S a simple proteinLzALBUMEN n pl. -S the white of an eggxyuALBUM n pl. -S a book for preserving photographs or stamps5xqALBIZZIA n pl. -S albiziaDw ALBIZIA n pl. -S a tropical treeNv!ALBITE n pl. -S a mineral ALBITIC adjvuqALBINO n pl. -NOS an organism lacking normal pigmentationhtUALBINISM n pl. -S the condition of being an albinoHsALBINIC adj pertaining to albinism)rYALBINAL adj albinic7quALBICORE n pl. -S albacore 7W7<}7B ALCID n pl. -S a diving seabird9yALCHYMY n pl. -MIES alchemy~ALCHEMY n pl. -MIES a medieval form of chemistry ALCHEMIC adj^AALCHEMISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to alchemize^AALCAZAR n pl. -S a Spanish fortress or palace3mALCAYDE n pl. -S alcaide\=ALCALDE n pl. -S the mayor of a Spanish townl]ALCAIDE n pl. -S the commander of a Spanish fortressLALCAIC n pl. -S a type of verse form7uALCAHEST n pl. -S alkahest1~iALCADE n pl. -S alcalde5}qALBURNUM n pl. -S sapwood 1LoEs1>ALDICARB n pl. -S a pesticide|}ALDERMAN n pl. -MEN a member of a municipal legislative bodyN!ALDERFLY n pl. -FLIES a winged insectLALDER n pl. -S a shrub or small tree^AALDEHYDE n pl. -S a type of chemical compoundt mALCOVE n pl. -S a recessed section of a room ALCOVED adj ALCOPOP n pl. -S a flavored beverage containing 4-6 percent alcoholJ ALCOOL n pl. -S an alcoholic liquorJ ALCOHOL n pl. -S a flammable liquidb IALCIDINE adj pertaining to a family of seabirds hw1[&yBhvqALEMBIC n pl. -S an apparatus formerly used in distilling\=ALEHOUSE n pl. -S a tavern where ale is sold3mALEGAR n pl. -S sour ale)YALEF n pl. -S aleph|}ALEE adv toward the side of a vessel sheltered from the wind1iALEC n pl. -S a herringB ALEATORY adj pertaining to luckHALE n pl. -S an alcoholic beverage@ALDRIN n pl. -S an insecticideB ALDOSE n pl. -S a type of sugar9yALDOLASE n pl. -S an enzymeHALDOL n pl. -S a chemical compound n,lN4'mALEXIA n pl. -S a cerebral disorder marked by the loss of the ability to read ALEXIC adjH&ALEWIFE n pl. -WIVES a marine fish;%}ALEVIN n pl. -S a young fish$!ALEURONE n pl. -S protein matter found in the seeds of certain plants5#qALEURON n pl. -S aleurone" ALERT adj ALERTER, ALERTEST ready for sudden action ALERTLY adv>!ALERT v -ED, -ING, -S to warn@ ALEPH n pl. -S a Hebrew letterJALENCON n pl. -S a needlepoint lace U q^-1aALFRESCO adv outdoors\0=ALFREDO adj served with a white cheese sauce@/ALFORJA n pl. -S a leather bag5.qALFAQUIN n pl. -S alfaquiT--ALFAQUI n pl. -S a teacher of Muslim law~,ALFALFA n pl. -S a plant cultivated for use as hay and forage1+iALFAKI n pl. -S alfaquiv*qALFA n pl. -S a communications code word for the letter A1)iALEXINE n pl. -S alexin&(QALEXIN n pl. -S a substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria J_y'JR<)ALGOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of algae9;yALGOID adj resembling algaeF:ALGINATE n pl. -S a chemical salt9ALGIN n pl. -S a viscous substance obtained from certain algae>8ALGIDITY n pl. -TIES coldness7EALGID adj coldd6MALGICIDE n pl. -S a substance used to kill algaeF5ALGERINE n pl. -S a woolen fabricT4-ALGEBRA n pl. -S a branch of mathematics@3ALGAROBA n pl. -S the mesquite2=ALGA n pl. -GAE or -GAS any of a group of primitive aquatic plants ALGAL adj yOghy1FiALIDAD n pl. -S alidade-EaALIBLE adj nourishingD ALIBI v -BIED, -BIING, -BIES or -BIS to make excuses for oneself CALIASING n pl. -S the appearance of distortions in computer graphicsjBYALIAS v -ED, -ING, -ES to assign an assumed name to+A]ALGUM n pl. -S almug7@uALGUAZIL n pl. -S alguacilz?yALGUACIL n pl. -S a constable in a Spanish-speaking countryx>uALGORISM n pl. -S the Arabic system of arithmetic notation1=iALGOR n pl. -S coldness ')G'\P=ALIENOR n pl. -S one that transfers propertyBO ALIENLY adv in a foreign mannervNqALIENIST n pl. -S a physician who treats mental disorders7MuALIENISM n pl. -S alienage3LmALIENER n pl. -S alienorlK]ALIENEE n pl. -S one to whom property is transferredJALIENATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to make indifferent or unfriendly\I=ALIENAGE n pl. -S the state of being foreignvHqALIEN v -ED, -ING, -S to transfer to another, as propertynGaALIDADE n pl. -S a device used in angular measurement ixo'i1ZiALINER n pl. -S alignerTY-ALINE v ALINED, ALINING, ALINES to alignX-ALIMONY n pl. -NIES an allowance paid to a woman by her divorced husbandHWALIMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to nourishHVALIKE adj having close resemblanceDU ALIGNER n pl. -S one that alignsjTYALIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange in a straight lineS1ALIGHT v ALIGHTED or ALIT, ALIGHTING, ALIGHTS to come down from something@RALIFORM adj shaped like a wing@QALIF n pl. -S an Arabic letter y Ko9cyALIZARIN n pl. -S a red dyebAALIYAH n pl. -YAHS or -YOS or -YOT or -YOTH the immigration of Jews to Israel-aaALIYA n pl. -S aliyah-`aALIVE adj having lifev_qALIUNDE adv from a source extrinsic to the matter at hand>^ALIST adj leaning to one sidex]uALIQUOT n pl. -S a number that divides evenly into anotherl\]ALIQUANT adj not dividing evenly into another number[ ALIPED n pl. -S an animal having a membrane connecting the toes ]ezK]Zl9ALKANE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound^kAALKALOID n pl. -S a type of chemical compound|j}ALKALIZE v -LIZED, -LIZING, -LIZES to convert into an alkali`iEALKALISE v -LISED, -LISING, -LISES to alkalizeFhALKALINE adj containing an alkali+g]ALKALIN adj alkalineZf9ALKALIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to alkalizeeALKALI n pl. -LIES or -LIS a type of chemical compound ALKALIC adjd1ALKAHEST n pl. -S the hypothetical universal solvent sought by alchemists {X+Q{nvaALKYLATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to combine with alkyl`uEALKYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ALKYLIC adjDt ALKYD n pl. -S a synthetic resin\s=ALKY n pl. -KIES one who is habitually drunk rEALKOXY adj containing a univalent radical composed of alkyl united with oxygenVq1ALKOXIDE n pl. -S a type of chemical salt/peALKINE n pl. -S alkyne)oYALKIE n pl. -S alkyZn9ALKENE n pl. -S a type of chemical compoundFmALKANET n pl. -S a European plant (RUj (zyALLEGRO n pl. -GROS a musical passage played in rapid tempovqALLEGORY n pl. -RIES a story presenting a moral principleF~ALLEGER n pl. -S one that alleges}5ALLEGE v -LEGED, -LEGING, -LEGES to assert without proof or before provingJ|ALLEE n pl. -S a tree-lined walkwayD{ ALLAYER n pl. -S one that allaystzmALLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce in intensity or severity9yyALLANITE n pl. -S a mineralLxALL n pl. -S everything that one hasZw9ALKYNE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound B@ BF ALLHEAL n pl. -S a medicinal herb> ALLEYWAY n pl. -WAYS an alleyN!ALLEY n pl. -LEYS a narrow passageway-ALLERGY n pl. -GIES a state of hypersensitive reaction to certain things7uALLERGIN n pl. -S allergenHALLERGIC adj pertaining to allergy|}ALLERGEN n pl. -S a substance capable of inducing an allergyV1ALLELUIA n pl. -S a song of praise to GodfQALLELISM n pl. -S the state of possessing allelesxuALLELE n pl. -S any of several forms of a gene ALLELIC adj fji%$f ALLODIUM n pl. -DIA land held in absolute ownership ALLODIAL adj1iALLOD n pl. -S allodium-ALLOCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to set apart for a particular purposedMALLOBAR n pl. -S a change in barometric pressure@ALLIUM n pl. -S a bulbous herbHALLICIN n pl. -S a liquid compound0 eALLIANCE n pl. -S an association formed to further the common interests of its membersB  ALLIAK n pl. -S an Inuit sledgeL ALLIABLE adj capable of being allied 9mv9FALLOTTER n pl. -S one that allotsjYALLOTTEE n pl. -S one to whom something is allottedALLOT v -LOTTED, -LOTTING, -LOTS to give as a share or portionHALLOSAUR n pl. -S a large dinosaurN!ALLOPATH n pl. -S one who treats diseases by producing effects incompatible with those of the diseasexuALLONYM n pl. -S the name of one person assumed by anotherX5ALLONGE n pl. -S an addition to a document!ALLOGAMY n pl. -MIES fertilization of a flower by pollen from another .6!$x.F$ALLSPICE n pl. -S a tropical treeL#ALLSORTS n/pl assorted small candiesX"5ALLSEED n pl. -S a plant having many seeds(!UALLOY v -ED, -ING, -S to combine to form an alloy (a homogenous mixture of metals)L ALLOXAN n pl. -S a chemical compoundpeALLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to put no obstacle in the way of=ALLOVER n pl. -S a fabric having a pattern extending over the entire surfacevqALLOTYPY n pl. -TYPIES the condition of being an allotypeLALLOTYPE n pl. -S a type of antibody |{4|~,ALLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to unite in a formal relationship+5ALLUVIUM n pl. -VIA or -VIUMS detrital material deposited by running water7*uALLUVION n pl. -S alluviumZ)9ALLUVIAL n pl. -S soil composed of alluviumh(UALLUSION n pl. -S the act of alluding ALLUSIVE adjF'ALLURER n pl. -S one that allures &ALLURE v -LURED, -LURING, -LURES to attract with something desirable%ALLUDE v -LUDED, -LUDING, -LUDES to make an indirect reference no^e6n17iALMNER n pl. -S almonerZ69ALMIGHTY adj having absolute power over all15iALMEMAR n pl. -S a bema+4]ALMEH n pl. -S almah)3YALME n pl. -S almah52qALMANACK n pl. -S almanac1!ALMANAC n pl. -S an annual publication containing general information 0ALMAH n pl. -S an Egyptian girl who sings and dances professionally~/ALMAGEST n pl. -S a medieval treatise on astrology or alchemy).YALMA n pl. -S almah`-EALLYL n pl. -S a univalent radical ALLYLIC adj (%nAaALMUG n pl. -S a precious wood mentioned in the Bible-@aALMUDE n pl. -S almudV?1ALMUD n pl. -S a Spanish unit of capacity>>ALMUCE n pl. -S a hooded capeT=-ALMSMAN n pl. -MEN one who receives almsd<MALMS n pl. ALMS money or goods given to the poor/;eALMOST adv very nearlyp:eALMONRY n pl. -RIES a place where alms are distributedX95ALMONER n pl. -S one that distributes almsx8uALMOND n pl. -S the edible nut of a small tree ALMONDY adj ns{BnlK]ALOOF adj distant in interest or feeling ALOOFLY adv#JMALONG adv onward9IyALONE adj apart from others5HqALOIN n pl. -S a laxativenGaALOHA n pl. -S love -- used as a greeting or farewellF%ALOGICAL adj being outside the bounds of that to which logic can apply;E}ALOFT adv in or into the airXD5ALOE n pl. -S an African plant ALOETIC adjRC)ALODIUM n pl. -DIA allodium ALODIAL adjBALNICO n pl. -COS an alloy containing aluminum, nickel, and cobalt 5jAJUALPHYL n pl. -S a univalent radicalbTIALPHOSIS n pl. -SISES lack of skin pigmentationnSaALPHORN n pl. -S a wooden horn used by Swiss herdsmen2RiALPHABET v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange in the customary order of the letters of a language>QALPHA n pl. -S a Greek letterFPALPACA n pl. -S a ruminant mammal;O}ALP n pl. -S a high mountainHNALOW adv in or to a lower position%MQALOUD adv audiblyRL)ALOPECIA n pl. -S baldness ALOPECIC adj SFq:iSRa)ALTERANT n pl. -S something that altersR`)ALTER v -ED, -ING, -S to make differentf_QALTAR n pl. -S a raised structure used in worshipT^-ALT n pl. -S a high-pitched musical note+]]ALSO adv in additionF\ALSIKE n pl. -S a European clover3[mALRIGHT adj satisfactory3ZmALREADY adv by this timeLYALPINIST n pl. -S a mountain climberJXALPINISM n pl. -S mountain climbing@WALPINELY adv in a lofty mannerrViALPINE n pl. -S a plant native to high mountain regionsbR{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! KA7,$ vlcZPF<1'|pf[MA5+#uk^SJA~7}-|!{z yxywpvcuXtKs=r3q(ponmlskhj`iWhNgCf9e/d%cba`|_r^i]_\V[KZBY8X.W&VUT SRvQlPaOVNJM>L3K(JIHGyFqEgD\CSBIA?@4?*>=< ;}:s9h8_7T<bqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! 5.'  x{tmf_XQJC<Ⴢv߃mރf݃^܃TۃJڃ@ك6؃.׃&փ ՃԃӃ~҃uуlЃbσY΃N̓Ẽ:˃/ʃ&ɃȃǃƂ}łrĂjÂb‚XOE;2' wk`TK?5,# uka}rh]VLA8.& 탂{샂s냂iꃂ`郂V胂M烂D惂8僂-䃂ヂ⃂ b"  wmdXOA6.#UKA7,$ vlcZ <8OfkQALTOIST n pl. -S one who plays the alto saxophoneXj5ALTO n pl. -TOS a low female singing voicei1ALTITUDE n pl. -S the vertical elevation of an object above a given levelJhALTHOUGH conj despite the fact thatTg-ALTHORN n pl. -S a brass wind instrument)fYALTHO conj althoughFeALTHEA n pl. -S a flowering plant1diALTHAEA n pl. -S altheaxcuALTERITY n pl. -TIES the state of being other or differentDb ALTERER n pl. -S one that alters M!PMfuQALUMINUM n pl. -S a metallic element ALUMINIC adj^tAALUMINISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to aluminize3smALUMINE n pl. -S aluminaNr!ALUMINA n pl. -S an oxide of aluminum1qiALUMIN n pl. -S aluminaFpALUM n pl. -S a chemical compound(oUALULA n pl. -LAE a tuft of feathers on the first digit of a bird.s wing ALULAR adjLnALUDEL n pl. -S a pear-shaped vessel^mAALTRUIST n pl. -S one that practices altruism|l}ALTRUISM n pl. -S selfless devotion to the welfare of others 8hZ8HALYSSUM n pl. -S a flowering plant1iALWAYS adv at all times#~MALWAY adv alwaysv}qALVINE adj pertaining to the abdomen and lower intestines\|=ALVEOLUS n pl. -LI a small anatomical cavityB{ ALVEOLAR n pl. -S a sound produced with the tongue touching a place just behind the front teethZz9ALVAR n pl. -S an area of exposed limestone7yuALUNITE n pl. -S a mineralJxALUMROOT n pl. -S a flowering plantFwALUMNUS n pl. -NI a male graduateJvALUMNA n pl. -NAE a female graduate a?n/maJ AMARANTH n pl. -S a flowering plantN !AMANITIN n pl. -S a chemical compoundh UAMANITA n pl. -S any of a genus of poisonous fungiHAMANDINE adj prepared with almondsriAMALGAM n pl. -S an alloy of mercury with another metal;}AMAIN adv with full strengthB AMAH n pl. -S an Oriental nurseAMADOU n pl. -S a substance prepared from fungi for use as tinderJAMADAVAT n pl. -S an Asian songbird%QAMA n pl. -S amahFAM present 1st person sing. of be .<W.N!AMATORY adj pertaining to sexual loveLAMATOL n pl. -S a powerful explosive)YAMATIVE adj amorous~AMATEUR n pl. -S one that engages in an activity for pleasureFAMASSER n pl. -S one that amassesD AMASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to gatherB AMARONE n pl. -S a dry red wine!AMARNA adj pertaining to a certain historical period of ancient EgyptN!AMARETTO n pl. -TOS a kind of liqueurd MAMARETTI n/pl macaroons made with bitter almondsX 5AMARELLE n pl. -S a variety of sour cherry $uv2g%_$7#uAMBIANCE n pl. -S ambience7"uAMBERY n pl. -BERIES ambry5!qAMBEROID n pl. -S ambroidN !AMBERINA n pl. -S a type of glassware>AMBER n pl. -S a fossil resin>AMBEER n pl. -S tobacco juiceR)AMBARY n pl. -RIES an East Indian plant/eAMBARI n pl. -S ambary@AMBAGE n pl. -S a winding pathP%AMAZON n pl. -S a tall, powerful woman&QAMAZE v AMAZED, AMAZING, AMAZES to overwhelm with surprise or wonder AMAZEDLY advR)AMAUTIK n pl. -S an Inuit woman.s parka1iAMAUTI n pl. -S amautik -_&V5d-3,mAMBOINA n pl. -S amboyna+AMBO n pl. AMBOS or AMBONES a pulpit in an early Christian churchB* AMBLER n pl. -S one that amblesR))AMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to saunterF(AMBIVERT n pl. -S a person whose personality type is intermediate between introvert and extravertb'IAMBITION v -ED, -ING, -S to seek with eagernessf&QAMBIT n pl. -S the external boundary of something5%qAMBIENT n pl. -S ambience$=AMBIENCE n pl. -S the character, mood, or atmosphere of a place or situation >C ]J5AMBUSHER n pl. -S one that ambushest4mAMBUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to attack from a concealed placet3mAMBULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to move or walk about12iAMBULANT adj ambulating51qAMBSACE n pl. -S bad luck0 AMBRY n pl. -BRIES a recess in a church wall for sacred vesselsp/eAMBROSIA n pl. -S the food of the Greek and Roman godsH.AMBROID n pl. -S a synthetic amberr-iAMBOYNA n pl. -S the mottled wood of an Indonesian tree h6 }5h?AMENITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being pleasant or agreeableD> AMENDER n pl. -S one that amendsD= AMEND v -ED, -ING, -S to improvel<]AMENABLE adj capable of being persuaded AMENABLY adv;!AMEN n pl. -S a word used at the end of a prayer to express agreementL:AMELCORN n pl. -S a variety of wheat59qAMEERATE n pl. -S amirate)8YAMEER n pl. -S amirH7AMEBEAN adj alternately respondingz6yAMEBA n pl. -BAS or -BAE amoeba AMEBAN, AMEBIC, AMEBOID adj $X#::p$HKAMICABLE adj friendly AMICABLY advTJ-AMIANTUS n pl. -ES a variety of asbestosnIaAMIABLE adj having a pleasant disposition AMIABLY advBH AMIA n pl. -S a freshwater fish-GaAMI n pl. -S a friendNF!AMETHYST n pl. -S a variety of quartz3EmAMESACE n pl. -S ambsaceFDAMERCER n pl. -S one that amercesC9AMERCE v AMERCED, AMERCING, AMERCES to punish by imposing an arbitrary fine1BiAMENTUM n pl. -TA amentHAAMENTIA n pl. -S mental deficiencyX@5AMENT n pl. -S a mentally deficient person Wg5W`TEAMIDOGEN n pl. -S a univalent chemical radicalvSqAMIDO adj containing an amide united with an acid radical\R=AMIDINE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound\Q=AMIDIN n pl. -S the soluble matter of starchnPaAMIDE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AMIDIC adj7OuAMIDASE n pl. -S an enzyme)NYAMID n pl. -S amide.MaAMICUS n pl. AMICI one not party to a lawsuit but permitted by the court to advise itzLyAMICE n pl. -S a vestment worn about the neck and shoulders Eb Go EV`1AMIR n pl. -S a Muslim prince or governorf_QAMINO n pl. -S a chemical group present in aminesb^IAMINITY n pl. -TIES the state of being an aminen]aAMINE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AMINIC adj)\YAMIN n pl. -S amine5[qAMIGO n pl. -GOS a friend@ZAMIGA n pl. -S a female friend>YAMIE n pl. -S a female friend9XyAMIDST prep in the midst ofTW-AMIDSHIP adv toward the middle of a shipLVAMIDONE n pl. -S a chemical compoundJUAMIDOL n pl. -S a chemical compound BbcG BnkaAMMOLITE n pl. -S the fossilized shell of an ammoniteTj-AMMOCETE n pl. -S the larva of a lamprey7iuAMMO n pl. -MOS ammunitionHhAMMINO adj pertaining to an ammineZg9AMMINE n pl. -S a type of chemical compoundnfaAMMETER n pl. -S an instrument for measuring amperage;e}AMITY n pl. -TIES friendship@dAMITROLE n pl. -S an herbicidexcuAMITOSIS n pl. -TOSES a type of cell division AMITOTIC adjJbAMISS adj being out of proper orderLaAMIRATE n pl. -S the rank of an amir 4j(lNm45wqAMNESIC n pl. -S amnesiac\v=AMNESIAC n pl. -S one suffering from amnesiaBu AMNESIA n pl. -S loss of memory7tuAMMONOID n pl. -S ammonite>sAMMONO adj containing ammonia`rEAMMONIUM n pl. -S a univalent chemical radicaltqmAMMONITE n pl. -S the coiled shell of an extinct mollusknpaAMMONIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to treat with ammoniaFoAMMONIC adj pertaining to ammonia>nAMMONIAC n pl. -S a gum resin@mAMMONIA n pl. -S a pungent gasNl!AMMONAL n pl. -S a powerful explosive 1\gy1D AMOK n pl. -S a murderous frenzy+~]AMOEBEAN adj amebean:}yAMOEBA n pl. -BAS or -BAE a unicellular microscopic organism AMOEBAN, AMOEBIC, AMOEBOID adj$|MAMNIOTE n pl. -S a vertebrate that develops an amnion during the embryonic stage@{AMNION n pl. -NIONS or -NIA a membranous sac enclosing an embryo AMNIC, AMNIONIC, AMNIOTIC adjz AMNIO n pl. -S a surgical insertion of a needle into the uterusTy-AMNESTY v -TIED, -TYING, -TIES to pardonHxAMNESTIC adj pertaining to amnesia bK TIb` EAMORTISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to amortize; }AMORT adj being without life@ AMOROUS adj pertaining to loveB AMOROSO n pl. -S a type of wine3mAMORIST n pl. -S a lover>AMORINO n pl. -NI an amorettoHAMORETTO n pl. -TI or -TOS a cupidLAMORALIST n pl. -S one who is amoralxuAMORAL adj lacking a sense of right and wrong AMORALLY adv'UAMONGST prep among7uAMONG prep in the midst ofvqAMOLE n pl. -S a plant root used as a substitute for soap o!* jYAMPERE n pl. -S a unit of electric current strength5AMPERAGE n pl. -S the strength of an electric current expressed in amperes@AMP v -ED, -ING, -S to amplify;}AMOUR n pl. -S a love affairdMAMOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to combine to yield a sum AMOTION n pl. -S the removal of a corporate officer from his officeJ AMOSITE n pl. -S a type of asbestos AMORTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to liquidate gradually, as a debt Js>AJHAMPULE n pl. -S a small glass vial-aAMPUL n pl. -S ampule1iAMPOULE n pl. -S ampuleAMPLIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make larger or more powerful`EAMPLEXUS n pl. -ES the mating embrace of frogsX5AMPLE adj -PLER, -PLEST abundant AMPLY adv(UAMPHORA n pl. -RAE or -RAS a narrow-necked jar used in ancient Greece AMPHORAL adjLAMPHIPOD n pl. -S a small crustacean1iAMPHIOXI n/pl lanceletsAMPHIBIA n/pl organisms adapted for life both on land and in water EkxC}E9'yAMU n pl. -S a unit of mass/&eAMTRAK n pl. -S amtrac1%iAMTRACK n pl. -S amtrac$!AMTRAC n pl. -S a military vehicle equipped to move on land and water#%AMRITA n pl. -S a beverage that bestows immortality in Hindu mythology-"aAMRIT n pl. -S amrita1!iAMREETA n pl. -S amritah UAMPUTEE n pl. -S one that has had a limb amputated AMPUTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to cut off by surgical means%AMPULLA n pl. -LAE a globular bottle used in ancient Rome AMPULLAR adj (J_H c(72uAMYLASE n pl. -S an enzymeF1AMYL n pl. -S a univalent radical\0=AMYGDULE n pl. -S a small gas bubble in lava7/uAMYGDALE n pl. -S amygdulel.]AMYGDALA n pl. -LAE an almond-shaped anatomical part)-YAMUSIVE adj amusingv,qAMUSIA n pl. -S the inability to recognize musical soundsB+ AMUSER n pl. -S one that amuses *EAMUSE v AMUSED, AMUSING, AMUSES to occupy pleasingly AMUSABLE adj AMUSEDLY adv) AMULET n pl. -S an object worn to protect against evil or injury)(YAMUCK n pl. -S amok Sp7LSJ;ANABAENA n pl. -S a freshwater alga&:QANA n pl. -S a collection of miscellaneous information about a particular subject9)AN indefinite article -- used before words beginning with a vowel sound/8eAMYLUM n pl. -S starchz7yAMYLOSE n pl. -S the relatively soluble component of starch6AAMYLOID n pl. -S a hard protein deposit resulting from degeneration of tissue55qAMYLOGEN n pl. -S amylose>4AMYLIC adj pertaining to amylJ3AMYLENE n pl. -S a flammable liquid 2^k2ZE9ANAGLYPH n pl. -S a type of carved ornamentDANAEROBE n pl. -S an organism that does not require oxygen to liveJCANAEMIA n pl. -S anemia ANAEMIC adjNB!ANADEM n pl. -S a wreath for the headBA ANACONDA n pl. -S a large snake @EANABOLIC adj pertaining to a process by which food is built up into protoplasmL?ANABLEPS n pl. -ES a freshwater fishb>IANABATIC adj pertaining to rising wind currentsR=)ANABASIS n pl. -ASES a military advanceH<ANABAS n pl. -ES a freshwater fish %u8g!v{%RO)ANALGIA n pl. -S inability to feel painpNeANALEMMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a type of graduated scaleM ANALECTS n/pl selections from a literary work or group of works/LeANALECTA n/pl analects9KyANALCITE n pl. -S a mineral7JuANALCIME n pl. -S analciteBI ANAL adj pertaining to the anusLHANAGRAM v -GRAMMED, -GRAMMING, -GRAMS to transpose the letters of a word or phrase to form a new one9GyANAGOGY n pl. -GIES anagogeFANAGOGE n pl. -S a spiritual interpretation of words ANAGOGIC adj La)7XuANALYSER n pl. -S analyzer\W=ANALYSE v -LYSED, -LYSING, -LYSES to analyze$VMANALOGY n pl. -GIES resemblance in some respects between things otherwise unlike UANALOGUE n pl. -S something that bears an analogy to something else^TAANALOGISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to analogizeNS!ANALOGIC adj pertaining to an analogy3RmANALOG n pl. -S analogueFQANALLY adv at or through the anusfPQANALITY n pl. -TIES a type of psychological state r~2v4r5bqANAPAEST n pl. -S anapesta ANANKE n pl. -S a compelling necessity in ancient Greek religion>`ANANDROUS adj lacking stamensF_ANANDA n pl. -S extreme happinessJ^ANALYZER n pl. -S one that analyzest]mANALYZE v -LYZED, -LYZING, -LYZES to subject to analysisJ\ANALYTIC adj pertaining to analysisZ[9ANALYTE n pl. -S a substance being analyzedHZANALYST n pl. -S one that analyzes~YANALYSIS n pl. -YSES the separation of a whole into its parts kXhk7juANATASE n pl. -S a mineralHiANASARCA n pl. -S a form of dropsyrhiANARCHY n pl. -CHIES absence of government ANARCHIC adjPg%ANARCH n pl. -S an advocate of anarchybfIANAPHORA n pl. -S the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several successive verses or sentences0eeANAPHOR n pl. -S a word or phrase that takes reference from a preceding word or phraseLdANAPHASE n pl. -S a stage of mitosisTc-ANAPEST n pl. -S a type of metrical foot Kuf$KTr-ANCHOR v -ED, -ING, -S to secure by means of an anchor (a device for holding a floating vessel in place)>qANCHO n pl. -S a chili pepperfpQANCESTRY n pl. -TRIES a line or body of ancestors*oYANCESTOR v -ED, -ING, -S to be an ancestor (a person from whom one is descended) of5nqANATTO n pl. -TOS annatto7muANATOXIN n pl. -S a toxoid~lANATOMY n pl. -MIES the structure of an organism ANATOMIC adjkANATHEMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a formal ecclesiastical ban or curse DqS%D`}EAND n pl. -S an added condition or stipulationH|ANCRESS n pl. -ES a female recluse-{aANCONE n pl. -S anconvzqANCON n pl. -ES the elbow ANCONAL, ANCONEAL, ANCONOID adjJyANCILLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a helperbxIANCIENT n pl. -S one who lived in ancient timeswANCIENT adj -CIENTER, -CIENTEST of or pertaining to time long past9vyANCHUSIN n pl. -S a red dyePu%ANCHUSA n pl. -S a hairy-stemmed plantNt!ANCHOVY n pl. -VIES a small food fish9syANCHORET n pl. -S a recluse eJ6w-edMANECHOIC adj neither having nor producing echoes\=ANECDOTE n pl. -DOTES or -DOTA a brief storyFANEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to approach#MANE n pl. -S oneD ANDROID n pl. -S a synthetic manLANDROGEN n pl. -S a male sex hormoneLANDRO n pl. -S a steroid sex hormone ANDIRON n pl. -S a metal support for holding wood in a fireplace7uANDESYTE n pl. -S andesiteFANDESITE n pl. -S a volcanic rockh~UANDANTE n pl. -S a moderately slow musical passage o:S*^o5qANETHOL n pl. -S anetholebIANESTRUS n pl. -TRI a period of sexual dormancyLANEROID n pl. -S a type of barometer^AANERGY n pl. -GIES lack of energy ANERGIC adj1iANERGIA n pl. -S anergy1iANENT prep in regard to% QANENST prep anent 1ANEMOSIS n pl. -MOSES separation of rings of growth in timber due to windH ANEMONE n pl. -S a flowering planth UANEMIA n pl. -S a disorder of the blood ANEMIC adjV 1ANELE v ANELED, ANELING, ANELES to anoint Hu:|H\=ANGEL v -ED, -ING, -S to support financiallyB ANGASHORE n pl. -S an angishore1ANGARY n pl. -RIES the right of a warring state to seize neutral property1iANGARIA n pl. -S angaryR)ANGAKOK n pl. -S an Eskimo medicine mandMANGA n pl. -S any of the eight practices of yoga'UANEW adv once more!ANEURYSM n pl. -S an abnormal blood-filled dilation of a blood vessel7uANEURISM n pl. -S aneurysm5qANEURIN n pl. -S thiamineN!ANETHOLE n pl. -S a chemical compound ~2FsH&ANGISHORE n pl. -S a sickly person%%ANGIOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a tumor composed of blood or lymph vesselsN$!ANGINA n pl. -S a disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain ANGINAL, ANGINOSE, ANGINOUS adj@#ANGERLY adv in an angry mannerJ"ANGER v -ED, -ING, -S to make angryV!1ANGELUS n pl. -ES a Roman Catholic prayerH ANGELICA n pl. -S an aromatic herb~ANGELIC adj pertaining to an angel (a winged celestial being) .8F1.\/=ANGST n pl. -S a feeling of anxiety or dread.AANGRY adj -GRIER, -GRIEST feeling strong displeasure or hostility ANGRILY advr-iANGORA n pl. -S the long, silky hair of a domestic goat,9ANGLO n pl. -S a white North American of non-Hispanic or non-French descentN+!ANGLING n pl. -S the sport of fishingV*1ANGLICE adv in readily understood EnglishB) ANGLER n pl. -S one that anglesJ(ANGLEPOD n pl. -S a flowering plantv'qANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to fish with a hook and line _>L_N:!ANI n pl. -S a tropical American birdD9 ANHINGA n pl. -S an aquatic bird8 ANHEDRAL n pl. -S the downward inclination of an aircraft.s wing+7]ANGULOUS adj angular+6]ANGULOSE adj angularh5UANGULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to make angularD4 ANGULAR adj having sharp cornersb3IANGUISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to suffer extreme pain@2ANGUINE adj resembling a snaker1iANGSTY adj ANGSTIER, ANGSTIEST feeling anxiety or dreadH0ANGSTROM n pl. -S a unit of length $l7R%$fEQANIMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to give life to1DiANIMALLY adv physically^CAANIMALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to animalizeHBANIMAL n pl. -S a living organism typically capable of voluntary motion and sensation ANIMALIC adj\A=ANIMACY n pl. -CIES the state of being alive1@iANIMA n pl. -S the soul\?=ANILITY n pl. -TIES the state of being anileL>ANILINE n pl. -S a chemical compound1=iANILIN n pl. -S anilineF<ANILE adj resembling an old womanF;ANIL n pl. -S a West Indian shrub >]1RN)ANIMUS n pl. -ES a feeling of hostilityRM)ANIMIST n pl. -S an adherent of animismLANIMISM n pl. -S the belief that souls may exist apart from bodies+K]ANIMI n pl. -S animelJ]ANIME n pl. -S a resin obtained from a tropical treeJIANIMATOR n pl. -S one that animatesH!ANIMATO n pl. -TOS or -TI a musical passage played in a lively mannerG ANIMATEUR n pl. -S a person responsible for a cultural activity7FuANIMATER n pl. -S animator )B\q)DY ANKUS n pl. -ES an elephant goadVX1ANKLET n pl. -S an ornament for the ankleLWANKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to walkfVQANKH n pl. -S an Egyptian symbol of enduring life9UyANKERITE n pl. -S a mineralLTANISOLE n pl. -S a chemical compoundFSANISIC adj pertaining to an anisefRQANISETTE n pl. -S a liqueur flavored with aniseedxQuANISEED n pl. -S the seed of the anise used as a flavoringLPANISE n pl. -S a North African plantjOYANION n pl. -S a negatively charged ion ANIONIC adj MtMbANNATES n/pl the first year.s revenue of a bishop paid to the pope>aANNALIST n pl. -S a historianT`-ANNAL n pl. -S a record of a single yearf_QANNA n pl. -S a former coin of India and Pakistan/^eANLAS n pl. -ES anlace:]yANLAGE n pl. -GEN or -GES the initial cell structure from which an embryonic organ developsF\ANLACE n pl. -S a medieval dagger.[aANKYLOSE v -LOSED, -LOSING, -LOSES to unite or grow together, as the bones of a joint/ZeANKUSH n pl. -ES ankus "bR~"Xl5ANNOY v -ED, -ING, -S to be troublesome tok ANNOUNCE v -NOUNCED, -NOUNCING, -NOUNCES to make known publicly$jMANNOTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to furnish with critical or explanatory notesBi ANNONA n pl. -S a tropical treeZh9ANNEXE n pl. -S something added or attachedRg)ANNEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to add or attachjfYANNELID n pl. -S any of a phylum of segmented wormsHeANNEALER n pl. -S one that annealsFdANNEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to toughenPc%ANNATTO n pl. -TOS a yellowish-red dye P=>uANNULET n pl. -S a small ringdtMANNULATE adj composed of or furnished with rings@sANNULAR adj shaped like a ring rANNUL v -NULLED, -NULLING, -NULS to make or declare void or invalid qANNUITY n pl. -TIES an allowance or income paid at regular intervalstpmANNUITIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to invest in an annuity3omANNUALLY adv once a yeardnMANNUAL n pl. -S a publication issued once a yearDm ANNOYER n pl. -S one that annoys !wBE c!r~iANOINT v -ED, -ING, -S to apply oil to as a sacred ritez}yANODYNE n pl. -S a medicine that relieves pain ANODYNIC adjJ|ANODIZER n pl. -S one that anodizes"{IANODIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to coat with a protective film by chemical means7zuANODISER n pl. -S anodizerVy1ANODISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to anodizexAANODE n pl. -S a positively charged electrode ANODAL, ANODIC adj ANODALLY adv1wiANOA n pl. -S a wild oxv ANNULUS n pl. -LI or -LUSES a ring or ringlike part ANNULOSE adj 4l2yB k43mANOPIA n pl. -S anoopsiaFANOOPSIA n pl. -S a visual defectR)ANONYM n pl. -S a false or assumed name3mANON adv at another time3mANOMY n pl. -MIES anomie4mANOMIE n pl. -S a collapse of the social structures governing a given society ANOMIC adj ANOMALY n pl. -LIES a deviation from the common rule, type, or form&QANOLYTE n pl. -S the part of an electricity-conducting solution nearest the anodeD ANOLE n pl. -S a tropical lizardHANOINTER n pl. -S one that anoints (W e{L(\=ANOXIA n pl. -S absence of oxygen ANOXIC adjpeANOXEMIA n pl. -S a disorder of the blood ANOXEMIC adjLANOVULAR adj not involving ovulation+]ANOTHER adj one moreriANOSMIA n pl. -S loss of the sense of smell ANOSMIC adjpeANORTHIC adj denoting a certain type of crystal systemB ANOREXY n pl. -OREXIES anorexia\ =ANOREXIC n pl. -S one affected with anorexiaH ANOREXIA n pl. -S loss of appetite7 uANORETIC n pl. -S anorexic1 iANORAK n pl. -S a parka5 qANOPSIA n pl. -S anoopsia /S(7n/; }ANTBEAR n pl. -S an aardvark;}ANTALGIC n pl. -S an anodynehUANTACID n pl. -S a substance that neutralizes acid%ANTA n pl. -TAE or -TAS a pilaster formed at the termination of a wall9yANT n pl. -S a small insectHANSWERER n pl. -S one that answerspeANSWER v -ED, -ING, -S to say, write, or act in return'UANSEROUS adj sillyN!ANSERINE n pl. -S a chemical compound'UANSATED adj ansate7uANSATE adj having a handlenaANSA n pl. -SAE the projecting part of Saturn.s rings AJ&ANTELOPE n pl. -S a ruminant mammal4%mANTEFIX n pl. -FIXES or -FIXAE or -FIXA an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof$ ANTEDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to be of an earlier date than^#AANTECEDE v -CEDED, -CEDING, -CEDES to precedex"uANTEATER n pl. -S any of several mammals that feed on ants\!=ANTE v ANTED or ANTEED, ANTEING, ANTES to put a fixed stake into the pot before the cards are dealt in poker N;O N:.yANTHELIX n pl. -LICES or -LIXES the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear~-ANTHELIA n/pl halolike areas seen in the sky opposite the sunr,iANTEVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to displace by tipping forwardF+ANTETYPE n pl. -S an earlier formD* ANTEROOM n pl. -S a waiting room\)=ANTERIOR adj situated in or toward the front@(ANTEPAST n pl. -S an appetizer@'ANTENNA n pl. -NAE or -NAS a metallic device for sending or receiving radio waves ANTENNAL adj X()=X\6=ANTHODIA n/pl flower heads of certain plants5ANTHILL n pl. -S a mound formed by ants in building their nestf4QANTHESIS n pl. -THESES the full bloom of a flower~3ANTHERID n pl. -S a male reproductive organ of certain plants2 ANTHER n pl. -S the pollen-bearing part of a stamen ANTHERAL adjr1iANTHEMIC adj pertaining to an anthem (a song of praise)x0uANTHEMIA n/pl decorative floral patterns used in Greek artX/5ANTHEM v -ED, -ING, -S to praise in a song Bk;@}ANTIBIAS adj opposed to biasl?]ANTIATOM n pl. -S an atom comprised of antiparticles3>mANTIARIN n pl. -S antiarB= ANTIAR n pl. -S an arrow poisonb<IANTIAIR adj directed against attacking aircraftJ;ANTIACNE adj effective against acneF:ANTI n pl. -S one that is opposed;9}ANTHRO n pl. -S anthropologyt8mANTHRAX n pl. -THRAXES or -THRACES an infectious diseaseB7 ANTHOID adj resembling a flower L-VLZJ9ANTICULT n pl. -S a group opposed to a cult`IEANTICOLD adj effective against the common coldDH ANTICLY adv in a clownish mannerBG ANTICK v -ED, -ING, -S to antic@FANTICITY adj opposed to cities9EyANTICAR adj opposed to cars|D}ANTIC v -TICKED, -TICKING, -TICS to act in a clownish mannerHCANTIBUG adj effective against bugs@BANTIBOSS adj opposed to bossesNA!ANTIBODY n pl. -BODIES a body protein that produces immunity against certain microorganisms or toxins Rb JRHTANTIGAY adj opposed to homosexuals>SANTIGANG adj opposed to gangsfRQANTIFUR adj opposed to the wearing of animal furszQyANTIFOG adj preventing the buildup of moisture on a surfaceTP-ANTIFOAM adj reducing or preventing foam>OANTIFLU adj combating the fluZN9ANTIFAT adj preventing the formation of fatNM!ANTIDRUG adj opposed to illicit drugs0LeANTIDOTE v -DOTED, -DOTING, -DOTES to counteract the effects of a poison with a remedy5KqANTIDORA n/pl holy breads Pe,Lh"P^!ANTILOCK adj designed to prevent the wheels of a vehicle from locking;]}ANTILIFE adj opposed to lifeB\ ANTILEFT adj opposed to leftism>[ANTILEAK adj preventing leaksFZANTIKING n pl. -S a usurping kingTY-ANTIJAM adj blocking interfering signalsXAANTIHERO n pl. -ROES a protagonist who is notably lacking in heroic qualities9WyANTIGUN adj opposed to guns5VqANTIGENE n pl. -S antigenU1ANTIGEN n pl. -S a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies {;Rf)ANTIMONY n pl. -NIES a metallic elementLeANTIMINE adj effective against minesNd!ANTIMERE n pl. -S a part of an organism symmetrical with a part on the opposite side of the main axiscANTIMASK n pl. -S a comic performance between the acts of a masque+b]ANTIMAN adj antimale9ayANTIMALE adj opposed to menp`eANTILOGY n pl. -GIES a contradiction in terms or ideas_ANTILOG n pl. -S the number corresponding to a given logarithm 5Am5lm]ANTIPILL adj opposing the use of contraceptive pillsjlYANTIPHON n pl. -S a psalm or hymn sung responsively6kqANTINUKE n pl. -S a person who opposes the use of nuclear power plants or nuclear weaponsj9ANTINOMY n pl. -MIES a contradiction between two seemingly valid principlesfiQANTINOME n pl. -S one that is opposite to anotherfhQANTINODE n pl. -S a region between adjacent nodes:gyANTING n pl. -S the deliberate placing, by certain birds, of living ants among the feathers 5d_r5Zv9ANTIRAPE adj concerned with preventing rapeJuANTIQUER n pl. -S one that antiques tANTIQUE v -TIQUED, -TIQUING, -TIQUES to give an appearance of age tos ANTIPYIC n pl. -S a medicine that prevents the formation of pusbrIANTIPOT adj opposing the use of pot (marijuana)JqANTIPORN adj opposed to pornography2piANTIPOPE n pl. -S one claiming to be pope in opposition to the one chosen by church lawJoANTIPOLE n pl. -S the opposite poleJnANTIPODE n pl. -S an exact opposite :V VL:V1ANTISLIP adj designed to prevent slippingV1ANTISKID adj designed to prevent skiddingZ9ANTISHIP adj designed for use against shipsP~%ANTISEX adj opposed to sexual activity\}=ANTISERA n/pl serums that contain antibodiesR|)ANTISAG adj designed to prevent sagging`{EANTIRUST n pl. -S something that prevents rustLzANTIROLL adj designed to reduce rollHyANTIROCK adj opposed to rock music^xAANTIRIOT adj designed to prevent or end riotsDw ANTIRED adj opposed to communism 6Tc(  ANTIWEAR adj designed to reduce the effects of long or hard use3 mANTIWAR adj opposing warH ANTITYPE n pl. -S an opposite type7uANTITAX adj opposing taxesN!ANTITANK adj designed to combat tanks9ANTISTAT n pl. -S an agent for preventing the buildup of static electricitytmANTISPAM adj designed to block spam (unsolicited e-mail)fQANTISNOB n pl. -S one that is opposed to snobberyJANTISMUT adj opposed to pornographyxuANTISMOG adj designed to reduce pollutants that cause smog VmAV`EANTRUM n pl. -TRA or -TRUMS a cavity in a boneR)ANTRORSE adj directed forward or upward-aANTRE n pl. -S a caveHANTRAL adj pertaining to an antrumhUANTONYMY n pl. -MIES the state of being an antonympeANTONYM n pl. -S a word opposite in meaning to anotherJANTLION n pl. -S a predatory insect>ANTLIKE adj resembling an ant !ANTLER n pl. -S the horn of an animal of the deer family ANTLERED adjl ]ANTIWEED adj concerned with the destruction of weeds 9T<j9\=ANVILTOP n pl. -S an anvil-shaped cloud massLANVIL v -VILED, -VILING, -VILS or -VILLED, -VILLING, -VILS to shape on an anvil (a heavy iron block))ANUS n pl. -ES the excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal7uANUROUS adj having no tailZ9ANURIA n pl. -S absence of urine ANURIC adjriANURESIS n pl. -RESES inability to urinate ANURETIC adj@ANURAN n pl. -S a frog or toad'UANURAL adj anurous7uANURA n/pl frogs and toadsB ANTSY adj -SIER, -SIEST fidgety By<bbB9-yANYWHERE n pl. -S any place',UANYWAYS adv anyway-+aANYWAY adv in any way1*iANYTIME adv at any timeN)!ANYTHING n pl. -S a thing of any kind5(qANYPLACE adv in any place/'eANYONE pron any personJ&ANYON n pl. -S a subatomic particleB% ANYMORE adv at the present time-$aANYHOW adv in any wayf#QANYBODY n pl. -BODIES a person of some importance;"}ANY adj one, no matter which9!yANXIOUS adj full of anxiety  ANXIETY n pl. -ETIES painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind HsCIH|8}APATETIC adj having coloration serving as natural camouflage/7eAPART adv not togetherJ6APAREJO n pl. -JOS a type of saddle55qAPANAGE n pl. -S appanage<4}APAGOGE n pl. -S establishment of a thesis by showing its contrary to be absurd APAGOGIC adjJ3APACHE n pl. -S a Parisian gangster%2QAPACE adv swiftly;1}AOUDAD n pl. -S a wild sheepv0qAORTA n pl. -TAS or -TAE a main artery AORTAL, AORTIC adjV/1AORIST n pl. -S a verb tense AORISTIC adj/.eANYWISE adv in any way dw/Hed;D}APERTURE n pl. -S an openingtCmAPERITIF n pl. -S an alcoholic drink taken before a mealFBAPERIENT n pl. -S a mild laxativeBA APERCU n pl. -S a brief summary9@yAPER n pl. -S one that apes\?=APEMAN n pl. -MEN an extinct apelike primatev>qAPELIKE adj resembling an ape (a large, tailless primate)!=IAPEEK adv apeakD< APEAK adv in a vertical positionD; APE v APED, APING, APES to mimic7:uAPATITE n pl. -S a mineralJ9APATHY n pl. -THIES lack of emotion zFH~EzFMAPHELION n pl. -ELIA or -ELIONS the point in a planetary orbit farthest from the sun APHELIAN adj5LqAPHASIC n pl. -S aphasiac\K=APHASIAC n pl. -S one suffering from aphasiafJQAPHASIA n pl. -S loss of the ability to use wordsFIAPHANITE n pl. -S an igneous rockNH!APHAGIA n pl. -S inability to swallow^GAAPEX n pl. APEXES or APICES the highest pointhFUAPETALY n pl. -ALIES the state of having no petalsJEAPERY n pl. -ERIES the act of aping ?E/`VEAPHORISE v -RISED, -RISING, -RISES to aphorize7UuAPHONY n pl. -NIES aphoniaXT5APHONIC n pl. -S one affected with aphonia@SAPHONIA n pl. -S loss of voicerRiAPHOLATE n pl. -S a chemical used to control houseflies;Q}APHIS n pl. APHIDES an aphid7PuAPHIDIAN n pl. -S an aphid|O}APHID n pl. -S any of a family of small, soft-bodied insects^APIARIAN n pl. -S an apiarist;]}APIAN adj pertaining to beesb\IAPHYLLY n pl. -LIES the state of being leafless[)APHTHA n pl. -THAE a small blister in the mouth or stomach APHTHOUS adj5ZqAPHOTIC adj lacking lightYAPHORIZE v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES to write or speak in aphorismsLXAPHORIST n pl. -S one that aphorizeszWyAPHORISM n pl. -S a brief statement of a truth or principle Rm!zLRxiuAPLASIA n pl. -S defective development of an organ or partzhyAPLANAT n pl. -S a type of reflecting or refracting surfacepgeAPISH adj slavishly or foolishly imitative APISHLY advPf%APIOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of beesbeIAPIMANIA n pl. -S an excessive interest in bees1diAPIECE adv for each onencaAPICULUS n pl. -LI a sharp point at the end of a leafHbAPICALLY adv at or toward the apexa!APICAL n pl. -S a sound articulated with the apex (tip) of the tongue >q 4>hsUAPOCARPY n pl. -PIES the state of being an apocarpfrQAPOCARP n pl. -S a fruit having separated carpels|q}APOAPSIS n pl. -APSES or -APSIDES the high point in an orbit@pAPO n pl. -S a type of proteinXo5APNOEA n pl. -S apnea APNOEAL, APNOEIC adj nAPNEA n pl. -S temporary cessation of respiration APNEAL, APNEIC adjBm APLOMB n pl. -S self-confidenceblIAPLITE n pl. -S a fine-grained rock APLITIC adjTk-APLENTY adj being in sufficient quantity3jmAPLASTIC adj not plastic Lme3Lb{IAPOGEE n pl. -S the point in the orbit of a body which is farthest from the earth APOGEAL, APOGEAN, APOGEIC adj~zAPOGAMY n pl. -MIES a form of plant reproduction APOGAMIC adj'yUAPODOUS adj apodalxAPODOSIS n pl. -OSES the main clause of a conditional sentencedwMAPODAL adj having no feet or footlike appendages@vAPOD n pl. -S an apodal animalXu5APOCRINE adj pertaining to a type of glandt!APOCOPE n pl. -S an omission of the last sound of a word APOCOPIC adj @u!X@l]APOMIXIS n pl. -MIXES a type of reproductive processfQAPOMICT n pl. -S an organism produced by apomixis&QAPOLUNE n pl. -S the point in the orbit of a body which is farthest from the moon!APOLOGY n pl. -GIES an expression of regret for some error or offense>APOLOGUE n pl. -S an allegory APOLOGIA n pl. -GIAS or -GIAE a formal justification or defenseP~%APOLOGAL adj pertaining to an apologue3}mAPOLOG n pl. -S apologueP|%APOLLO n pl. -LOS a handsome young man 0aJW0X 5APOSTATE n pl. -S one who commits apostasy  APOSTASY n pl. -SIES an abandonment of one.s faith or principles> APOSTACY n pl. -CIES apostasy APOSPORY n pl. -RIES a type of reproduction without spore formation` EAPORT adv on or toward the left side of a ship|}APORIA n pl. -S an expression of doubt for rhetorical effect)APOPLEXY n pl. -PLEXIES a sudden loss of sensation and muscular control^AAPOPHYGE n pl. -S a concave curve in a column9yAPOPHONY n pl. -NIES ablaut %pYl]APPALL v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with horror or dismayX5APPAL v -PALLED, -PALLING, -PALS to appalldMAPP n pl. -S a computer program for a major task*YAPOTHEM n pl. -S the perpendicular from the center to any side of a regular polygon5qAPOTHEGM n pl. -S a maximxuAPOTHECE n pl. -S a spore-producing organ of certain fungi!APOSTLE n pl. -S a disciple sent forth by Christ to preach the gospelD APOSTIL n pl. -S a marginal note i\%on JAPPEASER n pl. -S one that appeases$MAPPEASE v -PEASED, -PEASING, -PEASES to bring to a state of peace or contentmentT-APPEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to come into viewHAPPEALER n pl. -S one that appealsfQAPPEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to make an earnest request3mAPPARENT adj easily seen.aAPPAREL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to provide with outer garmentsV1APPARAT n pl. -S a political organization)APPANAGE n pl. -S land or revenue granted to a member of a royal family  -B \&=APPETITE n pl. -S a desire for food or drinkL%APPETENT adj marked by strong desire.$aAPPESTAT n pl. -S the mechanism in the central nervous system that regulates appetite:#yAPPENDIX n pl. -DIXES or -DICES a collection of supplementary material at the end of a book^"AAPPEND v -ED, -ING, -S to add as a supplement! APPELLOR n pl. -S a confessed criminal who accuses an accomplice  APPELLEE n pl. -S the defendant in a type of judicial proceedingFAPPEL n pl. -S a feint in fencing DuMxD .APPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES to bring into contact with something-AAPPLIQUE v -QUED, -QUEING, -QUES to apply as a decoration to a larger surfaceF,APPLIER n pl. -S one that applies+APPLEY adj APPLIER, APPLIEST resembling or suggestive of an applel*]APPLET n pl. -S a computer program for a simple task@)APPLE n pl. -S an edible fruitp(eAPPLAUSE n pl. -S the sound made by persons applauding'APPLAUD v -ED, -ING, -S to express approval by clapping the hands *u .x*J8APPRIZER n pl. -S one that apprizesd7MAPPRIZE v -PRIZED, -PRIZING, -PRIZES to appraiseJ6APPRISER n pl. -S one that apprises`5EAPPRISE v -PRISED, -PRISING, -PRISES to notifyt4mAPPRESS v -ED, -ING, -S to press close to something elsex3uAPPRAISE v -PRAISED, -PRAISING, -PRAISES to set a value on-2aAPPOSITE adj relevantF1APPOSER n pl. -S one that apposesp0eAPPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to place side by side/APPOINT v -ED, -ING, -S to name or assign to a position or office [>x2 [dAMAPRIORISM n pl. -S the act of reasoning a prioriD@ APRICOT n pl. -S an edible fruit#?MAPRES prep after:>yAPRAXIA n pl. -S loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements APRACTIC, APRAXIC adj= APPULSE n pl. -S the approach of one moving body toward anotherJ<APPROVER n pl. -S one that approvest;mAPPROVE v -PROVED, -PROVING, -PROVES to regard favorablyP:%APPROVAL n pl. -S the act of approvingj9YAPPROACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to come near or nearer to PE/ P;L}APTITUDE n pl. -S an ability7KuAPTERYX n pl. -ES the kiwi;J}APTEROUS adj having no wingstImAPTERIUM n pl. -RIA a bare area of skin between feathers+H]APTERAL adj apterous@GAPT adj APTER, APTEST suitable7FuAPSIS n pl. -SIDES an apseE-APSE n pl. -S a domed, semicircular projection of a building APSIDAL adjJDAPROTIC adj being a type of solvent+C]APROPOS adj relevant6BqAPRON v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with an apron (a garment worn to protect one.s clothing) li.=y lV9AQUANAUT n pl. -S a scuba diver trained to live in underwater installationsjUYAQUALUNG n pl. -S an underwater breathing apparatusZT9AQUAFIT n pl. -S an exercise class in waterbSIAQUAFARM v -ED, -ING, -S to cultivate food fishhRUAQUACADE n pl. -S a swimming and diving exhibitionBQ AQUA n pl. AQUAE or AQUAS water;P}APYRETIC adj having no fever7OuAPYRASE n pl. -S an enzymeXN5APTNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being apt7MuAPTLY adv in an apt manner g}Ag\]=AQUATONE n pl. -S a type of printing processv\qAQUATINT v -ED, -ING, -S to etch, using a certain process[ AQUATIC n pl. -S an organism living or growing in or near water0ZeAQUARIUM n pl. -IUMS or -IA a water-filled enclosure in which aquatic animals are keptZY9AQUARIST n pl. -S one who keeps an aquariumLXAQUARIAN n pl. -S a member of the old sects that used water rather than wine in religious ceremoniesPW%AQUARIAL adj pertaining to an aquarium ]b\+~2]LhARABIS n pl. -ES a mat-forming plantgARABICA n pl. -S an evergreen shrub that produces coffee beansHfARABIC adj derived from gum arabicreiARABESK n pl. -S a design of intertwined floral figures3dmAR n pl. -S the letter R-caAQUIVER adj quiveringVb1AQUILINE adj curving like an eagle.s beakbaIAQUIFER n pl. -S a water-bearing rock formationB` AQUEOUS adj pertaining to waterF_AQUEDUCT n pl. -S a water conduitP^%AQUAVIT n pl. -S a Scandinavian liquor GuCGFrARAROBA n pl. -S a Brazilian treeJqARAPAIMA n pl. -S a large food fish`pEARANEID n pl. -S a spider (a type of arachnid)Zo9ARAMID n pl. -S a type of chemical compoundDn ARAME n pl. -S an edible seaweed+m]ARAK n pl. -S arracklARACHNID n pl. -S any of a class of segmented invertebrate animalsjkYARACEOUS adj belonging to the arum family of plants^jAARABLE n pl. -S land suitable for cultivationiARABIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to cause to acquire Arabic customs b'EJJ}ARBORIST n pl. -S a tree specialistx|uARBORETA n/pl places for the study and exhibition of trees3{mARBORED adj having trees;z}ARBOREAL adj living in treesNy!ARBOR n pl. -S a shady garden shelter/xeARBOR n pl. -ES a tree"wIARBITER n pl. -S one chosen or appointed to judge a disputed issue ARBITRAL adj7vuARBELEST n pl. -S arbalest7uuARBALIST n pl. -S arbalestLtARBALEST n pl. -S a type of crossbowJsARB n pl. -S a type of stock trader $F0?$peARCADIA n pl. -S a region of simple pleasure and quiet"IARCADE v -CADED, -CADING, -CADES to provide with an arcade (a series of arches)AARC v ARCED, ARCING, ARCS or ARCKED, ARCKING, ARCS to move in a curved courseJARBUTUS n pl. -ES an evergreen tree`EARBUTE n pl. -S an evergreen tree ARBUTEAN adj@ARBUSCLE n pl. -S a dwarf treejYARBOUR n pl. -S a shady garden shelter ARBOURED adjD ARBOROUS adj pertaining to treesn~aARBORIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to form many branches Na}TNV1ARCHAIC adj pertaining to an earlier time@ARCHAEON n pl. -CHAEA archaeandMARCHAEAN n pl. -S a microorganism of the archaeav qARCHAEA n/pl a large group of microorganisms ARCHAEAL adj* YARCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bend like an arch (a curved structure spanning an opening)D  ARCATURE n pl. -S a small arcadeL ARCANUM n pl. -NA or -NUMS a mysteryH ARCANE adj mysterious ARCANELY adv9yARCADING n pl. -S an arcade^AARCADIAN n pl. -S one who lives in an arcadia >,t$Dq>/eARCHIL n pl. -S orchilD ARCHFOE n pl. -S a principal foeARCHERY n pl. -CHERIES the sport of shooting with a bow and arrowl]ARCHER n pl. -S one that shoots with a bow and arrowl]ARCHEAN adj of or relating to the oldest known rocksLARCHDUKE n pl. -S an Austrian princedMARCHAIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to use archaismsLARCHAIST n pl. -S one that archaizesriARCHAISM n pl. -S an archaic word, idiom, or expressionZ9ARCHAISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to archaize HoH EV#1ARCING n pl. -S the curved form of an arcR")ARCIFORM adj having the form of an arch`!EARCHWAY n pl. -WAYS a passageway under an arch` EARCHON n pl. -S a magistrate of ancient Athens7uARCHNESS n pl. -ES slyness#MARCHLY adv slylyT-ARCHIVE v -CHIVED, -CHIVING, -CHIVES to file in an archive (a place where records are kept) ARCHIVAL adjJARCHING n pl. -S a series of archesfQARCHINE n pl. -S a Russian unit of linear measure BYO r9sB-.aARDOUR n pl. -S ardorJ-ARDOR n pl. -S intensity of emotiont,mARDENT adj characterized by intense emotion ARDENTLY adv5+qARDENCY n pl. -CIES ardorZ*9ARDEB n pl. -S an Egyptian unit of capacityL)ARCUS n pl. -ES an arch-shaped cloud+(]ARCUATED adj arcuate>'ARCUATE adj curved like a bowZ&9ARCTIC n pl. -S a warm, waterproof overshoef%QARCSINE n pl. -S the inverse function to the sine"$IARCO n pl. ARCHI a note or passage played with the bow of a stringed instrument .J =.(6UAREIC adj pertaining to a region of the earth contributing little surface drainage^5AAREG n/pl areas of shifting desert sand dunes@4ARECA n pl. -S a tropical tree3 AREAWAY n pl. -WAYS a sunken area leading to a basement entrance29AREA n pl. -S a particular extent of space or surface AREAL adj AREALLY adv1=AREA n pl. AREAE a section of the cerebral cortex having a specific functionP0%ARE n pl. -S a unit of surface measure^/AARDUOUS adj involving great labor or hardship RR6RJAARETHUSA n pl. -S a flowering plantN@!ARETE n pl. -S a sharp mountain ridge@?AREPA n pl. -S a cornmeal cakef>QAREOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of the planet Mars/=eAREOLE n pl. -S areola4<mAREOLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a small space in a network of leaf veins AREOLAR, AREOLATE adj);YARENOUS adj arenose%:QARENOSE adj sandyl9]ARENITE n pl. -S rock made up chiefly of sand grainsJ8ARENE n pl. -S an aromatic compound\7=ARENA n pl. -S an enclosed area for contests 'L tK9s'HOARGONAUT n pl. -S a marine molluskDN ARGON n pl. -S a gaseous elementzMyARGOL n pl. -S a crust deposited in wine casks during agingNL!ARGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to argueBK ARGININE n pl. -S an amino acid9JyARGINASE n pl. -S an enzyme9IyARGIL n pl. -S a white clay%HQARGH interj aargh3GmARGENTUM n pl. -S silver^FAARGENT n pl. -S silver ARGENTAL, ARGENTIC adj;E}ARGALI n pl. -S a wild sheepBD ARGALA n pl. -S a type of stork+C]ARGAL n pl. -S argol;B}ARF n pl. -S a barking sound `:?A`RX)ARGUS n pl. -ES an East Indian pheasantWARGUMENT n pl. -S a discussion involving differing points of viewfVQARGUFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to argue stubbornlyJUARGUFIER n pl. -S one that argufiesBT ARGUER n pl. -S one that arguesSARGUE v -GUED, -GUING, -GUES to present reasons for or againstrRiARGUABLE adj capable of being argued about ARGUABLY advjQYARGOT n pl. -S a specialized vocabulary ARGOTIC adjTP-ARGOSY n pl. -SIES a large merchant ship 7;w<y7>dARIGHT adv rightly; correctly3cmARIETTE n pl. -S arietta>bARIETTA n pl. -S a short ariaFaARIEL n pl. -S an African gazelle7`uARIDNESS n pl. -ES aridityZ_9ARIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being aridb^IARID adj -IDER, -IDEST extremely dry ARIDLY advf]QARIARY n pl. ARIARY a monetary unit of Madagascarl\]ARIA n pl. -S an elaborate melody for a single voiceh[UARHAT n pl. -S a Buddhist who has attained nirvana/ZeARGYLL n pl. -S argyleHYARGYLE n pl. -S a knitting pattern WYC<WbmIARKOSE n pl. -S a type of sandstone ARKOSIC adj5lqARK n pl. -S a large boatBk ARISTO n pl. -TOS an aristocratj9ARISTA n pl. -TAE or -TAS a bristlelike structure or appendage ARISTATE adjdiMARISE v AROSE, ARISEN, ARISING, ARISES to get up~hARIOSO n pl. -SOS or -SI a musical passage resembling an ariaHgARIOSE adj characterized by melodyDf ARILLODE n pl. -S a type of aril"eIARIL n pl. -S an outer covering of certain seeds ARILED, ARILLATE, ARILLOID adj HNH%HDw ARMET n pl. -S a medieval helmet;v}ARMER n pl. -S one that armsRu)ARMCHAIR n pl. -S a chair with armrests&tQARMBAND n pl. -S a band worn around an arm (an upper appendage of the human body)tsmARMATURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to furnish with armorjrYARMAMENT n pl. -S a military force equipped for warFqARMAGNAC n pl. -S a French brandyJpARMADA n pl. -S a fleet of warshipsXo5ARM v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with weaponsRn)ARLES n/pl money paid to bind a bargain G8WG>ARMLIKE adj resembling an arm7uARMLET n pl. -S an armband7uARMLESS adj having no armsT~-ARMING n pl. -S the act of one that arms}9ARMILLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS a thin membrane around the stem of certain fungi>|ARMIGERO n pl. -GEROS armigerp{eARMIGER n pl. -S one who carries the armor of a knightlz]ARMHOLE n pl. -S an opening for the arm in a garmentbyIARMGUARD n pl. -S a covering to protect the armzxyARMFUL n pl. ARMFULS or ARMSFUL as much as the arm can hold 9u,l{9> ARMOURY n pl. -MOURIES armory5 qARMOURER n pl. -S armorerB  ARMOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to armorn aARMORY n pl. -MORIES a place where weapons are storedT-ARMORIAL n pl. -S a treatise on heraldrydMARMORER n pl. -S one that makes or repairs armorARMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with armor (a defensive covering)`EARMONICA n pl. -S a type of musical instrumentT-ARMOIRE n pl. -S a large, ornate cabinetLARMLOCK n pl. -S a hold in wrestling7uARMLOAD n pl. -S an armful d4k@d@AROMA n pl. -S a pleasant odorLAROINT v -ED, -ING, -S to drive awayD AROID n pl. -S a flowering plantHARNOTTO n pl. -TOS a tropical treeD ARNICA n pl. -S a perennial herb7uARNATTO n pl. -TOS annattoX5ARMYWORM n pl. -S a destructive moth larvaARMY n pl. -MIES a large body of men trained and armed for war@ARMURE n pl. -S a woven fabricP%ARMREST n pl. -S a support for the armt mARMPIT n pl. -S the hollow under the arm at the shoulder \] [d\H"ARRACK n pl. -S an Oriental liquor\!=ARQUEBUS n pl. -ES an early portable firearmX 5ARPENT n pl. -S an old French unit of area-aARPEN n pl. -S arpentzyARPEGGIO n pl. -GIOS a technique of playing a musical chordD AROYNT v -ED, -ING, -S to arointFAROUSER n pl. -S one that arousesdMAROUSE v AROUSED, AROUSING, AROUSES to stimulateLAROUSAL n pl. -S the act of arousing9yAROUND prep on all sides ofbIAROMATIC n pl. -S a fragrant plant or substance n]x0bnX+5ARREAR n pl. -S an unpaid and overdue debtD* ARRAYER n pl. -S one that arraysL)ARRAYAL n pl. -S the act of arrayingv(qARRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to place in proper or desired orderP'%ARRAS n pl. -ES a tapestry ARRASED adjD& ARRANT adj outright ARRANTLY advJ%ARRANGER n pl. -S one that arranges$)ARRANGE v -RANGED, -RANGING, -RANGES to put in definite or proper order#AARRAIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to call before a court of law to answer an indictment +.vC+T6-ARROBA n pl. -S a Spanish unit of weightF5ARRIVER n pl. -S one that arrivesr4iARRIVE v -RIVED, -RIVING, -RIVES to reach a destinationL3ARRIVAL n pl. -S the act of arriving2 ARRIS n pl. -RISES a ridge formed by the meeting of two surfacesV11ARRIBA interj -- used to express pleasure-0aARRHIZAL adj rootless7/uARRESTOR n pl. -S arresterH.ARRESTER n pl. -S one that arrestsP-%ARRESTEE n pl. -S one that is arrestedz,yARREST v -ED, -ING, -S to seize and hold by legal authority l{~0l^>AARSEHOLE n pl. -S the anus *deemed offensive*^=AARSE n pl. -S the buttocks *deemed offensive*J<ARROZ n pl. ARROCES or ARROZES riceL;ARROYO n pl. -ROYOS a brook or creek5:qARROWY adj moving swiftlyd9MARROW v -ED, -ING, -S to indicate the proper position of with an arrow (a linear figure with a wedge-shaped end)8ARROGATE v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES to claim or take without right7ARROGANT adj overly convinced of one.s own worth or importance 'J`e'xIuARSIS n pl. ARSES the unaccented part of a musical measurexHuARSINO adj containing a certain univalent chemical radicalBG ARSINE n pl. -S a poisonous gas1FiARSHIN n pl. -S archineHEARSENOUS adj pertaining to arsenicvDqARSENO adj containing a certain bivalent chemical radicalFCARSENITE n pl. -S a chemical saltNB!ARSENIDE n pl. -S an arsenic compoundJAARSENIC n pl. -S a metallic elementF@ARSENATE n pl. -S a chemical salth?UARSENAL n pl. -S a collection or supply of weapons ]a h;V] RARTERY n pl. -TERIES a vessel that carries blood away from the heartdQMARTERITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of an arteryJPARTERIAL n pl. -S a type of highwayXO5ARTEL n pl. -S a collective farm in Russia7NuARTEFACT n pl. -S artifact)MYARTAL a pl. of rotlL=ART n pl. -S an esthetically pleasing and meaningful arrangement of elementsTK-ARSONIST n pl. -S one that commits arsonJ9ARSON n pl. -S the malicious or fraudulent burning of property ARSONOUS adj +bw!a+p]eARTIST n pl. -S one who practices one of the fine arts^\AARTISAN n pl. -S a trained or skilled workman\[=ARTINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being arty;Z}ARTILY adv in an arty manner-YaARTIGI n pl. -S atigiLXARTIFICE n pl. -S a clever stratagemRW)ARTIFACT n pl. -S an object made by manV ARTICLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to charge with specific offenses`UEARTHRITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of a joint@TARTFUL adj crafty ARTFULLY advVS1ARTESIAN adj pertaining to a type of well HV@QHxguARTY adj ARTIER, ARTIEST showily or pretentiously artisticfARTWORK n pl. -S illustrative or decorative work in printed matter;e}ARTSY adj -SIER, -SIEST arty\d=ARTSIE n pl. -S a student in an arts programLcARTMAKING n pl. -S the making of artRb)ARTMAKER n pl. -S one that produces artLaARTLESS adj lacking cunning or guilel`]ARTISTRY n pl. -RIES artistic quality or workmanshipH_ARTISTIC adj characteristic of artZ^9ARTISTE n pl. -S a skilled public performer Ts-dw>TVs1ASBESTOS n pl. -ES a mineral ASBESTIC adjDr ASARUM n pl. -S a perennial herbDq ASANA n pl. -S a posture in yoga5pqAS adv to the same degreeoAARYTHMIA n pl. -S an irregularity in the rhythm of the heartbeat ARYTHMIC adjFnARYL n pl. -S a univalent radical5mqARVO n pl. -VOS afternoonJlARVAL adj pertaining to plowed land>kARUSPEX n pl. -PICES haruspexBj ARUM n pl. -S a flowering plantRi)ARUGULA n pl. -S a European annual herb3hmARUGOLA n pl. -S arugula NNeNh~UASCIDIUM n pl. -DIA a flask-shaped plant appendageR})ASCIDIAN n pl. -S a small marine animal|=ASCETIC n pl. -S one who practices extreme self-denial for religious reasons`{EASCESIS n pl. -CESES the conduct of an asceticLzASCENT n pl. -S the act of ascendingHyASCENDER n pl. -S one that ascendsZx9ASCEND v -ED, -ING, -S to go or move upward;w}ASCARIS n pl. -RIDES ascaridFvASCARID n pl. -S a parasitic worm'uUASCARED adj afraid9tyASBESTUS n pl. -ES asbestos .]?:.R)ASEISMIC adj not subject to earthquakes!IASEA adv at sea+]ASDIC n pl. -S sonar^AASCUS n pl. ASCI a spore sac in certain fungi6qASCRIBE v -CRIBED, -CRIBING, -CRIBES to attribute to a specified cause, source, or originFASCOT n pl. -S a broad neck scarf>ASCORBIC adj relieving scurvy\=ASCON n pl. -S a type of sponge ASCONOID adjxuASCOCARP n pl. -S a spore-producing organ of certain fungiAASCITES n pl. ASCITES accumulation of serous fluid in the abdomen ASCITIC adj GStrG'UASHINE adj shiningX5ASHFALL n pl. -S a deposit of volcanic ash>ASHEN adj consisting of ashes`EASHCAN n pl. -S a metal receptacle for garbageD ASHCAKE n pl. -S a cornmeal cake^ AASHAMED adj feeling shame, guilt, or disgrace8 uASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to convert into ash (the residue of a substance that has been burned)t mASEXUAL adj occurring or performed without sexual action9 yASEPTIC adj free from germsl ]ASEPSIS n pl. -SEPSES the condition of being aseptic a.9y/a\=ASHRAMA n pl. -S a stage of life in HinduismjYASHRAM n pl. -S a secluded dwelling of a Hindu sageFASHPLANT n pl. -S a walking stickriASHPAN n pl. -S a tray under a grate to catch the ashesFASHORE adv toward or on the shorel]ASHMAN n pl. -MEN one who collects and removes ashes9yASHLESS adj having no ashesD ASHLER v -ED, -ING, -S to ashlarjYASHLAR v -ED, -ING, -S to build with squared stones`EASHINESS n pl. -ES the condition of being ashy AJq-A;&}ASKER n pl. -S one that asks~%ASKARI n pl. -S a soldier or police officer of eastern Africa'$UASKANT adv askance@#ASKANCE adv with a side glanceT"-ASK v -ED, -ING, -S to put a question toR!)ASININE adj obstinately stupid or sillyH ASIDE n pl. -S a comment by an actor intended to be heard by the audience but not the other actorsZ9ASHY adj ASHIER, ASHIEST covered with ashesjYASHTRAY n pl. -TRAYS a receptacle for tobacco ashesD ASHTANGA n pl. -S a type of yoga K7oDLKN3!ASPEN n pl. -S any of several poplarsx2uASPECT n pl. -S appearance of something to the eye or mind/1eASPARKLE adj sparkling>0ASP n pl. -S a venomous snakep/eASOCIAL n pl. -S one that avoids the company of others>.ASLOSH adj covered with water'-UASLOPE adj sloping),YASLEEP adj sleeping)+YASLANT adj slantingj*YASKOS n pl. ASKOI an oil jar used in ancient GreeceR))ASKING n pl. -S the act of one who asks-(aASKEW adv to one side>'ASKESIS n pl. ASKESES ascesis MB M~<ASPHERIC adj varying slightly from an exactly spherical shape0;eASPHALT v -ED, -ING, -S to coat with asphalt (a substance used for paving and roofing)7:uASPERSOR n pl. -S asperserJ9ASPERSER n pl. -S one that asperses 8ASPERSE v -PERSED, -PERSING, -PERSES to spread false charges against>7ASPERITY n pl. -TIES acrimony^6AASPERGES n pl. ASPERGES a Roman Catholic rite`5EASPERATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to make unevenV41ASPER n pl. -S a Turkish money of account !6qtX!3GmASPIS n pl. -PISES aspicDF ASPIRIN n pl. -S a pain reliever;E}ASPIRER n pl. -S an aspirantD%ASPIRE v -PIRED, -PIRING, -PIRES to have an earnest desire or ambition&CQASPIRATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to pronounce with an initial release of breathNB!ASPIRATA n pl. -TAE a type of plosiveHAASPIRANT n pl. -S one that aspires/@eASPIC n pl. -S the aspB? ASPHYXY n pl. -PHYXIES asphyxiax>uASPHYXIA n pl. -S unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygenJ=ASPHODEL n pl. -S a flowering plantbbx{tmf_XQJC<qjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! 5.'  SRvQmPdO\NRMFL:K-J#IH GFwEnDdCYBNAC@9?.>#=<;:|9s8j7b6Y5O4E382-1"0/ .-x,n+e*Z)Q(H'=&3%*$#"!{ pg_TG + "  wmdXOA6.#a` _^x]l\`[TZIY>X3W)VUT <3&~sg]RI> 6b3n(mlkjxikh`gWfKe@d5c*b \DM u6\DT ASSAYER n pl. -S one that assaysDS ASSAY v -ED, -ING, -S to attemptFRASSAULT v -ED, -ING, -S to attack;Q}ASSASSIN n pl. -S a murdererHPASSAILER n pl. -S one that assailsDO ASSAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to attack@NASSAI n pl. -S a tropical tree~MASSAGAI v -GAIED, -GAIING, -GAIS to pierce with a light spear>LASS n pl. -ES a hoofed mammal/KeASRAMA n pl. -S ashramHJASQUINT adv with a sidelong glance-IaASPRAWL adj sprawling;H}ASPISH adj resembling an asp 2(l =2J_ASSESSOR n pl. -S one that assesses~^ASSESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to estimate the value of for taxation7]uASSERTOR n pl. -S asserterH\ASSERTER n pl. -S one that assertsX[5ASSERT v -ED, -ING, -S to state positively7ZuASSENTOR n pl. -S assenterHYASSENTER n pl. -S one that assentsZX9ASSENT v -ED, -ING, -S to express agreementZW9ASSEMBLY n pl. -BLIES the act of assemblingvVqASSEMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to come or bring togetherZU9ASSEGAI v -GAIED, -GAIING, -GAIS to assagai <Hr&<dgMASSIST v -ED, -ING, -S to give aid or support to~fASSIGNOR n pl. -S one who legally transfers property or rightHeASSIGNER n pl. -S one that assignsd%ASSIGNEE n pl. -S one to whom property or right is legally transferredkASSLIKE adj resembling an asszjyASSIZE n pl. -S a session of a legislative or judicial body7iuASSISTOR n pl. -S assisterHhASSISTER n pl. -S one that assists -:6i-{5ASTASIA n pl. -S inability to stand resulting from muscular incoordination5zqASTANGA n pl. -S ashtangabyIASSWAGE v -SWAGED, -SWAGING, -SWAGES to assuage3xmASSUROR n pl. -S assurerFwASSURER n pl. -S one that assuresHvASSURED n pl. -S an insured personXu5ASSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to insureFtASSUMER n pl. -S one that assumesZs9ASSUME v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES to take onJrASSUAGER n pl. -S one that assuagestqmASSUAGE v -SUAGED, -SUAGING, -SUAGES to make less severe W{3i WX5ASTEROID n pl. -S a type of celestial bodyV1ASTERNAL adj not connected to the sternumX5ASTERN adv at or toward the rear of a ship0eASTERISM n pl. -S a property of certain minerals of showing a starlike luminous figure"IASTERISK v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with an asterisk (a star-shaped printing mark)jYASTERIA n pl. -S a gemstone cut to exhibit asterismD~ ASTER n pl. -S a flowering plantR})ASTATINE n pl. -S a radioactive element+|]ASTATIC adj unstable 'lm#^o'D ASTOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to amazebIASTONY v -TONIED, -TONYING, -TONIES to astonish ASTONISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to fill with sudden wonder or surprise@ ASTOMOUS adj having no stomata/ eASTIR adj moving aboutJ ASTILBE n pl. -S an Asian perennialF ASTIGMIA n pl. -S a visual defectN !ASTHMA n pl. -S a respiratory disease;}ASTHENY n pl. -NIES astheniajYASTHENIC n pl. -S a slender, lightly muscled personHASTHENIA n pl. -S lack of strengthD ASTHANGA n pl. -S a type of yoga 0h :k)]0)YASWIRL adj swirling'UASWIM adj swimming)YASWARM adj swarming;}ASURA n pl. -S a Hindu demon1iASUNDER adv into pieces>ASTYLAR adj having no columns@ASTUTE adj shrewd ASTUTELY advASTRINGE v -TRINGED, -TRINGING, -TRINGES to bind or draw togetherN!ASTRIDE adv with one leg on each sideJASTRICT v -ED, -ING, -S to restrictB ASTRAY adv off the right courseD ASTRALLY adv in a stellar mannerHASTRAL n pl. -S a type of oil lampHASTRAGAL n pl. -S a convex molding I8S\ID* ATAP n pl. -S the nipa palm treeN)!ATAMASCO n pl. -COS a flowering plant3(mATAMAN n pl. -S a hetman>'ATALAYA n pl. -S a watchtower5&qATAGHAN n pl. -S yataghan`%EATACTIC adj showing no regularity of structureV$1ATABRINE n pl. -S a drug to treat malaria@#ATABAL n pl. -S a type of drum7"uAT prep in the position ofb!IASYNDETA n/pl omissions of certain conjunctions 1ASYLUM n pl. -LUMS or -LA an institution for the care of the mentally ill)YASWOON adj swooning f"-73uATAXY n pl. ATAXIES ataxiaV21ATAXIC n pl. -S one suffering from ataxia^1AATAXIA n pl. -S loss of muscular coordinationf0QATAVIST n pl. -S an individual displaying atavismH/ATAVISM n pl. -S the reappearance of a genetic characteristic after several generations of absenceX.5ATAVIC adj pertaining to a remote ancestor@-ATARAXY n pl. -RAXIES ataraxiaP,%ATARAXIC n pl. -S a tranquilizing drugB+ ATARAXIA n pl. -S peace of mind i_Gj=YATHELING n pl. -S an Anglo-Saxon prince or noblemanP<%ATHEIST n pl. -S a believer in atheismd;MATHEISM n pl. -S the belief that there is no GodD: ATHANASY n pl. -SIES immortality`9EATENOLOL n pl. -S a drug to treat hypertensionh8UATEMOYA n pl. -S a fruit of a hybrid tropical treeN7!ATELIER n pl. -S a workshop or studio\6=ATELIC adj pertaining to a type of verb formT5-ATECHNIC adj lacking technical knowledge4)ATE n pl. -S blind impulse or reckless ambition that drives one to ruin 34vu3d3-HaATISHOO interj ahchoo+G]ATINGLE adj tinglingLFATILT adj being in a tilted positionLEATIGI n pl. -S a type of Inuit parka>DATHWART adv from side to sideNC!ATHODYD n pl. -S a type of jet engine*BYATHLETE n pl. -S one skilled in feats of physical strength and agility ATHLETIC adjHAATHIRST adj having a strong desiren@aATHETOID adj affected with a type of nervous disorderp?eATHEROMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a disease of the arteriesT>-ATHENEUM n pl. -S a literary institution eb{7QuATOMISER n pl. -S atomizerVP1ATOMISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to atomizeZO9ATOMICS n/pl the science dealing with atomsNATOM n pl. -S the smallest unit of an element ATOMIC, ATOMICAL adjVM1ATOLL n pl. -S a ring-shaped coral island`LEATMAN n pl. -S the individual soul in Hinduism)KYATMA n pl. -S atmannJaATLATL n pl. -S a device for throwing a spear or dartI1ATLAS n pl. ATLANTES or ATLASES a male figure used as a supporting column I3e[zI-ZaATONIA n pl. -S atonyBY ATONER n pl. -S one that atonesX1ATONE v ATONED, ATONING, ATONES to make amends or reparation ATONABLE adjTW-ATONAL adj lacking tonality ATONALLY advFVATOMY n pl. -MIES a tiny particledUMATOMIZER n pl. -S a device for atomizing liquidstTmATOMIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to reduce to a fine sprayRS)ATOMIST n pl. -S an adherent of atomismHRATOMISM n pl. -S the theory that the universe is composed of simple, indivisible, minute particles *N`-|0 v*HeATROCITY n pl. -TIES a heinous actd!ATRIUM n pl. ATRIA or ATRIUMS the main room of an ancient Roman house#cMATRIP adj aweighHbATRIAL adj pertaining to an atrium,a]ATRESIA n pl. -S absence or closure of a natural bodily passage ATRESIC, ATRETIC adj/`eATREMBLE adj trembling@_ATRAZINE n pl. -S an herbicide`^EATOPY n pl. -PIES a type of allergy ATOPIC adjB] ATOP adj being on or at the topJ\ATONY n pl. -NIES muscular weakness`[EATONIC n pl. -S an unaccented syllable or word ]]j)]Pn%ATTACHE n pl. -S a diplomatic officialtmmATTACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to connect as an associated partl9ATTABOY n pl. -S an expression of encouragement or approval to a man or boyNk!ATT n pl. ATT a monetary unit of LaosLjATROPISM n pl. -S atropine poisoningPi%ATROPINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid5hqATROPIN n pl. -S atropinebgIATROPHY v -PHIED, -PHYING, -PHIES to waste awayfAATROPHIA n pl. -S a wasting away of the body or any of its parts ATROPHIC adj !RW!~xATTEMPT v -ED, -ING, -S to make an effort to do or accomplishnwaATTEMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to modify the temperature of>vATTAR n pl. -S a fragrant oilJuATTAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to disgraceHtATTAINER n pl. -S one that attainss%ATTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to gain or achieve by mental or physical effort|r}ATTAGIRL interj -- used to express encouragement or approvalHqATTACKER n pl. -S one that attacks\p=ATTACK v -ED, -ING, -S to set upon violentlyJoATTACHER n pl. -S one that attaches 9h}1k9jYATTICIZE v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES to use atticismsT-ATTICIST n pl. -S one who uses atticismshUATTICISM n pl. -S a concise and elegant expressionATTIC n pl. -S a story or room directly below the roof of a house7uATTESTOR n pl. -S attesterH~ATTESTER n pl. -S one that attestsp}eATTEST v -ED, -ING, -S to affirm to be true or genuine'|UATTENT adj heedfulH{ATTENDER n pl. -S one that attends>zATTENDEE n pl. -S an attenderRy)ATTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to be present at 7$Sed7) YATWEEN prep between% QATWAIN adv in twop eATTUNE v -TUNED, -TUNING, -TUNES to bring into harmony` EATTRITE v -TRITED, -TRITING, -TRITES to attritv qATTRIT v -TRITTED, -TRITTING, -TRITS to lose by attritionpeATTRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to approach or adhere>ATTORNEY n pl. -NEYS a lawyer ATTORN v -ED, -ING, -S to acknowledge a new owner as one.s landlord|}ATTITUDE n pl. -S a state of mind with regard to some matterX5ATTIRE v -TIRED, -TIRING, -TIRES to clothe g#e,#MAUDIAL adj aural-aAUDAD n pl. -S aoudad>AUDACITY n pl. -TIES boldness^AAUCUBA n pl. -S a shrub of the dogwood familyAUCTION v -ED, -ING, -S to sell publicly to the highest bidderN!AUBURN n pl. -S a reddish brown colorJAUBRIETA n pl. -S a flowering plant7uAUBRETIA n pl. -S aubrieta1iAUBERGE n pl. -S an inn@AUBADE n pl. -S a morning song3mATYPICAL adj not typical)YATYPIC adj atypical1iATWITTER adj twittering Poe.Pp"eAUDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to examine with intent to verifyf!QAUDIO n pl. -DIOS sound reception or transmission2 iAUDING n pl. -S the process of hearing, recognizing, and interpreting a spoken language|}AUDILE n pl. -S one whose mental imagery is chiefly auditoryB AUDIENT n pl. -S one that hearsl]AUDIENCE n pl. -S a group of listeners or spectatorsP%AUDIBLY adv in a way so as to be heard AUDIBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to call a substitute play in football Y@\*YJ-AUGMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to increaseN,!AUGITE n pl. -S a mineral AUGITIC adj-+aAUGHT n pl. -S a zeron*aAUGH interj -- used to express despair or frustrationD) AUGER n pl. -S a tool for boringt(mAUGEND n pl. -S a number to which another is to be addedV'1AUDITORY n pl. -RIES a group of listenersD& AUDITOR n pl. -S one that audits>%AUDITIVE n pl. -S an auditoryl$]AUDITION v -ED, -ING, -S to give a trial performanceL#AUDITEE n pl. -S one that is audited ^XU^h8UAUNT n pl. -S the sister of one.s father or mother57qAUMBRY n pl. -BRIES ambryN6!AULIC adj pertaining to a royal court;5}AULD adj AULDER, AULDEST old94yAUKLET n pl. -S a small auk>3AUK n pl. -S a diving seabird29AUGUST adj -GUSTER, -GUSTEST inspiring reverence or admiration AUGUSTLY advZ19AUGURY n pl. -RIES the practice of auguringD0 AUGURER n pl. -S one that augursD/ AUGURAL adj pertaining to augury\.=AUGUR v -ED, -ING, -S to foretell from omens Jq+&HJFEAUREOLA n pl. -LAS or -LAE a halo'DUAUREATE adj golden'CUAURATED adj aurate/BeAURATE adj having ears'AUAURAR pl. of eyrirb@IAURALITY n pl. -TIES the quality of being auralt?mAURAL adj pertaining to the sense of hearing AURALLY adv`>EAURA n pl. -RAS or -RAE an invisible emanation3=mAUNTY n pl. AUNTIES auntf<QAUNTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST of or suggesting an auntB; AUNTLIKE adj resembling an aunt+:]AUNTIE n pl. -S aunt\9=AUNTHOOD n pl. -S the state of being an aunt F*u!EF"OIAURORA n pl. -RAS or -RAE the rising light of the morning AURORAL, AUROREAN adjTN-AUROCHS n pl. -ES an extinct European oxjMYAURIST n pl. -S a specialist in diseases of the ear5LqAURIS n pl. AURES the ear1KiAURIFORM adj ear-shapedPJ%AURICULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE an auriclerIiAURICLE n pl. -S an ear or ear-shaped part AURICLED adj;H}AURIC adj pertaining to gold^GAAUREUS n pl. -REI a gold coin of ancient RomepFeAUREOLE v -OLED, -OLING, -OLES to surround with a halo zPMzHYAUTARCH n pl. -S an absolute ruler9XyAUTACOID n pl. -S a hormoneFWAUSUBO n pl. -BOS a tropical treezVyAUSTRAL n pl. -ES or -S a former monetary unit of ArgentinaUAUSTERE adj -TERER, -TEREST grave in disposition or appearanceFTAUSPICE n pl. -S a favorable omendSMAUSPEX n pl. -PICES a soothsayer of ancient Rome RAUSFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to subject steel to a strengthening process)QYAURUM n pl. -S gold>PAUROUS adj pertaining to gold ?FH ?^bAAUTO v -ED, -ING, -S to ride in an automobilefaQAUTISTIC n pl. -S one who is affected with autism9`yAUTIST n pl. -S an autisticb_IAUTISM n pl. -S extreme withdrawal into fantasyB^ AUTHOR v -ED, -ING, -S to writeN]!AUTEUR n pl. -S the creator of a filmF\AUTECISM n pl. -S the development of the entire life cycle of a parasitic fungus on a single host [AUTARKY n pl. -KIES national economic self-sufficiency AUTARKIC adj\Z=AUTARCHY n pl. -CHIES absolute rule or power "n3`jEAUTODYNE n pl. -S a type of electrical circuit\i=AUTODIAL v -DIALED, -DIALING, -DIALS or -DIALLED, -DIALLING, -DIALS to dial a telephone number automaticallyJhAUTOCRAT n pl. -S an absolute ruler7guAUTOCOID n pl. -S autacoid^fAAUTOCADE n pl. -S a procession of automobilesNe!AUTOBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BUSSES a busfdQAUTOBODY n pl. -DIES the shell of a motor vehiclepceAUTOBAHN n pl. -BAHNS or -BAHNEN a German superhighway =wAX=Ps%AUTOMAN n pl. -MEN an automobile makerBr AUTOLYZE v -LYZED, -LYZING, -LYZES to break down tissue by the action of self-contained enzymes`qEAUTOLYSE v -LYSED, -LYSING, -LYSES to autolyze5pqAUTOLOAD adj self-loadingHoAUTOHARP n pl. -S a type of zither;n}AUTOGYRO n pl. -ROS autogiroPm%AUTOGIRO n pl. -ROS a type of airplanelAAUTOGENY n pl. -NIES the production of living organisms from inanimate matterk AUTOGAMY n pl. -MIES fertilization of a flower by its own pollen 'h.{'P|%AUTOSOME n pl. -S a type of chromosome.{aAUTOPSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to examine a dead body to determine the cause of deathNz!AUTOPSIC adj pertaining to an autopsyhyUAUTOPEN n pl. -S a device for imitating signaturesxxuAUTONYM n pl. -S a name by which a people refers to itselfpweAUTONOMY n pl. -MIES the state of being self-governing vEAUTOMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to convert to a system of automatic control+u]AUTOMATA n/pl robotsLtAUTOMAT n pl. -S a type of cafeteria 6 p366HAVADAVAT n pl. -S a small songbirdEAVA adv at all AUXIN n pl. -S a substance used to regulate plant growth AUXINIC adjhUAUXETIC n pl. -S a substance that promotes auxesis AUXESIS n pl. AUXESES an increase in cell size without cell division9yAUTUNITE n pl. -S a mineralfQAUTUMN n pl. -S a season of the year AUTUMNAL adjB AUTOTYPY n pl. -TYPIES autotyped~MAUTOTYPE n pl. -S a type of photographic processt}mAUTOTOMY n pl. -MIES the shedding of a damaged body part :Eu+]AVELLANE adj avellan&QAVELLAN adj having the four arms shaped like filberts -- used of a heraldic crossh UAVE n pl. -S an expression of greeting or farewell` EAVAUNT interj -- used as an order of dismissald MAVATAR n pl. -S the incarnation of a Hindu deityV 1AVAST interj -- used as a command to stop/ eAVARICE n pl. -S greedV1AVANT adj culturally or stylistically newhUAVAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to be of use or advantage to (6st"l(@AVERSIVE n pl. -S a punishmentV1AVERSION n pl. -S a feeling of repugnanceX5AVERSE adj opposed; reluctant AVERSELY advN!AVERMENT n pl. -S the act of averringAVERAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to calculate the arithmetic mean ofnaAVER v AVERRED, AVERRING, AVERS to declare positively>AVENUE n pl. -S a wide street5qAVENTAIL n pl. -S ventailD AVENS n pl. -ES a perennial herbFAVENGER n pl. -S one that avenges|}AVENGE v AVENGED, AVENGING, AVENGES to exact retribution for \l.\f#QAVIATION n pl. -S the act of aviating AVIATIC adjd"MAVIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to fly an aircraftl!]AVIARY n pl. -ARIES a large enclosure for live birdsV 1AVIARIST n pl. -S the keeper of an aviaryN!AVIANIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make less severe by repeated culture in a chick embryo, as a virus-aAVIAN n pl. -S a birdl]AVGAS n pl. -GASES or -GASSES gasoline for airplanesD AVERTER n pl. -S one that avertsHAVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to turn away J!7.uAVION n pl. -S an airplane^-AAVIGATOR n pl. -S one that navigates aircraft, AVIFAUNA n pl. -NAS or -NAE the bird life of a particular region7+uAVIDNESS n pl. -ES avidity;*}AVIDLY adv in an avid mannerZ)9AVIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being avid\(=AVIDIN n pl. -S a protein found in egg white'EAVID adj eagerD& AVICULAR adj pertaining to birdsh%UAVIATRIX n pl. -TRICES or -TRIXES a female aviatorF$AVIATOR n pl. -S one that aviates eg2Ux0eJ9AVOUCHER n pl. -S one that avouchesF8AVOUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to affirm/7eAVOSET n pl. -S avocetD6 AVOIDER n pl. -S one that avoidsR5)AVOID v -ED, -ING, -S to keep away fromD4 AVODIRE n pl. -S an African tree;3}AVOCET n pl. -S a shore bird2 AVOCADO n pl. -DOS or -DOES the edible fruit of a tropical treeR1)AVO n pl. AVOS a monetary unit of Macao10iAVISO n pl. -SOS advice/-AVIONICS n/pl the science of electronics applied to aviation AVIONIC adj ZcYj ZzCyAWAKE v AWAKED or AWOKE, AWOKEN, AWAKING, AWAKES to wake upDB AWAITER n pl. -S one that awaitsFAAWAIT v -ED, -ING, -S to wait for@=AWA adv awayz?yAW interj -- used to express protest, disgust, or disbeliefN>!AVULSION n pl. -S the act of avulsingt=mAVULSE v AVULSED, AVULSING, AVULSES to tear off forcibly@<AVOWER n pl. -S one that avowsJ;AVOWAL n pl. -S an open declaration:5AVOW v -ED, -ING, -S to declare openly AVOWABLE adj AVOWABLY, AVOWEDLY adv _nZ_#NMAWEARY adj wearyM-AWE v AWED, AWING or AWEING, AWES to inspire with awe (reverential fear)^LAAWAYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being distant>KAWAY adv from a certain place;J}AWASH adj covered with waterTI-AWARE adj having perception or knowledgeDH AWARDER n pl. -S one that awards`GEAWARDEE n pl. -S one that is awarded somethingdFMAWARD v -ED, -ING, -S to grant as due or meritedHEAWAKENER n pl. -S one that awakensBD AWAKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to awake aqza'YUAWLESS adj awelesshXUAWL n pl. -S a pointed tool for making small holesW AWKWARD adj -WARDER, -WARDEST lacking skill, dexterity, or grace)VYAWHIRL adj whirling9UyAWHILE adv for a short time TAWFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST extremely bad or unpleasant AWFULLY adv5SqAWESOME adj inspiring awe1RiAWELESS adj lacking aweQ AWEIGH adj hanging just clear of the bottom -- used of an anchor!PIAWEE adv awhilefOQAWEATHER adv toward the windward side of a vessel /fd/1diAXEMAN n pl. -MEN axmanPc%AXEL n pl. -S a jump in figure skating>bAXE v AXED, AXING, AXES to axaEAXAL adj axial`AX v -ED, -ING, -ES to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool)V_1AWRY adv with a turn or twist to one side^^AAWOL n pl. -S one who is absent without leavel]]AWNING n pl. -S a rooflike canvas cover AWNINGED adj$\MAWN n pl. -S a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses AWNED, AWNLESS, AWNY adj3[mAWMOUS n pl. AWMOUS almsFZAWLWORT n pl. -S an aquatic plant 2QF!J2JnAXIOM n pl. -S a self-evident truth|m}AXIOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of values and value judgmentsFlAXILLARY n pl. -LARIES an axillark AXILLAR n pl. -S a feather on the undersurface of a bird.s wingLjAXILLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS the armpit!iIAXILE adj axial$hMAXIL n pl. -S the angle between the upper side of a leaf and its supporting stem^gAAXIALITY n pl. -TIES the state of being axialpfeAXIAL adj pertaining to or forming an axis AXIALLY adv7euAXENIC adj free from germs ur wAXOLOTL n pl. -S a salamander of Mexico and western United StatesNv!AXMAN n pl. -MEN one who wields an ax9uyAXLIKE adj resembling an axDt AXLETREE n pl. -S a type of axlezsyAXLE n pl. -S a shaft upon which a wheel revolves AXLED adjFrAXITE n pl. -S a fiber of an axonBq AXIS n pl. AXISES an Asian deerp!AXIS n pl. AXES a straight line about which a body rotates AXISED adjdoMAXION n pl. -S a hypothetical subatomic particle +wJL}+\=AYURVEDA n pl. -S a Hindu system of medicine>AYIN n pl. -S a Hebrew letterD AYE n pl. -S an affirmative votedMAYAYA n pl. -S a type of singing among the Inuit^AAYAH n pl. -S a native maid or nurse in India#~MAY n pl. AYS ayeB} AXSEED n pl. -S a European herbZ|9AXOPLASM n pl. -S the protoplasm of an axonJ{AXONEME n pl. -S a part of a ciliumNz!AXONEMAL adj pertaining to an axoneme)yYAXONE n pl. -S axonx AXON n pl. -S the central process of a neuron AXONAL, AXONIC adj bd.b\ =AZON n pl. -S a radio-controlled aerial bombX 5AZOLE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AZOIC adj pertaining to geologic time before the appearance of life9 yAZO adj containing nitrogen@ AZLON n pl. -S a textile fiberX5AZINE n pl. -S a type of chemical compoundfQAZIMUTH n pl. -S an angle of horizontal deviationl]AZIDE n pl. -S a type of chemical compound AZIDO adjN!AZAN n pl. -S a Muslim call to prayerFAZALEA n pl. -S a flowering shrub 22? hc2-aAZUKI n pl. -S adzukiAZOTURIA n pl. -S an excess of nitrogenous substances in the urinetmAZOTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to treat with nitrogen\=AZOTISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to azotize@AZOTIC adj pertaining to azote/eAZOTH n pl. -S mercury"IAZOTEMIA n pl. -S an excess of nitrogenous substances in the blood AZOTEMIC adjHAZOTE n pl. -S nitrogen AZOTED adjdMAZONIC adj not restricted to any particular zonebIAZONAL adj pertaining to a type of a soil group (i.9(#1BAASKAP n pl. -S the policy of domination by white people in South Africa5"qBAASKAAP n pl. -S baaskap9!yBAAS n pl. -ES master; bossP %BAALISM n pl. -S the worship of a baalD BAAL n pl. -S or -IM a false god;}BAA v -ED, -ING, -S to bleatjYBA n pl. -S the eternal soul, in Egyptian mythologyJAZYGOUS adj not being one of a pairZ9AZYGOS n pl. -ES an azygous anatomical part7uAZURITE n pl. -S a mineral9yAZURE n pl. -S a blue colorV1AZULEJO n pl. -JOS a type of ceramic tile L[-|{L+-]BABE n pl. -S a baby9,yBABBLING n pl. -S idle talkF+BABBLER n pl. -S one that babblesv*qBABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to talk idly or excessively,)]BABBITT v -ED, -ING, -S to line with babbitt (an alloy of tin, copper, and antimony)j(YBABBITRY n pl. -RIES conventional middle-class attitudes and behavior stressing respectability and material success;'}BABASSU n pl. -S a palm tree1&iBABACU n pl. -S babassu3%mBABA n pl. -S a rum cake5$qBAASSKAP n pl. -S baaskap u/c2x*N:!BABY v -BIED, -BYING, -BIES to coddleF9BABUSHKA n pl. -S a woman.s scarfJ8BABUL n pl. -S a North African tree)7YBABU n pl. -S babooL6BABOUCHE n pl. -S a heelless slipper95yBABOON n pl. -S a large ape-4aBABOOL n pl. -S babulJ3BABOO n pl. -BOOS a Hindu gentleman;2}BABKA n pl. -S a coffee cake;1}BABIRUSA n pl. -S a wild pigB0 BABICHE n pl. -S rawhide thongsP/%BABESIA n pl. -S a parasitic protozoan3.mBABEL n pl. -S confusion >$l(d+>>FBACCARAT n pl. -S a card game5EqBACCARA n pl. -S baccarat7DuBACCALA n pl. -S a codfish3CmBACCA n pl. -CAE a berry5BqBACALHAU n pl. -S baccala9AyBACALAO n pl. -LAOS codfish@ BABYSIT v -SAT, -SITTING, -SITS to care for a child temporarily@?BABYLIKE adj resembling a baby>>BABYISH adj resembling a babyr=iBABYHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a baby (an infant)d<MBABYDOLL n pl. -S short, sheer pajamas for womenp;eBABY adj BABIER, BABIEST resembling a baby (an infant) ?y"LRBACKACHE n pl. -S a pain in the backBQ BACK v -ED, -ING, -S to supporttPmBACILLUS n pl. -LI any of a class of rod-shaped bacteria1OiBACILLAR adj rod-shapedHNBACHELOR n pl. -S an unmarried manZM9BACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to live as a bachelor5LqBACCY n pl. -CIES tobacco\K=BACCHIUS n pl. -CHII a type of metrical foot)JYBACCHIC adj riotousJIBACCHANT n pl. -S or -ES a carouser+H]BACCATED adj baccate@GBACCATE adj pulpy like a berry 6w[\i6/\eBACKDOOR adj secretive^[ABACKDATE v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES to predate ZBACKCOMB v -ED, -ING, -S to comb the hair from the ends to the scalp7YuBACKCHAT n pl. -S reparteeX BACKCAST n pl. -S a backward movement in casting a fishing line9WyBACKBONE n pl. -S the spinelV]BACKBITE v -BIT, -BITTEN, -BITING, -BITES to slanderJUBACKBEND n pl. -S an acrobatic featZT9BACKBEAT n pl. -S a type of rhythm in musicS BACKBAR n pl. -S the space behind a bar with shelves for bottles C#>Cd)BACKFLIP v -FLIPPED, -FLIPPING, -FLIPS to perform a backward somersault`cEBACKFIT v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to retrofitb-BACKFIRE v -FIRED, -FIRING, -FIRES to result in undesirable consequencesHaBACKFILL v -ED, -ING, -S to refill`%BACKFAT n pl. -S a layer of fat between the skin and muscle in animals9_yBACKER n pl. -S a supporter,^]BACKDROP v -DROPPED or -DROPT, -DROPPING, -DROPS to provide with a scenic backgroundV]1BACKDOWN n pl. -S the act of backing down w\wBm BACKLINER n pl. -S a defenceman9lyBACKLESS adj having no back^kABACKLASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cause a reaction^jABACKLAND n pl. -S a region remote from cities3imBACKING n pl. -S support"hIBACKHOE v -HOED, -HOEING, -HOES to use a backhoe (a type of excavating machine)xguBACKHAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to return after delivering a load|f}BACKHAND v -ED, -ING, -S to strike with the back of the handdeMBACKFLOW n pl. -S a flowing back toward a source D[ -"D^vABACKPLANE n pl. -S a connecting circuit boardxuuBACKPACK v -ED, -ING, -S to hike with a pack on one.s backjtYBACKOUT n pl. -S a reversal of launching procedures-saBACKMOST adj hindmosthrUBACKLOT n pl. -S an outdoor area in a movie studiodqMBACKLOG v -LOGGED, -LOGGING, -LOGS to accumulatetpmBACKLOAD v -ED, -ING, -S to defer a financial obligationJoBACKLIT adj illuminated from behind nEBACKLIST v -ED, -ING, -S to include in a publisher.s list of older book titles cFXQcjYBACKSLID past tense of backslide (to revert to sin)|}BACKSLAP v -SLAPPED, -SLAPPING, -SLAPS to show much approvalB~ BACKSIDE n pl. -S the hind part7}uBACKSET n pl. -S a setback>|BACKSEAT n pl. -S a rear seat@{BACKSAW n pl. -S a type of sawxzuBACKRUSH n pl. -ES the seaward return of water from a wavenyaBACKROOM n pl. -S a place for meeting inconspicuouslyDx BACKREST n pl. -S a back supportnwaBACKPLATE n pl. -S a plate of armour worn on the back UJM=Uf QBACKWASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to spray water backward; }BACKWARD adv toward the back;}BACKUP n pl. -S a substituteJBACKTALK n pl. -S an impudent replyT-BACKSTRAP n pl. -S a kind of cut of meatfQBACKSTOP v -STOPPED, -STOPPING, -STOPS to bolsterX5BACKSTAY n pl. -STAYS a support for a mast=BACKSTAB v -STABBED, -STABBING, -STABS to attack or betray behind one.s back`EBACKSPLIT n pl. -S a kind of split-level houseN!BACKSPIN n pl. -S a backward rotation uqBS3uD BACULINE adj pertaining to a rodriBACTERIN n pl. -S a vaccine prepared from dead bacteriahUBACTERIA n pl. -S a group of microscopic organismsbIBACON n pl. -S a side of a pig cured and smokedJBACLOFEN n pl. -S a muscle relaxantdMBACKYARD n pl. -S an area at the rear of a house  BACKWRAP n pl. -S a wraparound garment that fastens in the back+ ]BACKWOOD adj uncouth BACKWIND v -ED, -ING, -S to deflect airflow into the back of a sail e{1uKexuBADGE v BADGED, BADGING, BADGES to supply with an insignia/eBADE past tense of bid3mBADDY n pl. -DIES baddie;}BADDIE n pl. -S a bad person^ABADASSED adj like a badass *deemed offensive* BADASS n pl. -ES an intimidating troublemaker *deemed offensive*T-BAD adj WORSE, WORST not good in any way`EBAD n pl. -S something that is bad BADDISH adjFBAD adj BADDER, BADDEST very goodBACULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a bone in the penis of many mammals W#[ IWL)BAFFY n pl. -FIES a wooden golf clubF(BAFFLER n pl. -S one that bafflesT'-BAFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to confused&MBAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to strike under a golf ballT%-BADNESS n pl. -ES the state of being badN$!BADMOUTH v -ED, -ING, -S to criticize9#yBADMAN n pl. -MEN an outlaw5"qBADLY adv in a bad mannerN!!BADLAND n pl. -S a barren, hilly area\ =BADINAGE v -NAGED, -NAGING, -NAGES to banter1iBADGERLY adj bothersomeD BADGER v -ED, -ING, -S to harass o8(rf3QBAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST loose-fitting BAGGILY advV21BAGGING n pl. -S material for making bags91yBAGGIE n pl. -S the stomach>0BAGGER n pl. -S one that bags3/mBAGGAGE n pl. -S luggagev.qBAGFUL n pl. BAGFULS or BAGSFUL as much as a bag can holdF-BAGEL n pl. -S a ring-shaped rollH,BAGASSE n pl. -S crushed sugarcane3+mBAGASS n pl. -ES bagasse *BAG v BAGGED, BAGGING, BAGS to put into a bag (a flexible container) 'e&k}'R>)BAH interj -- an exclamation of disgustZ=9BAGWORM n pl. -S the larva of certain moths><BAGWIG n pl. -S a type of wigJ;BAGUETTE n pl. -S a rectangular gem3:mBAGUET n pl. -S baguetteV91BAGPIPER n pl. -S one that plays bagpipes8)BAGPIPE v -PIPED, -PIPING, -PIPES to play a bagpipe (a wind instrument);7}BAGNIO n pl. -NIOS a brothelP6%BAGMAN n pl. -MEN a traveling salesman;5}BAGLIKE adj resembling a bag41BAGHOUSE n pl. -S a facility for removing particulates from exhaust gases pLQZpLIBAILMENT n pl. -S the act of bailingDH BAILIFF n pl. -S a court officerNG!BAILIE n pl. -S a Scottish magistrateRF)BAILEY n pl. -LEYS an outer castle wall/EeBAILER n pl. -S bailorjDYBAILEE n pl. -S a person to whom property is bailedCBAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to transfer property temporarily BAILABLE adj5BqBAIDARKA n pl. -S bidarka1AiBAIDAR n pl. -S bidarkaV@1BAHT n pl. -S a monetary unit of ThailandV?1BAHADUR n pl. -S a Hindu title of respect `L})`NT!BAIZE n pl. -S a green, woolen fabricPS%BAIZA n pl. -S a monetary unit of OmanREBAITH adj bothPQ%BAITFISH n pl. -ES a fish used as bait@PBAITER n pl. -S one that baits;O}BAIT v -ED, -ING, -S to lureHNBAIRNLY adj -LIER, -LIEST childishJMBAIRN n pl. -S a child BAIRNISH adjvLqBAILSMAN n pl. -MEN one who provides security for anothertKmBAILOUT n pl. -S the act of parachuting from an aircraftpJeBAILOR n pl. -S a person who bails property to another /;d/1`iBAL n pl. -S a balmoralR_)BAKSHISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to give a tip3^mBAKLAWA n pl. -S baklavaF]BAKLAVA n pl. -S a Turkish pastryD\ BAKING n pl. -S a quantity bakedT[-BAKEWARE n pl. -S dishes used for baking7ZuBAKESHOP n pl. -S a bakerypYeBAKERY n pl. -ERIES a place where baked goods are sold>XBAKER n pl. -S one that bakes7WuBAKEMEAT n pl. -S a pastryVBAKELITE n pl. -S any of various synthetic resins and plasticspUeBAKE v BAKED, BAKING, BAKES to prepare food in an oven X>TTX5lqBALDISH adj somewhat bald'kUBALDIE n pl. baldyBj BALDHEAD n pl. -S a bald personNi!BALD adj BALDER, BALDEST lacking hairJhBALD v -ED, -ING, -S to become baldTg-BALCONY n pl. -NIES an elevated platformVf1BALBOA n pl. -S a monetary unit of PanamaBe BALATA n pl. -S a tropical treeRd)BALAS n pl. -ES a red variety of spinelJcBALANCER n pl. -S one that balancesXb5BALANCE v -ANCED, -ANCING, -ANCES to weighbaIBALAFON n pl. -S a musical instrument of Africa RPF~ARzxyBALING n pl. -S the forming of something into tight bundles>wBALER n pl. -S one that bales+v]BALEFUL adj menacing9uyBALEFIRE n pl. -S a bonfire5tqBALEEN n pl. -S whalebone sBALE v BALED, BALING, BALES to form into tightly compressed bundlesFrBALDY n pl. BALDIES a bald person5qqBALDRICK n pl. -S baldricDp BALDRIC n pl. -S a shoulder belt;o}BALDPATE n pl. -S a baldheadXn5BALDNESS n pl. -ES the state of being baldPm%BALDLY adv in a plain and blunt manner 24 6~2HBALLADRY n pl. -RIES ballad poetryB BALLADE n pl. -S a type of poemnaBALLAD n pl. -S a narrative poem or song BALLADIC adj~BALL v -ED, -ING, -S to form into a ball (a spherical object)d~MBALKY adj BALKIER, BALKIEST stubborn BALKILY advj}YBALKLINE n pl. -S the starting line in track events@|BALKER n pl. -S one that balks^{ABALKANISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to balkanizetzmBALK v -ED, -ING, -S to stop short and refuse to proceedPy%BALISAUR n pl. -S a long-tailed badger T:XTN !BALLISTA n pl. -TAE an ancient weaponh UBALLHAWK n pl. -S a very good defensive ballplayerv qBALLGIRL n pl. -S a girl who retrieves balls during gamesZ 9BALLGAME n pl. -S a game played with a balljYBALLET n pl. -S a classical dance form BALLETIC adj@BALLER n pl. -S one that ballsFBALLCOCK n pl. -S a type of valveP%BALLBUSTER n pl. -S *deemed offensive*riBALLBOY n pl. -S a boy who retrieves balls during gamesLBALLAST v -ED, -ING, -S to stabilize Rr.f zyBALLS v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a mistake in doing somethingX5BALLROOM n pl. -S a large room for dancingxuBALLPARK n pl. -S a facility in which ballgames are playedHBALLOTER n pl. -S one that ballots@BALLOT v -ED, -ING, -S to voteLBALLOON v -ED, -ING, -S to swell outB BALLONNE n pl. -S a ballet jumpFBALLONET n pl. -S a small balloonN!BALLON n pl. -S lightness of movementX 5BALLOCKS n/pl testicles *deemed offensive* D(9PDD BALMORAL n pl. -S a type of shoeZ9BALM n pl. -S a fragrant resin BALMLIKE adjbIBALLYRAG v -RAGGED, -RAGGING, -RAGS to bullyrag^ABALLYHOO v -ED, -ING, -S to promote by uproar;}BALLYARD n pl. -S a ballparkD BALLY n pl. -LIES a noisy uproarjYBALLY adj BALLIER, BALLIEST used instead of a rude word such as "bloody" to express anger with something or someone^ABALLUTE n pl. -S a small inflatable parachuteriBALLSY adj BALLSIER, BALLSIEST gutsy *deemed offensive* #Z4Fq#J*BAMBOO n pl. -BOOS a tropical grassD) BAMBINO n pl. -NOS or -NI a baby(BAM v BAMMED, BAMMING, BAMS to strike with a dull resounding noiseJ'BALUSTER n pl. -S a railing supportX&5BALTI n pl. -S a type of Pakistani cuisine@%BALSAMIC adj containing balsam $EBALSAM v -ED, -ING, -S to anoint with balsam (an aromatic, resinous substance)@#BALSA n pl. -S a tropical tree9"yBALONEY n pl. -NEYS bolognaB! BALNEAL adj pertaining to baths\ =BALMY adj BALMIER, BALMIEST mild BALMILY adv [P ZH[^5ABANDA n pl. -S a style of Mexican dance music4BAND v -ED, -ING, -S to decorate with flexible strips of materiald3MBANCO n pl. -COS a bet in certain gambling games-2aBANC n pl. -S a bench/1eBANAUSIC adj practicalB0 BANANA n pl. -S an edible fruit^/ABANALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to make banalL.BANALITY n pl. -TIES something banal@-BANAL adj ordinary BANALLY advR,)BAN v BANNED, BANNING, BANS to prohibitV+1BAN n pl. BANI a monetary unit of Romania g"z6r N@!BANDIT n pl. -DITS or -DITTI a robber?BANDING n pl. -S the presence of stripes of contrasting colors;>}BANDEROL n pl. -S a streamer@=BANDER n pl. -S one that bandsV<1BANDEAU n pl. -DEAUX or -DEAUS a headbandJ;BANDBOX n pl. -ES a lightweight boxb:IBANDANNA n pl. -S a large, colored handkerchief59qBANDANA n pl. -S bandannaT8-BANDAID adj providing superficial reliefJ7BANDAGER n pl. -S one that bandages6-BANDAGE v -DAGED, -DAGING, -DAGES to cover a wound with a strip of cloth BoWn B\K=BANDURIST n pl. -S one who plays the banduradJMBANDURA n pl. -S a Ukrainian stringed instrument`IEBANDSMAN n pl. -MEN a member of a musical bandLHBANDSAW n pl. -S a type of power sawG-BANDPASS n pl. -ES the range of frequencies transmitted through a filterDF BANDORE n pl. -S an ancient lute3EmBANDORA n pl. -S bandore7DuBANDOG n pl. -S a watchdogZC9BANDMATE n pl. -S a fellow member of a bandTB-BANDITRY n pl. -TRIES robbery by bandits5AqBANDITO n pl. -S a bandit Z.Ig,ZDW BANISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to expelDV BANIAN n pl. -S a Hindu merchant>UBANGTAIL n pl. -S a racehorse7TuBANGLE n pl. -S a bracelet;S}BANGKOK n pl. -S a straw hat5RqBANGER n pl. -S a sausagefQQBANGBELLY n pl. -LIES a kind of Newfoundland cakeJPBANG v -ED, -ING, -S to hit sharply-OaBANEFUL adj poisonousbNIBANE v BANED, BANING, BANES to kill with poisonfMQBANDY adj -DIER, -DIEST curved apart at the kneesdLMBANDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to throw to and fro ds[<dl`]BANKER n pl. -S one who works in a bank BANKERLY adjd_MBANKCARD n pl. -S a credit card issued by a bankL^BANKBOOK n pl. -S a depositor.s bookJ]BANK v -ED, -ING, -S to keep money in a bank (an institution dealing in money matters) BANKABLE adjV\1BANJOIST n pl. -S one who plays the banjo`[EBANJO n pl. -JOS or -JOES a musical instrumentVZ1BANJAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to damage or ruin;Y}BANISTER n pl. -S a handrailJXBANISHER n pl. -S one that banishes L`R\L;k}BANNEROL n pl. -S a banderolDj BANNERET n pl. -S a small banneri BANNER v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a banner (a type of flag)Dh BANNABLE adj liable to be bannedZg9BANKSIDE n pl. -S the slope of a river bankLfBANKSIA n pl. -S an Australian plantPe%BANKRUPT v -ED, -ING, -S to impoverishhdUBANKROLL v -ED, -ING, -S to supply the capital forJcBANKNOTE n pl. -S a promissory noteFbBANKIT n pl. -S a raised sidewalkRa)BANKING n pl. -S the business of a bank dD}>=dJxBANYAN n pl. -S an East Indian tree7wuBANTY n pl. -TIES a bantamLvBANTLING n pl. -S a very young childHuBANTERER n pl. -S one that bantersvtqBANTER v -ED, -ING, -S to exchange mildly teasing remarks7suBANTENG n pl. -S a wild ox;r}BANTAM n pl. -S a small fowl3qmBANSHIE n pl. -S bansheeDp BANSHEE n pl. -S a female spiritDo BANQUET v -ED, -ING, -S to feast;n}BANNS n/pl a marriage noticeBm BANNOCK n pl. -S a type of cake3lmBANNET n pl. -S a bonnet ah r ZadMBARACHOIS n pl. -ES a lagoon formed by a sandbarP%BAR v BARRED, BARRING, BARS to exclude9yBAPTIZER n pl. -S a baptistxuBAPTIZE v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES to administer baptism toFBAPTIST n pl. -S one who baptizesN~!BAPTISM n pl. -S a Christian ceremonyJ}BAPTISIA n pl. -S a flowering plant\|=BAPTISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to baptizeD{ BAP n pl. -S a small bun or rollBz BAOBAB n pl. -S a tropical treeNy!BANZAI n pl. -S a Japanese battle cry .1Le.P%BARBELL n pl. -S an exercise apparatusH BARBEL n pl. -S an organ of a fish )BARBECUE v -CUED, -CUING, -CUES to cook over live coals or an open fireV 1BARBE n pl. -S a medieval cloth headdress) YBARBATE adj bearded\ =BARBASCO n pl. -COS or -COES a tropical tree^ABARBARISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to barbarize3mBARBARIC adj uncivilizedHBARBAL adj pertaining to the beard BARB v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a barb (a sharp projection)B BARATHEA n pl. -S a silk fabric ?V:A?>BARBULE n pl. -S a small barbFBARBOTTE n pl. -S a large catfish3mBARBOT n pl. -S barbotte;}BARBLESS adj having no barbs;}BARBITAL n pl. -S a sedativedMBARBIE n pl. -S a portable fireplace for cookingN!BARBICEL n pl. -S a part of a featherT-BARBICAN n pl. -S an outer fortification;}BARBETTE n pl. -S a platformB BARBET n pl. -S a tropical bird;}BARBERRY n pl. -RIES a shrubHBARBER v -ED, -ING, -S to cut hairZ9BARBEQUE v -QUED, -QUING, -QUES to barbecue Cv*2 x6CD( BAREFOOT adj being without shoes+']BAREFIT adj barefootx&uBAREBOAT n pl. -S a pleasure boat rented without personnel>%BAREBACK adv without a saddle;$}BARE adj BARER, BAREST nakedN#!BARE v BARED, BARING, BARES to expose%"QBARDIC adj poeticR!)BARDE v BARDED, BARDING, BARDES to bardN !BARD v -ED, -ING, -S to armor a horseLBARCHAN n pl. -S a type of sand duneHBARCA n pl. -S a double-ended boat>BARBWIRE n pl. -S barbed wireD BARBUT n pl. -S a type of helmet KP<cK3!BARGE v BARGED, BARGING, BARGES to move by barge (a long, large boat)2BARGAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to discuss terms for selling or buyingd1MBARFLY n pl. -FLIES a drinker who frequents bars+0]BARFI n pl. -S burfi>/BARF v -ED, -ING, -S to vomitL.BARESARK n pl. -S an ancient warriorX-5BARENESS n pl. -ES the state of being bare),YBARELY adv scarcely7+uBAREHEAD adv without a hath*UBAREHAND v -ED, -ING, -S to catch with a bare hand@)BAREGE n pl. -S a sheer fabric K4}Bd K=BARISTA n pl. -S one who makes and serves coffee to the publicL<BARILLA n pl. -S a chemical compound@;BARIC adj pertaining to barium:ABARHOP v -HOPPED, -HOPPING, -HOPS to visit a number of bars during an evening79uBARGUEST n pl. -S barghest78uBARGOON n pl. -S a bargain77uBARGHEST n pl. -S a goblinx6uBARGEMAN n pl. -MEN the master or a crew member of a barge 5BARGELLO n pl. -LOS a needlepoint stitch that makes a zigzag pattern74uBARGEE n pl. -S a bargeman ,s'P=i,9IyBARLOW n pl. -S a jackknifeFHBARLEY n pl. -LEYS a cereal grassDG BARLESS adj having no restraints>FBARLEDUC n pl. -S a fruit jam0EeBARKY adj BARKIER, BARKIEST covered with bark (tough outer covering of a root or stem)ZD9BARKLESS adj having no bark; unable to bark@CBARKER n pl. -S one that barks;B}BARKEEP n pl. -S a bartenderPA%BARK v -ED, -ING, -S to cry like a dogH@BARIUM n pl. -S a metallic elementP?%BARITONE n pl. -S a male singing voice5>qBARITE n pl. -S a mineral C^DCJTBARNEY n pl. -NEYS a noisy argument;S}BARNBRACK n pl. -S barmbrackpReBARNBOARD n pl. -S a board suitable for building barns>QBARNACLE n pl. -S a shellfishPBARN v -ED, -ING, -S to store in a barn (a large storage building)|O}BARMY adj BARMIER, BARMIEST full of barm; frothy BARMILY adv#NMBARMIE adj barmyTM-BARMBRACK n pl. -S a kind of spicy breadHLBARMAN n pl. -MEN a male bartenderJKBARMAID n pl. -S a female bartenderPJ%BARM n pl. -S the foam on malt liquors _Xss_>^BARONG n pl. -S a broad knifez]yBARONET n pl. -S the holder of a rank below that of a baronP\%BARONESS n pl. -ES the wife of a baronN[!BARONAGE n pl. -S the rank of a baronVZ1BARON n pl. -S a lower member of nobilityPY%BAROGRAM n pl. -S a barometric readingLXBARNYARD n pl. -S a yard near a barnW%BARNY adj BARNIER, BARNIEST resembling a barn in size, shape, or smell`VEBARNWOOD n pl. -S wide wood for building barns@UBARNLIKE adj resembling a barn -w7=l-;j}BARRANCO n pl. -COS barrancaDi BARRANCA n pl. -S a steep ravineh BARRAGE v -RAGED, -RAGING, -RAGES to subject to a massive attack^gABARRACK v -ED, -ING, -S to shout boisterouslyLfBARRABLE adj capable of being barredDe BARQUE n pl. -S a sailing vesselLdBAROUCHE n pl. -S a type of carriageHcBAROSAUR n pl. -S a large dinosaurFbBAROQUE n pl. -S an ornate objectVa1BARONY n pl. -ONIES the domain of a baron9`yBARONNE n pl. -S a baronessH_BARONIAL adj pertaining to a baron >%xy>7tuBARRETOR n pl. -S barrator7suBARRET n pl. -S a flat capPr%BARREN n pl. -S a tract of barren landlq]BARREN adj -RENER, -RENEST unproductive BARRENLY advp-BARREL v -RELED, -RELING, -RELS or -RELLED, -RELLING, -RELS to move fastoBARRE v BARRED, BARRING, BARRES to play a type of guitar chord nBARRATRY n pl. -TRIES fraud committed by a master or crew of a shipXm5BARRATOR n pl. -S one who commits barratry7luBARRATER n pl. -S barrator@kBARRASWAY n pl. -S a barachois @z;Sg {@7uBARTISAN n pl. -S bartizanHBARTERER n pl. -S one that bartersB BARTER v -ED, -ING, -S to tradeV~1BARTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to tend a barroomP}%BARSTOOL n pl. -S a stool in a barroomP|%BARRY adj divided into horizontal bars@{BARROW n pl. -S a type of cart\z=BARROOM n pl. -S a room where liquor is soldBy BARRIQUE n pl. -S a wine barrel>xBARRIO n pl. -RIOS a district;w}BARRIER n pl. -S an obstacle>vBARRETTE n pl. -S a hair clip@uBARRETRY n pl. -TRIES barratry Vl"@ ~VX 5BASALTES n pl. BASALTES unglazed stoneware\ =BASALT n pl. -S a volcanic rock BASALTIC adjh UBASAL adj pertaining to the foundation BASALLY adv7 uBARYTONE n pl. -S baritoneP%BARYTON n pl. -S a stringed instrument/eBARYTE n pl. -S baritedMBARYTA n pl. -S a compound of barium BARYTIC adjvqBARYON n pl. -S a type of subatomic particle BARYONIC adjFBARYE n pl. -S a unit of pressureHBARWARE n pl. -S barroom equipmentD BARTIZAN n pl. -S a small turret -}-`mj-9yBASELY adv in a base mannerpeBASELOAD n pl. -S the permanent load on power supplies BASELINE n pl. -S a line at either end of a court in certain sportsFBASELESS adj having no foundation$MBASEHEAD n pl. -S someone addicted to or uses cocaine that is in a smokable form5qBASEBORN adj of low birthD BASEBALL n pl. -S a type of ballHBASE adj BASER, BASEST morally lowLBASE v BASED, BASING, BASES to foundFBASCULE n pl. -S a type of seesaw5 qBASCINET n pl. -S basinet Mz MM;#}BASIC n pl. -S a fundamental>"BASHLYK n pl. -S a cloth hoodH!BASHING n pl. -S an act of beating/ eBASHFUL adj shy; timidB BASHER n pl. -S one that bashes1iBASHAW n pl. -S a pasha@BASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to smashjYBASEPATH n pl. -S a baserunner.s path between basesB BASENJI n pl. -S a barkless dogX5BASENESS n pl. -ES the state of being basezyBASEMENT n pl. -S the part of a building below ground levelbIBASEMAN n pl. -MEN a certain player in baseball P"z4 ^PH.BASILISK n pl. -S a fabled serpentn-aBASILICA n pl. -CAS or -CAE an ancient Roman buildingL,BASILIC adj pertaining to a basilicaz+yBASILECT n pl. -S the least prestigious language of an area+*]BASILARY adj basilar%)QBASILAR adj basalB( BASIL n pl. -S an aromatic herbV'1BASIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to alkalizeJ&BASIFIER n pl. -S one that basifiesr%iBASIDIUM n pl. -IA a structure on a fungus BASIDIAL adjd$MBASICITY n pl. -TIES the state of being alkaline ]L:8]39mBASQUE n pl. -S a bodiceD8 BASOPHIL n pl. -S a type of cellX75BASMATI n pl. -S aromatic, long-grain riceJ6BASKETRY n pl. -RIES basket weavingH5BASKET n pl. -S a wooden containerd4MBASK v -ED, -ING, -S to lie in a pleasant warmth^3ABASIS n pl. BASES the foundation of somethingJ2BASION n pl. -S a part of the skull^1ABASINFUL n pl. -S as much as a basin can holdH0BASINET n pl. -S a medieval helmetd/MBASIN n pl. -S a large bowl BASINAL, BASINED adj Zj6ZVC1BASSOON n pl. -S a low-pitched instrument\B=BASSO n pl. -SOS or -SI a low-pitched singerhAUBASSNESS n pl. -ES the state of being low in pitchH@BASSLY adv in a low-pitched mannerf?QBASSIST n pl. -S a person who plays a double bassd>MBASSINET n pl. -S a basket used as a baby.s crib3=mBASSETT n pl. -S a hound<%BASSET v -SETED, -SETING, -SETS or -SETTED, -SETTING, -SETS to outcrop>;BASS n pl. -ES an edible fishP:%BASS adj BASSER, BASSEST deep-sounding HJVH^OABAT v BATTED, BATTING, BATS to hit a baseballHNBASTION n pl. -S a fortified place\M=BASTING n pl. -S the thread used by a baster7LuBASTILLE n pl. -S a prison5KqBASTILE n pl. -S bastilleBJ BASTER n pl. -S one that bastesrIiBASTE v BASTED, BASTING, BASTES to sew loosely togetherlH]BASTARDY n pl. -TARDIES the state of being a bastardPG%BASTARD n pl. -S an illegitimate child9FyBAST n pl. -S a woody fiber/EeBASSY adj low in pitchBD BASSWOOD n pl. -S a linden tree Er^PzE1ZiBATH n pl. -S a washinglY]BATGIRL n pl. -S a girl who minds baseball equipmentbXIBATFOWL v -ED, -ING, -S to catch birds at nightDW BATFISH n pl. -ES a batlike fishVV1BATEAU n pl. BATEAUX a flat-bottomed boathUUBATE v BATED, BATING, BATES to reduce the force ofFTBATCHER n pl. -S one that batchesTS-BATCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bring togethernRaBATBOY n pl. -BOYS a boy who minds baseball equipment@QBATATA n pl. -S a sweet potatoFPBATARD n pl. -S a birchbark canoe 6d95\6zfyBATIK v -ED, -ING, -S to dye fabric by a particular processLeBATHYAL adj pertaining to deep waterTd-BATHTUB n pl. -S a tub in which to batheXc5BATHROOM n pl. -S a room in which to bathe>bBATHROBE n pl. -S a housecoat7auBATHOS n pl. -ES tritenessV`1BATHMAT n pl. -S a mat used in a bathroomH_BATHLESS adj not having had a bathZ^9BATHING n pl. -S the act of one that bathes']UBATHETIC adj triteB\ BATHER n pl. -S one that bathesR[)BATHE v BATHED, BATHING, BATHES to wash 8Vxu/8lq]BATTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with strips of wood9pyBATTEAU n pl. -TEAUX bateauFoBATTALIA n pl. -S a military unitBn BATT n pl. -S a sheet of cottonBm BATSMAN n pl. -MEN one who bats8luBATSHIT adj with a level of insanity that the word alone cannot justify *deemed offensive*`kEBATONNIER n pl. -S a Bar Association president7juBATON n pl. -S a short rod;i}BATMAN n pl. -MEN an orderly`hEBATLIKE adj resembling a bat (a flying mammal)Bg BATISTE n pl. -S a sheer fabric $Z5v"~$V}1BATTU adj pertaining to a ballet movementF|BATTLER n pl. -S one that battlesV{1BATTLEAXE n pl. -S a formidable old womanPz%BATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to fight1yiBATTING n pl. -S a batt>xBATTILY adv in a batty mannerDw BATTIK n pl. -S a dyeing processvBATTERY n pl. -TERIES a device for generating an electric currentJuBATTERIE n pl. -S a ballet movementHtBATTERER n pl. -S one that battersVs1BATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to beat repeatedlyHrBATTENER n pl. -S one that battens ez*Kp.e@ BAUSOND adj having white marksL BAULKY adj BAULKIER, BAULKIEST balky1iBAULKER n pl. -S balker>BAULK v -ED, -ING, -S to balkR)BAUHINIA n pl. -S a small tropical tree3mBAUDRONS n pl. -ES a catJBAUDEKIN n pl. -S a brocaded fabricbIBAUD n pl. -S a unit of data transmission speedB BAUBLE n pl. -S a cheap trinket/eBAUBEE n pl. -S bawbeeLBATWING adj shaped like a bat.s wing>BATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST crazy@~BATTUE n pl. -S a type of hunt :Rd%=g:)YBAWSUNT adj bausondB BAWN n pl. -S a meadow for cows@BAWLER n pl. -S one that bawlsHBAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to cry loudlyFBAWK n pl. -S an Atlantic seabirdLBAWDY n pl. BAWDIES obscene languageJBAWDY adj BAWDIER, BAWDIEST obscene;}BAWDRY n pl. -RIES obscenity3mBAWDRIC n pl. -S baldric>BAWDILY adv in a bawdy manner-aBAWD n pl. -S a madam@ BAWCOCK n pl. -S a fine fellowB  BAWBEE n pl. -S a Scottish coind MBAUXITE n pl. -S an ore of aluminum BAUXITIC adj [:6>$BAYNODDY n pl. -DIES a bayman`#EBAYMAN n pl. -MEN a person who fishes on a bay"BAYFRONT n pl. -S the shoreline of a bay (an inlet of the sea)F!BAYBERRY n pl. -RIES a berry tree1 iBAYARD n pl. -S a horseB BAYAMO n pl. -MOS a strong windD BAYADERE n pl. -S a dancing girl7uBAYADEER n pl. -S bayadereT-BAY adj BAYER, BAYEST dark reddish-brown9yBAY v -ED, -ING, -S to howl3mBAWTY n pl. -TIES bawtie-aBAWTIE n pl. -S a dog .;o#6.T--BAZOOKA n pl. -S a small rocket launcher9,yBAZOO n pl. -ZOOS the mouth-+aBAZAR n pl. -S bazaar>*BAZAAR n pl. -S a marketplaceh)UBAYWOP n pl. -S from Newfoundland, a derogatory term for people coming from outport communities *deemed offensive*H(BAYWOOD n pl. -S a coarse mahoganyv'qBAYSIDE n pl. -S the shore of a bay (an inlet of the sea)N&!BAYOU n pl. -S a marshy body of water@%BAYONET v -NETED, -NETING, -NETS or -NETTED, -NETTING, -NETS to stab with a dagger-like weapon k4-k`4EBEACHY adj BEACHIER, BEACHIEST sandy or pebblyZ39BEACHBOY n pl. -BOYS a male beach attendantP2%BEACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to drive ashorel1]BE v present sing. 1st person AM, 2d ARE or ART, 3d IS, past sing. 1st and 3d persons WAS, 2d WERE or WAST or WERT, past participle BEEN, present participle BEING to have actuality>0BDELLIUM n pl. -S a gum resinZ/9BAZZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to throw (as a stone)j.YBAZOOM n pl. -S a woman.s breast *deemed offensive* \!S W\\@=BEADY adj BEADIER, BEADIEST resembling beads5?qBEADWORK n pl. -S beading^>ABEADSMAN n pl. -MEN one who prays for anotherF=BEADROLL n pl. -S a list of names9<yBEADMAN n pl. -MEN beadsman';UBEADLIKE adj beadyF:BEADLE n pl. -S a parish officialD9 BEADING n pl. -S beaded material>8BEADILY adv in a beady manner@7BEADER n pl. -S one that beads6 BEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn with beads (round pieces of glass)R5)BEACON v -ED, -ING, -S to warn or guide !{XvA^!9KyBEAMLESS adj having no beam+J]BEAMISH adj cheerful>IBEAMILY adv in a beamy mannernHaBEAM v -ED, -ING, -S to emit in beams (rays of light)1GiBEALING n pl. -S a beal|F}BEAL n pl. -S an infected sore (a painful place on the body)^EABEAKY adj BEAKIER, BEAKIEST resembling a beak9DyBEAKER n pl. -S a large cupxCuBEAK n pl. -S a bird.s bill BEAKED, BEAKLESS, BEAKLIKE adjfBQBEAGLER n pl. -S one that hunts game with beaglesABEAGLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to hunt with beagles (small hounds) nfG>VBEANPOLE n pl. -S a thin poleHUBEANO n pl. BEANOS a form of bingo@TBEANLIKE adj resembling a bean9SyBEANIE n pl. -S a small capDR BEANFEAST n pl. -S a celebrationRQ)BEANERY n pl. -ERIES a cheap restaurantbPIBEANBALL n pl. -S a baseball thrown at the headHOBEANBAG n pl. -S a small cloth bagRN)BEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to hit on the headJMBEAMY adj BEAMIER, BEAMIEST beaming@LBEAMLIKE adj resembling a beam M[})]MpaeBEARWOOD n pl. -S a small tree of the buckthorn familyL`BEARSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a bearH_BEARPAW n pl. -S the paw of a bear+^]BEARLIKE adj bearish`]EBEARISH adj resembling a bear (a large mammal)5\qBEARING n pl. -S demeanorP[%BEARHUG n pl. -S a rough tight embrace@ZBEARER n pl. -S one that bearsPY%BEARD v -ED, -ING, -S to oppose boldlyBX BEARCAT n pl. -S a small mammal WEBEAR v BORE, BORNE or BORN, BEARING, BEARS to endure BEARABLE adj BEARABLY adv |%?|Dl BEATNIK n pl. -S a nonconformist>kBEATLESS adj having no rhythm5jqBEATING n pl. -S a defeat\i=BEATIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make happy-haBEATIFIC adj blissful@gBEATER n pl. -S one that beatszfyBEATBOX v -ED, -ING, -ES to sing to the rhythm of rap musice!BEAT v BEAT, BEATEN, BEATING, BEATS to strike repeatedly BEATABLE adj\d=BEASTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST resembling a beast@cBEASTIE n pl. -S a tiny animal3bmBEAST n pl. -S an animal RJbn JxBECALM v -ED, -ING, -S to make calmPw%BEBOPPER n pl. -S one that likes bebop>vBEBOP n pl. -S a type of jazzZu9BEBLOOD v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with bloodDt BEBEERU n pl. -S a tropical treeJsBEAVER v -ED, -ING, -S to work hardNr!BEAUTY n pl. -TIES one that is lovelyfqQBEAUTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make beautifulHpBEAUT n pl. -S something beautifulNo!BEAUT adj BEAUTER, BEAUTEST beautiful@nBEAUCOUP n pl. -S an abundancefmQBEAU n pl. BEAUX or BEAUS a boyfriend BEAUISH adj 42Fx44HBECKONER n pl. -S one that beckonsjYBECKON v -ED, -ING, -S to signal by sign or gestureB BECKET n pl. -S a securing rope@BECK v -ED, -ING, -S to beckon^ABECHARM v -ED, -ING, -S to hold under a spellh~UBECHANCE v -CHANCED, -CHANCING, -CHANCES to befallB} BECHAMEL n pl. -S a white sauceZ|9BECHALK v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with chalkD{ BECAUSE conj for the reason thatbzIBECARPET v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a carpetdyMBECAP v -CAPPED, -CAPPING, -CAPS to put a cap onbR{tmf_XQJC<xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YR5.'  KD=6/(! Ӄx҃mуaЃVσM΃E̓<̃4˃)ʃɃȃ ǃƃsB7* vk_TH>2&zpf\QG:.$yodXLB6,  xlaVK@4-$ }qfŃhă]ÃPƒC8,!|pdWM~Z}O|C{9z.y#xw vuttjs^rTqIp=o3n(mlkjxikh`gWfKe@d5c* :ZT:b IBECOWARD v -ED, -ING, -S to accuse of cowardiceN !BECOMING n pl. -S a process of change^ ABECOME v -CAME, -COMING, -COMES to come to ben aBECLOWN v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to appear ridiculousP %BECLOUD v -ED, -ING, -S to make cloudyhUBECLOTHE v -CLOTHED, -CLOTHING, -CLOTHES to clotheriBECLOG v -CLOGGED, -CLOGGING, -CLOGS to clog thoroughlyZ9BECLOAK v -ED, -ING, -S to place a cloak onHBECLASP v -ED, -ING, -S to embraceV1BECLAMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to clamor loudly &)o9|&R)BEDABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to soil8uBED v BEDDED, BEDDING, BEDS to provide with a bed (a piece of furniture used for sleeping) BECURSE v -CURSED or -CURST, -CURSING, -CURSES to curse severely(UBECUDGEL v -GELLED, -GELLING, -GELS or -GELED, -GELING, -GELS to cudgel thoroughly^ABECRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a crustT-BECROWD v -ED, -ING, -S to crowd closelyBECRIME v -CRIMED, -CRIMING, -CRIMES to make guilty of a crimeN!BECRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to crawl over KftCKP %BEDDER n pl. -S one that makes up bedsR)BEDDABLE adj suitable for taking to bedJBEDCOVER n pl. -S a cover for a bedLBEDCHAIR n pl. -S a chair near a bedN!BEDBUG n pl. -S a bloodsucking insect BEDBOARD n pl. -S a board placed between a mattress and a bedspringX5BEDAZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to confuseFBEDAUB v -ED, -ING, -S to besmearHBEDARKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to darkenHBEDAMN v -ED, -ING, -S to swear atJBEDAD interj -- used as a mild oath 5Ra$\ }5D, BEDGOWN n pl. -S a dressing gownL+BEDFRAME n pl. -S the frame of a bed9*yBEDFAST adj confined to bedN)!BEDEW v -ED, -ING, -S to wet with dew( BEDEVIL v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS to harass;'}BEDESMAN n pl. -MEN beadsman9&yBEDEMAN n pl. -MEN beadsman-%aBEDELL n pl. -S bedel\$=BEDEL n pl. -S an English university officer\#=BEDECK v -ED, -ING, -S to clothe with fineryH"BEDEAFEN v -ED, -ING, -S to deafen^!ABEDDING n pl. -S material for making up a bed Gf B GH6BEDLAMP n pl. -S a lamp near a bedr5iBEDLAMER n pl. -S a young harp seal (an aquatic mammal)54qBEDLAM n pl. -S confusionT3-BEDIZEN v -ED, -ING, -S to dress gaudilyn2aBEDIRTY v -DIRTIED, -DIRTYING, -DIRTIES to make dirtyV11BEDIMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to dimple\0=BEDIM v -DIMMED, -DIMMING, -DIMS to make dimF/BEDIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to bedeckx.uBEDIAPER v -ED, -ING, -S to ornament with a kind of designp-eBEDHEAD n pl. -S an upright board at the head of a bed ^i%V^^BABEDRAIL n pl. -S a board at the side of a bedJABEDQUILT n pl. -S a quilt for a bedD@ BEDPOST n pl. -S a post of a bedF?BEDPLATE n pl. -S a frame support;>}BEDPAN n pl. -S a toilet panB= BEDOUIN n pl. -S a nomadic Arab@<BEDOTTED adj covered with dotsD; BEDMATE n pl. -S a bed companionN:!BEDMAKER n pl. -S one that makes beds9BEDLINER n pl. -S a protective covering for the bed of a truck;8}BEDLIKE adj resembling a bed57qBEDLESS adj having no bed f: r"fJLBEDSHEET n pl. -S a sheet for a bedjKYBEDRUG v -DRUGGED, -DRUGGING, -DRUGS to make sleepyLJBEDROOM n pl. -S a room for sleepingZI9BEDROLL n pl. -S a portable roll of beddingLHBEDROCK n pl. -S the rock under soilG=BEDRIVEL v -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS or -ELED, -ELING, -ELS to cover with saliva'FUBEDRID adj bedfastJEBEDREST n pl. -S confinement to bed`DEBEDRENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to drench thoroughly^CABEDRAPE v -DRAPED, -DRAPING, -DRAPES to drape Bdg!y5{B5XqBEDU n pl. BEDU a bedouinTW-BEDTIME n pl. -S a time for going to bed^VABEDTICK n pl. -S the cloth case of a mattress@UBEDSTRAW n pl. -S a woody herbNT!BEDSTEAD n pl. -S a support for a bedRS)BEDSTAND n pl. -S a table next to a bedBR BEDSORE n pl. -S a type of sore5QqBEDSONIA n pl. -S a virusVP1BEDSOCK n pl. -S a sock for wear in a bedfOQBEDSKIRT n pl. -S drapery attached to a bed frameLNBEDSIT n pl. -S a one-room apartmentHMBEDSIDE n pl. -S the side of a bed 4mN4jdYBEECHY adj BEECHIER, BEECHIEST abounding in beechesLcBEECHNUT n pl. -S the nut of a beechXb5BEECH n pl. -ES a type of tree BEECHEN adjHaBEEBREAD n pl. -S a pollen mixture3`mBEEBEE n pl. -S a pellet;_}BEE n pl. -S a winged insect^BEDWARF v -ED, -ING, -S to cause to appear small by comparison+]]BEDWARDS adv bedward/\eBEDWARD adv toward bedr[iBEDUNCE v -DUNCED, -DUNCING, -DUNCES to make a dunce ofZZ9BEDUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to render speechless1YiBEDUIN n pl. -S bedouin PhhoUBEEHIVED adj having a hairdo shaped like a beehiveDn BEEHIVE n pl. -S a hive for beesHmBEEFY adj BEEFIER, BEEFIEST brawnyFlBEEFWOOD n pl. -S a hardwood treeBk BEEFLESS adj being without beef>jBEEFILY adv in a beefy manner\i=BEEFCAKE n pl. -S pictures of male physiques,h]BEEFALO n pl. -LOS or -LOES the offspring of an American buffalo and domestic cattlezgyBEEF n pl. BEEFS or BEEVES a steer or cow fattened for foodJfBEEF v -ED, -ING, -S to add bulk to/eeBEEDI n pl. -DIES bidi @4Lp@;y}BEET n pl. -S a garden plantfxQBEESWING n pl. -S a crust that forms on old winesw BEESWAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to polish furniture with a type of waxtvmBEERY adj BEERIER, BEERIEST affected by beer BEERILY adv`uEBEERNUT n pl. -S a peanut with a sweet coatingJtBEER n pl. -S an alcoholic beverageHsBEEPER n pl. -S a signaling deviceJrBEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to honk a hornqBEELINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to go quickly in a direct course;p}BEELIKE adj resembling a bee R(b&RZ9BEFLEA v -ED, -ING, -S to infest with fleasriBEFLAG v -FLAGGED, -FLAGGING, -FLAGS to deck with flagshUBEFIT v -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to be suitable toX5BEFINGER v -ED, -ING, -S to touch all overpeBEFALL v -FELL, -FALLEN, -FALLING, -FALLS to happen to3~mBEEZER n pl. -S the nose7}uBEEYARD n pl. -S an apiaryP|%BEETROOT n pl. -S the root of the beet|{}BEETLER n pl. -S one that operates a cloth-finishing machineTz-BEETLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to jut out 4Tm)}4X5BEFUDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to confuse  BEFRINGE v -FRINGED, -FRINGING, -FRINGES to border with a fringe` EBEFRIEND v -ED, -ING, -S to act as a friend to\ =BEFRET v -FRETTED, -FRETTING, -FRETS to gnawH BEFOULER n pl. -S one that befouls@ BEFOUL v -ED, -ING, -S to foul-aBEFORE adv previouslyFBEFOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to deceivehUBEFOG v -FOGGED, -FOGGING, -FOGS to envelop in fog`EBEFLOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with flowersD BEFLECK v -ED, -ING, -S to fleck BbJw'B\=BEGIN v -GAN, -GUN, -GINNING, -GINS to startN!BEGGARY n pl. -GARIES extreme poverty/eBEGGARLY adj very poorLBEGGAR v -ED, -ING, -S to impoverishFBEGETTER n pl. -S one that begets BEGET v -GOT or -GAT, -GOTTEN, -GETTING, -GETS to cause to existR)BEGEM v -GEMMED, -GEMMING, -GEMS to gemZ9BEGAZE v -GAZED, -GAZING, -GAZES to gaze at`EBEGALL v -ED, -ING, -S to make sore by rubbingJBEGAD interj -- used as a mild oathLBEG v BEGGED, BEGGING, BEGS to plead ^@|`^1$iBEGORRAH interj begorraN#!BEGORRA interj -- used as a mild oath/"eBEGORAH interj begorraD! BEGONIA n pl. -S a tropical herb` EBEGONE interj -- used as an order of dismissalP%BEGLOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to make gloomy`EBEGLAMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to dazzle with glamorbIBEGLAD v -GLADDED, -GLADDING, -GLADS to gladdenZ9BEGIRDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to surroundriBEGIRD v -GIRT or -GIRDED, -GIRDING, -GIRDS to surroundFBEGINNER n pl. -S one that begins [8ci![h.UBEHALF n pl. -HALVES interest, support, or benefitV-1BEGUM n pl. -S a Muslim lady of high rankD, BEGULF v -ED, -ING, -S to engulfB+ BEGUINE n pl. -S a lively danceJ*BEGUILER n pl. -S one that beguilesb)IBEGUILE v -GUILED, -GUILING, -GUILES to deceive( BEGRUDGE v -GRUDGED, -GRUDGING, -GRUDGES to concede reluctantlyJ'BEGROAN v -ED, -ING, -S to groan at^&ABEGRIME v -GRIMED, -GRIMING, -GRIMES to dirtyb%IBEGRIM v -GRIMMED, -GRIMMING, -GRIMS to begrime ~N]S~H:BEHOLDER n pl. -S one that beholds-9aBEHOLDEN adj indebtedT8-BEHOLD v -HELD, -HOLDING, -HOLDS to view;7}BEHIND n pl. -S the buttocks56qBEHEST n pl. -S a commandB5 BEHEMOTH n pl. -S a large beastH4BEHEADER n pl. -S one that beheadsP3%BEHEADAL n pl. -S the act of beheading^2ABEHEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to cut off the head of71uBEHAVIOR n pl. -S demeanorF0BEHAVER n pl. -S one that behavesd/MBEHAVE v -HAVED, -HAVING, -HAVES to act properly "l@|W"1GiBEJEEZUS interj bejesus!FIBEJASUS bejesus1EiBEJABERS interj bejesusLDBEING n pl. -S something that exists;C}BEIGY adj of the color beige`BEBEIGNET n pl. -S a type of fritter or doughnut1AiBEIGNE n pl. -S beignet7@uBEIGE n pl. -S a tan colorT?-BEIGE adj BEIGER, BEIGEST of a tan colorF>BEHOWL v -ED, -ING, -S to howl atZ=9BEHOVE v -HOVED, -HOVING, -HOVES to behooven<aBEHOOVE v -HOOVED, -HOOVING, -HOOVES to be proper forv;qBEHOOF n pl. -HOOVES or -HOOFS use, advantage, or benefit )U@k)>QBELACED adj adorned with laceJPBELABOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to belaborO BELABOR v -ED, -ING, -S to discuss for an absurd amount of time;N}BEL n pl. -S a unit of powerlM]BEKNOT v -KNOTTED, -KNOTTING, -KNOTS to tie in knotsbLIBEKNIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to raise to knighthood\K=BEKISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to cover with kissesVJ1BEJUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to jumbleI9BEJEWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to adorn with jewelsNH!BEJESUS interj -- used as a mild oath SC_d/S^\ABELFRY n pl. -FRIES a bell tower BELFRIED adjv[qBELEAP v -LEAPT or -LEAPED, -LEAPING, -LEAPS to leap upon1ZiBELDAME n pl. -S beldam;Y}BELDAM n pl. -S an old womanFXBELCHER n pl. -S one that belchesnWaBELCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to expel gas through the mouthDV BELAYER n pl. -S one that belaysPU%BELAY v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten a ropeDT BELAUD v -ED, -ING, -S to praise;S}BELATED adj late or too latezRyBELADY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to apply the title of lady to v8gi v/feBELIVE adv in due time\e=BELITTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to disparage\d=BELIQUOR v -ED, -ING, -S to soak with liquor'cUBELIKE adv perhapsJbBELIEVER n pl. -S one that believesaBELIEVE v -LIEVED, -LIEVING, -LIEVES to accept as true or realB` BELIER n pl. -S one that belies_BELIEF n pl. -S acceptance of the truth or actuality of somethingb^IBELIE v BELIED, BELYING, BELIES to misrepresent^]ABELGA n pl. -S a former Belgian monetary unit J{1Y/JBp BELLMAN n pl. -MEN a town crier`oEBELLING n pl. -S a mock serenade for newlyweds7nuBELLHOP n pl. -S a bellboyhmUBELLEEK n pl. -S a very thin translucent porcelainHlBELLE n pl. -S an attractive womannkaBELLCAST adj designating a style of roof architecture|j}BELLBUOY n pl. -BUOYS a buoy (a warning float) having a bellTi-BELLBOY n pl. -BOYS a hotel.s errand boyFhBELLBIRD n pl. -S a tropical birdgBELL v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a bell (a ringing device) )NB)Tz-BELONG v -ED, -ING, -S to be a member of;y}BELON n pl. -S a flat oysterNx!BELLYFUL n pl. -S an excessive amountw%BELLYFLOP v -FLOPPED, -FLOPPING, -FLOPS to dive landing on one.s bellyv1BELLYBOAT n pl. -S a rubber tube used as a flotation device while anglingVu1BELLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to swell outJtBELLWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant`sEBELLPULL n pl. -S a cord pulled to ring a bellHrBELLOWER n pl. -S one that bellowsbqIBELLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to shout in a deep voice |^m0|hUBEMA n pl. -MATA or -MAS a platform in a synagogueD BELUGA n pl. -S a white sturgeonhUBELTWAY n pl. -WAYS a highway around an urban areaB BELTLINE n pl. -S the waistline9yBELTLESS adj having no beltJBELTING n pl. -S material for belts@~BELTER n pl. -S one that belts(}UBELT v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a belt (a strap or band worn around the waist)T|-BELOW n pl. -S something that is beneathF{BELOVED n pl. -S one who is loved RB*PRnaBEMUDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to confuse completely@ BEMOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to mockD  BEMOAN v -ED, -ING, -S to lamentx uBEMIX v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES to mix thoroughlyZ 9BEMIST v -ED, -ING, -S to envelop in a mistf QBEMIRE v -MIRED, -MIRING, -MIRES to soil with mudbIBEMINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to mix togetherD BEMEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to debaseHBEMADDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to maddennaBEMADAM v -ED, -ING, -S to call by the title of madam YPky7YzyBEND v BENT or BENDED, BENDING, BENDS to curve BENDABLE adj\=BENCHTOP adj suitable for use on a workbench>BENCHER n pl. -S a magistratenaBENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to take a player out of a game|}BENAME v -NAMED, -NEMPT or -NEMPTED, -NAMING, -NAMES to nameLBENADRYL n pl. -S a medicinal liquid7uBEN n pl. -S an inner roomV1BEMUZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to muzzleZ9BEMUSE v -MUSED, -MUSING, -MUSES to confuseN!BEMURMUR v -ED, -ING, -S to murmur at @Q xCj/@n&aBENEFICE v -FICED, -FICING, -FICES to endow with land'%UBENEFIC adj kindlyN$!BENEDICT n pl. -S a newly married man7#uBENEDICK n pl. -S benedict'"UBENEATH prep under)!YBENE n pl. -S benne- aBENDY n pl. -DYS okraLBENDY adj BENDIER, BENDIEST flexible1iBENDWISE adv diagonally-aBENDWAYS adv bendwise`EBENDINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being bendy@BENDER n pl. -S one that bends-aBENDEE n pl. -S bendyzyBENDAY v -ED, -ING, -S to reproduce using a certain process mI N1mT2-BENTHIC adj pertaining to oceanic depths)1YBENTHAL adj benthic;0}BENT n pl. -S an inclinationL/BENOMYL n pl. -S a chemical compoundR.)BENNY n pl. -NIES an amphetamine tablet+-]BENNI n pl. -S benneD, BENNET n pl. -S a perennial herbB+ BENNE n pl. -S the sesame plant5*qBENJAMIN n pl. -S benzoin9)yBENISON n pl. -S a blessing;(}BENIGN adj kind BENIGNLY adv2'iBENEFIT v -FITED, -FITING, -FITS or -FITTED, -FITTING, -FITS to be helpful or useful to >D]a,>T>-BENZOIN n pl. -S a gum resin BENZOIC adjF=BENZOATE n pl. -S a chemical saltH<BENZINE n pl. -S a volatile liquid1;iBENZIN n pl. -S benzineB: BENZIDIN n pl. -S a hydrocarbonH9BENZENE n pl. -S a volatile liquidf8QBENZAL adj pertaining to a certain chemical groupJ7BENUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to make numbd6MBENTWOOD n pl. -S wood bent for use in furniture-5aBENTO n pl. -S obentoH4BENTHOS n pl. -ES benthic sea lifel3]BENTHON n pl. -S the organisms living in the benthos 0n_lH]BERASCAL v -ED, -ING, -S to accuse of being a rascalfGQBERAKE v -RAKED, -RAKING, -RAKES to rake all over5FqBEQUEST n pl. -S a legacy`EEBEQUEATH v -ED, -ING, -S to grant by testamentnDaBEPIMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to cover with pimplesDC BEPAINT v -ED, -ING, -S to tingevBqBENZYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical BENZYLIC adj^AABENZOYL n pl. -S a univalent chemical radical1@iBENZOLE n pl. -S benzol5?qBENZOL n pl. -S a benzene PLyRP3TmBERG n pl. -S an iceberg3SmBERETTA n pl. -S birettaBR BERET n pl. -S a soft, flat capJQBEREAVER n pl. -S one that bereavestPmBEREAVE v -REAVED or -REFT, -REAVING, -REAVES to deprive7OuBERDASH n pl. -ES berdachepNeBERDACHE n pl. -S an American Indian male transvestite9MyBERCEUSE n pl. -S a lullaby>LBERBERIS n pl. -ES a barberryPK%BERBERIN n pl. -S a medicinal alkaloidDJ BERBER n pl. -S a type of carpethIUBERATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to scold severely [l6p*[;_}BERLINE n pl. -S a limousineH^BERLIN n pl. -S a type of carriage@]BERK n pl. -S a foolish personB\ BERINGED adj adorned with ringsZ[9BERIME v -RIMED, -RIMING, -RIMES to berhymedZMBERIMBAU n pl. -S a Brazilian musical instrumentbYIBERIBERI n pl. -S a thiamine deficiency diseasetXmBERHYME v -RHYMED, -RHYMING, -RHYMES to compose in rhymeTW-BERGERE n pl. -S an upholstered armchairJVBERGENIA n pl. -S a flowering plantBU BERGAMOT n pl. -S a citrus tree Ga 2r9G>kBERTHA n pl. -S a wide collarbjIBERTH v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a mooringFiBERSERK n pl. -S a fierce warrior5hqBERSEEM n pl. -S a cloverg BERRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to produce berries (fleshy fruits)5fqBERRETTA n pl. -S birettaTe-BEROUGED adj obviously or thickly rouged7duBEROBED adj wearing a robe@cBERNICLE n pl. -S a wild gooseTb-BERMUDAS n/pl knee-length walking shorts)aYBERME n pl. -S bermn`aBERM v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a berm (a ledge) ;w)U ;lv]BESHAME v -SHAMED, -SHAMING, -SHAMES to put to shame\u=BESHADOW v -ED, -ING, -S to cast a shadow onFtBESETTER n pl. -S one that besetsRs)BESET v -SET, -SETTING, -SETS to assailNr!BESEEM v -ED, -ING, -S to be suitable~qBESEECH v -SOUGHT or -SEECHED, -SEECHING, -SEECHES to imploreHpBESCREEN v -ED, -ING, -S to screenZo9BESCOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to scour thoroughlyJnBESCORCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to scorch'mUBES n pl. -ES bethZl9BERYL n pl. -S a green mineral BERYLINE adj "DPT"dMBESMILE v -SMILED, -SMILING, -SMILES to smile onN!BESMEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to smear overtmBESLIME v -SLIMED, -SLIMING, -SLIMES to cover with slimeB BESLAVED adj filled with slavesJ~BESIEGER n pl. -S one that besiegesd}MBESIEGE v -SIEGED, -SIEGING, -SIEGES to surround1|iBESIDES adv in addition){YBESIDE prep next toFzBESHROUD v -ED, -ING, -S to coverDy BESHREW v -ED, -ING, -S to curseJxBESHOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to shout atjwYBESHIVER v -ED, -ING, -S to break into small pieces > Z 9BESOT v -SOTTED, -SOTTING, -SOTS to stupefyh UBESOOTHE v -SOOTHED, -SOOTHING, -SOOTHES to soothe/ eBESOM n pl. -S a broomV1BESNOW v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with snowvqBESMUT v -SMUTTED, -SMUTTING, -SMUTS to blacken with smuthUBESMUDGE v -SMUDGED, -SMUDGING, -SMUDGES to smudgeHBESMOOTH v -ED, -ING, -S to smoothriBESMOKE v -SMOKED, -SMOKING, -SMOKES to soil with smokeHBESMIRCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to dirty FaDtFZ9BESTOW v -ED, -ING, -S to present as a gift^ABESTIR v -STIRRED, -STIRRING, -STIRS to rousejYBESTIARY n pl. -ARIES a collection of animal fablesD BESTIAL adj pertaining to beastsB BESTEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to help>BEST v -ED, -ING, -S to outdo9yBESPRENT adj sprinkled overriBESPREAD v -SPREAD, -SPREADING, -SPREADS to spread overf QBESPOUSE v -SPOUSED, -SPOUSING, -SPOUSES to marry 9BESPEAK v -SPOKE or -SPAKE, -SPOKEN, -SPEAKING, -SPEAKS to claim in advance Z}hQZ;}BETA n pl. -S a Greek letterZ9BET v BET or BETTED, BETTING, BETS to wagerV1BESWARM v -ED, -ING, -S to swarm all over9yBESUITED adj wearing a suitZ9BESTUD v -STUDDED, -STUDDING, -STUDS to dotxuBESTROW v -STROWED, -STROWN, -STROWING, -STROWS to bestrew-BESTRIDE v -STRODE or -STRID, -STRIDDEN, -STRIDING, -STRIDES to straddlexuBESTREW v -STREWED, -STREWN, -STREWING, -STREWS to scatterHBESTOWER n pl. -S one that bestows3mBESTOWAL n pl. -S a gift WMa W;*}BETHEL n pl. -S a holy placeD) BETHANK v -ED, -ING, -S to thank>(BETH n pl. -S a Hebrew letter`'EBETELNUT n pl. -S a seed chewed as a stimulantB& BETEL n pl. -S a climbing plant%)BETCHA v -- often used in the phrase "you betcha" to indicate agreementB$ BETAXED adj burdened with taxesH#BETATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to tatterV"1BETATRON n pl. -S an electron acceleratorp!eBETAKE v -TOOK, -TAKEN, -TAKING, -TAKES to cause to go; }BETAINE n pl. -S an alkaloid *YGn$~*P7%BETRAYAL n pl. -S the act of betrayingV61BETRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to aid an enemy ofH5BETONY n pl. -NIES a European herbF4BETON n pl. -S a type of concreteJ3BETOKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to indicate52qBETISE n pl. -S stupidity#1MBETIMES adv soon'0UBETIME adv betimesX/5BETIDE v -TIDED, -TIDING, -TIDES to befallT.-BETHUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to thump soundlyZ-9BETHORN v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with thornsh,UBETHINK v -THOUGHT, -THINKING, -THINKS to consider7+uBETHESDA n pl. -S a chapel JXD{5JB)BEVEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to cut at an anglePA%BEVATRON n pl. -S a proton acceleratorB@ BEUNCLED adj having many uncles+?]BETWIXT prep betweenT>-BETWEEN prep in the space that separates>=BETTOR n pl. -S one that bets~<BETTING n pl. -S the act of gambling on the outcome of a raceF;BETTER v -ED, -ING, -S to improveD: BETTA n pl. -S a freshwater fishX95BETROTH v -ED, -ING, -S to engage to marryH8BETRAYER n pl. -S one that betrays p)cFpnMaBEWEARY v -WEARIED, -WEARYING, -WEARIES to make weary`LEBEWARE v -WARED, -WARING, -WARES to be carefulHKBEWAILER n pl. -S one that bewailsDJ BEWAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to lament5IqBEVY n pl. BEVIES a groupLHBEVVY n pl. -VIES an alcoholic drinkhGUBEVOR n pl. -S a piece of armor for the lower faceVF1BEVOMIT v -ED, -ING, -S to vomit all overRE)BEVERAGE n pl. -S a liquid for drinking5DqBEVELLER n pl. -S bevelerDC BEVELER n pl. -S one that bevels ^43^HWBEWRAYER n pl. -S one that bewraysFVBEWRAY v -ED, -ING, -S to divulgeUBEWRAP v -WRAPPED or -WRAPT, -WRAPPING, -WRAPS to wrap completelyRT)BEWORRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to worryZS9BEWORM v -ED, -ING, -S to infest with wormsvRqBEWITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to affect by witchcraft or magic5QqBEWINGED adj having wingsJPBEWILDER v -ED, -ING, -S to confuselO]BEWIG v -WIGGED, -WIGGING, -WIGS to adorn with a wigXN5BEWEEP v -WEPT, -WEEPING, -WEEPS to lament Wn;}HNWTd-BHAKTA n pl. -S one who practices bhaktifcQBHAJI n pl. -S an Indian dish of fried vegetables1biBEZZANT n pl. -S bezant@aBEZOAR n pl. -S a gastric mass;`}BEZIQUE n pl. -S a card game+_]BEZIL n pl. -S bezelD^ BEZEL n pl. -S a slanted surface1]iBEZAZZ n pl. -ES pizazzP\%BEZANT n pl. -S a coin of ancient Romef[QBEYOND n pl. -S something that lies farther ahead/ZeBEYLIK n pl. -S beylicJYBEYLIC n pl. -S the domain of a bey@XBEY n pl. BEYS a Turkish ruler BBx?HB\p=BIACETYL n pl. -S a chemical flavor enhancer/oeBI n pl. -S a bisexualBn BHUT n pl. -S a small whirlwind)mYBHOOT n pl. -S bhut3lmBHISTIE n pl. -S bheestynkaBHELPURI n pl. -S a dish of rice, spices, and chutneyJjBHEESTY n pl. -TIES a water carrier5iqBHEESTIE n pl. -S bheestyRh)BHARAL n pl. -S a goatlike Asian mammalpgeBHANGRA n pl. -S a form of popular Punjabi dance music>fBHANG n pl. -S the hemp plantxeuBHAKTI n pl. -S a selfless devotion to a deity in Hinduism mw)dm5|qBIBBER n pl. -S a tippler;{}BIBB n pl. -S a mast support)zYBIBASIC adj dibasicNy!BIB v BIBBED, BIBBING, BIBS to tipple9xyBIAXIAL adj having two axes'wUBIAXAL adj biaxialNv!BIATHLON n pl. -S an athletic contest^uABIASNESS n pl. -ES the state of being slanted$tMBIAS v -ASED, -ASING, -ASES or -ASSED, -ASSING, -ASSES to prejudice BIASEDLY advJsBIANNUAL adj occurring twice a yearVr1BIALY n pl. -ALYS or -ALIES an onion roll+q]BIALI n pl. -S bialy +XYBw+HBICARB n pl. -S sodium bicarbonate@BIBULOUS adj given to drinking BIBLIST n pl. -S one who takes the words of the Bible literally;}BIBLIKE adj resembling a bib\=BIBLESS adj having no bib (a cloth covering)tmBIBLE n pl. -S an authoritative publication BIBLICAL adj7uBIBELOT n pl. -S a trinketvqBIBE n pl. -S a creature whose crying is an omen of deathFBIBCOCK n pl. -S a type of faucetL~BIBBING n pl. -S the act of tipplingT}-BIBBERY n pl. -BERIES the act of bibbing Al;z.KzA5qBICUSPID n pl. -S a toothT-BICRON n pl. -S one billionth of a meter@BICORNE n pl. -S a type of hat1iBICORN n pl. -S bicorneFBICONVEX adj convex on both sides5qBICOLOUR n pl. -S bicolor\=BICOLOR n pl. -S something having two colorsHBICKERER n pl. -S one that bickersB  BICKER v -ED, -ING, -S to argue3 mBICHROME adj two-colored@ BICEPS n pl. -ES an arm muscle- aBICEP n pl. -S bicepsN !BICE n pl. -S a blue or green pigment>BICAUDAL adj having two tails #gBu3e#>!BIDENTAL adj having two teethZ 9BIDE v BIDED or BODE, BIDING, BIDES to wait1iBIDDY n pl. -DIES a hen7uBIDDING n pl. -S a command>BIDDER n pl. -S one that bidsHBIDDABLE adj obedient BIDDABLY adv5qBIDARKEE n pl. -S bidarkaD BIDARKA n pl. -S an Eskimo canoe!BID v BADE, BIDDEN, BIDDING, BIDS to make a bid (an offer of a price)@BICYCLIC adj having two cyclesJBICYCLER n pl. -S one that bicycles-BICYCLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to ride a bicycle (a two-wheeled vehicle) U`aU>,BIFACIAL adj having two facesh+UBIFACE n pl. -S a stone tool having a cutting edgeZ*9BIERWURST n pl. -S a type of German sausage;)}BIER n pl. -S a coffin standj(YBIENNIUM n pl. -NIA or -NIUMS a period of two yearsp'eBIENNIAL n pl. -S an event that occurs every two yearsF&BIENNALE n pl. -S a biennial showD% BIELD v -ED, -ING, -S to shelterH$BIDI n pl. -S a cigarette of IndiaZ#9BIDET n pl. -S a low basin used for washing>"BIDER n pl. -S one that bides H}Bz4HP8%BIFORKED adj divided into two branchesL7BIFORATE adj having two perforationsD6 BIFOLD n pl. -S a two-piece doorB5 BIFOCAL n pl. -S a type of lens>4BIFLEX adj bent in two places@3BIFILAR adj having two threads|2}BIFIDUM n pl. -DA or -DUMS a bacterium often added to yogurt^1ABIFIDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being bifid\0=BIFID adj divided into two parts BIFIDLY adv7/uBIFFY n pl. -FIES a toiletB. BIFFIN n pl. -S a cooking apple9-yBIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to hit =6f$A=>CBIGEYE n pl. -S a marine fishrBiBIGEMINY n pl. -NIES the state of having a double pulseHABIGAROON n pl. -S a type of cherryB@ BIGARADE n pl. -S a citrus tree?5BIGAMY n pl. -MIES the crime of being married to two people simultaneously>>BIGAMOUS adj guilty of bigamyT=-BIGAMIST n pl. -S one who commits bigamyt<mBIG n pl. -S an individual or organization of importance\;=BIG adj BIGGER, BIGGEST of considerable size):YBIFORMED adj biform99yBIFORM adj having two forms Y~h3BY5PqBIGLY adv in a big mannerjOYBIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a loop of rope>NBIGHORN n pl. -S a wild sheepNM!BIGHEAD n pl. -S a disease of animals3LmBIGGY n pl. -GIES biggie-KaBIGGITY adj conceited3JmBIGGISH adj somewhat big1IiBIGGING n pl. -S biggin1HiBIGGIN n pl. -S a houseBG BIGGIE n pl. -S one that is big)FYBIGGETY adj biggityjEYBIGFOOT n pl. -FOOTS or -FEET an influential person~DBIGFOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to apply one.s influence as a bigfoot 0X ~K U|0H]BIJOU n pl. -JOUX or -JOUS a jewelP\%BIHOURLY adj occurring every two hoursJ[BIGWIG n pl. -S an important person3ZmBIGUINE n pl. -S beguineZY9BIGTIME adj pertaining to the highest levelRX)BIGSTICK adj threatening military force>WBIGOTRY n pl. -RIES prejudice/VeBIGOTED adj intolerantHUBIGOT n pl. -S a prejudiced person>TBIGOS n pl. -ES a Polish stewHSBIGNONIA n pl. -S a climbing plantTR-BIGNESS n pl. -ES the state of being bigLQBIGMOUTH n pl. -S a talkative person bobfhQBILAYER n pl. -S a film with two molecular layers@gBILANDER n pl. -S a small shiplf]BILABIAL n pl. -S a sound articulated with both lipsjeYBIKINI n pl. -S a type of bathing suit BIKINIED adj+d]BIKIE n pl. -S bikerNc!BIKEWAY n pl. -WAYS a route for bikes>bBIKER n pl. -S one that bikesPa%BIKE v BIKED, BIKING, BIKES to bicycle`%BIJURAL adj pertaining to a single jurisdiction with two legal systems-_aBIJUGOUS adj bijugate1^iBIJUGATE adj two-paired UF[-U@sBILIOUS adj pertaining to bileLrBILINEAR adj pertaining to two lines@qBILIARY adj pertaining to bilefpQBILGY adj BILGIER, BILGIEST smelling like seepagedoMBILGE v BILGED, BILGING, BILGES to spring a leakXn5BILEVEL n pl. -S a house having two levelsZm9BILE n pl. -S a fluid secreted by the liverXl5BILBY n pl. -BIES a small nocturnal mammal-kaBILBOA n pl. -S bilbofjQBILBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a finely tempered swordLiBILBERRY n pl. -RIES an edible berry Czlt CD BILLHOOK n pl. -S a cutting tool@~BILLHEAD n pl. -S a letterhead7}uBILLFOLD n pl. -S a walletf|QBILLFISH n pl. -ES a fish with long, slender jawsH{BILLETER n pl. -S one that billetsPz%BILLETEE n pl. -S one that is billetedTy-BILLET v -ED, -ING, -S to lodge soldiers@xBILLER n pl. -S one that bills5wqBILLBUG n pl. -S a weevil vBILL v -ED, -ING, -S to present a statement of costs to BILLABLE adj@uBILKER n pl. -S one that bilks>tBILK v -ED, -ING, -S to cheat bKq-b+ ]BILOBED adj bilobate> BILOBATE adj having two lobesV1BILLYCAN n pl. -S a pot for heating water@BILLY n pl. -LIES a short clubbIBILLOWY adj -LOWIER, -LOWIEST swelling; surgingB BILLOW v -ED, -ING, -S to swell^ABILLON n pl. -S an alloy of silver and copper5qBILLION n pl. -S a number!BILLING n pl. -S the relative position in which a performer is listed5qBILLIE n pl. -S a comradexuBILLIARD n pl. -S a carom shot in billiards (a table game) df;Ud3mBIMETHYL n pl. -S ethanefQBIMETAL n pl. -S something composed of two metalsLBIMESTER n pl. -S a two-month periodR)BIMENSAL adj occurring every two monthsbIBIMBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a disreputable person|}BIMBETTE n pl. -S an attractive but empty-headed young womanD BIMANUAL adj done with two hands1iBIMANOUS adj two-handed)YBIMAH n pl. -S bema' UBIMA n pl. -S bemaN !BILTONG n pl. -S dried and cured meatD  BILSTED n pl. -S a hardwood tree H72JBINAURAL adj hearing with both earsT-BINATE adj growing in pairs BINATELY adv`EBINARY n pl. -RIES a combination of two thingstmBINARISM n pl. -S a mode of thought based on oppositions%QBINAL adj twofoldxuBIN v BINNED, BINNING, BINS to store in a large receptacle%BIMORPH n pl. -S a device consisting of two crystals cemented togetherT-BIMODAL adj having two statistical modes\=BIMINI n pl. -S a type of awning for a yacht S@VgSb)IBING interj -- used to indicate a sudden action^(ABINER n pl. -S a soldier armed with a carbineH'BINE n pl. -S a twining plant stemF&BINDWEED n pl. -S a twining plant3%mBINDLE n pl. -S a bundlej$YBINDING n pl. -S the cover and fastenings of a bookz#yBINDI n pl. -S a dot worn on the forehead by women in Indiah"UBINDERY n pl. -ERIES a place where books are bound@!BINDER n pl. -S one that bindsx uBIND v BOUND, BINDING, BINDS to tie or secure BINDABLE adj &ML<&V41BINOMIAL n pl. -S an algebraic expression/3eBINOCS n/pl binoculars;2}BINOCLE n pl. -S a binocularF1BINNACLE n pl. -S a compass standN0!BINMAN n pl. -MEN a garbage collector^/ABINIT n pl. -S a unit of computer informationX.5BINGO n pl. -GOS or -GOES a game of chance5-qBINGING n pl. -S bingeingB, BINGER n pl. -S one that binges~+BINGEING n pl. -S the act of indulging in something to excess.*aBINGE v BINGED, BINGEING or BINGING, BINGES to indulge in something without restraint iWh i<ABIOETHIC adj pertaining to ethical questions arising from advances in biologyX;5BIOCYCLE n pl. -S a life-supporting regionP:%BIOCLEAN adj free of harmful organisms91BIOCIDE n pl. -S a substance destructive to living organisms BIOCIDAL adj@8BIOCHIP n pl. -S a hypothetical computer component that uses proteins to store or process datat7mBIOASSAY v -ED, -ING, -S to test a substance (as a drug)76uBIO n pl. BIOS a biography-5aBINT n pl. -S a woman =Z=tEmBIOLOGIC n pl. -S a drug obtained from an organic sourceVD1BIOHERM n pl. -S a mass of marine fossilsCBIOGENY n pl. -NIES the development of life from preexisting lifeVB1BIOGENIC adj produced by living organismsbAIBIOGEN n pl. -S a hypothetical protein molecule@BIOGAS n pl. -GASES or -GASSES fuel gas produced by organic waste5?qBIOG n pl. -S a biographyx>uBIOFUEL n pl. -S fuel composed of biological raw materialsb=IBIOFILM n pl. -S a thin layer of microorganisms TTnTMBIONICS n/pl a science joining biology and electronics BIONIC adj LBIOMORPH n pl. -S an art form resembling a living organism in shapeKBIOMETRY n pl. -TRIES the statistical study of biological data(JUBIOMETER n pl. -S a device for measuring carbon dioxide given off by living matterPI%BIOME n pl. -S an ecological community\H=BIOMASS n pl. -ES an amount of living matterRG)BIOLYSIS n pl. -YSES death BIOLYTIC adjRF)BIOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of life fH!Yf`VEBIOTA n pl. -S the flora and fauna of a region UBIOSOLID n pl. -S solid organic matter obtained from treated sewagehTUBIOSCOPY n pl. -PIES a type of medical examinationXS5BIOSCOPE n pl. -S an early movie projector RBIOPSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to examine tissue BIOPSIC, BIOPTIC adjBQ BIOPLASM n pl. -S living matterLPBIOPIC n pl. -S a biographical movie\O=BIONT n pl. -S a living organism BIONTIC adjTN-BIONOMY n pl. -MIES ecology BIONOMIC adj h`3YGhFaBIOVULAR adj derived from two ova`%BIOTYPE n pl. -S a group of genetically similar organisms BIOTYPIC adjX_5BIOTRON n pl. -S a climate control chamberh^UBIOTOXIN n pl. -S poison made by a plant or animalF]BIOTOPE n pl. -S a stable habitat\\=BIOTITE n pl. -S a form of mica BIOTITIC adj9[yBIOTIN n pl. -S a B vitamin9ZyBIOTICS n/pl a life science)YYBIOTICAL adj biotic>XBIOTIC adj pertaining to lifeZW9BIOTECH n pl. -S applied biological science @>gy+@Zm9BIRACIAL adj including members of two races;l}BIPOLAR adj having two polesJkBIPOD n pl. -S a two-legged supportJjBIPLANE n pl. -S a type of airplaneBi BIPHENYL n pl. -S a hydrocarbon@hBIPHASIC adj having two phases`gEBIPED n pl. -S a two-footed animal BIPEDAL adj7fuBIPARTY adj of two parties>eBIPARTED adj having two partsVd1BIPAROUS adj producing offspring in pairsBc BIPACK n pl. -S a pair of filmsxbuBIOWASTE n pl. -S waste composed chiefly of organic matter R1o+:RLxBIRDCALL n pl. -S the call of a birdHwBIRDCAGE n pl. -S a cage for birdsHvBIRDBATH n pl. -S a bath for birdsu!BIRD v -ED, -ING, -S to hunt birds (winged, warm-blooded vertebrates)Zt9BIRCHWOOD n pl. -S the wood of a birch tree@sBIRCHEN adj made of birch woodzryBIRCHBARK n pl. -S a canoe made of the bark of a birch tree@qBIRCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to whipPp%BIRAMOUS adj divided into two branches-oaBIRAMOSE adj biramousFnBIRADIAL adj having dual symmetry NNP%BIRDMAN n pl. -MEN one who keeps birdspeBIRDLIME v -LIMED, -LIMING, -LIMES to trap small birds@BIRDLIKE adj resembling a birdD BIRDLIFE n pl. BIRDLIFE avifauna@~BIRDING n pl. -S bird-watching}ABIRDIE v BIRDIED, BIRDIEING, BIRDIES to shoot in one stroke under par in golf7|uBIRDFEED n pl. -S birdseedN{!BIRDFARM n pl. -S an aircraft carrier>zBIRDER n pl. -S a bird hunterly]BIRDDOG v -DOGGED, -DOGGING, -DOGS to follow closely Z4r(^ZX 5BIRLE v BIRLED, BIRLING, BIRLES to carouse^ ABIRL v -ED, -ING, -S to rotate a floating logB  BIRKIE n pl. -S a lively person7 uBIRK n pl. -S a birch tree3 mBIRIANI n pl. -S biryaniT-BIRETTA n pl. -S a cap worn by clergymenFBIREME n pl. -S an ancient galleyLBIRDSONG n pl. -S the song of a birdnaBIRDSHOT n pl. BIRDSHOT small shot for shooting birdsJBIRDSEYE n pl. -S a flowering plantzyBIRDSEED n pl. -S a mixture of seeds used for feeding birds l*b)^V1BIRTHING n pl. -S the act of giving birth`EBIRTHDAY n pl. -DAYS an anniversary of a birthD BIRTHDATE n pl. -S date of birthHBIRTH v -ED, -ING, -S to originate3mBIRSE n pl. -S a bristle5qBIRRETTA n pl. -S birettabIBIRR n pl. BIRROTCH a monetary unit of Ethiopia^ABIRR v -ED, -ING, -S to make a whirring noise>BIRO n pl. -S a ballpoint penLBIRLING n pl. -S a lumberjack.s game@BIRLER n pl. -S one that birls 1mLZ!i1"!BISHOP v -ED, -ING, -S to appoint as a bishop (the head of a diocese)1!iBISH n pl. -ES a bishopl ]BISEXUAL n pl. -S one who is attracted to both sexesT-BISECTOR n pl. -S something that bisects\=BISECT v -ED, -ING, -S to cut into two parts5qBISE n pl. -S a cold wind~BISCUIT n pl. -S a small cake of shortened bread BISCUITY adjl]BISCOTTO n pl. -COTTI a crisp, anise-flavored cookieABIS adv twice!BIRYANI n pl. -S an Indian dish of meat, fish, or vegetables and rice N7f)NN-!BISTOURY n pl. -RIES a surgical knife, BISTORT n pl. -S a perennial herb with roots used as astringents\+=BISTER n pl. -S a brown pigment BISTERED adjL*BISTATE adj pertaining to two states)BISTABLE n pl. -S an electronic circuit that has two stable states;(}BISQUE n pl. -S a thick soupD' BISON n pl. -S an ox-like animalF&BISNAGA n pl. -S a type of cactusJ%BISMUTH n pl. -S a metallic elementH$BISMARCK n pl. -S a type of pastry+#]BISK n pl. -S bisque BP`/kBN8!BITEWING n pl. -S a dental X-ray film>7BITER n pl. -S one that bites6%BITE v BIT, BITTEN, BITING, BITES to seize with the teeth BITEABLE adjn5aBITCHY adj BITCHIER, BITCHIEST malicious BITCHILY advN4!BITCHERY n pl. -ERIES bitchy behavior-3aBITCHEN adj excellentH2BITCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to complainJ1BITABLE adj capable of being bittenR0)BIT v BITTED, BITTING, BITS to restrain`/EBISTRO n pl. -TROS a small tavern BISTROIC adjH.BISTRE n pl. -S bister BISTRED adj (o:ge(9DyBITUMEN n pl. -S an asphalt`CEBITTY adj -TIER, -TIEST fragmented BITTILY advBB BITTOCK n pl. -S a small amountTA-BITTING n pl. -S an indentation in a key@@BITTERN n pl. -S a wading bird ?BITTER adj -TERER, -TEREST having a disagreeable taste BITTERLY advN>!BITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to make bitterP=%BITT v -ED, -ING, -S to secure a cable;<}BITSY adj -SIER, -SIEST tinyL;BITSTOCK n pl. -S a brace on a drillR:)BITMAP n pl. -S an array of binary data79uBITINGLY adv sarcastically _a=`_vLqBIWEEKLY n pl. -LIES a publication issued every two weeksK BIVOUAC v -OUACKED, -OUACKING, -OUACKS or -OUACS to make a campJ BIVINYL n pl. -S a flammable gas used in making synthetic rubberPI%BIVALVED adj having a two-valved shellJHBIVALVE n pl. -S a bivalved molluskRG)BIVALENT n pl. -S a pair of chromosomes|F}BIUNIQUE adj being a type of correspondence between two setsE9BITWISE adj denoting an operator in a computer program that deals with bits )sMC)pXeBLACK adj BLACKER, BLACKEST being of the darkest colorJWBLACK v -ED, -ING, -S to make blackTV-BLABBY adj BLABBIER, BLABBIEST talkativeBU BLABBER v -ED, -ING, -S to blab\T=BLAB v BLABBED, BLABBING, BLABS to talk idly`SEBIZONE n pl. -S two combined zones BIZONAL adj3RmBIZNAGA n pl. -S bisnaga'QUBIZE n pl. -S bisebPIBIZARRO n pl. -S one that is strikingly unusualZO9BIZARRE n pl. -S a strangely striped flower5NqBIZ n pl. BIZZES businessPM%BIYEARLY adj occurring every two years 9Rr79FdBLACKOUT n pl. -S a power failure>cBLACKLY adv in a black mannerHbBLACKLEG n pl. -S a cattle diseasea1BLACKLEAD v BLACKLEADED, BLACKLEADING, BLACKLEADS to polish with graphite9`yBLACKISH adj somewhat blackJ_BLACKING n pl. -S black shoe polish7^uBLACKGUM n pl. -S a tupeloH]BLACKFLY n pl. -FLIES a biting fly>\BLACKFIN n pl. -S a food fishN[!BLACKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make blackRZ)BLACKCAP n pl. -S a small European birdTY-BLACKBOY n pl. -BOYS an Australian plant ]Zm]Vn1BLAGGING n pl. -S informal talk in publicBm BLAGGER n pl. -S one that blagsll]BLAG v BLAGGED, BLAGGING, BLAGS to rob with violenceFkBLAFF n pl. -S a West Indian stew-jaBLAE adj bluish-blackniaBLADING n pl. -S the act of skating on in-line skatesBh BLADER n pl. -S one that bladesxguBLADE v BLADED, BLADING, BLADES to skate on in-line skateshfUBLADDER n pl. -S a saclike receptacle BLADDERY adjtemBLACKTOP v -TOPPED, -TOPPING, -TOPS to pave with asphalt !V#MX!dzMBLAND adj BLANDER, BLANDEST soothing BLANDLY adv;y}BLANCHER n pl. -S a whitenerFxBLANCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to whitenBw BLAMER n pl. -S one that blames-vaBLAMEFUL adj blamablehuUBLAME v BLAMED, BLAMING, BLAMES to find fault withTt-BLAMABLE adj being at fault BLAMABLY advs9BLAM v BLAMMED, BLAMMING, BLAMS to make a loud sound like that of a gunshot3rmBLAIN n pl. -S a blister/qeBLAH n pl. -S nonsenseVp1BLAH adj BLAHER, BLAHEST dull, unexcitingLoBLAGUE n pl. -S pretentious nonsense 7XHh7-aBLASE adj indifferentvqBLARNEY v -NEYED, -NEYING, -NEYS to beguile with flatterybIBLARE v BLARED, BLARING, BLARES to sound loudly>BLANKLY adv in a blank manner%BLANKIE n pl. -S a child.s blanket (a piece of fabric used as a cover)!BLANKETY n pl. -TIES -- used as a euphemism for an unmentionable wordX~5BLANKET v -ED, -ING, -S to cover uniformlyF}BLANK adj BLANKER, BLANKEST emptyB| BLANK v -ED, -ING, -S to delete^{ABLANDISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to coax by flattery o.r;}oLBLASTY adj BLASTIER, BLASTIEST gustyZ 9BLASTULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE an early embryo\ =BLASTOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a type of tumorZ 9BLASTOFF n pl. -S the launching of a rocket\ =BLASTING n pl. -S the act of one that blasts3 mBLASTIE n pl. -S a dwarfpeBLASTHOLE n pl. -S a hole containing a blasting chargeD BLASTER n pl. -S one that blaststmBLASTEMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a region of embryonic cellsV1BLAST v -ED, -ING, -S to use an explosive BT'\ DBHBLAZONER n pl. -S one that blazonsHBLAZON v -ED, -ING, -S to proclaimfQBLAZER n pl. -S a lightweight jacket BLAZERED adjdMBLAZE v BLAZED, BLAZING, BLAZES to burn brightly\=BLAW v BLAWED, BLAWN, BLAWING, BLAWS to blowLBLAUBOK n pl. -S an extinct antelopeHBLATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to chatterV1BLATHER v -ED, -ING, -S to talk foolishly!IBLATE adj timid)YBLATANT adj obviousP%BLATANCY n pl. -CIES something blatantT-BLAT v BLATTED, BLATTING, BLATS to bleat \fGz\D& BLEATER n pl. -S one that bleatsf%QBLEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to utter the cry of a sheeph$UBLEARY adj BLEARIER, BLEARIEST dimmed BLEARILY advH#BLEAR adj BLEARER, BLEAREST bleary;"}BLEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to dim>!BLEAKLY adv in a bleak manner9 yBLEAKISH adj somewhat bleakD BLEAK n pl. -S a freshwater fishHBLEAK adj BLEAKER, BLEAKEST drearyJBLEACHER n pl. -S one that bleachesFBLEACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to whitenLBLAZONRY n pl. -RIES a great display ]XZv;]J2BLENCHER n pl. -S one that blenchesF1BLENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to flinchB0 BLEMISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to mar7/uBLELLUM n pl. -S a babblerD. BLEEPER n pl. -S one that bleeps>-BLEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to blipV,1BLEEDING n pl. -S the act of losing bloodD+ BLEEDER n pl. -S one that bleeds\*=BLEED v BLED, BLEEDING, BLEEDS to lose bloodR))BLECH interj -- used to express disgustX(5BLEBBING n pl. -S the forming of a blisterH'BLEB n pl. -S a blister BLEBBY adj SQ ]S7=uBLESSING n pl. -S a prayerF<BLESSER n pl. -S one that blesses@;BLESSED adj -EDER, -EDEST holyr:iBLESS v BLESSED or BLEST, BLESSING, BLESSES to sanctify59qBLESBUCK n pl. -S blesbokF8BLESBOK n pl. -S a large antelopeD7 BLENNY n pl. -NIES a marine fishb6IBLENDING n pl. -S the action of mixing togetherD5 BLENDER n pl. -S one that blendsB4 BLENDE n pl. -S a shiny mineral*3YBLEND v BLENDED or BLENT, BLENDING, BLENDS to mix smoothly and inseparably together >p$>^HABLIN n pl. BLINI or BLINIS or BLINY a blintze)GYBLIMY interj blimeyNF!BLIMPERY n pl. -RIES pompous behaviorbEIBLIMP n pl. -S a nonrigid aircraft BLIMPISH adjhDUBLIMEY interj -- used as an expression of surpriseC%BLIGHTY n pl. BLIGHTIES a wound causing one to be sent home to EnglandHBBLIGHTER n pl. -S one that blightsNA!BLIGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to cause decayH@BLEWIT n pl. -S a type of mushroomH?BLETHER v -ED, -ING, -S to blather@>BLET n pl. -S a decay of fruit "Xu3Yh"BT BLINTZE n pl. -S a thin pancake3SmBLINTZ n pl. -ES blintzeXR5BLINKER v -ED, -ING, -S to put blinders onZQ9BLINKARD n pl. -S one who habitually blinksbPIBLINK v -ED, -ING, -S to open and shut the eyespOeBLING v -ED, -ING, -S to adopt a flamboyant appearance>NBLINDLY adv in a blind manner5MqBLINDGUT n pl. -S a cecumTL-BLINDER n pl. -S an obstruction to sightNK!BLINDAGE n pl. -S a protective screenNJ!BLIND adj BLINDER, BLINDEST sightlessRI)BLIND v -ED, -ING, -S to make sightless cwPicF^BLITZER n pl. -S one that blitzesl]]BLITZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to subject to a sudden attackH\BLITHER v -ED, -ING, -S to blatherb[IBLITHE adj BLITHER, BLITHEST merry BLITHELY adv>ZBLITE n pl. -S an annual herb;Y}BLISTERY adj having blistersxXuBLISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to cause blisters (skin swellings)1WiBLISSFUL adj very happyrViBLISS v -ED, -ING, -ES to experience or produce ecstasyU BLIP v BLIPPED, BLIPPING, BLIPS to remove sound from a recording ln$r9El`jEBLOCKY adj BLOCKIER, BLOCKIEST short and stout)iYBLOCKISH adj blockyDh BLOCKER n pl. -S one that blocksNg!BLOCKAGE n pl. -S the act of blockingTf-BLOCKADE v -ADED, -ADING, -ADES to blockFeBLOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to obstruct5dqBLOC n pl. -S a coalitionRc)BLOBBY adj BLOBBIER, BLOBBIEST splotchyXb5BLOB v BLOBBED, BLOBBING, BLOBS to splotchFaBLOATER n pl. -S a smoked herring@`BLOAT v -ED, -ING, -S to swellJ_BLIZZARD n pl. -S a heavy snowstorm Ug Z8Ult]BLONDINE v -INED, -INING, -INES to bleach hair blond-saBLONDE n pl. -S blond>rBLOND n pl. -S a blond personVq1BLOND adj BLONDER, BLONDEST light-coloredNp!BLOKEY adj BLOKIER, BLOKIEST blokeishroiBLOKEISH adj resembling the typical behavior of a bloke1niBLOKE n pl. -S a fellowzmyBLOGGING n pl. -S the act or practice of maintaining a blogVl1BLOGGER n pl. -S one who maintains a blogk-BLOG v BLOGGED, BLOGGING, BLOGS to record personal comments on a website O 4v ON!BLOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to bear flowers%~QBLOOIE adj blooey>}BLOOEY adj being out of orderf|QBLOODY adj BLOODIER, BLOODIEST stained with bloodn{aBLOODY v BLOODIED, BLOODYING, BLOODIES to make bloodyHzBLOODRED adj of the color of bloodTy-BLOODING n pl. -S a fox hunting ceremonyBx BLOODILY adv in a bloody mannerJwBLOODFIN n pl. -S a freshwater fishvABLOOD v -ED, -ING, -S to stain with blood (the fluid circulated by the heart)9uyBLONDISH adj somewhat blond LL|2[Ld MBLOTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to mark with large spotsdMBLOT v BLOTTED, BLOTTING, BLOTS to spot or stain;}BLOSSOMY adj having blossomsD BLOSSOM v -ED, -ING, -S to bloom BLOOPY adj BLOOPIER, BLOOPIEST being a hit that is a short fly ballFBLOOPER n pl. -S a public blunder^ABLOOP v -ED, -ING, -S to hit a short fly balljYBLOOMY adj BLOOMIER, BLOOMIEST covered with flowersfQBLOOMERY n pl. -ERIES a furnace for smelting ironFBLOOMER n pl. -S a blooming plant s 2zZ9BLOW v BLEW, BLOWED, BLOWING, BLOWS to damnhUBLOVIATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to speak pompouslyhUBLOUSY adj BLOUSIER, BLOUSIEST blowsy BLOUSILY advHBLOUSON n pl. -S a woman.s garmentjYBLOUSE v BLOUSED, BLOUSING, BLOUSES to hang looselyB BLOTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST spotty# MBLOTTO adj drunkb IBLOTTER n pl. -S a piece of ink-absorbing paper- aBLOTLESS adj spotlessX 5BLOTCHY adj BLOTCHIER, BLOTCHIEST blotched Sgk _StmBLOWGUN n pl. -S a tube through which darts may be blownHBLOWFLY n pl. -FLIES a type of flyD BLOWFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish@BLOWER n pl. -S one that blowsbIBLOWDOWN n pl. -S a tree blown down by the wind^ABLOWDART n pl. -S a dart shot from a blowpipeX5BLOWBY n pl. -BYS leakage of exhaust fumesLBLOWBALL n pl. -S a fluffy seed ballLBLOWBACK n pl. -S an escape of gases-BLOW v BLEW, BLOWN, BLOWING, BLOWS to drive or impel by a current of air vq}3g*v'*UBLOWZED adj blowzyF)BLOWY adj BLOWIER, BLOWIEST windy;(}BLOWUP n pl. -S an explosion9'yBLOWTUBE n pl. -S a blowgun`&EBLOWSY adj -SIER, -SIEST slovenly BLOWSILY adv'%UBLOWSED adj blowsy9$yBLOWPIPE n pl. -S a blowgunF#BLOWOUT n pl. -S a sudden ruptureN"!BLOWOFF n pl. -S the expelling of gas>!BLOWLAMP n pl. -S a blowtorch\ =BLOWJOB n pl. -S fellatio *deemed offensive*LBLOWHOLE n pl. -S an air or gas vent;}BLOWHARD n pl. -S a braggart xDv ^xt4mBLUE adj BLUER, BLUEST having the color of the clear skyj3YBLUE v BLUED, BLUEING or BLUING, BLUES to make blueL2BLUDGER n pl. -S a loafer or shirkerZ19BLUDGEON v -ED, -ING, -S to hit with a clubf0QBLUDGE v BLUDGED, BLUDGING, BLUDGES to avoid work;/}BLUCHER n pl. -S a half boot5.qBLUBBERY adj fat; swollenR-)BLUBBER v -ED, -ING, -S to weep noisilyX,5BLUB v BLUBBED, BLUBBING, BLUBS to blubber\+=BLOWZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST blowsy BLOWZILY adv 0B{<L t0@ABLUEGUM n pl. -S a timber treeJ@BLUEGILL n pl. -S an edible sunfishD? BLUEFISH n pl. -ES a marine fish>>BLUEFIN n pl. -S a large tunaH=BLUECOAT n pl. -S a police officerH<BLUECAP n pl. -S a flowering plantT;-BLUEBOOK n pl. -S an examination booklet;:}BLUEBIRD n pl. -S a songbirdD9 BLUEBILL n pl. -S the scaup duckJ8BLUEBELL n pl. -S a flowering plant-7aBLUEBEAT n pl. -S skaH6BLUEBALL n pl. -S a medicinal herbn5aBLUEBACK n pl. -S a bird or fish having a bluish backbR*{tmf_XQJC<xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YR5.'  KD=6/(! 7X6K5?433(210/~.t-i,_+T*I% rg[PC4) y n d X NB6*{nbVMA6+|qcYMA4*탘샘 냗ꃗt郗j胗^烗T惗H僗=䃗2プ&)>(3''&%$ #"w!j ]QF;0⃗თ߃zރn݃d܃XۃLڃDك8؃-׃"փՃ ԃӃx҃mуaЃVσM΃E̓<̃4˃)ʃɃȃ ǃ 8Z^!q8 MBLUESY adj BLUESIER, BLUESIEST resembling the blues (a musical form)FLBLUESTEM n pl. -S a prairie grassZK9BLUESMAN n pl. -MEN one who plays the bluesPJ%BLUENOSE n pl. -S a puritanical personXI5BLUENESS n pl. -ES the state of being blue9HyBLUELY adv in a blue mannerjGYBLUELINE n pl. -S a line that divides a hockey rinkHFBLUEJAY n pl. -JAYS a corvine bird>EBLUEJACK n pl. -S an oak tree'DUBLUEISH adj bluish1CiBLUEING n pl. -S bluingBB BLUEHEAD n pl. -S a marine fish :v.9q':VY1BLUNDER v -ED, -ING, -S to make a mistakeXX5BLUME v BLUMED, BLUMING, BLUMES to blossom3WmBLUISH adj somewhat blueFVBLUING n pl. -S a fabric coloringDU BLUFFER n pl. -S one that bluffs|T}BLUFF adj BLUFFER, BLUFFEST having a broad front BLUFFLY advDS BLUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to misleadpReBLUEY n pl. BLUEYS a bag of clothing carried in travel5QqBLUEWOOD n pl. -S a shrubDP BLUEWEED n pl. -S a bristly weedBO BLUETICK n pl. -S a hunting dog@NBLUET n pl. -S a meadow flower J:lJJDc BLURTER n pl. -S one that blurtsRb)BLURT v -ED, -ING, -S to speak abruptly^aABLURRY adj -RIER, -RIEST unclear BLURRILY advF`BLURBIST n pl. -S one that blurbsn_aBLURB v -ED, -ING, -S to praise in a publicity noticeb^IBLUR v BLURRED, BLURRING, BLURS to make unclear|]}BLUNT adj BLUNTER, BLUNTEST not sharp or pointed BLUNTLY advJ\BLUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to make bluntF[BLUNGER n pl. -S one that blungesxZuBLUNGE v BLUNGED, BLUNGING, BLUNGES to mix clay with water &f)qF bn&Dq BOARFISH n pl. -ES a marine fishHpBOARDMAN n pl. -MEN a board member\o=BOARDING n pl. -S a surface of wooden boardsDn BOARDER n pl. -S one that boardsnmaBOARD v -ED, -ING, -S to take meals for a fixed price3lmBOAR n pl. -S a male pig7kuBOA n pl. -S a large snake'jUBO n pl. BOS a pal/ieBLYPE n pl. -S a shred'hUBLUSTERY adj windyVg1BLUSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to blow violently9fyBLUSHFUL adj of a red colorFeBLUSHER n pl. -S one that blushesLdBLUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to become red T ?k | BOATHOOK n pl. -S a pole with a metal hook for use aboard a boatZ{9BOATFUL n pl. -S as much as a boat can hold@zBOATER n pl. -S one that boatsFyBOATEL n pl. -S a waterside hotelBx BOATBILL n pl. -S a wading birdw BOAT v -ED, -ING, -S to travel by boat (watercraft) BOATABLE adj@vBOASTFUL adj given to boastingDu BOASTER n pl. -S one that boasts>tBOAST v -ED, -ING, -S to brag)sYBOART n pl. -S bort9ryBOARISH adj swinish; coarse $64Ur$JBOBBERY n pl. -BERIES a disturbance>BOBBER n pl. -S one that bobsbIBOB v BOBBED, BOBBING, BOBS to move up and down7uBOATYARD n pl. -S a marina9yBOATSMAN n pl. -MEN boatmanT-BOATPORT n pl. -S an enclosure for boatsFBOATNECK n pl. -S a wide necklineV1BOATMAN n pl. -MEN one who works on boats`EBOATLOAD n pl. -S the amount that a boat holds@BOATLIKE adj resembling a boat`~EBOATLIFT v -ED, -ING, -S to transport by boatsb}IBOATING n pl. -S the sport of traveling by boat :jC2y:;}BOBOLINK n pl. -S a songbird4mBOBO n pl. -BOS a well-to-do person who holds bohemian values and leads a bourgeois lifehUBOBECHE n pl. -S a glass collar on a candle holder/eBOBCAT n pl. -S a lynxnaBOBBYSOX n/pl girls. socks that reach above the ankleH BOBBY n pl. -BIES a police officer BOBBLY adj BOBBLIER, BOBBLIEST resembling a small ball of woolR )BOBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to fumbleL BOBBINET n pl. -S a machine-made netB  BOBBIN n pl. -S a thread holder 9AW$r95qBOCK n pl. -S a dark beerX5BOCHE n pl. -S a German *deemed offensive*R)BOCCIE n pl. -S an Italian bowling game/eBOCCIA n pl. -S boccie-aBOCCI n pl. -S boccie-aBOCCE n pl. -S boccieB BOCACCIO n pl. -CIOS a rockfish>BOBWHITE n pl. -S a game birdLBOBTAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to cut shortN!BOBSTAY n pl. -STAYS a steadying rope5BOBSLED v -SLEDDED, -SLEDDING, -SLEDS to ride on a bobsled (a racing sled)|}BOBSKATE n pl. -S a child.s skate having two parallel blades ~s-y-F~`+EBODYMAN n pl. -MEN one who repairs auto bodies`*EBODY v BODIED, BODYING, BODIES to give form toH)BODKIN n pl. -S a sharp instrument/(eBODINGLY adv ominously1'iBODING n pl. -S an omen/&eBODILY adj of the bodyH%BODILESS adj lacking material form3$mBODICE n pl. -S a corset@#BODHRAN n pl. -S an Irish drum5"qBODEMENT n pl. -S an omenB! BODEGA n pl. -S a grocery store\ =BODE v BODED, BODING, BODES to be an omen of)YBOD n pl. -S a body 0$*x e016iBOFFO n pl. -FOS a boffb5IBOFFIN n pl. -S a scientific expert BOFFINY adj;4}BOFF n pl. -S a hearty laughj3YBOFF v -ED, -ING, -S to have sex *deemed offensive*)2YBOEUF n pl. -S beef91yBOEHMITE n pl. -S a mineralD0 BODYWORK n pl. -S a vehicle bodyx/uBODYWASH n pl. -ES a liquid product for cleansing the bodyz.yBODYSURF v -ED, -ING, -S to ride a wave without a surfboardj-YBODYSUIT n pl. -S a one-piece garment for the torsoj,YBODYSIDE n pl. -S the side of the body of a vehicle [y#}e [@ABOGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST marshyh@UBOGGLER n pl. -S one that causes another to boggleV?1BOGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to hesitate%>QBOGGISH adj boggyV=1BOGEYMAN n pl. -MEN a terrifying creature<%BOGEY v -GEYED, -GEYING, -GEYS to shoot in one stroke over par in golf@;BOGBEAN n pl. -S a marsh plant^:ABOGART v -ED, -ING, -S to use without sharingR9)BOGAN n pl. -S a backwater or tributaryN8!BOG v BOGGED, BOGGING, BOGS to impede17iBOFFOLA n pl. -S a boff HsFkv9HXM5BOHEMIAN n pl. -S an unconventional personVL1BOHEMIA n pl. -S a community of bohemians7KuBOHEA n pl. -S a black tea9JyBOGYMAN n pl. -MEN bogeymanhIUBOGYISM n pl. -S behavior characteristic of a bogy5HqBOGY n pl. -GIES a goblinLGBOGWOOD n pl. -S preserved tree woodRF)BOGUS adj not genuine; fake BOGUSLY adv-EaBOGLE n pl. -S a bogyPD%BOGLAND n pl. -S an area of boggy land)CYBOGIE n pl. -S bogyBBOGHOLE n pl. -S a natural hole in the ground with a swampy bottom [u%e[V-BOINK v -ED, -ING, -S to have sexual intercourse with *deemed offensive*&UQBOING v BOINGED, BOINGING, BOINGS to make the sound of reverberation or vibration`TEBOILOVER n pl. -S an overflowing while boiling^SABOILOFF n pl. -S the vaporization of a liquidLRBOILER n pl. -S a vessel for boilinglQ]BOIL v -ED, -ING, -S to vaporize liquid BOILABLE adjLPBOHUNK n pl. -S an unskilled laborerPO%BOHRIUM n pl. -S a radioactive element3NmBOHO n pl. -S a bohemian Nk~O1NFbBOLERO n pl. -ROS a Spanish dance5aqBOLE n pl. -S a fine clay\`=BOLDNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being boldv_qBOLDFACE v -FACED, -FACING, -FACES to print in thick typeX^5BOLD adj BOLDER, BOLDEST daring BOLDLY advD] BOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to boldface+\]BOLAS n pl. -ES bola;[}BOLAR adj pertaining to boleBZ BOLA n pl. -S a throwing weapondYMBOKKEN n pl. -S a wooden sword used for training7XuBOITE n pl. -S a nightclubVW1BOISERIE n pl. -S wood paneling on a wall <{-y/}!u<5nqBOLO n pl. -LOS a machete^mABOLLWORM n pl. -S the larva of a certain mothFlBOLLOX v -ED, -ING, -ES to bollixXk5BOLLOCKS n/pl testicles *deemed offensive*FjBOLLIX v -ED, -ING, -ES to bunglediMBOLLARD n pl. -S a thick post on a ship or wharfFhBOLL v -ED, -ING, -S to form pods@gBOLIVIA n pl. -S a soft fabriclf]BOLIVAR n pl. -S or -ES a monetary unit of VenezuelaJeBOLIDE n pl. -S an exploding meteorLdBOLETUS n pl. -TUSES or -TI a fungus1ciBOLETE n pl. -S boletus *:^!Jg*9{yBOLTLESS adj having no boltXz5BOLTHOLE n pl. -S a place or way of escape9yyBOLTHEAD n pl. -S a matrassFxBOLTER n pl. -S a sifting machine;w}BOLT v -ED, -ING, -S to siftHvBOLSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to supportHuBOLSON n pl. -S a flat arid valley9tyBOLSHY n pl. -SHIES bolshie;s}BOLSHIE n pl. -S a Bolshevik9ryBOLONEY n pl. -NEYS bologna\q=BOLOMETRY n pl. -RIES the use of a bolometertpmBOLOGNESE adj served with a tomato and ground beef sauceJoBOLOGNA n pl. -S a seasoned sausage bp6Zb@BOMBER n pl. -S one that bombsB BOMBE n pl. -S a frozen dessertjYBOMBAX adj pertaining to a family of tropical treesFBOMBAST n pl. -S pompous languageHBOMBARDE n pl. -S a medieval shawmB BOMBARD v -ED, -ING, -S to bomb EBOMB v -ED, -ING, -S to attack with bombs (explosive projectiles) BOMBABLE adj;}BOLUS n pl. -ES a large pillR~)BOLTROPE n pl. -S a rope sewn to a sailH}BOLTONIA n pl. -S a perennial herb@|BOLTLIKE adj resembling a bolt AJ.v7AhUBOND v -ED, -ING, -S to join together BONDABLE adj@BONCE n pl. -S a person.s headB BONBON n pl. -S a sugared candy;}BONANZA n pl. -S a rich mine@BONACI n pl. -S an edible fish9 yBOMBYX n pl. -ES a silkworm3 mBOMBYCID n pl. -S a mothd MBOMBORA n pl. -S a sea area over a ridge of rockn aBOMBLOAD n pl. -S the quantity of bombs being carried> BOMBLET n pl. -S a small bombN!BOMBING n pl. -S an attack with bombs`EBOMBESIN n pl. -S a combination of amino acids Ny3`NFBONEHEAD n pl. -S a stupid personT-BONEFISH n pl. -ES a slender marine fishl]BONEBED n pl. -S an area containing dinosaur fossilsN!BONE v BONED, BONING, BONES to debone@BONDUC n pl. -S a prickly seed9yBONDSMAN n pl. -MEN bondmanB BONDMAN n pl. -MEN a male slaveD BONDMAID n pl. -S a female slave9yBONDLESS adj having no bond BONDING n pl. -S the formation of a close personal relationship@BONDER n pl. -S one that bonds3mBONDAGE n pl. -S slavery 6Gz6@*BONHOMIE n pl. -S friendlinessD) BONGOIST n pl. -S a bongo playerP(%BONGO n pl. -GOS or -GOES a small drumh'UBONG v -ED, -ING, -S to make a deep, ringing sound>&BONFIRE n pl. -S an open fire;%}BONEYARD n pl. -S a junkyard@$BONEY adj BONIER, BONIEST bonyD# BONEY adj BONEYER, BONEYEST bonyF"BONESET n pl. -S a perennial herb3!mBONER n pl. -S a blunderz yBONEMEAL n pl. -S fertilizer or feed made from crushed bonenaBONELESS adj having no bones (hard connective tissue) dv dX65BONNY adj -NIER, -NIEST pretty BONNILY adv35mBONNOCK n pl. -S bannock#4MBONNIE adj bonny3 BONNET v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a bonnet (a type of hat)72uBONNE n pl. -S a housemaid%1QBONKERS adj crazyx0uBONK v -ED, -ING, -S to hit on the head with a hollow blow^/ABONITO n pl. -TOS or -TOES a marine food fish/.eBONITA n pl. -S bonitoX-5BONINESS n pl. -ES the state of being bony@,BONIFACE n pl. -S an innkeeperB+ BONIATO n pl. -S a sweet potato C\C v rC+B]BONZER adj very good@ABONZE n pl. -S a Buddhist monkP@%BONY adj BONIER, BONIEST full of bonesh?UBONUSING n pl. -S the act of subsidizing somethingN>!BONUS n pl. -ES an additional payment>=BONTEBOK n pl. -S an antelope5<qBONTBOK n pl. -S bontebokb;IBONSPIEL n pl. -S a curling match or tournament7:uBONSPELL n pl. -S bonspielt9mBONSAI n pl. BONSAI a potted shrub that has been dwarfedF8BONOBO n pl. -S an anthropoid apeV71BONNY n pl. -NIES a person that one loves *T~QD*bNIBOOGALOO v -ED, -ING, -S to dance to rock musicfMQBOODY n pl. -DIES the buttocks *deemed offensive*FLBOODLER n pl. -S one that boodles\K=BOODLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to take bribes3JmBOOCOO n pl. -S beaucoup3ImBOOBY n pl. -BIES a dolt;H}BOOBOO n pl. -BOOS a mistake)GYBOOBISH adj doltishtFmBOOBIRD n pl. -S a fan who boos players of the home teamZE9BOOBIE n pl. -S a breast *deemed offensive*`DEBOOB v -ED, -ING, -S to make a foolish mistakeDC BOO v -ED, -ING, -S to cry "boo" xkfTx~XBOOKCASE n pl. -S a case which holds books (literary volumes)VW1BOOKBAG n pl. -S a bag for carrying bookslV]BOOK v -ED, -ING, -S to engage services BOOKABLE adjJUBOOJUM n pl. -S a spiny desert treePT%BOOHOO v -ED, -ING, -S to weep noisily;S}BOOGYMAN n pl. -MEN bogeymanPR%BOOGY v -GIED, -GYING, -GIES to boogienQaBOOGIE v -GIED, -GIEING, -GIES to dance to rock musicVP1BOOGEY v -GEYED, -GEYING, -GEYS to boogie7OuBOOGER n pl. -S a bogeyman .Z{5Ee.3dmBOOKOO n pl. -S beaucoupc=BOOKMARK v -ED, -ING, -S to create a shortcut to a previously viewed website;b}BOOKMAN n pl. -MEN a scholarBa BOOKLORE n pl. -S book learningd`MBOOKLICE n/pl wingless insects that damage books>_BOOKLET n pl. -S a small bookB^ BOOKISH adj pertaining to books@]BOOKING n pl. -S an engagement9\yBOOKIE n pl. -S a bet takerZ[9BOOKFUL n pl. -S as much as a book can hold@ZBOOKER n pl. -S one that books^YABOOKEND n pl. -S a support for a row of books ]a;@]bnIBOOMLET n pl. -S a small increase in prosperity5mqBOOMKIN n pl. -S a bumkin@lBOOMER n pl. -S one that boomskBOOMBOX n pl. -ES a portable radio and tape or compact disc playerjjYBOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to make a deep, resonant soundNi!BOOKWORM n pl. -S an avid book readerlh]BOOKWORK n pl. -S the keeping of records of accounts`gEBOOKSHOP n pl. -S a store where books are sold;f}BOOKREST n pl. -S a bookrack\e=BOOKRACK n pl. -S a support for an open book P<{9PDy BOOST v -ED, -ING, -S to support#xMBOORISH adj rude9wyBOOR n pl. -S a rude person9vyBOONLESS adj having no boon>uBOONIES n/pl a backwoods areaZt9BOONDOCK adj pertaining to a backwoods area@sBOON n pl. -S a timely benefitFrBOON adj BOONER, BOONEST descriptive of an uneducated and/or lower class Negro *deemed offensive*Pq%BOOMY adj BOOMIER, BOOMIEST prosperingJpBOOMTOWN n pl. -S a prospering townroiBOOMSTICK n pl. -S a log surrounding a boom in forestry 4)U"{4P%BOOTY n pl. -TIES a rich gain or prize^ABOOTLICK v -ED, -ING, -S to flatter servilely+]BOOTLESS adj useless^ABOOTLEG v -LEGGED, -LEGGING, -LEGS to smuggle;}BOOTLACE n pl. -S a shoelacedMBOOTJACK n pl. -S a device for pulling off boots/eBOOTIE n pl. -S booteeD~ BOOTH n pl. -S a small enclosureF}BOOTERY n pl. -ERIES a shoe store>|BOOTEE n pl. -S a baby.s sock {BOOT v -ED, -ING, -S to load a program into a computer BOOTABLE adjDz BOOSTER n pl. -S one that boosts '<`yPo'D BORAGE n pl. -S a medicinal herb9yBORACITE n pl. -S a mineral%QBORACIC adj boric5qBORA n pl. -S a cold wind>BOPPY adj suggestive of bebop% QBOPPISH adj boppy7 uBOPPER n pl. -S a bebopperH BOPEEP n pl. -S a game of peekaboo\ =BOP v BOPPED, BOPPING, BOPS to hit or strikeb IBOOZY adj BOOZIER, BOOZIEST drunken BOOZILY advriBOOZING n pl. -S the act of drinking liquor excessivelyB BOOZER n pl. -S one that boozeszyBOOZE v BOOZED, BOOZING, BOOZES to drink liquor excessively F>;{BFHBORDERER n pl. -S one that bordersjYBORDER v -ED, -ING, -S to put a border (an edge) on>BORDELLO n pl. -LOS a brothel5qBORDEL n pl. -S a brothelZ9BORDEAUX n pl. BORDEAUX a red or white wine^ABORAZON n pl. -S a hard form of boron nitridevqBORAX n pl. -RAXES or -RACES a white crystalline compound BORATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to mix with borax or boric acidJBORANE n pl. -S a chemical compoundpeBORAL n pl. -S a mixture of boron carbide and aluminum K.i4JKB) BORING n pl. -S an inner cavityD( BORIDE n pl. -S a boron compound>'BORIC adj pertaining to boron+&]BORESOME adj tedious>%BORER n pl. -S one that boresZ$9BOREHOLE n pl. -S a hole bored in the earthF#BOREEN n pl. -S a lane in Ireland1"iBOREDOM n pl. -S tedium/!eBORECOLE n pl. -S kaleB  BOREAS n pl. -ES the north windHBOREAL adj pertaining to the northtmBORE v BORED, BORING, BORES to pierce with a rotary toolV1BORDURE n pl. -S a border around a shield )Wl&{)N4!BORRELIA n pl. -S a coiled spirocheteN3!BOROUGH n pl. -S an incorporated townL2BORONIA n pl. -S an Australian shrubd1MBORON n pl. -S a nonmetallic element BORONIC adj`0EBORNITE n pl. -S an ore of copper BORNITIC adj9/yBORNEOL n pl. -S an alcoholB. BORNE a past participle of bearb-IBORN adj having particular qualities from birth,BORKING n pl. -S the act of attacking a candidate in the mediar+iBORK v -ED, -ING, -S to attack a candidate in the media/*eBORINGLY adv tediously -`)q_$w-FCBOSK n pl. -S a small wooded area;B}BOSHVARK n pl. -S a wild hog5AqBOSHBOK n pl. -S bushbuck1@iBOSH n pl. -ES nonsense7?uBOSCHBOK n pl. -S bushbuck7>uBOSCAGE n pl. -S a thicketB= BORZOI n pl. -S a Russian hound+<]BORTZ n pl. -ES bort^;ABORT n pl. -S a low-quality diamond BORTY adj@:BORSTAL n pl. -S a reformatory19iBORSHT n pl. -S borscht;8}BORSCHT n pl. -S a beet soup37mBORSCH n pl. -ES borschtH6BORROWER n pl. -S one that borrowsP5%BORROW v -ED, -ING, -S to take on loan 6Uv`6\P=BOSSISM n pl. -S control by political bossesbOIBOSSDOM n pl. -S the domain of a political boss`NEBOSS adj BOSSER, BOSSEST first-rate, excellentHMBOSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to supervise1LiBOSQUET n pl. -S bosket+K]BOSQUE n pl. -S boskbJIBOSON n pl. -S a subatomic particle BOSONIC adj9IyBOSOMY adj swelling outwardDH BOSOM v -ED, -ING, -S to embraceVG1BOSKY adj BOSKIER, BOSKIEST wooded; bushy5FqBOSKET n pl. -S a thicket7EuBOSKER adj fine; very good3DmBOSKAGE n pl. -S boscage gYQ )gh[UBOTANIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to study plantsRZ)BOTANIST n pl. -S one skilled in botany`YEBOTANISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to botanizexXuBOTANICA n pl. -S a shop that sells herbs and magic charmsDW BOTANIC adj pertaining to botany@VBOTA n pl. -S a leather bottleHUBOT n pl. -S the larva of a botfly7TuBOSUN n pl. -S a boatswain9SyBOSTON n pl. -S a card game5RqBOSSY n pl. BOSSIES a cowjQYBOSSY adj BOSSIER, BOSSIEST domineering BOSSILY adv e`LX'eNg!BOTHY n pl. BOTHIES a hut in Scotlandlf]BOTHRIUM n pl. -RIA or -RIUMS a groove on a tapeworm-eaBOTHIE n pl. -S bothyBd BOTHER v -ED, -ING, -S to annoy/ceBOTH adj being the twoFbBOTFLY n pl. -FLIES a type of fly-aaBOTEL n pl. -S boatelp`eBOTCHY adj BOTCHIER, BOTCHIEST badly done BOTCHILY advR_)BOTCHERY n pl. -ERIES something botchedF^BOTCHER n pl. -S one that botchesD] BOTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bungleT\-BOTANY n pl. -NIES the science of plants ei:Y0QeHrBOTTOMER n pl. -S one that bottomsLqBOTTOM v -ED, -ING, -S to comprehendLpBOTTLING n pl. -S a bottled beverageFoBOTTLER n pl. -S one that bottlesn%BOTTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to put into a bottle (a rigid container)%mQBOTT n pl. -S botNl!BOTRYTIS n pl. -TISES a plant disease-kaBOTRYOSE adj botryoidZj9BOTRYOID adj resembling a cluster of grapes+i]BOTONNEE adj botoneeh)BOTONEE adj having arms ending in a trefoil -- used of a heraldic cross )bp(>`)3mBOUGHT past tense of buy@~BOUGHPOT n pl. -S a large vaseT}-BOUGH n pl. -S a tree branch BOUGHED adj>|BOUFFE n pl. -S a comic operaH{BOUFFANT n pl. -S a woman.s hairdoHzBOUDOIR n pl. -S a woman.s bedroomNy!BOUDIN n pl. -S a spicy Cajun sausageDx BOUCLE n pl. -S a knitted fabricLwBOUCHEE n pl. -S a small patty shellPv%BOUBOU n pl. -S a long flowing garmentJuBOTULISM n pl. -S botulin poisoningBt BOTULIN n pl. -S a nerve poisonTs-BOTTOMRY n pl. -RIES a maritime contract bH[,p&b> BOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to leap~ BOUNCY adj BOUNCIER, BOUNCIEST tending to bounce BOUNCILY advF BOUNCER n pl. -S one that bounceshUBOUNCE v BOUNCED, BOUNCING, BOUNCES to spring backLBOULT v -ED, -ING, -S to bolt (sift)+]BOULLE n pl. -S buhl)YBOULE n pl. -S buhlV1BOULDERY adj characterized by large rocksbIBOULDER v -ED, -ING, -S to climb up large rocksB BOUILLON n pl. -S a clear broth;}BOUGIE n pl. -S a wax candle/eBOUGHTEN adj purchased 69XvA~6D BOURSE n pl. -S a stock exchange>BOURRIDE n pl. -S a fish stewLBOURREE n pl. -S an old French dance-aBOURNE n pl. -S bourn1iBOURN n pl. -S a streamJBOURGEON v -ED, -ING, -S to burgeon@BOURG n pl. -S a medieval townLBOURDON n pl. -S a part of a bagpipe7uBOURBON n pl. -S a whiskeyJBOUQUET n pl. -S a bunch of flowersT-BOUNTY n pl. -TIES a reward BOUNTIED adjD BOUNDER n pl. -S one that bounds) YBOUNDEN adj obligedN !BOUNDARY n pl. -ARIES a dividing line \lwBJ \1%iBOVID n pl. -S a bovinev$qBOUZOUKI n pl. -KIA or -KIS a stringed musical instrument;#}BOUVIER n pl. -S a large dogd"MBOUTON n pl. -S an enlarged end of a nerve fiber@!BOUTIQUE n pl. -S a small shopH BOUTADE n pl. -S a sudden outburst1iBOUT n pl. -S a contest!IBOUSY adj boozyLBOUSOUKI n pl. -KIA or -KIS bouzouki|}BOUSE v BOUSED, BOUSING, BOUSES to haul by means of a tackleFBOURTREE n pl. -S a European treeFBOURSIN n pl. -S a type of cheese `D0 BOWHEAD n pl. -S an arctic whaleH/BOWFRONT adj having a curved frontF.BOWFIN n pl. -S a freshwater fishV-1BOWERY n pl. -ERIES a colonial Dutch farmD, BOWER v -ED, -ING, -S to embower+ BOWEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to disbowelJ*BOW v -ED, -ING, -S to bend forward@)BOVVER n pl. -S rowdy behaviord(MBOVINITY n pl. -TIES the state of being a bovine-'aBOVINELY adv stolidlyF&BOVINE n pl. -S an ox-like animal @ge!k@';UBOWLIKE adj curvedZ:9BOWLFUL n pl. -S as much as a bowl can holdT9-BOWLESS adj being without an archery bow@8BOWLER n pl. -S one that bowlsR7)BOWLEG n pl. -S an outwardly curved legR6)BOWLDER n pl. -S boulder (a large rock)R5)BOWL v -ED, -ING, -S to play at bowlingB4 BOWKNOT n pl. -S a type of knotB3 BOWINGLY adv in a bowing manner25BOWING n pl. -S the technique of managing the bow of a stringed instrumentl1]BOWHUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to hunt with a bow and arrow f: MfBF BOWSPRIT n pl. -S a ship.s spar9EyBOWSMAN n pl. -MEN a bowman`DEBOWSHOT n pl. -S the distance an arrow is shotrCiBOWSER n pl. -S a truck having a tank for fuel or waterTB-BOWSE v BOWSED, BOWSING, BOWSES to bousexAuBOWSAW n pl. -S a saw having a blade in a bow-shaped frame3@mBOWPOT n pl. -S boughpot9?yBOWMAN n pl. -MEN an archer+>]BOWLLIKE adj concave|=}BOWLING n pl. -S a game in which balls are rolled at objectsB< BOWLINE n pl. -S a type of knot S\3ASVQ1BOXFUL n pl. -S as much as a box can holdBP BOXFISH n pl. -ES a marine fishJOBOXER n pl. -S one that packs boxesLNBOXCAR n pl. -S a roofed freight carHMBOXBOARD n pl. -S stiff paperboardRL)BOXBERRY n pl. -RIES an evergreen plantJKBOXBALL n pl. -S a form of handballJBOX v -ED, -ING, -ES to put in a box (a rectangular container)RI)BOWYER n pl. -S a maker of archery bowsVH1BOWWOW v -ED, -ING, -S to bark like a dogFGBOWWOOD n pl. -S a deciduous tree ,B LF |,L]BOYARISM n pl. -S the rule of boyars-\aBOYARD n pl. -S boyarX[5BOYAR n pl. -S a former Russian aristocrat9ZyBOY n pl. BOYS a male childlY]BOXY adj BOXIER, BOXIEST resembling a box BOXILY advJXBOXWOOD n pl. -S an evergreen shrubDW BOXTHORN n pl. -S a thorny shrub;V}BOXLIKE adj resembling a box|U}BOXLA n pl. -S a form of lacrosse played in an enclosed area3TmBOXING n pl. -S a casingXS5BOXINESS n pl. -ES the state of being boxy^RABOXHAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to veer a ship around ;0~< 1;HjBRACELET n pl. -S a wrist ornamentXi5BRACE v BRACED, BRACING, BRACES to supportJhBRABBLER n pl. -S one that brabblesfgQBRABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to quarrel noisily3fmBRA n pl. -S a brassiere3emBOZO n pl. -ZOS a fellow/deBOYO n pl. BOYOS a boy>cBOYLA n pl. -S a witch doctorTb-BOYISH adj resembling a boy BOYISHLY advVa1BOYHOOD n pl. -S the state of being a boyT`-BOYCOTT v -ED, -ING, -S to refuse to buy;_}BOYCHIK n pl. -S a young man5^qBOYCHICK n pl. -S boychik ?j?V?Xw5BRACONID n pl. -S any of a family of flies'vUBRACKISH adj saltyJuBRACKET v -ED, -ING, -S to classify>tBRACKEN n pl. -S a large fern7suBRACIOLE n pl. -S braciolaPr%BRACIOLA n pl. -S a thin slice of meatVq1BRACING n pl. -S a brace or reinforcementTp-BRACHIUM n pl. -IA the upper part of armJoBRACHIAL n pl. -S a part of the arm3nmBRACHET n pl. -S a brachJmBRACH n pl. -ES or -S a hound bitchLlBRACERO n pl. -ROS a Mexican laborerBk BRACER n pl. -S one that braces `>I;`T-BRAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST tending to brag9yBRAGGER n pl. -S a braggartB BRAGGART n pl. -S one who bragsN!BRAG adj BRAGGER, BRAGGEST first-rate~BRAG v BRAGGED, BRAGGING, BRAGS to speak vainly of one.s deeds3}mBRAE n pl. -S a hillside3|mBRADOON n pl. -S bridoon@{BRADAWL n pl. -S a type of awlvzqBRAD v BRADDED, BRADDING, BRADS to fasten with thin nailsBy BRACTLET n pl. -S a small bractxxuBRACT n pl. -S a leaflike plant part BRACTEAL, BRACTED adj W>0WT -BRAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to hit on the headj YBRAILLER n pl. -S a machine for printing in braille8 uBRAILLE v BRAILLED, BRAILLING, BRAILLES to write in braille (raised writing for the blind)R)BRAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to haul in a saill]BRAIDING n pl. -S something made of braided materialD BRAIDER n pl. -S one that braidsR)BRAID v -ED, -ING, -S to weave togetherl]BRAHMAN n pl. -S a member of the highest Hindu casteN!BRAHMA n pl. -S a large domestic fowl \)F(@BRAKEMAN n pl. -MEN a trainmanLBRAKEAGE n pl. -S the act of brakingl]BRAKE v BRAKED, BRAKING, BRAKES to slow down or stop>BRAIZE n pl. -S a marine fishhUBRAISE v BRAISED, BRAISING, BRAISES to cook in fatLBRAINY adj BRAINIER, BRAINIEST smartR)BRAINWAVE n pl. -S a sudden inspiration9yBRAINPAN n pl. -S the skull/eBRAINISH adj impetuousB  BRAINILY adv in a brainy mannerZ 9BRAINIAC n pl. -S a very intelligent person rMfrpeBRANCHY adj BRANCHIER, BRANCHIEST having many branches|}BRANCHIA n pl. -CHIAE a respiratory organ of aquatic animalsl]BRANCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to form branches (offshoots)<}BRAN v BRANNED, BRANNING, BRANS to soak in water mixed with bran (the outer coat of cereals)JBRAMBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST pricklydMBRAMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to gather berries7uBRALESS adj wearing no bratmBRAKY adj BRAKIER, BRAKIEST abounding in shrubs or ferns A+MAT'-BRANNY adj -NIER, -NIEST containing branB& BRANNER n pl. -S one that bransj%YBRANK n pl. -S a device used to restrain the tonguez$yBRANDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to mix with brandy (a liquor)\#=BRANDISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to wave menacingly$"MBRANDING n pl. -S the promotion of a product by associating it with a brand nameD! BRANDER n pl. -S one that brands~ BRANDADE n pl. -S a dish of cod mixed with olive oil and milk^ABRAND v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with a hot iron \{ o83\73uBRASSART n pl. -S brassard>2BRASSARD n pl. -S an insigniaV11BRASSAGE n pl. -S a fee for coining money0)BRASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to coat with brass (an alloy of copper and zinc)7/uBRASILIN n pl. -S brazilin/.eBRASIL n pl. -S brazil3-mBRASIER n pl. -S brazierL,BRASHY adj BRASHIER, BRASHIEST brashJ+BRASH n pl. -ES a mass of fragmentsj*YBRASH adj BRASHER, BRASHEST rash; hasty BRASHLY advD) BRANTAIL n pl. -S a singing bird9(yBRANT n pl. -S a wild goose b=aEbV>1BRAVADO n pl. -DOS or -DOES false braveryH=BRAVA n pl. -S a shout of approval9<yBRAUNITE n pl. -S a mineralX;5BRATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST resembling a bratV:1BRATTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to clatterb9IBRATTICE v -TICED, -TICING, -TICES to partitionX85BRAT n pl. -S a spoiled child BRATTISH adj|7}BRASSY adj BRASSIER, BRASSIEST resembling brass BRASSILY adv>6BRASSISH adj resembling brass;5}BRASSIE n pl. -S a golf club>4BRASSICA n pl. -S a tall herb ]'Y]/IeBRAWLIE adv splendidly7HuBRAWLER n pl. -S a fighter@GBRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to fightFFBRAW adj BRAWER, BRAWEST splendiddEMBRAVURA n pl. -RAS or -RE fine musical techniquebDIBRAVO n pl. -VOS or -VOES or -VI a hired killernCaBRAVO v -ED, -ING, -ES to applaud by shouting "bravo";B}BRAVERY n pl. -ERIES courageBA BRAVER n pl. -S one that bravesn@aBRAVE adj BRAVER, BRAVEST showing courage BRAVELY advl?]BRAVE v BRAVED, BRAVING, BRAVES to face with courage PP[;}P)TYBRAZENLY adv boldlyNS!BRAZEN v -ED, -ING, -S to face boldlyhRUBRAZE v BRAZED, BRAZING, BRAZES to solder togetherRQ)BRAZA n pl. -S a Spanish unit of lengthZP9BRAYER n pl. -S a roller used to spread inkhOUBRAY v BRAYED, BRAYING, BRAYS to utter a harsh cryLNBRAXY n pl. BRAXIES a fever of sheep1MiBRAWS n/pl fine clotheslL]BRAWNY adj BRAWNIER, BRAWNIEST muscular BRAWNILY advDK BRAWN n pl. -S muscular strengthdJMBRAWLY adj BRAWLIER, BRAWLIEST inclined to brawl =d+3|$=d_MBREADY adj resembling or characteristic of bread/^eBREADTH n pl. -S widthH]BREADNUT n pl. -S a tropical fruitT\-BREADBOX n pl. -ES a container for bread2[iBREAD v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with crumbs of bread (a baked foodstuff made from flour)JZBREACHER n pl. -S one that breachesTY-BREACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to break throughNX!BRAZILIN n pl. -S a chemical compound5WqBRAZIL n pl. -S a dyewoodRV)BRAZIER n pl. -S one who works in brassBU BRAZER n pl. -S one that brazes ^{)r^Ri)BREATH n pl. -S air inhaled and exhaledVh1BREAST v -ED, -ING, -S to confront boldly`gEBREAM v -ED, -ING, -S to clean a ship.s bottomRf)BREAKUP n pl. -S the act of breaking up9eyBREAKOUT n pl. -S an escapezdyBREAKING n pl. -S the change of a pure vowel to a diphthongDc BREAKER n pl. -S one that breaksZb9BREAKBEAT n pl. -S a style of hip hop musicNa!BREAKAGE n pl. -S the act of breaking`BREAK v BROKE, BROKEN, BREAKING, BREAKS to reduce to fragments .w)Mdv.Dt BREEDER n pl. -S one that breedsnsaBREED v BRED, BREEDING, BREEDS to cause to give birthxruBREECH v -ED, -ING, -ES to clothe with breeches (trousers))qYBREE n pl. -S broth/peBREDE n pl. -S a braid3omBRECHAN n pl. -S brechamNn!BRECHAM n pl. -S a collar for a horse\m=BRECCIA n pl. -S a type of rock BRECCIAL adjxluBREATHY adj BREATHIER, BREATHIEST marked by loud breathingJkBREATHER n pl. -S one that breathesj BREATHE v BREATHED, BREATHING, BREATHES to inhale and exhale air $'yp~eBREVE n pl. -S a symbol used to indicate a short vowel^}ABRESAOLA n pl. -S a dish of sliced dried beef+|]BRENT n pl. -S brant@{BREN n pl. -S a submachine gun7zuBREKKIE n pl. -S breakfasty!BREGMA n pl. -MATA or -MAS a junction point of the skull BREGMATE adjfxQBREEZY adj BREEZIER, BREEZIEST windy BREEZILY advjwYBREEZE v BREEZED, BREEZING, BREEZES to move swiftly+v]BREEKS n/pl breeches;u}BREEDING n pl. -S upbringing SA]USbIBREWHOUSE n pl. -S a place where beer is servedT-BREWERY n pl. -ERIES a place for brewing@BREWER n pl. -S one that brewsHBREWAGE n pl. -S a brewed beverage^ABREW v -ED, -ING, -S to make beer or the likeV1BREVITY n pl. -TIES shortness of durationB BREVIER n pl. -S a size of typeHBREVIARY n pl. -RIES a prayer bookN!BREVETCY n pl. -CIES an honorary rank:yBREVET v -VETED, -VETING, -VETS or -VETTED, -VETTING, -VETS to confer an honorary rank upon P_^RPl]BRIBERY n pl. -ERIES an act of influencing corruptlyB BRIBER n pl. -S one that bribesHBRIBEE n pl. -S one that is bribed BRIBE v BRIBED, BRIBING, BRIBES to practice bribery BRIBABLE adj9yBRIARD n pl. -S a large dogB  BRIAR n pl. -S brier BRIARY adjb IBREWSKI n pl. -SKIES or -SKIS a serving of beer 1BREWPUB n pl. -S a restaurant that sells beverages brewed on the premises9 yBREWIS n pl. BREWISES broth` EBREWING n pl. -S a quantity brewed at one time z6,z9yBRIDGING n pl. -S a bracing`EBRIDGE v BRIDGED, BRIDGING, BRIDGES to connectxuBRIDE n pl. -S a woman just married or about to be marriedX5BRIDALLY adv in a manner befitting a bride5qBRIDAL n pl. -S a wedding\=BRICOLE n pl. -S a cushion shot in billiards^ABRICKY adj BRICKIER, BRICKIEST made of bricksD BRICKLE n pl. -S a brittle candyHBRICKBAT n pl. -S a piece of brickzyBRICK v -ED, -ING, -S to build with bricks (blocks of clay) -Y-T(-BRIER n pl. -S a thorny shrub BRIERY adj>'BRIEFLY adv in a brief mannerF&BRIEFING n pl. -S a short lectureD% BRIEFER n pl. -S one that briefsF$BRIEF adj BRIEFER, BRIEFEST shortH#BRIEF v -ED, -ING, -S to summarize'"UBRIE n pl. -S breef!QBRIDOON n pl. -S a device used to control a horseD  BRIDLEWAY n pl. -S a bridle pathFBRIDLER n pl. -S one that bridlesvqBRIDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to control with a restraintl]BRIDIE n pl. -S a pastry filled with meat and onions &Lr &h3UBRIM v BRIMMED, BRIMMING, BRIMS to fill to the top@2BRILLO n pl. -S a scouring padF1BRILL n pl. -S an edible flatfishN0!BRILL adj BRILLER, BRILLEST brilliantR/)BRIGHTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make brightL.BRIGHT n pl. -S a light-hued tobacco- BRIGHT adj BRIGHTER, BRIGHTEST emitting much light BRIGHTLY advp,eBRIGANDRY n pl. -RIES the condition of being a brigand5+qBRIGAND n pl. -S a banditj*YBRIGADE v -GADED, -GADING, -GADES to group togetherB) BRIG n pl. -S a two-masted ship <1k!c<D? BRINGER n pl. -S one that brings>-BRING v BROUGHT, BRUNG, BRINGING, BRINGS to take with oneself to a placeB= BRINER n pl. -S one that brines<BRINE v BRINED, BRINING, BRINES to treat with brine (salted water)-;aBRINDLED adj streakedF:BRINDLE n pl. -S a brindled color+9]BRINDED adj brindled;8}BRIN n pl. -S a rib of a fanT7-BRIMMER n pl. -S a brimming cup or glassZ69BRIMLESS adj having no brim (an upper edge)+5]BRIMFULL adj brimful>4BRIMFUL adj ready to overflow 7}3zA`7HKBRISK adj BRISKER, BRISKEST livelyJJBRISK v -ED, -ING, -S to make brisk IBRISANCE n pl. -S the shattering effect of an explosive BRISANT adjVH1BRIS n pl. -ES a Jewish circumcision riteG BRIQUET v -QUETTED, -QUETTING, -QUETS to mold into small bricks5FqBRIONY n pl. -NIES bryony;E}BRIOCHE n pl. -S a rich roll9DyBRIO n pl. BRIOS liveliness9CyBRINY n pl. BRINIES the seaFBBRINY adj BRINIER, BRINIEST salty@ABRINK n pl. -S an extreme edge;@}BRINISH adj resembling brine Kf/W*KdXMBRITTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to become brittle)WYBRITT n pl. -S britFVBRITSKA n pl. -S an open carriage)UYBRITH n pl. -S brisDT BRITCHES n/pl breeches; trousers>SBRIT n pl. -S a young herringJRBRISTOL n pl. -S a smooth cardboardVQ1BRISTLY adj -TLIER, -TLIEST stiffly erect`PEBRISTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to rise stiffly+O]BRISS n pl. -ES brisFNBRISLING n pl. -S a small herring>MBRISKLY adv in a brisk mannerTL-BRISKET n pl. -S the breast of an animal ;`)9Ox;9eyBROADISH adj somewhat broadNd!BROADEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make broad5cqBROADAXE n pl. -S broadaxHbBROADAX n pl. -ES a broad-edged axPa%BROAD n pl. -S an expansion of a riverD` BROAD adj BROADER, BROADEST wideJ_BROACHER n pl. -S one that broaches|^}BROACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to pierce so as to withdraw a liquid3]mBRO n pl. BROS a brother5\qBRITZSKA n pl. -S britska3[mBRITZKA n pl. -S britskaBZ BRITTLY adv in a brittle mannerVY1BRITTLE adj -TLER, -TLEST likely to break (p =uH t(HqBROCKET n pl. -S a small, red deer\p=BROCKAGE n pl. -S an imperfectly minted coin1oiBROCK n pl. -S a badger;n}BROCHURE n pl. -S a pamphlet)mYBROCHE adj brocadedTl-BROCH n pl. -S a prehistoric stone towerlk]BROCCOLI n pl. -S a vegetable related to the cabbageDj BROCATEL n pl. -S a heavy fabrici BROCADE v -CADED, -CADING, -CADES to weave with a raised design`hEBROAST v -ED, -ING, -S to broil and roast foodJgBROADWAY n pl. -S a large main road>fBROADLY adv in a broad manner rB*jrF|BROKEN adj shattered BROKENLY advV{1BROKAGE n pl. -S the business of a brokerPz%BROILER n pl. -S a device for broiling\y=BROIL v -ED, -ING, -S to cook by direct heat\x=BROIDERY n pl. -DERIES the act of broideringdwMBROIDER v -ED, -ING, -S to adorn with needleworkDv BROGUISH adj resembling a brogueduMBROGUERY n pl. -ERIES the use of an Irish accentBt BROGUE n pl. -S an Irish accent;s}BROGAN n pl. -S a heavy shoe5rqBROCOLI n pl. -S broccoli V[ :@V9yBROMELIN n pl. -S an enzymel]BROMELIA n pl. -S a tropical plant with stiff leaves9yBROME n pl. -S a tall grassvqBROMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to combine with bromine|}BROMANCE n pl. -S a close nonsexual relationship between menHBROMAL n pl. -S a medicinal liquid@BROLLY n pl. -LIES an umbrellaR)BROLGA n pl. -S a large Australian bird7~uBROKING n pl. -S brokerage }EBROKER v -ED, -ING, -S to act as a broker (an agent who buys and sells stocks) C;di~C7uBRONCHO n pl. -CHOS broncodMBRONCHIA n/pl the main air passages of the lungs-aBRONC n pl. -S broncoN!BROMO n pl. -MOS a medicinal compound BROMIZE v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES to treat with bromine or a bromidef QBROMISM n pl. -S a diseased condition of the skinX 5BROMINE n pl. -S a volatile liquid element1 iBROMIN n pl. -S bromineB  BROMIDIC adj commonplace; triteJ BROMIDE n pl. -S a bromine compound1iBROMID n pl. -S bromide>BROMIC adj containing bromine KjVkK|}BROODY adj BROODIER, BROODIEST tending to brood BROODILY advD BROODER n pl. -S one that broodsT-BROOD v -ED, -ING, -S to ponder gloomilyFBROOCH n pl. -ES a decorative pin1iBROO n pl. BROOS a breehUBRONZY adj BRONZIER, BRONZIEST of a brownish colorN!BRONZING n pl. -S a brownish coloringFBRONZER n pl. -S one that bronzestmBRONZE v BRONZED, BRONZING, BRONZES to make brown or tan@BRONCO n pl. -COS a wild horseN!BRONCHUS n pl. -CHI a tracheal branch .r5 J.Z)9BROTHER n pl. -S or BRETHREN a male siblingb(IBROTHER v -ED, -ING, -S to treat like a brotherT'-BROTHEL n pl. -S a house of prostitutionD& BROTH n pl. -S a thin clear soup;%}BROSY adj smeared with brose5$qBROSE n pl. -S a porridge #BROOMY adj BROOMIER, BROOMIEST abounding in broom (a type of shrub)@"BROOM v -ED, -ING, -S to sweepT!-BROOKLET n pl. -S a small brook or creek9 yBROOKITE n pl. -S a mineral@BROOKIE n pl. -S a brook troutFBROOK v -ED, -ING, -S to tolerate Rs6nHRF4BROWNER n pl. -S a fawning personZ39BROWN adj BROWNER, BROWNEST of a dark colorJ2BROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to make brown>1BROWLESS adj lacking eyebrowsf0QBROWBONE n pl. -S the ridge of bone above the eyev/qBROWBEAT v -BEAT, -BEATEN, -BEATING, -BEATS to intimidater.iBROWBAND n pl. -S a band designed to cross the foreheadN-!BROW n pl. -S the forehead BROWED adj9,yBROUHAHA n pl. -S an uproarL+BROUGHAM n pl. -S a type of carriage9*yBROTHY adj resembling broth n}/W znN?!BRUCINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid1>iBRUCIN n pl. -S brucine=BRUCELLA n pl. -LAE or -LAS any of a genus of harmful bacteriaj<YBRRR interj -- used to indicate that one feels cold!;IBRR interj brrrF:BROWSER n pl. -S one that browsesr9iBROWSE v BROWSED, BROWSING, BROWSES to look at casually^8ABROWNY adj BROWNIER, BROWNIEST somewhat brownJ7BROWNOUT n pl. -S a power reduction96yBROWNISH adj somewhat brownB5 BROWNIE n pl. -S a small sprite &e45Xj&@LBRUME n pl. -S fog BRUMOUS adjBK BRUMBY n pl. -BIES a wild horse%JQBRUMAL adj wintry3ImBRULZIE n pl. -S brulyieDH BRULYIE n pl. -S a noisy quarrel;G}BRULOT n pl. -S a biting flyDF BRUITER n pl. -S one that bruitsRE)BRUIT v -ED, -ING, -S to spread news ofFDBRUISER n pl. -S a big, husky man0CeBRUISE v BRUISED, BRUISING, BRUISES to injure without breaking the surface of the skin-BaBRUIN n pl. -S a bear3AmBRUGH n pl. -S a borough`@EBRUCITE n pl. -S a form of magnesium hydroxide :F^z2:\X=BRUSHY adj BRUSHIER, BRUSHIEST shaggy; roughBW BRUSHUP n pl. -S a quick reviewNV!BRUSHOFF n pl. -S an abrupt dismissalDU BRUSHLIKE adj resembling a brushFTBRUSHER n pl. -S one that brushesRS)BRUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to touch lightly@RBRUNT n pl. -S the main impactDQ BRUNIZEM n pl. -S a prairie soilPP%BRUNETTE n pl. -S a dark-haired femaleHOBRUNET n pl. -S a dark-haired maleJNBRUNCHER n pl. -S one that bruncheshMUBRUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to eat a late morning meal 4JmL4^bABRUTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make brutal@aBRUTELY adv in a brutal mannern`aBRUTE adj BRUTER, BRUTEST resembling an animal; cruel._aBRUTE v BRUTED, BRUTING, BRUTES to shape a diamond by rubbing it with another diamondj^YBRUTALIST n pl. -S pl. -S one who commits brutalism;]}BRUTALISM n pl. -S brutalityN\!BRUTAL adj cruel; savage BRUTALLY advH[BRUT n pl. -S a very dry champagnedZMBRUSQUE adj BRUSQUER, BRUSQUEST abrupt in mannerJYBRUSK adj BRUSKER, BRUSKEST brusque py!ar,p7nuBUBALIS n pl. -LISES bubalLmBUBALINE adj pertaining to the bubal-laBUBALE n pl. -S bubalBk BUBAL n pl. -S a large antelope5jqBUB n pl. -S young fellowdiMBRYOZOAN n pl. -S a type of small aquatic animalJhBRYONY n pl. -NIES a climbing plantTg-BRYOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of mossesdfMBRUXISM n pl. -S a nervous grinding of the teethTe-BRUX v -ED, -ING, -ES to grind the teethXd5BRUTISM n pl. -S the state of being brutal'cUBRUTISH adj brutal 8Ec!w8;x}BUBKES n/pl the least amountDw BUBINGA n pl. -S an African tree^vABUBBY n pl. -BIES a breast *deemed offensive*>uBUBBLY n pl. -BLIES champagneXt5BUBBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST full of bubblesLsBUBBLER n pl. -S a drinking fountain2riBUBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to form bubbles (bodies of gas contained within a liquid)-qaBUBBIE n pl. -S bubbeJpBUBBE n pl. -S a Jewish grandmother6oqBUBBA n pl. -S a white working-class man of the southern United States *deemed offensive* 4B5nz4B BUCKET v -ED, -ING, -S to hurry>BUCKEROO n pl. -ROOS buckarooB BUCKER n pl. -S a bucking horsehUBUCKEEN n pl. -S a poor man who acts as if wealthyB BUCKBEAN n pl. -S a marsh plant;}BUCKAYRO n pl. -ROS buckaroo>~BUCKAROO n pl. -ROOS a cowboyt}mBUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to leap forward and upward suddenlyb|IBUCCAL adj pertaining to the cheek BUCCALLY adv+{]BUBU n pl. -S boubouDz BUBONIC adj pertaining to a buboryiBUBO n pl. -BOES a swelling of a lymph gland BUBOED adj ggV1BUCKSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a male deerV1BUCKSHOT n pl. BUCKSHOT a large lead shotb IBUCKSHEE n pl. -S something extra obtained freeJ BUCKSAW n pl. -S a wood-cutting sawH BUCKRAM v -ED, -ING, -S to stiffen` EBUCKRA n pl. -S a white man *deemed offensive*N !BUCKO n pl. BUCKOS or BUCKOES a bullyFBUCKLER v -ED, -ING, -S to shieldfQBUCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to bend under pressure)YBUCKISH adj foppishJBUCKEYE n pl. -S a nut-bearing tree +p3O+dMBUDGE v BUDGED, BUDGING, BUDGES to move slightlyl]BUDDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to become close friendsHBUDDLEIA n pl. -S a tropical shrubzyBUDDLE n pl. -S an apparatus on which crushed ore is washedbIBUDDING n pl. -S a type of asexual reproduction`EBUDDHA n pl. -S a representation of the Buddha>BUDDER n pl. -S one that buds)BUD v BUDDED, BUDDING, BUDS to put forth buds (undeveloped plant parts)D BUCOLIC n pl. -S a pastoral poemD BUCKTAIL n pl. -S a fishing lure 8TAX8P$%BUFFALO v -ED, -ING, -ES to intimidatej#YBUFF adj BUFFER, BUFFEST having a muscular physiqueZ"9BUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to polish BUFFABLE adj^!ABUDWORM n pl. -S a caterpillar that eats buds  BUDWOOD n pl. -S a branch having buds that is used for grafting;}BUDLIKE adj resembling a bud@BUDLESS adj being without buds@BUDGIE n pl. -S a small parrotHBUDGETER n pl. -S one that budgetsbIBUDGET v -ED, -ING, -S to estimate expendituresB BUDGER n pl. -S one that budges 4T\%as4;0}BUGEYE n pl. -S a small boat^/ABUGBEAR n pl. -S an object or source of dreadF.BUGBANE n pl. -S a perennial herb>-BUGABOO n pl. -BOOS a bugbearL,BUG v BUGGED, BUGGING, BUGS to annoyp+eBUFFY adj BUFFIER, BUFFIEST of a yellowish-brown color3*mBUFFOON n pl. -S a clownV)1BUFFO n pl. -FI or -FOS an operatic clownH(BUFFETER n pl. -S one that buffetsN'!BUFFET v -ED, -ING, -S to hit sharplyF&BUFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to cushion^%ABUFFALO n pl. -LOS or -LOES an ox-like animal #}!X#^<ABUHL n pl. -S a style of furniture decoration/;eBUGSHA n pl. -S buqshaB: BUGSEED n pl. -S an annual herbV91BUGOUT n pl. -S one that leaves hurriedlyD8 BUGLOSS n pl. -ES a coarse plantP7%BUGLER n pl. -S one that plays a bugle6%BUGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to play a bugle (a brass wind instrument)H5BUGHOUSE n pl. -S an insane asylumH4BUGGY n pl. -GIES a light carriageX35BUGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST infested with bugs;2}BUGGERY n pl. -GERIES sodomy@1BUGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to damn /x0f'b//JeBULGAR n pl. -S bulgur7IuBULBUL n pl. -S a songbirdDH BULBOUS adj bulb-shaped; bulging>GBULBLET n pl. -S a small bulb;F}BULBIL n pl. -S a small bulb/EeBULBEL n pl. -S bulbiljDYBULB n pl. -S an underground bud BULBAR, BULBED adj%CQBUIRDLY adj burlyDB BUILDUP n pl. -S an accumulationVA1BUILDING n pl. -S something that is builtD@ BUILDER n pl. -S one that buildsr?iBUILD v BUILT or BUILDED, BUILDING, BUILDS to construct9>yBUHR n pl. -S a heavy stone/=eBUHLWORK n pl. -S buhl 0c."l0dUMBULKHEAD n pl. -S an upright partition in a shipxTuBULKER n pl. -S a ship that carries cargo in bulk (a mass)TS-BULKAGE n pl. -S a peristaltic stimulantXR5BULK v -ED, -ING, -S to gather into a massVQ1BULIMIC n pl. -S one afflicted by bulimiaxPuBULIMIA n pl. -S insatiable appetite BULIMIC, BULIMIAC adjJOBULGY adj BULGIER, BULGIEST bulging>NBULGUR n pl. -S crushed wheat1MiBULGHUR n pl. -S bulgur9LyBULGER n pl. -S a golf club\K=BULGE v BULGED, BULGING, BULGES to swell out Nh\Z_9BULLDOZE v -DOZED, -DOZING, -DOZES to bullyj^YBULLDOG v -DOGGED, -DOGGING, -DOGS to throw a steer^]ABULLDIKE n pl. -S bulldyke *deemed offensive*\\=BULLCOOK n pl. -S a worker in a logging campF[BULLBAT n pl. -S a nocturnal birdVZ1BULLATE adj having a blistered appearance@YBULLACE n pl. -S a purple plumDX BULLA n pl. -LAE a large blisterHWBULL v -ED, -ING, -S to push aheadbVIBULKY adj BULKIER, BULKIEST massive BULKILY adv Bk[mB\j=BULLNOSE n pl. -S a disease of domestic pigs@iBULLNECK n pl. -S a thick neck+h]BULLISH adj stubbornTg-BULLION n pl. -S uncoined gold or silverRf)BULLHORN n pl. -S an electric megaphonePe%BULLHEAD n pl. -S a freshwater catfish@dBULLFROG n pl. -S a large frogVc1BULLEY n pl. -S a two-masted fishing boat^bABULLETIN v -ED, -ING, -S to issue a news itemPa%BULLET v -ED, -ING, -S to move swiftly`%BULLDYKE n pl. -S an aggressively masculine lesbian *deemed offensive* Zw< lt]BULLSHOT n pl. -S a drink made of vodka and bouillonxsuBULLSHITTER n pl. -S one that bullshits *deemed offensive*Vr1BULLSHIT v -SHITTED or -SHAT, -SHITTING, -SHITS to talk foolishly, boastfully, or idly *deemed offensive*Tq-BULLSEYE n pl. -S the center of a target7puBULLRUSH n pl. -ES bulrushJoBULLRING n pl. -S a bullfight arena;n}BULLPOUT n pl. -S a bullheadRm)BULLPEN n pl. -S an enclosure for bulls>lBULLOUS adj resembling bullae`kEBULLOCK n pl. -S a castrated bull BULLOCKY adj Z:FZh~UBUM adj BUMMER, BUMMEST of little value; worthlessT}-BUM v BUMMED, BUMMING, BUMS to live idlyt|mBULWARK v -ED, -ING, -S to fortify with a defensive wallL{BULRUSH n pl. -ES a tall marsh plant\z=BULLYRAG v -RAGGED, -RAGGING, -RAGS to bully@yBULLYBOY n pl. -BOYS a ruffianFxBULLY adj -LIER, -LIEST wonderfulbwIBULLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to treat abusivelyvBULLWHIP v -WHIPPED, -WHIPPING, -WHIPS to strike with a long whip7uuBULLWEED n pl. -S knapweed ^Dg#^JBUMMALO n pl. -S a small Asian fish>BUMKIN n pl. -S a ship.s spar1iBUMF n pl. -S paperwork@BUMELIA n pl. -S a thorny tree0eBUMBOYS n pl. -S a homosexual who likes to give or receive anal sex *deemed offensive*|}BUMBOAT n pl. -S a boat used to peddle wares to larger shipsZ9BUMBLING n pl. -S an instance of clumsinessFBUMBLER n pl. -S one that bumblesR)BUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to bunglebIBUMBAG n pl. -S a pack that straps to the waist 4l >4fQBUNCHER n pl. -S one that gathers things togetherT-BUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to group togetherD BUNA n pl. -S a synthetic rubberB BUN n pl. -S a small bread roll BUMWAD n pl. -S toilet paper or toilet tissue *deemed offensive*vqBUMPY adj BUMPIER, BUMPIEST of uneven surface BUMPILY advX 5BUMPKIN n pl. -S an unsophisticated rustic) YBUMPH n pl. -S bumfX 5BUMPER v -ED, -ING, -S to fill to the brimN !BUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to knock against> BUMMER n pl. -S one that bums |8]&|\=BUNFIGHT n pl. -S a crowded boisterous partyFBUNDT n pl. -S a type of cake panZ9BUNDLING n pl. -S a former courtship customFBUNDLER n pl. -S one that bundles BUNDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to fasten a group of objects togetherJBUNDIST n pl. -S a member of a bundN!BUND n pl. -S a political association7uBUNCOMBE n pl. -S nonsenseR)BUNCO v -ED, -ING, -S or -ES to swindlenaBUNCHY adj BUNCHIER, BUNCHIEST clustered BUNCHILY adv rHv rF'BUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to go to bed`&EBUNION n pl. -S a painful swelling of the footR%)BUNHEAD n pl. -S a female ballet dancerZ$9BUNGLING n pl. -S an instance of clumsinessF#BUNGLER n pl. -S one that bunglesz"yBUNGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to work, make, or do clumsilyZ!9BUNGHOLE n pl. -S a hole in a keg or barrelJ BUNGEE n pl. -S an elasticized cordFBUNGALOW n pl. -S a small cottagejYBUNG v -ED, -ING, -S to plug with a cork or stopperbR{tmf_XQJC<xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YR5.'  KD=6/(!  xlaTJ?5*! n~c}X|N{Dz7y-x#wv utusjr_qTpJo>n5m)lkji{hpgff\eQdFc:b/a"`_^]{\p[eZYYMX@W3U'TSRQ~PtOjN_MULJK<J0I$HGvkaZNC7,#{FExDnCbBXAL@??4>)=<;:|9q8e7X6K5?433(210/~.t-i,_+T +,]&l-+b3IBUNTLINE n pl. -S a rope used to haul up a sailT2-BUNTING n pl. -S a fabric used for flags@1BUNTER n pl. -S one that bunts;0}BUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to buttR/)BUNRAKU n pl. -S a Japanese puppet show7.uBUNNY n pl. -NIES a rabbit%-QBUNN n pl. -S bun3,mBUNKUM n pl. -S nonsense@+BUNKO v -ED, -ING, -S to bunco*BUNKMATE n pl. -S a person with whom sleeping quarters are sharedl)]BUNKIE n pl. -S a small separate building for guests`(EBUNKER v -ED, -ING, -S to store in a large bin ,XWh=,T@-BUQSHA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Yemen3?mBUPPY n pl. -PIES buppie~>BUPPIE n pl. -S a black professional person working in a city'=UBUPKUS n/pl bubkes'<UBUPKIS n/pl bubkes';UBUPKES n/pl bubkes9:yBUOYANT adj having buoyancyX95BUOYANCY n pl. -CIES the tendency to float78uBUOYANCE n pl. -S buoyancyF7BUOYAGE n pl. -S a group of buoysx6uBUOY v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with a buoy (a warning float)\5=BUNYIP n pl. -S a fabulous monster of swampsD4 BUNYA n pl. -S an evergreen tree ^9<q^@MBURDOCK n pl. -S a coarse weed+L]BURDIE n pl. -S burdHKBURDENER n pl. -S one that burdensPJ%BURDEN v -ED, -ING, -S to load heavily/IeBURD n pl. -S a maidenFHBURBOT n pl. -S a freshwater fishJGBURBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST burblingFFBURBLER n pl. -S one that burbles|E}BURBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to speak quickly and excitedly/DeBURB n pl. -S a suburbHCBURAN n pl. -S a violent windstorm)BYBURA n pl. -S buranJABUR v BURRED, BURRING, BURS to burr "edDx"RY)BURGHER n pl. -S a citizen of a borough^XABURGH n pl. -S a Scottish borough BURGHAL adjfWQBURGESS n pl. -ES a citizen of an English borough9VyBURGER n pl. -S a hamburgerXU5BURGEON v -ED, -ING, -S to develop rapidly;T}BURGEE n pl. -S a small flagDS BURGAGE n pl. -S a feudal tenure;R}BURG n pl. -S a city or towntQmBURFI n pl. -S a dessert made from milk solids and sugarFPBURETTE n pl. -S a measuring tube/OeBURET n pl. -S burettedNMBUREAU n pl. -REAUS or -REAUX a chest of drawers LP;'eUBURK n pl. -S berkDd BURIN n pl. -S an engraving toolBc BURIER n pl. -S one that buriesHbBURIAL n pl. -S the act of buryingBa BURGUNDY n pl. -DIES a red wineJ`BURGRAVE n pl. -S a German nobleman1_iBURGOUT n pl. -S burgooH^BURGOO n pl. -GOOS a thick oatmealD] BURGONET n pl. -S an open helmetd\MBURGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to commit burglaryV[1BURGLARY n pl. -GLARIES a felonious theftVZ1BURGLAR n pl. -S one who commits burglary 9qIK9ppeBURLY adj -LIER, -LIEST heavy and muscular BURLILY advHoBURLEY n pl. -LEYS a light tobaccoNn!BURLESK n pl. -S a type of stage show@mBURLER n pl. -S one that burlsBl BURLAP n pl. -S a coarse fabricpkeBURL v -ED, -ING, -S to finish cloth by removing lumps5jqBURKITE n pl. -S a burker-iaBURKHA n pl. -S burkaBh BURKER n pl. -S one that burkestgmBURKE v BURKED, BURKING, BURKES to murder by suffocation fBURKA n pl. -S a long loose outer garment worn by some Muslim women V"[_$V|{}BURNSIDE n pl. -S a mustache and side whiskers on the cheeksJzBURNOUT n pl. -S a destructive fire7yuBURNOUS n pl. -ES burnooseDx BURNOOSE n pl. -S a hooded cloakHwBURNISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to polishdvMBURNING n pl. -S the firing of ceramic materials7uuBURNIE n pl. -S a brookletDt BURNET n pl. -S a perennial herb@sBURNER n pl. -S one that burns`rEBURNABLE n pl. -S something that can be burnedvqqBURN v BURNED or BURNT, BURNING, BURNS to destroy by fire mpA7mB BURRY adj -RIER, -RIEST pricklyHBURROWER n pl. -S one that burrows|}BURROW v -ED, -ING, -S to dig a hole or tunnel in the groundB BURRO n pl. -ROS a small donkeynaBURRITO n pl. -TOS a tortilla rolled around a fillingZ9BURRFISH n pl. -ES a fish with erect spines@BURRER n pl. -S one that burrsdMBURR v -ED, -ING, -S to remove a rough edge from+~]BURQA n pl. -S burkaJ}BURPEE n pl. -S a physical exercise>|BURP v -ED, -ING, -S to belch WFZDWD BURSTER n pl. -S one that bursts EBURST v BURST or BURSTED, BURSTING, BURSTS to break open suddenly or violently^ABURSITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of a bursal ]BURSERA adj designating a family of shrubs and trees@ BURSEED n pl. -S a coarse weedJ BURSE n pl. -S a small bag or pouchF BURSATE adj pertaining to a bursaP %BURSARY n pl. -RIES a college treasuryJBURSAR n pl. -S a college treasurerhUBURSA n pl. -SAS or -SAE a bodily pouch BURSAL adj %C{%R)BUSBOY n pl. -BOYS a waiter.s assistant`EBUSBAR n pl. -S a type of electrical conductorFBUS v BUSED, BUSING, BUSES or BUSSED, BUSSING, BUSSES to transport by bus (a large motor vehicle)-BURY v BURIED, BURYING, BURIES to put in the ground and cover with earth@BURWEED n pl. -S a coarse weedFBURTON n pl. -S a hoisting tackleFBURTHEN v -ED, -ING, -S to burden9BURSTY adj BURSTIER, BURSTIEST occurring in short sudden episodes or groupsB BURSTONE n pl. -S a heavy stone &=o&d"MBUSHELFUL n pl. -S as much as a bushel will holdH!BUSHELER n pl. -S one that bushels %BUSHEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to mend clothing~BUSHCRAFT n pl. -S a skill required for surviving in the wildHBUSHBUCK n pl. -S a small antelopehUBUSHBABY n pl. -BIES a small tree-dwelling primatejYBUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to cover with bushes (shrubs)=BUSGIRL n pl. -S a girl or woman who is a server.s assistant in a restaurantD BUSBY n pl. -BIES a tall fur hat 1Be}9n19/yBUSHTIT n pl. -S a titmouseJ.BUSHPIG n pl. -S a wild African pig>-BUSHMAN n pl. -MEN a woodsman7,uBUSHLOT n pl. -S a woodlot@+BUSHLIKE adj resembling a bush>*BUSHLESS adj having no bushesR))BUSHLAND n pl. -S unsettled forest landL(BUSHING n pl. -S a lining for a hole>'BUSHILY adv in a bushy mannerX&5BUSHIDO n pl. -DOS the code of the samurai;%}BUSHGOAT n pl. -S a bushbuckV$1BUSHFIRE n pl. -S a fire in a wooded area`#EBUSHER n pl. -S a minor league baseball player 2a,7"2T:-BUSKIN n pl. -S a high shoe BUSKINED adjN9!BUSKER n pl. -S a roaming entertainerB8 BUSK v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare`7EBUSING n pl. -S the act of transporting by busp6eBUSINESS n pl. -ES an occupation, profession, or trade95yBUSILY adv in a busy manner 4BUSHY n pl. BUSHIES a person who lives in the bush (the wilderness)b3IBUSHY adj BUSHIER, BUSHIEST covered with bushes12iBUSHWAH n pl. -S bushwa31mBUSHWA n pl. -S nonsensed0MBUSHVELD n pl. -S a veld with shrubby vegetation L<};VLjFYBUSTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to move energeticallyRE)BUSTIER n pl. -S a woman.s undergarmentBD BUSTIC n pl. -S a tropical tree\C=BUSTER n pl. -S one that breaks up somethingBB BUSTEE n pl. -S a slum in India;A}BUSTARD n pl. -S a game bird>@BUST v -ED, -ING, -S to burst1?iBUSSING n pl. -S busing>>BUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to kissD= BUSMAN n pl. -MEN a bus operatorT<-BUSLOAD n pl. -S a load that fills a bush;UBUSKING n pl. -S the act of performing as a busker S",SBQ BUTANE n pl. -S a flammable gas1PiBUT n pl. -S a flatfishZO9BUSYWORK n pl. -S active but valueless workXN5BUSYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being busyLMBUSYBODY n pl. -BODIES a nosy personFLBUSY adj BUSIER, BUSIEST occupiedZK9BUSY v BUSIED, BUSYING, BUSIES to make busy;J}BUSULFAN n pl. -S a medicineTI-BUSTY adj BUSTIER, BUSTIEST full-bosomedH9BUSTLINE n pl. -S the distance around the bust (the upper torso of a woman)FGBUSTLER n pl. -S one that bustles 7`G7{7@\BUTLER n pl. -S a male servantJ[BUTLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to buttle3ZmBUTEO n pl. -TEOS a hawk3YmBUTENE n pl. -S butyleneZX9BUTE n pl. -S a drug for treating arthritis^WABUTCHERY n pl. -ERIES wanton or cruel killingLVBUTCHER v -ED, -ING, -S to slaughter^UABUTCH n pl. -ES a lesbian with mannish traits2TiBUTCH adj BUTCHER, BUTCHEST overtly acting as masculine (of a woman) *deemed offensive*LSBUTANONE n pl. -S a flammable ketoneLRBUTANOL n pl. -S a flammable alcohol Jm7bfIBUTTLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to serve as a butlerFeBUTTHEAD n pl. -S a stupid personJdBUTTERY n pl. -TERIES a wine cellarbcIBUTTERY adj -TERIER, -TERIEST containing butter~bBUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to spread with butter (a milk product)Ba BUTTE n pl. -S an isolated hill9`yBUTTALS n/pl boundary linesV_1BUTT v -ED, -ING, -S to hit with the headb^IBUTOH n pl. -S a style of modern Japanese danceL]BUTLERY n pl. -LERIES a storage room hlx(hRp)BUTYLENE n pl. -S a gaseous hydrocarbonfoQBUTYLATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to add a butyl toLnBUTYL n pl. -S a hydrocarbon radicalTm-BUTUT n pl. -S a monetary unit of GambiaHlBUTTY n pl. -TIES a fellow workmanLkBUTTRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to prop upBj BUTTONY adj resembling a buttonHiBUTTONER n pl. -S one that buttons~hBUTTON v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a button (a small disk)|g}BUTTOCK n pl. -S either of the two rounded parts of the rump *f 0V*^{ABUYOFF n pl. -S a payment for a consideration;z}BUYER n pl. -S one that buysyBUYBACK n pl. -S the repurchase by a corporation of its own stockhxUBUY v BOUGHT, BUYING, BUYS to purchase BUYABLE adjjwYBUXOM adj -OMER, -OMEST healthily plump BUXOMLY advXv5BUTYRYL n pl. -S a radical of butyric acid@uBUTYROUS adj resembling butterLtBUTYRIN n pl. -S a chemical compoundBs BUTYRIC adj derived from butterFrBUTYRATE n pl. -S a chemical saltLqBUTYRAL n pl. -S a chemical compound XDZdMBUZZWORD n pl. -S a word used to impress someoneJBUZZWIG n pl. -S a large, thick wigBUZZKILL n pl. -S one that has a depressing or negative effectHBUZZING n pl. -S a vibrating soundHBUZZER n pl. -S a signaling deviceN!BUZZCUT n pl. -S a very short haircutX5BUZZBAIT n pl. -S a vibrating fishing lureN!BUZZARD n pl. -S a large bird of preyb~IBUZZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a vibrating soundH}BUZUKI n pl. -KIA or -KIS bouzoukiX|5BUYOUT n pl. -S the purchase of a business SJh D BYNAME n pl. -S a secondary namebIBYLINER n pl. -S one that writes under a byline8uBYLINE v -LINED, -LINING, -LINES to write under a byline (a line giving the author.s name)@BYLAW n pl. -S a secondary lawF BYGONE n pl. -S a past occurrence- aBYELAW n pl. -S bylaw5 qBYE n pl. -S a side issuer iBYCATCH n pl. -ES marine animals caught unintentionallyV 1BY n pl. BYS a pass in certain card games9yBWANA n pl. -S master; bossl]BUZZY adj BUZZIER, BUZZIEST having a vibrating sound 0aR Yr0>BYWAY n pl. -WAYS a side roadbIBYTE n pl. -S a group of adjacent binary digits7uBYTALK n pl. -S small talkB BYSTREET n pl. -S a side streetpeBYSSUS n pl. BYSSUSES or BYSSI a fine linen BYSSAL adj9yBYROAD n pl. -S a side roadD BYRNIE n pl. -S an armored shirt>BYRL v -ED, -ING, -S to birle1iBYRE n pl. -S a cowshedLBYPLAY n pl. -PLAYS secondary actionD BYPATH n pl. -S an indirect road3mBYPAST adj past; gone bydMBYPASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to avoid by going around SPI3SX)5CABBAGE v -BAGED, -BAGING, -BAGES to steal>(CABARET n pl. -S a music hall>'CABANA n pl. -S a small cabin\&=CABALIST n pl. -S one who practices cabalismR%)CABALISM n pl. -S adherence to a cabala\$=CABALA n pl. -S an occult or secret doctrine\#=CABAL v -BALLED, -BALLING, -BALS to conspirep"eCAB v CABBED, CABBING, CABS to take or drive a taxicab/!eBYZANT n pl. -S bezant^ ABYWORK n pl. -S work done during leisure timeJBYWORD n pl. -S a well-known saying _*ts!F5CABILDO n pl. -DOS a town council54qCABEZONE n pl. -S cabezonN3!CABEZON n pl. -S a large, edible fish;2}CABESTRO n pl. -TROS a lassoD1 CABERNET n pl. -S a dry red winev0qCABER n pl. -S a heavy pole thrown as a trial of strengthJ/CABBY n pl. -BIES a driver of a cab-.aCABBIE n pl. -S cabby3-mCABBALAH n pl. -S cabala1,iCABBALA n pl. -S cabala++]CABBAGY adj cabbageyn*aCABBAGEY adj resembling a cabbage (a leafy vegetable) qwe uq+>]CABOB n pl. -S kabobJ=CABMAN n pl. -MEN a driver of a cab< CABLING n pl. -S a cable or cables used for fastening somethingP;%CABLEWAY n pl. -WAYS a suspended cable>:CABLET n pl. -S a small cableV91CABLER n pl. -S one that supplies a cable8CABLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to fasten with a cable (a heavy rope)7CABINET n pl. -S a piece of furniture with shelves and drawers6 CABIN v -ED, -ING, -S to live in a cabin (a roughly built house) &y-7'e&;J}CABRILLA n pl. -S a sea bassDI CABRETTA n pl. -S a soft leather;H}CABRESTO n pl. -TOS cabestro7GuCABRESTA n pl. -S cabestroF-CABOVER n pl. -S a truck having the driver.s compartment over the engineBE CABOTAGE n pl. -S coastal trade-DaCABOSHED adj cabocheddCMCABOOSE n pl. -S the last car of a freight train@BCABOODLE n pl. -S a collectionFACABOMBA n pl. -S an aquatic plantH@CABOCHON n pl. -S a precious stone? CABOCHED adj full-faced -- used of an animal.s head in heraldry YB u/9YfTQCACHEXIA n pl. -S general ill health CACHEXIC adjrSiCACHET v -ED, -ING, -S to print a design on an envelopevRqCACHEPOT n pl. -S an ornamental container for a flowerpotxQuCACHE v CACHED, CACHING, CACHES to store in a hiding placeBP CACHALOT n pl. -S a large whaleJOCACHACA n pl. -S a Brazilian liquorFNCACAO n pl. -CAOS a tropical tree1MiCACA n pl. -S excrementbLICABSTAND n pl. -S a place where cabs await hireTK-CABRIOLE n pl. -S a curved furniture leg 4;}3C4_!CACTUS n pl. -TI or -TUSES a plant native to arid regions CACTOID adjx^uCACONYMY n pl. -MIES the state of having an erroneous nameH]CACONYM n pl. -S an erroneous nameR\)CACOMIXL n pl. -S a raccoon-like mammalJ[CACODYL n pl. -S a poisonous liquidFZCACKLER n pl. -S one that cacklesnYaCACKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to make the sound of a henHXCACIQUE n pl. -S a tropical orioleFWCACHUCHA n pl. -S a Spanish dance1ViCACHOU n pl. -S catechuBU CACHEXY n pl. -CHEXIES cachexia yH eyPj%CADELLE n pl. -S a small, black beetle@iCADE n pl. -S a European shrubPh%CADDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to caddie;g}CADDISH adj resembling a cadrfiCADDIS n pl. -DISES a coarse woolen fabric CADDISED adjeCADDIE v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to serve as a golfer.s assistant1diCADDICE n pl. -S caddis5cqCADAVER n pl. -S a corpse7buCADASTRE n pl. -S cadasterjaYCADASTER n pl. -S a public record of land ownershipF`CAD n pl. -S an ungentlemanly man tOTy:t^uACADRE n pl. -S a nucleus of trained personnel`tECADMIUM n pl. -S a metallic element CADMIC adj;s}CADI n pl. -S a Muslim judge'rUCADGY adj cheerfulBq CADGER n pl. -S one that cadgesfpQCADGE v CADGED, CADGING, CADGES to get by begging^oACADET n pl. -S a student at a military school^nACADENZA n pl. -S an elaborate musical passage3mmCADENT adj having rhythm;l}CADENCY n pl. -CIES a rhythmnkaCADENCE v -DENCED, -DENCING, -DENCES to make rhythmic _D(H_D CAF n pl. -S a cafeteria or cafe=CAESURA n pl. -RAS or -RAE a pause in a line of verse CAESURAL, CAESURIC adj3~mCAESTUS n pl. -ES cestus1}iCAESIUM n pl. -S cesium5|qCAESIOUS adj bluish green7{uCAESAR n pl. -S an emperorfzQCAEOMA n pl. -S a spore-forming organ of a fungus`yECAECUM n pl. -CA cecum CAECAL adj CAECALLY advJxCADUCOUS adj transitory; perishable>wCADUCITY n pl. -TIES senilityvvqCADUCEUS n pl. -CEI a heraldic wand or staff CADUCEAN adj bf9"TbH CAGER n pl. -S a basketball player@ CAGELING n pl. -S a caged bird^ ACAGELIKE adj resembling a cage (an enclosure)vqCAGEFUL n pl. -S the number held in a cage (an enclosure)P%CAGE v CAGED, CAGING, CAGES to confinedMCAFTAN n pl. -S a full-length tunic CAFTANED adjriCAFFEINE n pl. -S a bitter alkaloid used as a stimulant5qCAFFEIN n pl. -S caffeine)YCAFF n pl. -S a cafD CAFE n pl. -S a small restaurantN!CAFARD n pl. -S a state of depression Oys8MO/eCAIRD n pl. -S a gypsyP%CAIQUE n pl. -S a long, narrow rowboat'UCAIN n pl. -S kainHCAIMAN n pl. -S a tropical reptile>CAID n pl. -S a Muslim leader5qCAHOW n pl. -S a sea bird/eCAHOUN n pl. -S cohune9yCAHOOT n pl. -S partnership7uCAHIER n pl. -S a notebook@CAGY adj CAGIER, CAGIEST cagey\=CAGOULE n pl. -S a hooded waterproof garment^ACAGINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being cagey; }CAGILY adv in a cagey mannerD  CAGEY adj CAGIER, CAGIEST shrewd e>|3#mCAJUPUT n pl. -S cajeputL"CAJON n pl. -ES a steep-sided canyon\!=CAJOLERY n pl. -ERIES persuasion by flatteryF CAJOLER n pl. -S one that cajolestmCAJOLE v -JOLED, -JOLING, -JOLES to persuade by flatteryJCAJEPUT n pl. -S an Australian tree3mCAJAPUT n pl. -S cajeputLCAITIFF n pl. -S a despicable personN!CAISSON n pl. -S a watertight chamber1CAIRN n pl. -S a mound of stones set up as a memorial CAIRNED, CAIRNY adj ^VR-)CALABAZA n pl. -S a large winter squash7,uCALABASH n pl. -ES a gourd;+}CAL n pl. -S a small calorie@*CAKY adj CAKIER, CAKIEST cakeyZ)9CAKINESS n pl. -ES the state of being cakeyb(ICAKEY adj CAKIER, CAKIEST tending to form lumpsX'5CAKEWALK v -ED, -ING, -S to step stylishlyH&CAKEHOLE n pl. -S a person.s mouth~%CAKEBOX n pl. -ES a container for a cake (a sweet baked food)t$mCAKE v CAKED, CAKING, CAKES to form into a hardened mass vk: vZ79CALAMITE n pl. -S an extinct treelike plantH6CALAMINT n pl. -S a perennial herb51CALAMINE v -MINED, -MINING, -MINES to apply an ointment for skin ailments74uCALAMATA n pl. -S kalamata@3CALAMARY n pl. -MARIES a squidL2CALAMARI n pl. -S squid used as food51qCALAMAR n pl. -S calamaryH0CALADIUM n pl. -S a tropical plantX/5CALABRESE n pl. -S a type of Italian bread.%CALABOGUS n pl. -ES a beverage made from spruce beer, rum and molasses +^fb+TD-CALCIC adj pertaining to lime or calcium7CuCALCEATE adj wearing shoes@BCALCAR n pl. -S a type of oven\A=CALCAR n pl. -CARIA an anatomical projectionB@ CALCANEI n/pl bones of the heel/?eCALCANEA n/pl calcanei;>}CALATHUS n pl. -THI calathosH=CALATHOS n pl. -THI a fruit basket`<ECALATHEA n pl. -S a plant with colorful leavesF;CALASH n pl. -ES a light carriageF:CALANDO adj gradually diminishingB9 CALAMUS n pl. -MI a marsh plantX85CALAMITY n pl. -TIES a grievous misfortune kPx*dklN]CALCULUS n pl. -LI or -LUSES a branch of mathematics7MuCALCTUFF n pl. -S calctufaJLCALCTUFA n pl. -S a mineral deposit9KyCALCSPAR n pl. -S a calciteJ CALCRETE n pl. -S a type of concrete made with calcium carbonateJICALCIUM n pl. -S a metallic elementRH)CALCITE n pl. -S a mineral CALCITIC adj~GCALCINE v -CINED, -CINING, -CINES to reduce to a calx by heatTF-CALCIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to hardenTE-CALCIFIC adj containing salts of calcium b7>zXyCALF n pl. CALVES or CALFS a young cow or bull CALFLIKE adj3WmCALESA n pl. -S a calashpVeCALENDS n pl. CALENDS the first day of the Roman monthUCALENDER v -ED, -ING, -S to smooth by pressing between rollersLTCALENDAR v -ED, -ING, -S to scheduleHSCALENDAL adj pertaining to calends1RiCALECHE n pl. -S calashVQ1CALDRON n pl. -S a large kettle or boilerBP CALDERA n pl. -S a large craterTO-CALDARIA n/pl rooms for taking hot baths 1BBxG1Zc9CALIPEE n pl. -S an edible part of a turtle^bACALIPASH n pl. -ES an edible part of a turtleRa)CALIFATE n pl. -S the domain of a calif-`aCALIF n pl. -S caliphX_5CALICO n pl. -COES or -COS a cotton fabricj^YCALICLE n pl. -S a cup-shaped, anatomical structureH]CALICHE n pl. -S a mineral depositN\!CALIBRE n pl. -S caliber CALIBRED adj^[ACALIBER n pl. -S the diameter of a gun barrelLZCALFSKIN n pl. -S the skin of a calfjYYCALFHOOD n pl. -S the state or time of being a calf ,&j(t |,LnCALLALOO n pl. -LOOS a crabmeat soupBm CALLA n pl. -S a tropical plantZl9CALL v -ED, -ING, -S to summon CALLABLE adjPk%CALKING n pl. -S material used to calklj]CALKIN n pl. -S a gripping projection on a horseshoe@iCALKER n pl. -S one that calks>hCALK v -ED, -ING, -S to caulkHgCALIX n pl. -LICES or -LIXES a cuplf]CALISAYA n pl. -S the medicinal bark of the cinchona\e=CALIPH n pl. -S a Muslim leader CALIPHAL adjvdqCALIPER v -ED, -ING, -S to use a type of measuring device ;]e!";\{=CALLOSE n pl. -S a part of a plant cell wallJzCALLIPER v -ED, -ING, -S to caliper5yqCALLIPEE n pl. -S calipeebxICALLIOPE n pl. -S a keyboard musical instrumentVw1CALLING n pl. -S a vocation or profession;v}CALLET n pl. -S a prostitute@uCALLER n pl. -S one that callsHtCALLEE n pl. -S one that is called>sCALLBOY n pl. -BOYS a bellboyfrQCALLBACK n pl. -S a recall of a defective product/qeCALLANT n pl. -S a lad1piCALLAN n pl. -S callant7ouCALLALOU n pl. -S callaloo 6^l]CALO n pl. -S a Spanish argot used by Chicano youthsX5CALMNESS n pl. -ES the state of being calmriCALM adj CALMER, CALMEST free from agitation CALMLY advFCALM v -ED, -ING, -S to make calm^ACALLUS v -ED, -ING, -ES to form a hard growthJCALLUNA n pl. -S an evergreen shrubd~MCALLOW adj -LOWER, -LOWEST immature CALLOWLY adv`}ECALLOUT n pl. -S an inset in a printed articleb|ICALLOUS v -ED, -ING, -ES to make or become hard yWQ^yfQCALPAIN n pl. -S an enzyme for digesting proteins1iCALPACK n pl. -S calpacB  CALPAC n pl. -S a sheepskin hat^ ACALOYER n pl. -S a monk of the Eastern ChurchP %CALOTYPE n pl. -S a kind of photograph9 yCALOTTE n pl. -S a skullcap7 uCALORY n pl. -RIES calorieCALORIZE v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES to coat steel with aluminumB CALORIE n pl. -S a unit of heat-aCALORIC n pl. -S heattmCALOMEL n pl. -S a chemical compound used as a purgative c1R)CALVARIA n pl. -S the dome of the skullN!CALVADOS n pl. -ES a dry apple brandyriCALUTRON n pl. -S a device used for separating isotopesl]CALUMNY n pl. -NIES a false and malicious accusationHCALUMET n pl. -S a ceremonial pipe@CALTROP n pl. -S a spiny plant3mCALTRAP n pl. -S caltrop5qCALTHROP n pl. -S caltropdMCALQUE v CALQUED, CALQUING, CALQUES to model a word.s meaning upon that of an analogous word in another language aV had#MCALYPTRA n pl. -S a hood-shaped organ of flowers7"uCALYPTER n pl. -S calyptra`!ECALYPSO n pl. -SOS or -SOES an improvised songX 5CALYCULI n/pl small, cup-shaped structuresB CALYCLE n pl. -S an outer calyxHCALYCINE adj pertaining to a calyx-aCALYCEAL adj calycine-aCALYCATE adj calycineX5CALX n pl. -ES or CALCES a mineral residueriCALVE v CALVED, CALVING, CALVES to give birth to a calfriCALVARY n pl. -RIES a representation of the Crucifixion [k}.[, CAMBISM n pl. -S the theory and practice of exchange in commerceF+CAMBIAL adj pertaining to cambiumR*)CAMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to arch slightlyF)CAMASS n pl. -ES a perennial herb/(eCAMAS n pl. -ES camassx'uCAMAIL n pl. -S a piece of armor for the neck CAMAILED adjn&aCAM n pl. -S a rotating or sliding piece of machineryx%uCALZONE n pl. -NES or -NI a turnover with a savory filling$%CALYX n pl. -LYXES or -LYCES the outer protective covering of a flower %,>v$%z7yCAMELID n pl. -S any of a family of 2-toed ruminant mammals56qCAMELIA n pl. -S camelliaD5 CAMELEER n pl. -S a camel driverN4!CAMEL n pl. -S a large, humped mammalF3CAME n pl. -S a leaden window rodz2yCAMCORD v -ED, -ING, -S to videotape with a portable camera>1CAMBRIC n pl. -S a fine linenf0QCAMBOOSE n pl. -S a large cabin at a logging camp>/CAMBOGIA n pl. -S a gum resinl.]CAMBIUM n pl. -BIUMS or -BIA a layer of plant tissue`-ECAMBIST n pl. -S a dealer in bills of exchange -8?Hu-DC CAMLET n pl. -S a durable fabricHBCAMISOLE n pl. -S a brief negligee1AiCAMISIA n pl. -S camiseN@!CAMISE n pl. -S a loose shirt or gownl?]CAMISADO n pl. -DOS or -DOES an attack made at night7>uCAMISADE n pl. -S camisadoH=CAMISA n pl. -S a shirt or chemiseD< CAMION n pl. -S a military truck3;mCAMI n pl. -S a camisolev:qCAMERA n pl. -ERAS or -ERAE a judge.s chamber CAMERAL adjx9uCAMEO v -ED, -ING, -S to portray in sharp, delicate reliefH8CAMELLIA n pl. -S a tropical shrub Gs'ibGNN!CAMPHINE n pl. -S an explosive liquid7MuCAMPHENE n pl. -S camphineFLCAMPFIRE n pl. -S an outdoor fire@KCAMPER n pl. -S one that camps*JYCAMPAIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to conduct a series of operations to reach a specific goalTI-CAMPAGNA n pl. -PAGNE a flat, open plainTH-CAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to live in the openbGICAMORRA n pl. -S an unscrupulous secret societyHFCAMOMILE n pl. -S a medicinal herbNE!CAMO n pl. CAMOS a camouflage pattern7DuCAMMIE n pl. -S camouflage W{+TsW`ZECAMPSITE n pl. -S an area suitable for campingVY1CAMPOUT n pl. -S a camping out by a groupZX9CAMPOREE n pl. -S a gathering of Boy Scouts3WmCAMPONG n pl. -S kampongPV%CAMPO n pl. -POS a level, grassy plainRU)CAMPO n pl. -PI an open space in a town3TmCAMPION n pl. -S an herbZS9CAMPING n pl. -S the act of living outdoors>RCAMPILY adv in a campy mannerLQCAMPHOR n pl. -S a volatile compound3PmCAMPHOL n pl. -S borneolJOCAMPHIRE n pl. -S a flowering plant qQgJaCANAILLE n pl. -S the common peopleR`)CAN v CANST, COULD, COULDEST, COULDST present sing. 2d person CAN or CANST, past sing. 2d person COULD, COULDEST, or COULDST -- used as an auxiliary to express ability_!CAN v CANNED, CANNING, CANS to put in a can (a cylindrical container)V^1CAMWOOD n pl. -S an African hardwood treeX]5CAMSHAFT n pl. -S a shaft fitted with camsf\QCAMPY adj CAMPIER, CAMPIEST comically exaggerated [CAMPUS v -ED, -ING, -ES to restrict a student to the school grounds wH`w`kECANCAN n pl. -S a dance marked by high kicking;j}CANASTA n pl. -S a card gameBi CANARY n pl. -NARIES a songbird>hCANARD n pl. -S a false storyZg9CANAPE n pl. -S a food served before a mealDf CANALLER n pl. -S a freight boatTe-CANALIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to canalZd9CANALISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to canalizeDc CANAL v -NALLED, -NALLING, -NALS or -NALED, -NALING, -NALS to dig an artificial waterway through5bqCANAKIN n pl. -S cannikin @o#u/@@Bv CANDIDLY adv in a candid mannerduMCANDIDA n pl. -S a parasitic fungus CANDIDAL adjNt!CANDID n pl. -S an unposed photograph\s=CANDID adj -DIDER, -DIDEST frank and sincere)rYCANDENT adj glowing^qACANDELA n pl. -S a unit of luminous intensityBp CANCROID n pl. -S a skin cancerDo CANCHA n pl. -S a jai alai courtbnICANCER n pl. -S a malignant growth CANCERED adjHmCANCELER n pl. -S one that cancels lCANCEL v -CELED, -CELING, -CELS or -CELLED, -CELLING, -CELS to annul ^u+@v"^>CANER n pl. -S one that canes~CANEPHOR n pl. -S a Greek maiden bearing a basket on her headP~%CANELLA n pl. -S a medicinal tree bark`}ECANE v CANED, CANING, CANES to beat with a rodb|ICANDYMAN n pl. -MEN one who sells illegal drugsb{ICANDY v -DIED, -DYING, -DIES to coat with sugar1ziCANDOUR n pl. -S candorLyCANDOR n pl. -S frankness; sincerityFxCANDLER n pl. -S one that candleswCANDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to examine eggs in front of a light 'hW1'l ]CANITIES n pl. CANITIES the turning gray of the hairL CANISTER n pl. -S a small, metal boxF CANISTEL n pl. -S a tropical treed MCANINITY n pl. -TIES the state of being a canineP%CANING n pl. -S punishment with a cane-aCANINE n pl. -S a dog5qCANIKIN n pl. -S cannikin+]CANID n pl. -S a dogjYCANGUE n pl. -S an ancient Chinese punishing devicepeCANFUL n pl. CANFULS or CANSFUL as much as a can holds>CANFIELD n pl. -S a card gameR)CANEWARE n pl. -S a yellowish stoneware IJW_IZ9CANNIBAL n pl. -S one who eats his own kindhUCANNERY n pl. -NERIES a place where food is cannedHCANNER n pl. -S one that cans foodZ9CANNELURE n pl. -S a groove around a bulletD CANNELON n pl. -S a stuffed rollN!CANNEL n pl. -S an oily, compact coal7uCANNABIS n pl. -BISES hempfQCANNABIN n pl. -S a resin extracted from cannabisJCANNABIC adj pertaining to cannabisB CANNA n pl. -S a tropical plantl ]CANKER v -ED, -ING, -S to affect with ulcerous sores 4l*az4B! CANNY adj -NIER, -NIEST prudent =CANNULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE a tube inserted into a bodily cavity CANNULAR adjB CANNOT the negative form of can@CANNONRY n pl. -RIES artilleryvqCANNON v -ED, -ING, -S to fire a cannon (a heavy firearm)peCANNOLI n pl. -S a tube of pastry with a sweet filling)CANNING n pl. -S the business of preserving food in airtight containers>CANNILY adv in a canny mannerLCANNIKIN n pl. -S a small can or cup@CANNIE adj -NIER, -NIEST canny mi!#)mZ*9CANONIST n pl. -S a specialist in canon lawZ)9CANONISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to canonizev(qCANONESS n pl. -ES a woman who lives according to a canon|'}CANON n pl. -S a law decreed by a church council CANONIC adjr&iCANOLA n pl. -S an oil from the seeds of a kind of herb@%CANOER n pl. -S one who canoes@$CANOEMAN n pl. -MEN a canoeistD# CANOEIST n pl. -S one who canoes")CANOE v -NOED, -NOEING, -NOES to paddle a canoe (a light, slender boat) h6XhL5CANTATA n pl. -S a vocal compositionF4CANTALA n pl. -S a tropical plantR3)CANTAL n pl. -S a hard cheese of FranceN2!CANT v -ED, -ING, -S to tilt or slant;1}CANSO n pl. -SOS a love song+0]CANOROUS adj melodicf/QCANOPY v -PIED, -PYING, -PIES to cover from aboveV.1CANOPIC adj pertaining to an Egyptian jarV-1CANOODLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to caressN,!CANONRY n pl. -RIES a clerical officet+mCANONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to declare to be a saint 0`GX?5CANTO n pl. -TOS a division of a long poemV>1CANTLE n pl. -S the rear part of a saddle5=qCANTINA n pl. -S a saloon3<mCANTICLE n pl. -S a hymn';UCANTIC adj slantedz:yCANTHUS n pl. -THI a corner of the eye CANTHAL, CANTHIC adjR9)CANTHARI n/pl two-handled drinking cupsv8qCANTER v -ED, -ING, -S to ride a horse at a moderate pacen7aCANTEEN n pl. -S a small container for carrying waterZ69CANTDOG n pl. -S a device used to move logs @8_&I@xJuCANULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to insert a canula into^IACANULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE cannula CANULAR adj'HUCANTY adj cheerful^GACANTUS n pl. CANTUSES a style of church music@FCANTRIP n pl. -S a magic spell3EmCANTRAP n pl. -S cantrip5DqCANTRAIP n pl. -S cantripCCANTORIS adj to be sung by the north side of the choir in a churchHBCANTOR n pl. -S a religious singerJACANTONAL adj pertaining to a cantonv@qCANTON v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into cantons (districts) 8fg8pTeCAPACITY n pl. -TIES the ability to receive or containlS]CAPABLE adj -BLER, -BLEST having ability CAPABLY advR9CAP v CAPPED, CAPPING, CAPS to provide with a cap (a type of head covering)@QCANZONET n pl. -S a short songdPMCANZONE n pl. -NI or -NES a form of lyric poetry3OmCANZONA n pl. -S canzone`NECANYON n pl. -S a deep valley with steep sides`MECANVASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to examine thoroughlyJLCANVASER n pl. -S one that canvasesHKCANVAS v -ED, -ING, -ES to canvass 7s@ u/Cv7;a}CAPICOLLA n pl. -S capicolloD` CAPIAS n pl. -ES a judicial writ'_UCAPH n pl. -S kaphV^1CAPFUL n pl. -S as much as a cap can holdX]5CAPEWORK n pl. -S a bullfighting techniqueD\ CAPESKIN n pl. -S a soft leatherD[ CAPERER n pl. -S one that capersBZ CAPER v -ED, -ING, -S to frolicNY!CAPELIN n pl. -S a small, edible fish>XCAPELET n pl. -S a small cape3WmCAPELAN n pl. -S capelin/VeCAPEESH interj capisceUCAPE v CAPED, CAPING, CAPES to skin the head and neck of an animal p"=pNl!CAPMAKER n pl. -S one that makes caps1kiCAPLIN n pl. -S capelinBj CAPLET n pl. -S a coated tabletBi CAPLESS adj being without a capFhCAPIZ n pl. -ES a bivalve mollusk>gCAPITULA n/pl flower clusterszfyCAPITOL n pl. -S a building occupied by a state legislature3emCAPITATE adj head-shapedZd9CAPITAL n pl. -S the upper part of a columndcMCAPISCE interj -- used to ask if one understandsrbiCAPICOLLO n pl. -S a type of Italian cured pork product {-7o%[ 7xuCAPPER n pl. -S a capmaker5wqCAPOUCH n pl. -ES capucheXv5CAPOTE n pl. -S a hooded cloak or overcoat1uiCAPOT n pl. -S a capoteFtCAPORAL n pl. -S a coarse tobaccofsQCAPONIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to geld a roosterZr9CAPONISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to caponizeJqCAPONIER n pl. -S a type of defense^pACAPONATA n pl. -S a relish made with eggplantBo CAPON n pl. -S a gelded roosterJnCAPOEIRA n pl. -S a Brazilian dancemCAPO n pl. -POS a pitch-raising device for fretted instruments 1]**1`ECAPSICIN n pl. -S a liquid used as a flavoringT-CAPROCK n pl. -S an overlying rock layer9yCAPRIS n/pl pants for womenR)CAPRIOLE v -OLED, -OLING, -OLES to leap'UCAPRINE adj capricFCAPRIFIG n pl. -S a European tree1~iCAPRICE n pl. -S a whim/}eCAPRICCI n/pl capricesB| CAPRIC adj pertaining to a goatP{%CAPRI n pl. -S a woman.s tapered pants zECAPRESE n pl. -S a salad containing mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, and olive oil`yECAPPING n pl. -S a wax covering in a honeycomb h-gQh^ ACAPSULISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to summarize  CAPSULE v -SULED, -SULING, -SULES to condense into a brief formF CAPSULAR adj enclosed and compact` ECAPSTONE n pl. -S the top stone of a structured MCAPSTAN n pl. -S a machine used to hoist weights`ECAPSOMER n pl. -S a protein forming the capsid^ACAPSIZE v -SIZED, -SIZING, -SIZES to overturn CAPSID n pl. -S the outer shell of a virus particle CAPSIDAL adjFCAPSICUM n pl. -S a tropical herb .gx@.Z9CAPUT n pl. CAPITA a head or head-like partP%CAPUCHIN n pl. -S a long-tailed monkey\=CAPUCHE n pl. -S a hood or cowl CAPUCHED adjJCAPTURER n pl. -S one that captures~CAPTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to take by force or cunningdMCAPTOR n pl. -S one who takes or holds a captive9yCAPTIVE n pl. -S a prisonerHCAPTIOUS adj tending to find faultbICAPTION v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a title9yCAPTAN n pl. -S a fungicideX5CAPTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to lead or command @}/q)L@@%CARAFE n pl. -S a glass bottle3$mCARACUL n pl. -S karakul #CARACOLE v -COLED, -COLING, -COLES to perform a half turn on a horse`"ECARACOL v -COLLED, -COLLING, -COLS to caracole1!iCARACK n pl. -S carrack@ CARACARA n pl. -S a large hawkD CARACAL n pl. -S an African lynx5qCARABINE n pl. -S carbine3mCARABIN n pl. -S carbineJCARABID n pl. -S a predatory beetleJCARABAO n pl. -BAOS a water buffalo7uCAR n pl. -S an automobileD CAPYBARA n pl. -S a large rodent 3jp43&0QCARAVAN v -VANED, -VANING, -VANS or -VANNED, -VANNING, -VANS to travel in a groupR/)CARATE n pl. -S a tropical skin diseaseT.-CARAT n pl. -S a unit of weight for gems7-uCARASSOW n pl. -S curassow7,uCARAPAX n pl. -ES carapacej+YCARAPACE n pl. -S a hard, protective outer coveringB* CARANGID n pl. -S a marine fish@)CARAMEL n pl. -S a chewy candyl(]CARAMBA interj -- used to express surprise or dismayJ'CARAGEEN n pl. -S an edible seaweedD& CARAGANA n pl. -S an Asian shrub tPkEtL<CARBOLIC n pl. -S an acidic compound>;CARBO n pl. -S a carbohydrate;:}CARBINOL n pl. -S an alcohol@9CARBINE n pl. -S a light rifleH8CARBIDE n pl. -S a carbon compoundD7 CARBARYL n pl. -S an insecticideJ6CARBARN n pl. -S a garage for busesL5CARBAMYL n pl. -S a chemical radicalV41CARBAMIC adj pertaining to a type of acid73uCARB n pl. -S a carburetorZ29CARAWAY n pl. -WAYS an herb used in cookingN1!CARAVEL n pl. -S a small sailing ship 026 g03FmCARCASE n pl. -S carcassLECARCANET n pl. -S a jeweled necklacePD%CARCAJOU n pl. -S a carnivorous mammalBC CARBURET v -RETED, -RETING, -RETS or -RETTED, -RETTING, -RETS to combine chemically with carbon`BECARBOY n pl. -BOYS a large bottle CARBOYED adjXA5CARBOXYL n pl. -S a univalent acid radicalJ@CARBORA n pl. -S a wood-boring wormN?!CARBONYL n pl. -S a chemical compound^>ACARBONISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to carbonizeh=UCARBON n pl. -S a nonmetallic element CARBONIC adj %No%S%bQICARDIAC n pl. -S a person with a heart disorderrPiCARDIA n pl. -DIAS or -DIAE an opening of the esophagusNO!CARDER n pl. -S one that does cardingXN5CARDCASE n pl. -S a case for holding cards7MuCARDAMUM n pl. -S cardamom7LuCARDAMON n pl. -S cardamomFKCARDAMOM n pl. -S a tropical herb JCARD v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a card (a stiff piece of paper)JICARCERAL adj pertaining to a prisonPH%CARCEL n pl. -S a unit of illuminationZG9CARCASS n pl. -ES the body of a dead animal GdB GvZqCARE v CARED, CARING, CARES to be concerned or interestedHYCARDOON n pl. -S a perennial plant1XiCARDON n pl. -S cardoon|W}CARDITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the heart CARDITIC adjPV%CARDIOID n pl. -S a heart-shaped curveUCARDIO n pl. -S an exercise involving the heart and blood vessels>TCARDING n pl. -S the process of combing and cleaning cotton fibers; cleaned and combed fibersJSCARDINAL n pl. -S a bright red birdJRCARDIGAN n pl. -S a type of sweater pTNjpNe!CARET n pl. -S a proofreaders. symbolJdCARESSER n pl. -S one that caressesVc1CARESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to touch lovingly>bCARER n pl. -S one that caresJaCARELESS adj inattentive; negligentP`%CAREFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST cautiousZ_9CAREFREE adj being without worry or anxietyH^CAREERER n pl. -S one that careersX]5CAREER v -ED, -ING, -S to go at full speedH\CAREENER n pl. -S one that careens\[=CAREEN v -ED, -ING, -S to lurch while moving SKn S>oCARIBOU n pl. -S a large deer7nuCARIBOO n pl. -S a caribou9myCARIBE n pl. -S the piranhalACARHOP v -HOPPED, -HOPPING, -HOPS to serve customers at a drive-in restaurant`kECARGO n pl. -GOS or -GOES conveyed merchandiseVj1CARFUL n pl. -S as much as a car can hold`iECARFARE n pl. -S payment for a bus or car rideFhCAREX n pl. CARICES a marsh plant+g]CAREWORN adj haggard0feCARETAKE v -TOOK, -TAKEN, -TAKING, -TAKES to take care of someone else.s house or land f(A;fNy!CARITAS n pl. -ES love for all people)xYCARIOUS adj decayedRw)CARIOLE n pl. -S a small, open carriageRv)CARIOCA n pl. -S a South American danceBu CARINGLY adv in a caring mannerftQCARING n pl. -S the work of looking after someoneZs9CARINATE adj shaped like the keel of a shipr CARINA n pl. -NAS or -NAE a carinate anatomical part CARINAL adjxquCARILLON v -LONNED, -LONNING, -LONS to play a set of bellsXp5CARIES n pl. CARIES tooth decay CARIED adj [q/Hg [LCARMAN n pl. -MEN a streetcar driver\=CARMAKER n pl. -S an automobile manufacturerX5CARLOAD n pl. -S as much as a car can hold>CARLISH adj resembling a carldMCARLING n pl. -S a beam supporting a ship.s deck3mCARLINE n pl. -S carling;}CARLIN n pl. -S an old womanB~ CARLESS adj being without a car)}YCARLE n pl. -S carl1|iCARL n pl. -S a peasant>{CARK v -ED, -ING, -S to worry zCARJACK v -ED, -ING, -S to steal a vehicle from its driver by force 5)s'U}5D CAROB n pl. -S an evergreen tree5qCAROACH n pl. -ES caroche;}CARNY n pl. -NIES a carnival\=CARNIVAL n pl. -S a traveling amusement showfQCARNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to form into flesh- aCARNIE n pl. -S carny3 mCARNEY n pl. -NEYS carnyH CARNET n pl. -S an official permit> CARNAUBA n pl. -S a palm treep eCARNAL adj pertaining to bodily appetites CARNALLY advZ9CARNAGE n pl. -S great and bloody slaughter)YCARN n pl. -S cairnHCARMINE n pl. -S a vivid red color ^{gM^^ACAROUSAL n pl. -S a boisterous drinking party5qCAROTIN n pl. -S caroteneP%CAROTID n pl. -S an artery in the neckFCAROTENE n pl. -S a plant pigmentfQCAROM v -ED, -ING, -S to collide with and reboundbICAROLUS n pl. -LUSES or -LI an old English coin5qCAROLLER n pl. -S carolerD CAROLER n pl. -S one that carols!CAROL v -OLED, -OLING, -OLS or -OLLED, -OLLING, -OLS to sing joyouslyJCAROCHE n pl. -S a stately carriage3mCAROCH n pl. -ES caroche (t?aV'1CARPING n pl. -S the act of one who carpsz&yCARPET v -ED, -ING, -S to cover a floor with a heavy fabric@%CARPER n pl. -S one that carpsB$ CARPEL n pl. -S a simple pistilP#%CARPALE n pl. -LIA a bone of the wrist1"iCARPAL n pl. -S carpaleb!ICARP v -ED, -ING, -S to find fault unreasonablyJ CAROUSER n pl. -S one that carousesT-CAROUSEL n pl. -S an amusement park ride|}CAROUSE v -ROUSED, -ROUSING, -ROUSES to engage in a carousal cs#_BcX25CARRION n pl. -S dead and putrefying flesh51qCARRIOLE n pl. -S carioleF0CARRIER n pl. -S one that carriesd/MCARRIAGE n pl. -S a wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle1.iCARRELL n pl. -S carrel|-}CARREL n pl. -S a desk in a library stack for solitary studyT,-CARRACK n pl. -S a type of merchant ship-+aCARR n pl. -S a marsh7*uCARPUS n pl. -PI the wristL)CARPORT n pl. -S a shelter for a car(CARPOOL v -ED, -ING, -S to take turns driving a group of commuters 1q+"=1X=5CARRYOUT n pl. -S a take-out order of foodV<1CARRYON n pl. -S a small piece of luggageR;)CARRYCOT n pl. -S a portable baby.s cotX:5CARRYALL n pl. -S a light covered carriage9 CARRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to convey from one place to anotherx8uCARROTY adj -ROTIER, -ROTIEST resembling a carrot in color77uCARROTIN n pl. -S caroteneN6!CARROT n pl. -S an edible orange rootB5 CARROM v -ED, -ING, -S to carom54qCARROCH n pl. -ES carocheR3)CARRITCH n pl. -ES a religious handbook V@ 7V\G=CARTLOAD n pl. -S as much as a cart can hold9FyCARTFUL n pl. -S a cartload@ECARTER n pl. -S one that cartsRD)CARTEL n pl. -S a business organization-CaCARTE n pl. -S a menuJBCARTAGE n pl. -S the act of cartingAACART v -ED, -ING, -S to convey in a cart (a two-wheeled vehicle) CARTABLE adj @CARSPIEL n pl. -S a curling match in which curlers compete for a carX?5CARSICK adj nauseated from riding in a car`>ECARSE n pl. -S low, fertile land along a river )[I)xRuCARVERY n pl. -RIES a buffet restaurant serving roast beefBQ CARVER n pl. -S one that carves%PQCARVEN adj carved1OiCARVEL n pl. -S caravelhNUCARVE v CARVED, CARVING, CARVES to form by cuttingLMCARUNCLE n pl. -S a fleshy outgrowthRL)CARTOUCH n pl. -ES a scroll-like tabletPK%CARTOP adj able to fit on top of a carFJCARTOONY adj resembling a cartoonI5CARTOON v -ED, -ING, -S to sketch a cartoon (a humorous representation) offHQCARTON v -ED, -ING, -S to pack in a cardboard box >@My>7]uCASCABLE n pl. -S cascabelZ\9CASCABEL n pl. -S the rear part of a cannonr[iCASBAH n pl. -S the old section of a North African city1ZiCASAVA n pl. -S cassavaHYCASABA n pl. -S a variety of melon3XmCASA n pl. -S a dwelling7WuCARYOTIN n pl. -S karyotin VCARYATID n pl. -S or -ES a sculptured female figure used as a columnHUCARYATIC adj resembling a caryatidT CARWASH n pl. -ES an establishment equipped to wash automobilesXS5CARVING n pl. -S a carved figure or design W0\y!Wlg]CASELAW n pl. -S a law established by previous casesVf1CASEIN n pl. -S a milk protein CASEIC adjTe-CASEFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to caseate1diCASEBOUND adj hardcoverDc CASEBOOK n pl. -S a law textbookbbICASEATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to become cheesy7auCASEASE n pl. -S an enzyme`-CASE v CASED, CASING, CASES to put in a case (a container or receptacle)P_%CASCARA n pl. -S a medicinal tree barkx^uCASCADE v -CADED, -CADING, -CADES to fall like a waterfall b@6r(b/seCASHAW n pl. -S cushawr!CASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to convert into cash (ready money) CASHABLE adjFqCASEWORM n pl. -S an insect larvaRp)CASEWORK n pl. -S a form of social work5oqCASETTE n pl. -S cassette1niCASERNE n pl. -S casernRm)CASERN n pl. -S a barracks for soldiers'lUCASEOUS adj cheesy9kyCASEOSE n pl. -S a proteoseHjCASEMENT n pl. -S a type of windowNi!CASEMATE n pl. -S a bombproof shelterjhYCASELOAD n pl. -S the number of cases being handled VwuUV7~uCASIMIRE n pl. -S casimereF}CASIMERE n pl. -S a woolen fabricv|qCASHSPIEL n pl. -S a curling competition with cash prizes9{yCASHOO n pl. -SHOOS catechu>zCASHMERE n pl. -S a fine wool9yyCASHLESS adj having no cash`xECASHIER v -ED, -ING, -S to dismiss in disgraceHwCASHEW n pl. -S a nut-bearing treeRv)CASHBOX n pl. -ES a container for money\u=CASHBOOK n pl. -S a book of monetary recordst CASHBACK n pl. -S an incentive of cash given back to a purchaser DJN{D3 mCASSENE n pl. -S cassina3 mCASSENA n pl. -S cassinaFCASSAVA n pl. -S a tropical plantN!CASSATA n pl. -S an Italian ice cream1iCASSABA n pl. -S casabaLCASQUE n pl. -S a helmet CASQUED adj9yCASKY adj resembling a caskzyCASKET v -ED, -ING, -S to place in a casket (a burial case)vqCASK v -ED, -ING, -S to store in a cask (a strong barrel)>CASITA n pl. -S a small houseT-CASINO n pl. -NOS or -NI a gambling roomZ9CASING n pl. -S a protective outer covering >w%^V>B CASTAWAY n pl. -WAYS an outcastN!CASTANET n pl. -S a rhythm instrument|}CAST v CAST, CASTING, CASTS to throw with force CASTABLE adjfQCASSOCK n pl. -S a long garment worn by clergymenJCASSIS n pl. -SISES a European bushLCASSIOPE n pl. -S an evergreen shrub@CASSINO n pl. -NOS a card game3mCASSINE n pl. -S cassinaH CASSINA n pl. -S an evergreen treeN !CASSIA n pl. -S a variety of cinnamon  CASSETTE n pl. -S a small case containing audiotape or videotape [6jU[tmCASTRATO n pl. -TOS or -TI a singer castrated in boyhood~CASTRATE v -TRATED, -TRATING, -TRATES to remove the testes of/eCASTOR n pl. -S caster\=CASTOFF n pl. -S a discarded person or thing~CASTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to make a certain move in chessV1CASTING n pl. -S something made in a moldnaCASTER n pl. -S a small, swiveling wheel CASTERED adjZ9CASTEISM n pl. -S the use of a caste systemhUCASTE n pl. -S a system of distinct social classes o9] ' CATALO n pl. -LOS or -LOES a hybrid between a buffalo and a cow9&yCATALASE n pl. -S an enzymeV%1CATACOMB n pl. -S an underground cemetery~$CAT v CATTED, CATTING, CATS to hoist an anchor to the cathead^#ACASUS n pl. CASUS a legal occurrence or eventh"UCASUIST n pl. -S one who resolves ethical problemsd!MCASUALTY n pl. -TIES a victim of war or disaster1 iCASUALLY adv informallyX5CASUAL n pl. -S one who works occasionally l~,lT0-CATARACT n pl. -S a tremendous waterfalld/MCATAPULT v -ED, -ING, -S to hurl through the airP.%CATAMITE n pl. -S a boy used in sodomyr-iCATALYZE v -LYZED, -LYZING, -LYZES to act as a catalyst,CATALYST n pl. -S a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction^+ACATALYSE v -LYSED, -LYING, -LYSES to catalyze1*iCATALPA n pl. -S a tree`)ECATALOGNE n pl. -S a kind of weaving technique~(CATALOG v -ED, -ING, -S to classify information descriptively ,>|6@,`;ECATCHFLY n pl. -FLIES an insect-catching plantF:CATCHER n pl. -S one that catchesb9ICATCHALL n pl. -S a container for odds and endsx8uCATCH v CAUGHT, CATCHING, CATCHES to capture after pursuitv7qCATCALL v -ED, -ING, -S to deride by making shrill soundsB6 CATBRIER n pl. -S a thorny vine75uCATBRIAR n pl. -S catbrierF4CATBOAT n pl. -S a small sailboat93yCATBIRD n pl. -S a songbirdR2)CATAWBA n pl. -S a variety of fox grapeh1UCATARRH n pl. -S inflammation of a mucous membrane 6,E6ZE9CATENARY n pl. -NARIES a mathematical curvefDQCATENA n pl. -NAS or -NAE a closely linked seriesC CATEGORY n pl. -RIES a division in any system of classificationTB-CATECHU n pl. -S a resin used in tanningdAMCATECHOL n pl. -S a chemical used in photographyZ@9CATECHIN n pl. -S a chemical used in dyeing9?yCATE n pl. -S a choice foodH>CATCLAW n pl. -S a flowering shrub=5CATCHY adj CATCHIER, CATCHIEST pleasing and easily remembered CATCHILY adv3<mCATCHUP n pl. -S ketchup Y@KaY>PCATGUT n pl. -S a strong corddOMCATFISH n pl. -ES a scaleless, large-headed fishZN9CATFIGHT n pl. -S a fight between two womenBM CATFALL n pl. -S an anchor lineNL!CATFACE n pl. -S a deformity of fruitNK!CATERESS n pl. -ES a woman who catersDJ CATERER n pl. -S one that caters7IuCATERAN n pl. -S a brigandnHaCATER v -ED, -ING, -S to provide food and service forNG!CATENOID n pl. -S a geometric surfacejFYCATENATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to link together ud*u9XyCATHOUSE n pl. -S a brotheltWmCATHOLIC n pl. -S a member of the early Christian churchV%CATHODE n pl. -S a negatively charged electrode CATHODAL, CATHODIC adj UECATHEXIS n pl. -THEXES the concentration of psychic energy on a person or ideaPT%CATHETER n pl. -S a medical instrumentbSICATHEDRA n pl. -DRAS or -DRAE a bishop.s thronenRaCATHECT v -ED, -ING, -S to invest with psychic energylQ]CATHEAD n pl. -S a beam projecting from a ship.s bowbR{tmf_XQJC<xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YR5.'  KD=6/(! B7-$yod[PE:ロ⃭ წv߃mރb݃V܃KۃAڃ6ك+؃ ׃փ Ճ~ԃsӃk҃dуYЃLσ@΃4̓&̃˃ʃɃzȃqǃhƃ]ŃSăIÃ=ƒ2'{pdXPE;0' ~sg]RG." 탭}샭r냭gꃭ]郭S胭I热?惭5僭,䃭!=2'yoeZQF<0% xlaTJ?5*! NDc,N>dCATSPAW n pl. -S a light windDc CATNIP n pl. -S an aromatic herbPb%CATNAPER n pl. -S one that steals catsVa1CATNAP v -NAPPED, -NAPPING, -NAPS to doze1`iCATMINT n pl. -S catnipZ_9CATLINITE n pl. -S a type of hard, red clayF^CATLING n pl. -S a surgical knife1]iCATLIN n pl. -S catling`\ECATLIKE adj resembling a cat; stealthy; silentD[ CATKIN n pl. -S a flower clusterFZCATJANG n pl. -S an African shrubnYaCATION n pl. -S a positively charged ion CATIONIC adj \_WN\FpCATWALK n pl. -S a narrow walkwayVo1CATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST catlike; spitefulJnCATTLEYA n pl. -S a tropical orchidDm CATTLE n/pl domesticated bovines%lQCATTISH adj catty>kCATTILY adv in a catty mannerRj)CATTIE n pl. -S an Asian unit of weighttimCATTERY n pl. -TERIES an establishment for breeding catsHhCATTALO n pl. -LOS or -LOES catalo@gCATTAIL n pl. -S a marsh plant1fiCATSUP n pl. -S ketchupheUCATSUIT n pl. -S a close-fitting one-piece garment [C\!K[5{qCAULDRON n pl. -S caldron)zYCAULD n pl. -S cold@yCAUL n pl. -S a fetal membraneBx CAUDLE n pl. -S a warm beverageTw-CAUDILLO n pl. -LLOS a military dictatorzvyCAUDEX n pl. -DICES or -DEXES the woody base of some plants7uuCAUDATED adj having a tail`tECAUDATE n pl. -S a basal ganglion of the brainDs CAUDAL adj taillike CAUDALLY adv7ruCAUDAD adv toward the tail8quCAUCUS v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES or -CUSSED, -CUSSING, -CUSSES to hold a political meeting @t0hR@`ECAUSE v CAUSED, CAUSING, CAUSES to bring about@CAUSALLY adv by way of causingfQCAUSAL n pl. -S a word expressing cause or reasonLCAUSABLE adj capable of being causedbICAURI n pl. -S a former monetary unit of Guinea\=CAULKING n pl. -S the material used to caulkD CAULKER n pl. -S one that caulks|}CAULK v -ED, -ING, -S to make the seams of a ship watertight@~CAULIS n pl. -LES a plant stemD} CAULINE adj pertaining to a stem@|CAULICLE n pl. -S a small stem y^3yy@CAVALERO n pl. -ROS a horsemanP%CAVA n pl. -S a sparkling Spanish winedMCAUTIOUS adj exercising prudence to avoid dangerB  CAUTION v -ED, -ING, -S to warnp eCAUTERY n pl. -TERIES something used to destroy tissueP %CAUSTIC n pl. -S a corrosive substanceB  CAUSEY n pl. -SEYS a paved road CAUSEWAY v -ED, -ING, -S to build a causeway (a raised roadway) overX5CAUSERIE n pl. -S an informal conversationB CAUSER n pl. -S one that causes 5TkC5FCAVEMAN n pl. -MEN a cave dwellerriCAVELIKE adj resembling a cave (an underground chamber)JCAVEFISH n pl. -ES a sightless fishV1CAVEATOR n pl. -S one that files a caveatpeCAVEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to enter a type of legal noticeV1CAVE v CAVED, CAVING, CAVES to hollow outT-CAVATINA n pl. -NAS or -NE a simple songP%CAVALRY n pl. -RIES a mobile army unit9yCAVALLY n pl. -LIES cavallaHCAVALLA n pl. -S a large food fish\=CAVALIER v -ED, -ING, -S to behave haughtily (nEF ('CAVITARY adj pertaining to the formation of cavities in tissue\&=CAVING n pl. -S the sport of exploring caves5%qCAVILLER n pl. -S cavilerD$ CAVILER n pl. -S one that cavils|#}CAVIL v -ILED, -ILING, -ILS or -ILLED, -ILLING, -ILS to carp3"mCAVIE n pl. -S a hencoopD! CAVICORN adj having hollow horns1 iCAVIARE n pl. -S caviarJCAVIAR n pl. -S the roe of sturgeonZ9CAVETTO n pl. -TOS or -TI a concave moldingLCAVERN v -ED, -ING, -S to hollow out>CAVER n pl. -S one that caves R w#qRB2 CAZH adj CAZHER, CAZHEST casual@1CAYUSE n pl. -S an Indian pony/0eCAYMAN n pl. -S caiman^/ACAYENNE n pl. -S a hot seasoning CAYENNED adjF.CAY n pl. CAYS a small low islandd-MCAW v -ED, -ING, -S to utter the sound of a crowP,%CAVY n pl. -VIES a short-tailed rodentH+CAVORTER n pl. -S one that cavortsD* CAVORT v -ED, -ING, -S to frolic) CAVITY n pl. -TIES an unfilled space within a mass CAVITIED adjj(YCAVITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to form cavities RsBEPR>=CEDER n pl. -S one that cedesL<CEDE v CEDED, CEDING, CEDES to yieldh;UCEDARY adj CEDARIER, CEDARIEST suggestive of cedarZ:9CEDAR n pl. -S an evergreen tree CEDARN adj9)CECUM n pl. CECA a bodily cavity with one opening CECAL adj CECALLY adv^8ACECROPIA n pl. -S a large North American moth;7}CECITY n pl. -TIES blindnessX65CEBOID n pl. -S one of a family of monkeys-5aCEBID n pl. -S ceboidR4)CEASE v CEASED, CEASING, CEASES to stop33mCAZIQUE n pl. -S cacique 6Z1\6jIYCEL n pl. -S a sheet of celluloid used in animationPH%CEINTURE n pl. -S a belt for the waist`GECEILING n pl. -S the overhead lining of a roomZF9CEILIDH n pl. -S an Irish or Scottish party/EeCEILI n pl. -S ceilidh@DCEILER n pl. -S one that ceils`CECEIL v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a ceiling@BCEIBA n pl. -S a tropical tree5AqCEE n pl. -S the letter CD@ CEDULA n pl. -S a Philippine taxN?!CEDILLA n pl. -S a pronunciation markP>%CEDI n pl. -S a monetary unit of Ghana hTZJhhSUCELIBATE n pl. -S one who lives a life of celibacyrRiCELIBACY n pl. -CIES abstention from sexual intercourseQCELIAC n pl. -S one that has a chronic nutritional disturbance3PmCELESTE n pl. -S celestaPO%CELESTA n pl. -S a keyboard instrument`NECELERY n pl. -ERIES a plant with edible stalks@MCELERITY n pl. -TIES swiftnessNL!CELERIAC n pl. -S a variety of celeryZK9CELEB n pl. -S a celebrity; a famous personJJCELADON n pl. -S a pale green color .4`&p.>]CELLULE n pl. -S a small cell@\CELLULAR n pl. -S a cell phonen[aCELLO n pl. -LOS or -LI a stringed musical instrument~ZCELLMATE n pl. -S one of two or more prisoners sharing a cellTY-CELLIST n pl. -S one who plays the cello\X=CELLARET n pl. -S a cabinet for wine bottles\W=CELLARER n pl. -S the steward of a monasterypVeCELLAR v -ED, -ING, -S to store in an underground roomhUUCELLA n pl. -LAE the interior of an ancient temple\T=CELL v -ED, -ING, -S to store in a honeycomb 6f}+@6bhICENOBITE n pl. -S a member of a religious orderLgCENACLE n pl. -S a small dining roomPf%CEMETERY n pl. -TERIES a burial grounde9CEMENTUM n pl. -TUMS or -TA the hard tissue covering the roots of the teethHdCEMENTER n pl. -S one that cementsNc!CEMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to bind firmlyRb)CEMBALO n pl. -LI or -LOS a harpsichord;a}CELT n pl. -S a primitive axP`%CELOTEX n pl. -ES a type of insulationH_CELOSIA n pl. -S a flowering plantJ^CELOM n pl. -LOMS or -LOMATA coelom ud(9uJqCENSURER n pl. -S one that censuresrpiCENSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to criticize severely`oECENSUAL adj pertaining to the act of censusingnCENSOR v -ED, -ING, -S to delete an objectionable word or passage\m=CENSER n pl. -S a vessel for burning incenserliCENSE v CENSED, CENSING, CENSES to perfume with incensebkICENOZOIC adj of the latest era of geologic timeRj)CENOTE n pl. -S a sinkhole in limestoneBi CENOTAPH n pl. -S an empty tomb t8 vt|z}CENTER v -ED, -ING, -S to place at the center (the midpoint)~yCENTAVO n pl. -VOS a coin of various Spanish-American nationsNx!CENTAURY n pl. -RIES a medicinal herbTw-CENTAUR n pl. -S a mythological creaturevvqCENTAS n pl. CENTAI or CENTU a monetary unit of LithuaniaRu)CENTARE n pl. -S a measure of land areaDt CENTAL n pl. -S a unit of weightTs-CENT n pl. -S the 100th part of a dollarlr]CENSUS v -ED, -ING, -ES to take an official count of %mCX{%R)CENTRE v -TRED, -TRING, -TRES to centerN!CENTRAL n pl. -S a telephone exchangeCENTRAL adj -TRALER, -TRALEST situated at, in, or near the center=CENTO n pl. -TONES or -TOS a literary work made up of parts from other worksFCENTNER n pl. -S a unit of weight^ACENTIMO n pl. -MOS any of various small coinsX~5CENTIME n pl. -S the 100th part of a franch}UCENTILE n pl. -S a value of a statistical variable5|qCENTIARE n pl. -S centareV{1CENTESIS n pl. -TESES a surgical puncture 1Fq1hUCEORL n pl. -S a freeman of low birth CEORLISH adjV 1CENTURY n pl. -RIES a period of 100 yearsv qCENTUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to increase a hundredfold9 yCENTUM n pl. -S one hundredj YCENTRUM n pl. -TRUMS or -TRA the body of a vertebraf QCENTROID n pl. -S the center of mass of an objectV1CENTRIST n pl. -S an advocate of centrismbICENTRISM n pl. -S moderate political philosophyjYCENTRING n pl. -S a temporary framework for an archHCENTRIC adj situated at the center -Tv ll-;}CERATED adj covered with waxLCERATE n pl. -S a medicated ointmentT-CERASTES n pl. CERASTES a venomous snakeT-CERAMIST n pl. -S one who makes ceramicsR)CERAMIDE n pl. -S any of various lipidsZ9CERAMIC n pl. -S an item made of baked clayR)CERAMAL n pl. -S a heat-resistant alloy>CEPHEID n pl. -S a giant starJCEPHALIN n pl. -S a bodily chemicalJCEPHALIC adj pertaining to the head;}CEPHALAD adv toward the head@CEPE n pl. -S a large mushroom%QCEP n pl. -S cepe A8vbAT&-CEREMONY n pl. -NIES a formal observance@%CEREMENT n pl. -S a waxy cloth$CEREBRUM n pl. -BRUMS or -BRA a part of the brain CEREBRIC adjN#!CEREBRAL n pl. -S a kind of consonantP"%CEREAL n pl. -S a food made from grainj!YCERE v CERED, CERING, CERES to wrap in a waxy cloth CERCUS n pl. CERCI a sensory appendage of an insect CERCAL adj9yCERCIS n pl. -CISES a shrub\=CERCARIA n pl. -IAE or -IAS a parasitic worm-aCERATOID adj hornlike3mCERATIN n pl. -S keratin -n"w>u)s-B4 CEROUS adj pertaining to ceriumh3UCEROTYPE n pl. -S a process of engraving using waxF2CEROTIC adj pertaining to beeswaxH1CERO n pl. CEROS a large food fishD0 CERNUOUS adj drooping or nodding1/iCERMET n pl. -S ceramalH.CERIUM n pl. -S a metallic element5-qCERITE n pl. -S a mineral9,yCERISE n pl. -S a red color-+aCERIPH n pl. -S serif9*yCERIC adj containing ceriumH)CERIA n pl. -S a chemical compound@(CEREUS n pl. -ES a tall cactusJ'CERESIN n pl. -S a hard whitish wax j&[v9jN@!CERVICAL adj pertaining to the cervix-?aCERVEZA n pl. -S beerH>CERVELAT n pl. -S a smoked sausage9=yCERVELAS n pl. -ES cervelat;<}CERUSITE n pl. -S a lead oreB; CERUSE n pl. -S a lead compound\:=CERUMEN n pl. -S a waxy secretion of the ear@9CERULEAN n pl. -S a blue colorV81CERTIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to confirm)7YCERTES adv in truthh6UCERTAIN adj -TAINER, -TAINEST absolutely confidentj5YCERT n pl. -S an event considered certain to happen E^ o#FE9LyCESTODE n pl. -S a tapewormTK-CESTA n pl. -S a basket used in jai alaihJUCESSPOOL n pl. -S a covered well or pit for sewage9IyCESSPIT n pl. -S a cesspoolHHCESSION n pl. -S the act of cedingPG%CESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to tax or assessHFCESIUM n pl. -S a metallic element7EuCESARIAN n pl. -S cesarean\D=CESAREAN n pl. -S a method of child deliveryPC%CERVIX n pl. -VICES or -VIXES the neck@BCERVINE adj pertaining to deerZA9CERVID n pl. -S a mammal of the deer family NH6TN1YiCHABUK n pl. -S chaboukBX CHABOUK n pl. -S a type of whipPW%CHABLIS n pl. CHABLIS a dry white wine3VmCEVICHE n pl. -S sevicheTU-CETOLOGY n pl. -GIES the study of whalesDT CETE n pl. -S a group of badgers>SCETANE n pl. -S a diesel fuelJRCETACEAN n pl. -S an aquatic mammalFQCESURA n pl. -RAS or -RAE caesuravPqCESTUS n pl. -ES a hand covering for ancient Roman boxersFOCESTUS n pl. -TI a belt or girdle3NmCESTOS n pl. -TOI cestus3MmCESTOID n pl. -S cestode B77BBLdCHAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to poke fun at@cCHAFER n pl. -S a large beetlehbUCHAFE v CHAFED, CHAFING, CHAFES to warm by rubbingbaICHAETA n pl. -TAE a bristle or seta CHAETAL adj `CHAEBOL n pl. -S a group of businesses in Korea owned by one familyT_-CHADOR n pl. -DORS or -DRI a large shawlF^CHADAR n pl. -DARS or -DRI chadorZ]9CHAD n pl. -S a scrap of paper CHADLESS adjH\CHACONNE n pl. -S an ancient dance@[CHACMA n pl. -S a large baboon5ZqCHACHKA n pl. -S chatchka HAP2kiCHAINER n pl. -S an extremely unruly person, such as might need to be "kept on a chain"Tj-CHAINE n pl. -S a series of ballet turnsi-CHAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to bind with a chain (a series of connected rings)\h=CHAI n pl. -S spiced tea with honey and milk"gICHAGRIN v -GRINED, -GRINING, -GRINS or -GRINNED, -GRINNING, -GRINS to humiliateTf-CHAFFY adj CHAFFIER, CHAFFIEST worthless\e=CHAFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to bargain or haggle |mt,|Zs9CHALAH n pl. -LAHS or -LOTH or -LOT challahNr!CHAKRA n pl. -S a body center in yogaDq CHAISE n pl. -S a light carriageppeCHAIRMAN n pl. -MEN the presiding officer of a meeting*oYCHAIRMAN v -MANED, -MANING, -MANS or -MANNED, -MANNING, -MANS to act as chairman ofXn5CHAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to install in officevmqCHAINSAW v -SAWED, -SAWING, -SAWS to cut with a chain sawl!CHAINMAN n pl. -MEN a surveyor.s assistant who uses a measuring chain \s'_;\1~iCHALLA n pl. -S challahb}ICHALKY adj CHALKIER, CHALKIEST resembling chalk@|CHALKLIKE adj resembling chalkz{yCHALK v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with chalk (a soft limestone)\z=CHALICE n pl. -S a drinking cup CHALICED adjBy CHALET n pl. -S a Swiss cottage1xiCHALEH n pl. -S challahRw)CHALDRON n pl. -S a unit of dry measure9vyCHALCID n pl. -S a tiny flyHuCHALAZIA n/pl tumors of the eyelidtCHALAZA n pl. -ZAS or -ZAE a band of tissue in an egg CHALAZAL adj ~Y <~J CHAMBRAY n pl. -BRAYS a fine fabricl]CHAMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to put in a chamber (a room)X5CHAMADE n pl. -S a signal made with a drum+]CHAM n pl. -S a khan;}CHALUTZ n pl. -LUTZIM halutz CHALUPA n pl. -S a fried corn tortilla spread with a savory mixture7uCHALONE n pl. -S a hormone7uCHALLY n pl. -LIES challisJCHALLIS n pl. -LISES a light fabric3mCHALLIE n pl. -S challisl]CHALLAH n pl. -LAHS or -LOTH or -LOT a kind of bread -LY 9f-5qCHAMPACA n pl. -S champak3mCHAMPAC n pl. -S champakN!CHAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to chew noisilyFCHAMOIS n pl. -OIX a soft leathertmCHAMOIS v -ED, -ING, -ES to prepare leather like chamoisT-CHAMMY v -MIED, -MYING, -MIES to chamoisLCHAMISO n pl. -SOS a flowering shrub3mCHAMISE n pl. -S chamiso\ =CHAMISA n pl. -S a saltbush of the SouthwestX 5CHAMFRON n pl. -S armor for a horse.s headF CHAMFER v -ED, -ING, -S to groovef QCHAMBRE adj brought (as wine) to room temperature PhPHPH CHANCRE n pl. -S a hard-based soreB CHANCILY adv in a chancy mannerbICHANCERY n pl. -CERIES a court of public recordB CHANCER n pl. -S an opportunist`ECHANCEL n pl. -S an area around a church altarZ9CHANCE v CHANCED, CHANCING, CHANCES to riskLCHANA n pl. -S a snack of chick peasbICHAMPY adj broken up by the trampling of beasts^ACHAMPION v -ED, -ING, -S to defend or supportD CHAMPER n pl. -S one that champsLCHAMPAK n pl. -S an East Indian tree &Xv,h&>+CHANT v -ED, -ING, -S to sing1*iCHANSON n pl. -S a songP)%CHANOYU n pl. -S a Japanese tea ritualD( CHANNEL v -NELED, -NELING, -NELS or -NELLED, -NELLING, -NELS to direct along some desired coursen'aCHANGEUP n pl. -S a slow pitch thrown like a fastballF&CHANGER n pl. -S one that changesn%aCHANGE v CHANGED, CHANGING, CHANGES to make different1$iCHANG n pl. -S a cattie7#uCHANFRON n pl. -S chamfronT"-CHANDLER n pl. -S a dealer in provisionsL!CHANCY adj CHANCIER, CHANCIEST risky 2{-M\k256qCHAPATTI n pl. -S chapati^5ACHAPATI n pl. -S an unleavened bread of India 4CHAP v CHAPPED or CHAPT, CHAPPING, CHAPS to split, crack, or redden3%CHAOS n pl. -ES a state of total disorder; a confused mass CHAOTIC adjX25CHAO n pl. CHAO a monetary unit of Vietnam71uCHANTY n pl. -TIES chanteyj0YCHANTRY n pl. -TRIES an endowment given to a church3/mCHANTOR n pl. -S chanterJ.CHANTEY n pl. -TEYS a sailor.s songD- CHANTER n pl. -S one that chants9,yCHANTAGE n pl. -S blackmail 3L^D3xAuCHAPPATI n pl. -S a round, flat, unleavened bread of IndiaR@)CHAPPAL n pl. -S a sandal worn in India;?}CHAPMAN n pl. -MEN a peddlerP>%CHAPLET n pl. -S a wreath for the headh=UCHAPLAIN n pl. -S a clergyman attached to a chapelV<1CHAPITER n pl. -S the capital of a columnN;!CHAPERON v -ED, -ING, -S to accompanyH:CHAPEL n pl. -S a place of worshipL9CHAPEAU n pl. -PEAUX or -PEAUS a hatJ8CHAPE n pl. -S a part of a scabbardb7ICHAPBOOK n pl. -S a small book of popular tales g2n3JgDK CHARD n pl. -S a variety of beetJ1CHARCOAL v -ED, -ING, -S to blacken with charcoal (a dark, porous carbon)3ImCHARAS n pl. -ES hashishdHMCHARADE n pl. -S a word represented by pantomimeFGCHARACIN n pl. -S a tropical fish7FuCHARACID n pl. -S characindEMCHAR v CHARRED, CHARRING, CHARS to burn slightlyXD5CHAQUETA n pl. -S a jacket worn by cowboysC%CHAPTER v -ED, -ING, -S to divide a book into chapters (main sections)5BqCHAPPIE n pl. -S a fellow (6x6{](1ViCHARKA n pl. -S charkha>UCHARK v -ED, -ING, -S to chardTMCHARITY n pl. -TIES something given to the needypSeCHARISMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a special magnetic appeal5RqCHARISM n pl. -S charisma~QCHARIOT v -ED, -ING, -S to ride in a chariot (a type of cart)>PCHARILY adv in a chary mannerFOCHARGER n pl. -S one that chargespNeCHARGE v CHARGED, CHARGING, CHARGES to accuse formally^MACHARETTE n pl. -S a meeting for brainstormingdLMCHARE v CHARED, CHARING, CHARES to do small jobs Kd':8K\b=CHARQUI n pl. -S a type of meat CHARQUID adjRa)CHARPOY n pl. -POYS a bed used in India3`mCHARPAI n pl. -S charpoyd_MCHARNEL n pl. -S a room where corpses are placedN^!CHARMING adj -INGER, -INGEST pleasingD] CHARMER n pl. -S one that charms^\ACHARM v -ED, -ING, -S to attract irresistiblyL[CHARLOCK n pl. -S a troublesome weed7ZuCHARLIE n pl. -LIES a fool9YyCHARLEY n pl. -LEYS charlieNX!CHARLADY n pl. -DIES a cleaning womanFWCHARKHA n pl. -S a spinning wheel 6ww46Zm9CHASING n pl. -S a design engraved on metalBl CHASER n pl. -S one that chasesVk1CHASE v CHASED, CHASING, CHASES to pursueLjCHARY adj CHARIER, CHARIEST cautiousZi9CHARTIST n pl. -S a stock market specialisth%CHARTISM n pl. -S the use of financial charts to predict future trendsTg-CHARTER v -ED, -ING, -S to lease or hireDf CHART v -ED, -ING, -S to map out\e=CHARRY adj -RIER, -RIEST resembling charcoal7duCHARRO n pl. -ROS a cowboyJcCHARR n pl. -S a small-scaled trout E[,jERv)CHASUBLE n pl. -S a sleeveless vestmentFuCHASTITY n pl. -TIES moral puritytCHASTISE v -TISED, -TISING, -TISES to discipline by punishmentJsCHASTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to chastisepreCHASTE adj CHASTER, CHASTEST morally pure CHASTELY advTq-CHASSIS n pl. CHASSIS the frame of a carJpCHASSEUR n pl. -S a cavalry soldiero CHASSE v CHASSED, CHASSEING, CHASSES to perform a dance movement nECHASM n pl. -S a deep cleft in the earth CHASMAL, CHASMED, CHASMIC, CHASMY adj PH zCPbICHATTY adj -TIER, -TIEST talkative CHATTILY adv~CHATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to talk rapidly and trivially CHATTERY adj3}mCHATTEL n pl. -S a slaven|aCHATROOM n pl. -S a real-time online discussion group,{]CHATLINE n pl. -S a telephone service that allows conversation among several callerslz]CHATEAU n pl. -TEAUX or -TEAUS a large country house7yuCHATCHKE n pl. -S chatchka@xCHATCHKA n pl. -S a knickknackpweCHAT v CHATTED, CHATTING, CHATS to converse informally )}7m)y)R )CHEAP adj CHEAPER, CHEAPEST inexpensiveL CHAZZEN n pl. -ZENS or -ZENIM chazanL CHAZZAN n pl. -ZANS or -ZANIM chazanV 1CHAZAN n pl. CHAZANS or CHAZANIM a cantorD CHAYOTE n pl. -S a tropical vinedMCHAY n pl. CHAYS the root of an East Indian herb@CHAWER n pl. -S one that chaws;}CHAW v -ED, -ING, -S to chew;}CHAUSSES n/pl medieval armorHCHAUNTER n pl. -S one that chauntsB CHAUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to chantFCHAUFFER n pl. -S a small furnace5qCHAUFER n pl. -S chauffer Vy-j"WV4mCHECKBOX n pl. -ES a small box on a computer screen to be clicked on to select a featureD CHECK v -ED, -ING, -S to inspect@CHECHAKO n pl. -KOS a newcomer;}CHEBEC n pl. -S a small birdD CHEATER n pl. -S one that cheatsD CHEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to defraud@CHEAPO n pl. CHEAPOS a cheapie>CHEAPLY adv in a cheap manner9yCHEAPISH adj somewhat cheapHCHEAPIE n pl. -S one that is cheapN!CHEAPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make cheap1 iCHEAP n pl. -S a market C2?&|C5!qCHEDDITE n pl. -S chedite` ECHEDDAR n pl. -S a type of cheese CHEDDARY adjB CHECKUP n pl. -S an examinationxuCHECKSUM n pl. -S a sum derived from bits of computer data5CHECKSTOP n pl. -S a roadside checkpoint to screen for driver intoxication=CHECKROW v -ED, -ING, -S to plant in rows which divide the land into squaresN!CHECKOUT n pl. -S a test of a machinejYCHECKOFF n pl. -S a method of collecting union dues\=CHECKER v -ED, -ING, -S to mark with squares $Rj$B, CHEERILY adv in a cheery manner`+ECHEERFUL adj -FULLER, -FULLEST full of spiritsD* CHEERER n pl. -S one that cheerst)mCHEER v -ED, -ING, -S to applaud with shouts of approvalD( CHEEPER n pl. -S one that cheeps@'CHEEP v -ED, -ING, -S to chirpl&]CHEEKY adj CHEEKIER, CHEEKIEST impudent CHEEKILY advd%MCHEEKFUL n pl. -S the amount held in one.s cheek\$=CHEEK v -ED, -ING, -S to speak impudently to>#CHEDITE n pl. -S an explosiveh"UCHEDER n pl. CHEDERS or CHADARIM or CHEDARIM heder \R#0q\85uCHEF v CHEFFED, CHEFFING, CHEFS or CHEFED, CHEFING, CHEFS to work as a chef (a chief cook)T4-CHEETAH n pl. -S a swift-running wildcat:3yCHEESY adj CHEESIER, CHEESIEST resembling cheese (a food made from milk curds) CHEESILY advZ29CHEESE v CHEESED, CHEESING, CHEESES to stopR1)CHEERY adj CHEERIER, CHEERIEST cheerful;0}CHEERO n pl. CHEEROS cheerio+/]CHEERLY adv cheerilyh.UCHEERLED past tense of cheerlead (to lead a cheer)>-CHEERIO n pl. -IOS a greeting c6W"5?qCHEMIC n pl. -S a chemistV>1CHEM n pl. -S a chemistry class or course1=iCHELOID n pl. -S keloid <CHELIPED n pl. -S a leg bearing a large chela in decapod crustaceansJ;CHELATOR n pl. -S one that chelates:-CHELATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to combine a metal ion with a compoundD9 CHELA n pl. -S a pupil of a guruH8CHELA n pl. -LAE a pincerlike claw/7eCHEGOE n pl. -S chigoef6QCHEFDOM n pl. -S the status or function of a chef ;w3 W ;HICHEQUER v -ED, -ING, -S to checker~HCHEQUE n pl. -S a written order directing a bank to pay moneyJGCHENOPOD n pl. -S a flowering plantBF CHENILLE n pl. -S a soft fabrichEUCHEMURGY n pl. -GIES a branch of applied chemistry~DCHEMO n pl. -S treatment (as of disease) with chemical agentsTC-CHEMIST n pl. -S one versed in chemistryLBCHEMISM n pl. -S chemical attraction@ACHEMISE n pl. -S a loose dress@ CHEMICAL n pl. -S a substance obtained by a process of chemistry `uI/SeCHESS n pl. -ES a weedRR)CHESHIRE n pl. -S a hard English cheeseFQCHERVIL n pl. -S an aromatic herbxPuCHERUB n pl. -UBS or -UBIM or -UBIMS an angel CHERUBIC adjbOICHERTY adj CHERTIER, CHERTIEST resembling chert>NCHERT n pl. -S a compact rock7MuCHERRY n pl. -RIES a fruitjLYCHERRY adj CHERRIER, CHERRIEST of a light red colorJKCHEROOT n pl. -S a square-cut cigarNJ!CHERISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to hold dear pS;op5]qCHEVERON n pl. -S chevronf\QCHEVALET n pl. -S a part of a stringed instrumentX[5CHETRUM n pl. -S a monetary unit of Bhutan)ZYCHETH n pl. -S heth1YiCHETAH n pl. -S cheetahfXQCHESTY adj CHESTIER, CHESTIEST proud CHESTILY advBW CHESTNUT n pl. -S an edible nutlV]CHESTFUL n pl. -S as much as a chest or box can hold^UACHEST n pl. -S a part of the body CHESTED adj(TUCHESSMAN n pl. -MEN one of the pieces used in chess (a board game for two players) gZs~gBg CHEWINK n pl. -S a common finch@fCHEWER n pl. -S one that chewseCHEW v -ED, -ING, -S to crush or grind with the teeth CHEWABLE adjfdQCHEVY v CHEVIED, CHEVYING, CHEVIES to chase aboutcCHEVROTIN n pl. -S a small hoofed mammal of the family TragulidaeJbCHEVRON n pl. -S a V-shaped pattern1aiCHEVRET n pl. -S chevre``ECHEVRE n pl. -S a cheese made from goat.s milkD_ CHEVIOT n pl. -S a coarse fabricZ^9CHEVET n pl. -S the apsidal end of a church 8g*Iy~8Br CHIBOUK n pl. -S a tobacco pipeLqCHIAUS n pl. -ES a Turkish messenger&pQCHIASMUS n pl. -MI a reversal of word order between parallel phrases CHIASTIC adjo1CHIASMA n pl. -MATA or -MAS an anatomical junction CHIASMAL, CHIASMIC adj1niCHIASM n pl. -S chiasmaXm5CHIAO n pl. CHIAO a monetary unit of ChinaBl CHIANTI n pl. -S a dry red wine;k}CHIA n pl. -S a Mexican herb9jyCHI n pl. -S a Greek letter3imCHEZ prep at the home of^hACHEWY adj CHEWIER, CHEWIEST not easily chewed gu%{ngp}eCHICKEE n pl. -S a stilt house of the Seminole Indians9|yCHICK n pl. -S a young birdR{)CHICHI n pl. -S elaborate ornamentation`zECHICHI adj CHICHIER, CHICHIEST showily stylish;y}CHICCORY n pl. -RIES chicoryfxQCHICANO n pl. -NOS an American of Mexican descentJwCHICANER n pl. -S one that chicanesXv5CHICANE v -CANED, -CANING, -CANES to trickLuCHICA n pl. -S a girl or young woman/teCHIC n pl. -S eleganceTs-CHIC adj CHICER, CHICEST smartly stylish bc_bd MCHIEF adj CHIEFER, CHIEFEST highest in authorityB CHIDER n pl. -S one that chidesvqCHIDE v CHIDED or CHID, CHIDDEN, CHIDING, CHIDES to scold9yCHICOT n pl. -S a dead treeLCHICORY n pl. -RIES a perennial herbD CHICO n pl. -COS a prickly shrub9yCHICNESS n pl. -ES eleganceB CHICLY adv in an elegant manner7uCHICLE n pl. -S a tree gumB CHICKPEA n pl. -S an Asian herb;}CHICKORY n pl. -RIES chicoryZ~9CHICKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to lose one.s nerve 6Fa"H6jYCHILDBED n pl. -S the state of a woman giving birthJCHILD n pl. CHILDREN a young personR)CHIHUAHUA n pl. -S a small breed of dogB CHIGOE n pl. -S a tropical fleaFCHIGNON n pl. -S a woman.s hairdoFCHIGGER n pl. -S a parasitic mite;}CHIGETAI n pl. -S a wild assB CHIFFON n pl. -S a sheer fabric9yCHIELD n pl. -S a young man- aCHIEL n pl. -S chield- aCHIEFLY adv above allR )CHIEFDOM n pl. -S the domain of a chief` ECHIEF n pl. -S the person highest in authority ^{5ZT^D" CHILL adj CHILLER, CHILLEST coolH!CHILL v -ED, -ING, -S to make cold^ ACHILIDOG n pl. -S a hot dog topped with chiliV1CHILIAST n pl. -S a supporter of chiliasmP%CHILIASM n pl. -S a religious doctrineT-CHILIAD n pl. -S a group of one thousandHCHILI n pl. -S or -ES a hot pepper+]CHILE n pl. -S chili\=CHILDLY adj -LIER, -LIEST resembling a childB CHILDISH adj resembling a child-aCHILDING adj pregnantP%CHILDE n pl. -S a youth of noble birth _f'iP_l.]CHIME v CHIMED, CHIMING, CHIMES to ring harmoniously;-}CHIMBLY n pl. -BLIES chimley>,CHIMBLEY n pl. -BLEYS chimleyD+ CHIMB n pl. -S the rim of a cask1*iCHIMAR n pl. -S chimereB) CHIMAERA n pl. -S a marine fishR()CHILOPOD n pl. -S a multi-legged insectd'MCHILLY adj CHILLIER, CHILLIEST cool CHILLILY advR&)CHILLUM n pl. -S a part of a water pipe;%}CHILLI n pl. -ES or -S chiliD$ CHILLER n pl. -S one that chillsN#!CHILLAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to calm down 4{5Wj-4H:CHINA n pl. -S fine porcelain ware(9UCHIN v CHINNED, CHINNING, CHINS to hold with the chin (the lower part of the face)98yCHIMP n pl. -S a chimpanzee77uCHIMNEY n pl. -NEYS a flue>6CHIMLEY n pl. -LEYS a chimney15iCHIMLA n pl. -S chimley74uCHIMINEA n pl. -S chimenea@3CHIMERIC adj imaginary; unrealD2 CHIMERE n pl. -S a bishop.s robeN1!CHIMERA n pl. -S an imaginary monsterB0 CHIMER n pl. -S one that chimes/CHIMENEA n pl. -S an outdoor fireplace shaped like a lightbulb Wp5e(W3EmCHINONE n pl. -S quinoneND!CHINOIS n pl. -ES a cone-shaped sieveDC CHINO n pl. -NOS a strong fabric9ByCHINLESS adj lacking a chin^AACHINKY adj CHINKIER, CHINKIEST full of cracksj@YCHINK v -ED, -ING, -S to fill cracks or fissures inZ?9CHING n pl. -S a high-pitched ringing sound>CHINE v CHINED, CHINING, CHINES to cut through the backbone ofT=-CHINCHY adj CHINCHIER, CHINCHIEST stingyF<CHINCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to chinseB; CHINBONE n pl. -S the lower jaw L:s1LDP CHIPMUNK n pl. -S a small rodent;O}CHIPMUCK n pl. -S a chipmunkZN9CHIPMAKER n pl. -S a microchip manufacturerzMyCHIP v CHIPPED, CHIPPING, CHIPS to break a small piece from\L=CHINWAG v -WAGGED, -WAGGING, -WAGS to gossip`KECHINTZY adj CHINTZIER, CHINTZIEST gaudy; cheapFJCHINTZILY adv in a chintzy mannerDI CHINTZ n pl. -ES a cotton fabric1HiCHINTS n pl. -ES chintzG CHINSE v -SED, -SING, -SES to fill the seams in a boat or cabin;F}CHINOOK n pl. -S a warm wind yH}Qy@[CHIRO n pl. -ROS a marine fish@ZCHIRM v -ED, -ING, -S to chirpLYCHIRK adj CHIRKER, CHIRKEST cheerful\X=CHIRK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a shrill noisefWQCHIRAL adj pertaining to an asymmetrical molecule^VACHIPSET n pl. -S a set of integrated circuitsBU CHIPPY n pl. -PIES a prostituteLTCHIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST belligerent1SiCHIPPIE n pl. -S chippyDR CHIPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to chirplQ]CHIPOTLE n pl. -S a smoked and dried jalapeno pepper `Hh_`0deCHISEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to use a chisel (a cutting tool)FcCHIRU n pl. -S a Tibetan antelopetbmCHIRRUP v -ED, -ING, -S to chirp repeatedly CHIRRUPY adj-aaCHIRREN n/pl children\`=CHIRRE v CHIRRED, CHIRRING, CHIRRES to chirrl_]CHIRR v -ED, -ING, -S to make a harsh, vibrant soundl^]CHIRPY adj CHIRPIER, CHIRPIEST cheerful CHIRPILY advD] CHIRPER n pl. -S one that chirpsl\]CHIRP v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a short, shrill sound +u3>|d+5oqCHITTY n pl. -TIES a chitHnCHITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to twitterdmMCHITOSAN n pl. -S a compound derived from chitin`lECHITON n pl. -S a tunic worn in ancient Greecek CHITLING n pl. -S a part of the small intestine of domestic pigs5jqCHITLIN n pl. -S chitlingjiYCHITIN n pl. -S the main component of insect shellsh CHITCHAT v -CHATTED, -CHATTING, -CHATS to indulge in small talk>gCHITAL n pl. -S an Asian deer;f}CHIT n pl. -S a short letterHeCHISELER n pl. -S one that chisels %b)o%FyCHLORATE n pl. -S a chemical saltLxCHLORAL n pl. -S a chemical compoundfwQCHLOASMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a skin discolorationv CHLAMYS n pl. -MYSES or -MYDES a garment worn in ancient GreeceZu9CHIVY v CHIVIED, CHIVYING, CHIVIES to chevyPt%CHIVVY v -VIED, -VYING, -VIES to chevyXs5CHIVE n pl. -S an herb used as a seasoningXr5CHIVARI v -RIED, -RIING, -RIES to chivareezqyCHIVAREE v -REED, -REEING, -REES to perform a mock serenadedpMCHIVALRY n pl. -RIES knightly behavior and skill MP>LM@CHOCKFUL adj full to the limit~CHOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to secure with a wedge of wood or metal5qCHOC n pl. -S a chocolateV1CHOANA n pl. -NAE a funnel-shaped openingJCHLOROUS adj pertaining to chlorineFCHLORITE n pl. -S a mineral groupJCHLORINE n pl. -S a gaseous element5~qCHLORIN n pl. -S chlorineN}!CHLORIDE n pl. -S a chlorine compound5|qCHLORID n pl. -S chlorideH{CHLORIC adj pertaining to chlorine`zECHLORDAN n pl. -S a toxic compound of chlorine ;:jQ l;-aCHOKEY n pl. -S choky 9CHOKERMAN n pl. -S a person responsible for attaching hooked cables to logsB  CHOKER n pl. -S one that chokesx uCHOKE v CHOKED, CHOKING, CHOKES to impede the breathing of 5CHOIRBOY n pl. -BOYS a boy who sings in a choir (a body of church singers)R )CHOIR v -ED, -ING, -S to sing in unisonvqCHOIL n pl. -S the end of a knife blade nearer the handleHCHOICE n pl. -S one that is chosenvqCHOICE adj CHOICER, CHOICEST of fine quality CHOICELY adv 4DCl3s4;}CHOLINE n pl. -S a B vitaminT-CHOLIAMB n pl. -S a type of poetic meterdMCHOLI n pl. -S a bodice worn by some Hindu women5qCHOLERIC adj bad-temperedFCHOLERA n pl. -S an acute disease-aCHOLER n pl. -S angerX5CHOLENT n pl. -S a traditional Jewish stewD CHOLATE n pl. -S a chemical saltvqCHOLA n pl. -S a Mexican-American girl *deemed offensive*;}CHOKY n pl. CHOKIES a prisonl]CHOKY adj CHOKIER, CHOKIEST tending to cause chokingHCHOKEY adj CHOKIER, CHOKIEST choky vTNFvx$uCHOOSY adj CHOOSIER, CHOOSIEST hard to please CHOOSILY advP#%CHOOSEY adj CHOOSIER, CHOOSIEST choosyF"CHOOSER n pl. -S one that chooses! CHOOSE v CHOSE, CHOSEN, CHOOSING, CHOOSES to take by preference3 mCHOOK n pl. -S a chickenvqCHON n pl. CHONS a monetary unit of North and South KoreaD CHOMPER n pl. -S one that chomps@CHOMP v -ED, -ING, -S to champ^ACHOLO n pl. -LOS a pachuco *deemed offensive*FCHOLLA n pl. -S a treelike cactus O s>5-qCHORALLY adv harmoniously`,ECHORALE n pl. -S a hymn that is sung in unison1+iCHORAL n pl. -S chorale*1CHORAGUS n pl. -GI or -GUSES the leader of a chorus or choir CHORAGIC adj)%CHOPPY adj CHOPPIER, CHOPPIEST full of short, rough waves CHOPPILY advb(ICHOPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to travel by helicopterB' CHOPINE n pl. -S a type of shoe1&iCHOPIN n pl. -S chopinex%uCHOP v CHOPPED, CHOPPING, CHOPS to sever with a sharp tool O1UqN7!CHORIAL adj pertaining to the chorion@6CHOREOID adj resembling choreaJ5CHOREMAN n pl. -MEN a menial workerN4!CHOREGUS n pl. -GI or -GUSES choragusb3ICHOREBOY n pl. -S a boy employed to do odd jobsr2iCHOREA n pl. -S a nervous disorder CHOREAL, CHOREIC adjd1MCHORE v CHORED, CHORING, CHORES to do small jobsh0UCHORDATE n pl. -S any of a large phylum of animalsF/CHORDAL adj pertaining to a chord,.]CHORD v -ED, -ING, -S to play a chord (a combination of three or more musical tones) (\+($BMCHORUS v -RUSED, -RUSING, -RUSES or -RUSSED, -RUSSING, -RUSSES to sing in unisonJACHORTLER n pl. -S one that chortlesj@YCHORTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to chuckle with gleeF?CHORTEN n pl. -S a Tibetan shrineP>%CHOROID n pl. -S a membrane of the eye\==CHORIZO n pl. -ZOS a highly seasoned sausageP<%CHORION n pl. -S an embryonic membrane5;qCHORIOID n pl. -S choroid@:CHORINE n pl. -S a chorus girlF9CHORIC adj pertaining to a chorusV81CHORIAMB n pl. -S a type of metrical foot cm8!7MuCHOWTIME n pl. -S mealtime^LACHOWSE v CHOWSED, CHOWSING, CHOWSES to chousebKICHOWDER v -ED, -ING, -S to make a thick soup ofpJeCHOWCHOW n pl. -S a relish of mixed pickles in mustard9IyCHOW v -ED, -ING, -S to eat1HiCHOUSH n pl. -ES chiausFGCHOUSER n pl. -S one that chouses`FECHOUSE v CHOUSED, CHOUSING, CHOUSES to swindleDE CHOUGH n pl. -S a crow-like bird;D}CHOTT n pl. -S a saline lakeZC9CHOSE n pl. -S an item of personal property `2Gr(`HXCHROMIC adj pertaining to chromiumxWuCHROME v CHROMED, CHROMING, CHROMES to plate with chromiumFVCHROMATE n pl. -S a chemical saltNU!CHROMA n pl. -S the purity of a colorFTCHRISTY n pl. -TIES a skiing turn5SqCHRISTIE n pl. -S christyJRCHRISTEN v -ED, -ING, -S to baptise1QiCHRISOM n pl. -S chrismdPMCHRISMON n pl. -MA or -MONS a Christian monogram`OECHRISM n pl. -S a consecrated oil CHRISMAL adjfNQCHRESARD n pl. -S the available water of the soil n&vAJbCHROMYL n pl. -S a bivalent radicalla]CHROMY adj CHROMIER, CHROMIEST decorated with chromeJ`CHROMOUS adj pertaining to chromium_CHROMOLY n pl. -LIES a steel alloy made of chromium and molybdenumV^1CHROMO n pl. -MOS a type of color picture\]=CHROMIZE v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES to chromeL\CHROMIUM n pl. -S a metallic elementD[ CHROMITE n pl. -S a chromium oreDZ CHROMING n pl. -S a chromium oreFYCHROMIDE n pl. -S a tropical fish !a k !\l=CHUCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to laugh quietlyDk CHUCKER n pl. -S one that chucks@jCHUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to throwZi9CHUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST plump CHUBBILY advXh5CHUBASCO n pl. -COS a violent thunderstormBg CHUB n pl. -S a freshwater fishnfaCHTHONIC adj pertaining to the gods of the underworld\e=CHRONON n pl. -S a hypothetical unit of time~dCHRONIC n pl. -S one that suffers from a long-lasting diseasec9CHRONAXY n pl. -AXIES the time required to excite a nerve cell electrically 9b+Z9Bx CHUGGER n pl. -S one that chugsxwuCHUGALUG v -LUGGED, -LUGGING, -LUGS to drink without pause vCHUG v CHUGGED, CHUGGING, CHUGS to move with a dull explosive sound@uCHUFFY adj -FIER, -FIEST plumpFtCHUFF adj CHUFFER, CHUFFEST gruff>sCHUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to chugBr CHUFA n pl. -S a European sedge3qmCHUDDER n pl. -S chuddarPp%CHUDDAR n pl. -S a large, square shawl3omCHUDDAH n pl. -S chuddarLnCHUCKY n pl. CHUCKIES a little chickJmCHUCKLER n pl. -S one that chuckles xDao0xl]CHUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a dull explosive soundD CHUNDER v -ED, -ING, -S to vomit;}CHUMSHIP n pl. -S friendship@CHUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to munchFCHUMMY n pl. -MIES a close friend`~ECHUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST friendly CHUMMILY adv} CHUM v CHUMMED, CHUMMING, CHUMS to be close friends with someoneV|1CHUKKER n pl. -S a period of play in polo7{uCHUKKAR n pl. -S a chukker@zCHUKKA n pl. -S a type of boot9yyCHUKAR n pl. -S a game bird 8&T8R )CHURIDARS n/pl a kind of tight trousersX 5CHURCHY adj CHURCHIER, CHURCHIEST churchlyf QCHURCHLY adj -LIER, -LIEST pertaining to a church ACHURCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bring to church (a building for Christian worship) CHUPPAH n pl. CHUPPAHS or CHUPPOT a canopy used at a Jewish weddingR)CHUPPA n pl. CHUPPAS or CHUPPOT chuppahFCHUNTER v -ED, -ING, -S to mutterjYCHUNNEL n pl. -S a tunnel under the English ChannelhUCHUNKY adj CHUNKIER, CHUNKIEST stocky CHUNKILY adv W(^4W)CHUTE v CHUTED, CHUTING, CHUTES to convey by chute (a vertical passage)B CHUSE v -ED, -ING, -S to choose\=CHURRO n pl. -S a Spanish and Mexican pastry^ACHURR v -ED, -ING, -S to make a vibrant sounddMCHURNING n pl. -S the butter churned at one timeD CHURNER n pl. -S one that churns~CHURN v -ED, -ING, -S to stir briskly in order to make butterV1CHURL n pl. -S a rude person CHURLISH adjz yCHURINGA n pl. -S a sacred object of Australian Aboriginals O)6KOV"1CIABATTA n pl. -S a type of Italian breadX!5CHYTRID n pl. -S an aquatic or soil fungusB  CHYMOUS adj pertaining to chyme3mCHYMOSIN n pl. -S rennin3mCHYMIST n pl. -S chemist/eCHYMIC n pl. -S chemicFCHYME n pl. -S semi-digested food\=CHYLE n pl. -S a digestive fluid CHYLOUS adjV1CHUTZPAH n pl. -S supreme self-confidence5qCHUTZPA n pl. -S chutzpahX5CHUTNEY n pl. -NEYS a sweet and sour sauce3mCHUTNEE n pl. -S chutney@CHUTIST n pl. -S a parachutist '~49/}'R-)CICERONE n pl. -NES or -NI a tour guideb,ICICERO n pl. -ROS a unit of measure in printingH+CICELY n pl. -LIES a fragrant herb^*ACICATRIX n pl. -TRICES or -TRIXES scar tissue^)ACICATRISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to cicatrizeB( CICALA n pl. -LAS or -LE cicadaV'1CICADA n pl. -DAS or -DAE a winged insect/&eCIBOULE n pl. -S cibolj%YCIBORIUM n pl. -RIA a vessel for holding holy breadF$CIBOL n pl. -S a variety of onion~#CIAO interj -- used as an expression of greeting and farewell :(~GT:B8 CILIARY adj pertaining to cilia\7=CILANTRO n pl. -TROS an herb used in cooking36mCIGGY n pl. -GIES ciggie95yCIGGIE n pl. -S a cigarette4 CIGARET n pl. -S a narrow roll of finely cut tobacco for smokingf3QCIGAR n pl. -S a roll of tobacco leaf for smoking32mCIG n pl. -S a cigarette\1=CIDER n pl. -S the juice pressed from applesF0CICOREE n pl. -S a perennial herbr/iCICISBEO n pl. -BEI or -BEOS a lover of a married woman^.ACICHLID n pl. -LIDS or -LIDAE a tropical fish bSUb@CCINDERY adj containing cindersjBYCINDER v -ED, -ING, -S to reduce to cinders (ashes)pAeCINCTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to gird or encircleF@CINCHONA n pl. -S a Peruvian treeB? CINCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to girth9>yCIMEX n pl. -MICES a bedbugP=%CIMBALOM n pl. -S a Hungarian dulcimerb<ICILIUM n pl. CILIA a short, hairlike projection@;CILICE n pl. -S a coarse cloth5:qCILIATED adj having ciliap9eCILIATE n pl. -S one of a class of ciliated protozoans BZ!e0&B`NECINNABAR n pl. -S the principal ore of mercury|M}CINGULUM n pl. -LA an anatomical band or girdle CINGULAR adjdLMCINERIN n pl. -S a compound used in insecticidesLKCINERARY adj used for cremated ashesNJ!CINEPLEX n pl. -ES a cinema multiplex1IiCINEOLE n pl. -S cineol`HECINEOL n pl. -S a liquid used as an antisepticTG-CINEMA n pl. -S a motion-picture theater5FqCINEASTE n pl. -S cineast^EACINEAST n pl. -S a devotee of motion pictures@DCINE n pl. -S a motion picture d{J$dHXCIPHERER n pl. -S one that cipherspWeCIPHER v -ED, -ING, -S to solve problems in arithmeticpVeCIPAILLE n pl. -S a pie with layers of meat and pastryNU!CIOPPINO n pl. -NOS a spicy fish stew\T=CION n pl. -S a cutting from a plant or treeBS CINQUE n pl. -S the number fiveTR-CINQUAIN n pl. -S a stanza of five lines+Q]CINQ n pl. -S cinque`PECINNAMYL n pl. -S a chemical used to make soapOCINNAMON n pl. -S a spice obtained from tree bark CINNAMIC adj Qo%x.7QxbuCIRCULAR n pl. -S a leaflet intended for wide distributionfaQCIRCUITY n pl. -ITIES lack of straightforwardnessP`%CIRCUIT v -ED, -ING, -S to move around1_iCIRC n/pl circumstancesj^YCIRCLET n pl. -S a small ring or ring-shaped objectF]CIRCLER n pl. -S one that circlesr\iCIRCLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to move or revolve around3[mCIRCA prep about; aroundFZCIPOLIN n pl. -S a type of marble YCIPHONY n pl. -NIES the electronic scrambling of voice transmissions 0*{?0Zm9CISCO n pl. -COS or -COES a freshwater fish~lCIS adj having certain atoms on the same side of the molecule+k]CIRSOID adj varicoselj]CIRRUS n pl. -RI or -RUSES a tendril or similar part3imCIRROUS adj having cirri)hYCIRROSE adj cirrousdgMCIRRIPED n pl. -S any of an order of crustaceans3fmCIRRATE adj having cirritemCIRQUE n pl. -S a deep, steep-walled basin on a mountainddMCIRE n pl. -S a highly glazed finish for fabricsjcYCIRCUS n pl. -ES a public entertainment CIRCUSY adj &4O].l&By CITATOR n pl. -S one that citesdxMCITATION n pl. -S the act of citing CITATORY adjVw1CITADEL n pl. -S a fortress or stronghold+v]CITABLE adj citeableHuCISTUS n pl. -ES a flowering shrubFtCISTRON n pl. -S a segment of DNAXs5CISTERNA n pl. -NAE a fluid-containing sac>rCISTERN n pl. -S a water tankjqYCIST n pl. -S a prehistoric stone coffin CISTED adj1piCISSY n pl. -SIES sissyXo5CISSOID n pl. -S a type of geometric curveln]CISLUNAR adj situated between the earth and the moon 9y-PQ9FCITRAL n pl. -S a lemon flavoring/eCITOLE n pl. -S citola5qCITOLA n pl. -S a cittern^ACITIZEN n pl. -S a resident of a city or townV1CITIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to urbanize3mCITIED adj having cities3mCITHREN n pl. -S cittern3mCITHERN n pl. -S cittern1~iCITHER n pl. -S citternb}ICITHARA n pl. -S an ancient stringed instrument>|CITER n pl. -S one that citesH{CITEABLE adj suitable for citationz CITE v CITED, CITING, CITES to quote as an authority or example 9@Vp}9@CITY n pl. CITIES a large townN!CITTERN n pl. -S a pear-shaped guitar=CITRUS n pl. -ES any of a genus of tropical, fruit-bearing trees CITRUSY adjR)CITROUS adj pertaining to a citrus treeF CITRON n pl. -S a lemonlike fruitB  CITRININ n pl. -S an antibioticL CITRINE n pl. -S a variety of quartzD  CITRIN n pl. -S a citric vitaminN !CITRIC adj derived from citrus fruitsN!CITREOUS adj having a lemonlike colorjYCITRATE n pl. -S a salt of citric acid CITRATED adj EE_tEE`ECIVILISE v -LISED, -LISING, -LISES to civilizeP%CIVILIAN n pl. -S a nonmilitary personD CIVIL adj pertaining to citizens+]CIVIE n pl. -S civvyT-CIVICS n/pl the science of civic affairs!CIVICISM n pl. -S a system of government based upon individual rights@CIVIC adj pertaining to a cityB CIVET n pl. -S a catlike mammalX5CITYWIDE adj including all parts of a city;}CITYWARD adv toward the cityxuCITYFIED adj having the customs and manners of city people (r(P'CLAD v CLADDED, CLADDING, CLADS to coat one metal over anotherD& CLACKER n pl. -S one that clacksh%UCLACK v -ED, -ING, -S to make an abrupt, dry sound5$qCLACHAN n pl. -S a hamlet/#eCLACH n pl. -S clachanF"CLABBER v -ED, -ING, -S to curdle;!}CIVVY n pl. -VIES a civilianD  CIVISM n pl. -S good citizenship+]CIVILLY adv politelyzyCIVILIZE v -LIZED, -LIZING, -LIZES to bring out of savageryV1CIVILITY n pl. -TIES courtesy; politeness ,zz\0=CLAIM v -ED, -ING, -S to demand as one.s dueR/)CLAG v CLAGGED, CLAGGING, CLAGS to clog2.iCLAFOUTI n pl. -S a dessert consisting of a layer of fruit topped with batter and bakedX-5CLADODE n pl. -S a leaflike part of a stem,)CLADIST n pl. -S a taxonomist who uses clades in classifying life-formsT+-CLADISM n pl. -S the method of a cladistV*1CLADE n pl. -S a group of biological taxaV)1CLADDING n pl. -S something that overlaysv(qCLADDAGH n pl. -S a ring designed with two hands clasping >JJd>H;CLAMORER n pl. -S one that clamors\:=CLAMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to make loud outcriesv9qCLAMMY adj CLAMMIER, CLAMMIEST cold and damp CLAMMILY advB8 CLAMMER n pl. -S one that clams@7CLAMLIKE adj resembling a clamX65CLAMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to climb awkwardlyD5 CLAMBAKE n pl. -S a beach picnic%4QCLAMANT adj noisy 3CLAM v CLAMMED, CLAMMING, CLAMS to dig for clams (bivalve mollusks)D2 CLAIMER n pl. -S one that claimsj1YCLAIMANT n pl. -S one that asserts a right or title Y-ZwYnEaCLANK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a sharp, metallic soundJDCLANGOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to clangorZC9CLANGOR v -ED, -ING, -S to clang repeatedly7BuCLANGER n pl. -S a blunderLACLANG v -ED, -ING, -S to ring loudlyT@-CLAN n pl. -S a united group of familiesB? CLAMWORM n pl. -S a marine worm>CLAMPER n pl. -S a device worn on shoes to prevent slipping on ice= CLAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a clamp (a securing device)F<CLAMOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to clamor ~,5=b@PCLARET n pl. -S a dry red wineJOCLARENCE n pl. -S a closed carriagePN%CLAQUEUR n pl. -S a member of a claque5MqCLAQUER n pl. -S claqueurZL9CLAQUE n pl. -S a group of hired applaudersPK%CLAPTRAP n pl. -S pretentious languageBJ CLAPPER n pl. -S one that clapsIACLAP v CLAPPED or CLAPT, CLAPPING, CLAPS to strike one palm against the otherPH%CLANSMAN n pl. -MEN a member of a clanNG!CLANNISH adj characteristic of a clan~FCLANKY adj CLANKIER, CLANKIEST making a sharp, metallic sound BJ_uBZCLASP v CLASPED or CLASPT, CLASPING, CLASPS to embrace tightlyFYCLASHER n pl. -S one that clashes`XECLASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to conflict or disagreeLWCLARY n pl. CLARIES an aromatic herbPV%CLARO n pl. -ROS or -ROES a mild cigarBU CLARKIA n pl. -S an annual herb\T=CLARITY n pl. -TIES the state of being clearSCLARION v -ED, -ING, -S to proclaim by blowing a medieval trumpetRR)CLARINET n pl. -S a woodwind instrument\Q=CLARIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to make clear ll"9\lpceCLASSISM n pl. -S discrimination based on social classxbuCLASSIS n pl. CLASSES a governing body in certain churchesBa CLASSILY adv in a classy manner`)CLASSIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to arrange according to characteristics_CLASSICO adj made from grapes grown in a certain part of Italy`^ECLASSIC n pl. -S a work of enduring excellenceF]CLASSER n pl. -S one that classesH\CLASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to classifyD[ CLASPER n pl. -S one that clasps \T@~4\Tm-CLAUSTRA n/pl basal ganglia in the brain|l}CLAUSE n pl. -S a distinct part of a composition CLAUSAL adjFkCLAUGHT v -ED, -ING, -S to clutchLjCLATTERY adj having a rattling noiseniaCLATTER v -ED, -ING, -S to move with a rattling noise`hECLASTIC n pl. -S a rock made up of other rocksFgCLAST n pl. -S a fragment of rockbfICLASSY adj CLASSIER, CLASSIEST stylish; elegantNe!CLASSON n pl. -S a subatomic particleVd1CLASSIST n pl. -S an advocate of classism >R ^i>@xCLAWLIKE adj resembling a claw;w}CLAWLESS adj having no claws@vCLAWER n pl. -S one that claws`uECLAWBACK n pl. -S money taken back by taxation tCLAW v -ED, -ING, -S to scratch with claws (sharp, curved toenails)bsICLAVUS n pl. -VI a horny thickening of the skinPr%CLAVIER n pl. -S a keyboard instrumentTq-CLAVICLE n pl. -S a bone of the shoulderDp CLAVER v -ED, -ING, -S to gossipfoQCLAVE n pl. -S one of a pair of percussion sticks@nCLAVATE adj shaped like a club 2~$9^ACLEAN v -ED, -ING, -S to rid of dirt or stain5qCLAYWARE n pl. -S pottery^ACLAYPAN n pl. -S a shallow natural depressionFCLAYMORE n pl. -S a type of sword;~}CLAYLIKE adj resembling clayV}1CLAYISH adj resembling or containing clay\|=CLAYEY adj CLAYIER, CLAYIEST resembling clayP{%CLAYBANK n pl. -S a yellow-brown colorz1CLAY v -ED, -ING, -S to treat with clay (a fine-grained, earthy material)/yeCLAXON n pl. -S klaxonbRV{tmf_XQJC<xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YR5.'  KD=6/(! c7b/a%`_^]}\s[hZ\YRXHW?V5G FE DCxBoAf@]?S>G==<2;(:987{6o5d4[3Q2G1=03/(.-, +*w)n(e'Y&P%G$=#3")!  xmcZPE;0'ymU+T!SRQPzOpNgM_LSKIJ?I5H,b X N C 8 -" xlbXMB7-$yod[PE Sw/e]SX 5CLEAR adj CLEARER, CLEAREST clean and pure\ =CLEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to remove obstructionsJ CLEANUP n pl. -S an act of cleaningN !CLEANSKIN n pl. -S a blameless personJCLEANSER n pl. -S one that cleansesdMCLEANSE v CLEANSED, CLEANSING, CLEANSES to cleanjYCLEANOUT n pl. -S the act of cleaning something outX5CLEANLY adj -LIER, -LIEST habitually cleanD CLEANER n pl. -S one that cleans CLEAN adj CLEANER, CLEANEST free from dirt or stain CLEANISH adj :N!CLEAVAGE n pl. -S the act of cleaving CLEAT v -ED, -ING, -S to strengthen with a strip of wood or ironzyCLEARWAY n pl. -S a road on which stopping is not permitted)CLEAROUT n pl. -S the action of removing unwanted material from a place>CLEARLY adv in a clear mannerB CLEARING n pl. -S an open spaceD CLEARER n pl. -S one that clearsz yCLEARCUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS to cut a forest completely 3M QG3R)CLENCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to grasp firmly+]CLEMENT adj merciful7uCLEMENCY n pl. -CIES mercyP%CLEMATIS n pl. -TISES a flowering vineD CLEIDOIC adj enclosed in a shell3mCLEG n pl. -S a horseflyCLEFT v -ED, -ING, -S to insert a scion into the stock of a plant@CLEF n pl. -S a musical symbolpeCLEEK v CLAUCHT or CLEEKED, CLEEKING, CLEEKS to clutch@CLEAVER n pl. -S a heavy knife.aCLEAVE v CLEAVED, CLEFT, CLOVE or CLAVE, CLOVEN, CLEAVING, CLEAVES to split or divide \j_ :\|)}CLERK v -ED, -ING, -S to serve as a clerk (an office worker)Z(9CLERISY n pl. -SIES the well-educated classF'CLERIHEW n pl. -S a humorous poemH&CLERID n pl. -S a predatory beetle7%uCLERICAL n pl. -S a clericP$%CLERIC n pl. -S a member of the clergy#!CLERGY n pl. -GIES the body of persons ordained for religious servicet"mCLEPE v CLEPED or CLEPT, CLEPING, CLEPES to call by nameD! CLEOME n pl. -S a tropical plantJ CLENCHER n pl. -S one that clenches 6.rN~6D3 CLICKER n pl. -S one that clicksh2UCLICK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a short, sharp sound`1ECLICHE n pl. -S a trite expression CLICHED adjT0-CLEW v -ED, -ING, -S to roll into a ballZ/9CLEVIS n pl. -ISES a metal fastening devicej.YCLEVER adj -ERER, -EREST mentally keen CLEVERLY advR-)CLEVEITE n pl. -S a radioactive mineralb,ICLERKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST pertaining to a clerk`+ECLERKISH adj resembling or suitable to a clerkj*YCLERKDOM n pl. -S the status or function of a clerk GPe2zG/=eCLIME n pl. -S climateD< CLIMBER n pl. -S one that climbsl;]CLIMB v CLIMBED or CLOMB, CLIMBING, CLIMBS to ascendv:qCLIMAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to reach a high or dramatic point49mCLIMATE n pl. -S the weather conditions characteristic of an area CLIMATAL, CLIMATIC adj+8]CLIFT n pl. -S cliffh7UCLIFFY adj CLIFFIER, CLIFFIEST abounding in cliffsL6CLIFFTOP n pl. -S the top of a cliffV51CLIFF n pl. -S a high, steep face of rockR4)CLIENT n pl. -S a customer CLIENTAL adj Jr4NJbGICLINIC n pl. -S a medical facility CLINICAL adjRF)CLINGY adj CLINGIER, CLINGIEST adhesiveDE CLINGER n pl. -S one that clingsfDQCLING v CLUNG, CLINGING, CLINGS to adhere closelyxCuCLING v -ED, -ING, -S to make a high-pitched ringing soundjBYCLINE n pl. -S a series of changes within a speciesZA9CLINCHER n pl. -S a decisive fact or remarkn@aCLINCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to settle a matter decisivelyB? CLINALLY adv in a clinal mannerD> CLINAL adj pertaining to a cline , L',PP%CLIQUY adj CLIQUIER, CLIQUIEST cliquey+O]CLIQUISH adj cliqueytNmCLIQUEY adj CLIQUIER, CLIQUIEST inclined to form cliques,M]CLIQUE v CLIQUED, CLIQUING, CLIQUES to form a clique (an exclusive group of persons)pLeCLIPPING n pl. -S something that is clipped out or offBK CLIPPER n pl. -S one that clipsvJqCLIP v CLIPPED, CLIPT, CLIPPING, CLIPS to trim by cuttingtImCLINKER v -ED, -ING, -S to form fused residue in burningxHuCLINK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a soft, sharp, ringing sound Z(RZDY CLOAK v -ED, -ING, -S to concealbXICLOACA n pl. -ACAE or -ACAS a sewer CLOACAL adjFWCLIVIA n pl. -S a flowering plantLVCLIVERS n pl. CLIVERS an annual herbnUaCLITTER v -ED, -ING, -S to make a thin rattling soundTCLITORIS n pl. -RISES or -RIDES a sex organ CLITORAL, CLITORIC adjS CLITIC n pl. -S a word pronounced as part of a neighboring wordzRyCLITELLA n/pl regions in the body walls of certain annelidsVQ1CLIT n pl. -S clitoris *deemed offensive* ww-7n3wBe CLOGGER n pl. -S one that clogsrdiCLOG v CLOGGED, CLOGGING, CLOGS to block up or obstruct7cuCLODPOLL n pl. -S clodpate7buCLODPOLE n pl. -S clodpateFaCLODPATE n pl. -S a stupid person@`CLODDY adj -DIER, -DIEST lumpyF_CLOD n pl. -S a dolt CLODDISH adjD^ CLOCKER n pl. -S one that clocks`]ECLOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to time with a stopwatchF\CLOCHE n pl. -S a bell-shaped hat9[yCLOCHARD n pl. -S a vagrantHZCLOBBER v -ED, -ING, -S to trounce *{- X*bnICLONISM n pl. -S the condition of having clonus~mCLONING n pl. -S a technique for reproducing by asexual meansBl CLONIC adj pertaining to clonusBk CLONER n pl. -S one that clones~jCLONE v CLONED, CLONING, CLONES to reproduce by asexual meansi=CLON n pl. -S a group of asexually derived organisms CLONAL adj CLONALLY advhhUCLOMP v -ED, -ING, -S to walk heavily and clumsilyJgCLOISTER v -ED, -ING, -S to secludefCLOGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST clogging or able to clog CLOGGILY adv #{po#HwCLOSEOUT n pl. -S a clearance saleXv5CLOSE adj CLOSER, CLOSEST near CLOSELY adv uECLOSE v CLOSED, CLOSING, CLOSES to block against entry or passage CLOSABLE adjdtMCLOQUE n pl. -S a fabric with an embossed designsACLOP v CLOPPED, CLOPPING, CLOPS to make the sound of a hoof striking pavement;r}CLOOT n pl. -S a cloven hoofVq1CLONUS n pl. -ES a form of muscular spasmzpyCLONKY adj CLONKIER, CLONKIEST making a dull thumping soundjoYCLONK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a dull thumping sound wL49w CLOTHE v CLOTHED or CLAD, CLOTHING, CLOTHES to provide with clothing-aCLOTH n pl. -S fabricj~YCLOTBUR n pl. -S a type of plant with prickly seeds}CLOT v CLOTTED, CLOTTING, CLOTS to form into a clot (a thick mass)\|=CLOSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to clotureH{CLOSING n pl. -S a concluding parthzUCLOSEUP n pl. -S a photograph taken at close rangejyYCLOSET v -ED, -ING, -S to enclose in a private roomBx CLOSER n pl. -S one that closes 3Lz3X 5CLOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to hit with the handP %CLOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to knock or bump3mCLOUGH n pl. -S a ravine CLOUDY adj CLOUDIER, CLOUDIEST overcast with clouds CLOUDILY advB CLOUDLET n pl. -S a small cloud CLOUD v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with clouds (masses of visible vapor))CLOTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to end a debate by calling for a vote7uCLOTTY adj tending to clotFCLOTHING n pl. -S wearing apparelfQCLOTHIER n pl. -S one who makes or sells clothing Lc`ECLOZE n pl. -S a test of reading comprehension^ACLOY v -ED, -ING, -S to gratify beyond desire\=CLOWNISH adj resembling or befitting a clownR)CLOWNERY n pl. -ERIES clownish behavior CLOWN v -ED, -ING, -S to act like a clown (a humorous performer)D CLOWDER n pl. -S a group of cats^ACLOVER n pl. -S a plant CLOVERED, CLOVERY adj5 qCLOVEN adj split; divided/ eCLOVE n pl. -S a spiceD  CLOUTER n pl. -S one that clouts P[*E;P CLUBHEAD n pl. -S the part of a golf club that strikes the ball`ECLUBHAUL v -ED, -ING, -S to put a vessel aboutFCLUBHAND n pl. -S a deformed handLCLUBFOOT n pl. -FEET a deformed footl]CLUBFACE n pl. -S the striking surface of a clubheadfQCLUBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST characteristic of a club)YCLUBBISH adj clubbyJCLUBBER n pl. -S a member of a club-aCLUBABLE adj sociable ECLUB v CLUBBED, CLUBBING, CLUBS to form a club (an organized group of persons) (<fP(\(=CLUELESS adj hopelessly confused or ignorant'CLUE v CLUED, CLUEING or CLUING, CLUES to give guiding information7&uCLUCKER n pl. -S a chickend%MCLUCK v -ED, -ING, -S to make the sound of a henF$CLUBROOT n pl. -S a plant disease`#ECLUBROOM n pl. -S a room for a club.s meetingst"mCLUBMOSS n pl. -ES a green plant resembling a large mossZ!9CLUBMATE n pl. -S a fellow member of a clubX 5CLUBMAN n pl. -MEN a male member of a clubdMCLUBLAND n pl. -S an area having many nightclubs XPMWX^3ACLUPEID n pl. -S a fish of the herring family`2ECLUNKY adj CLUNKIER, CLUNKIEST clumsy in style51qCLUNKER n pl. -S a jalopy@0CLUNK v -ED, -ING, -S to thump^/ACLUMSY adj -SIER, -SIEST awkward CLUMSILY advL.CLUMPY adj CLUMPIER, CLUMPIEST lumpy`-ECLUMPISH adj resembling a clump (a thick mass)7,uCLUMPET n pl. -S a clumper`+ECLUMPER n pl. -S a large floating chunk of iceb*ICLUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to form into a thick massF)CLUMBER n pl. -S a stocky spaniel 4$j(b4d=MCNIDA n pl. -DAE a stinging organ in a jellyfish5<qCLYSTER n pl. -S an enema;CLYPEUS n pl. CLYPEI a shield-like structure CLYPEAL, CLYPEATE adjP:%CLUTTERY adj characterized by disordern9aCLUTTER v -ED, -ING, -S to pile in a disorderly state>8CLUTCHY adj tending to clutchf7QCLUTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to grasp and hold tightlyL6CLUSTERY adj pertaining to a cluster59CLUSTER v -ED, -ING, -S to form into a cluster (a group of similar objects)94yCLUPEOID n pl. -S a clupeid +^e*+GCOADMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to admit several things equallynFaCOADMIRE v -MIRED, -MIRING, -MIRES to admire togetherbEICOACTOR n pl. -S a fellow actor in a production;D}COACTIVE adj mutually active@CCOACTION n pl. -S joint actionNB!COACT v -ED, -ING, -S to act togetherACOACHROOF n pl. -S a part of a yacht cabin roof that is raisedp@eCOACHMAN n pl. -MEN one who drives a coach or carriageF?COACHER n pl. -S one that coachesT>-COACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to tutor or train s[ husPQ%COALER n pl. -S one that supplies coalTP-COALBOX n pl. -ES a box for storing coalRO)COALBIN n pl. -S a bin for storing coal+N]COALA n pl. -S koalatMmCOAL v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with coal (a carbon fuel)HLCOAGULUM n pl. -LA or -LUMS a clot KECOAGENT n pl. -S a person, force, or other agent working together with anotherJJCOAGENCY n pl. -CIES a joint agency1IiCOAEVAL n pl. -S coevallH]COADY n pl. -DYS or -DIES a sauce made from molasses -`M-Z[9COALY adj COALIER, COALIEST containing coalVZ1COALSHED n pl. -S a shed for storing coaldYMCOALSACK n pl. -S a dark region of the Milky WayhXUCOALPIT n pl. -S a pit from which coal is obtained5WqCOALLESS adj lacking coaljVYCOALIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to convert into coaldUMCOALHOLE n pl. -S a compartment for storing coalHTCOALFISH n pl. -ES a blackish fish~SCOALFACE n pl. -S the place where coal is cut out of the rockfRQCOALESCE v -ALESCED, -ALESCING, -ALESCES to blend R^wRXd5COASSIST v -ED, -ING, -S to assist jointlyPc%COARSEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make coarse|b}COARSE adj COARSER, COARSEST rough COARSELY adv COARSISH adjjaYCOAPT v -ED, -ING, -S to fit together and make fast` COAPPEAR v -ED, -ING, -S to appear together or at the same timeV_1COANNEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to annex jointly^COANCHOR v -ED, -ING, -S to present televised news reports jointlyD] COAMING n pl. -S a raised borderV\1COALYARD n pl. -S a yard for storing coal u2GDu9oyCOATLESS adj lacking a coatFnCOATING n pl. -S a covering layerDm COATI n pl. -S a tropical mammal@lCOATER n pl. -S one that coats;k}COATEE n pl. -S a small coat|j}COAT v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a coat (an outer garment)Bi COASTING n pl. -S coastal trade1hiCOASTER n pl. -S a sledlg]COASTAL adj pertaining to or located near a seashoreXf5COAST v -ED, -ING, -S to slide down a hillneaCOASSUME v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES to assume together DF| ~S wD/{eCOB n pl. -S a corncobJzCOAXING n pl. -S an act of cajolingDy COAXIAL adj having a common axisBx COAXER n pl. -S one that coaxes'wUCOAXAL adj coaxialBv COAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to cajoleXu5COAUTHOR v -ED, -ING, -S to write togetherXt5COATTEST v -ED, -ING, -S to attest jointlyZs9COATTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to attend togetherhrUCOATTAIL n pl. -S the back lower portion of a coatXq5COATROOM n pl. -S a room for storing coatsZp9COATRACK n pl. -S a rack or stand for coats 1c*Hp*1bICOBWEBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST covered with cobwebs!COBWEB v -WEBBED, -WEBBING, -WEBS to cover with cobwebs (spider webs)B COBRA n pl. -S a venomous snake>COBNUT n pl. -S an edible nutJCOBLE n pl. -S a small fishing boatD COBIA n pl. -S a large game fish@COBBY adj -BIER, -BIEST stockyHCOBBLER n pl. -S a mender of shoesN!COBBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to mend5~qCOBBER n pl. -S a comrade3}mCOBB n pl. -S a sea gullb|ICOBALT n pl. -S a metallic element COBALTIC adj !{+3q!riCOCHAIR v -ED, -ING, -S to serve jointly as chairman offQCOCCYX n pl. -CYGES or -CYXES a bone of the spinel]COCCUS n pl. COCCI a spherical bacterium COCCOUS adjV1COCCOID n pl. -S a spherical cell or bodydMCOCCIDIAN n pl. -S a kind of parasitic protozoonHCOCCIDIA n/pl parasitic protozoans5 qCOCCID n pl. -S an insect% QCOCCIC adj coccalF COCCAL adj pertaining to a coccusL COCAINE n pl. -S a narcotic alkaloid1 iCOCAIN n pl. -S cocaineLCOCA n pl. -S a South American shrub V!KV7uCOCKCROW n pl. -S daybreak@COCKBOAT n pl. -S a small boatriCOCKBILL v -ED, -ING, -S to raise the yardarm on a ship>COCKATOO n pl. -TOOS a parrot COCKAPOO n pl. -POOS a hybrid between a cocker spaniel and a poodleriCOCKADE n pl. -S an ornament worn on a hat COCKADED adjT-COCK v -ED, -ING, -S to tilt to one side3mCOCINERA n pl. -S a cook COCHLEA n pl. -CHLEAE or -CHLEAS a part of the ear COCHLEAR adjT-COCHIN n pl. -S a large domestic chicken in ;3iH(COCKSHUT n pl. -S the close of dayz'yCOCKPIT n pl. -S a pilot.s compartment in certain airplanest&mCOCKNEY n pl. -NEYS a resident of the East End of LondonB% COCKLOFT n pl. -S a small atticF$COCKLIKE adj resembling a roosterb#ICOCKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to wrinkle or pucker%"QCOCKISH adj cocky>!COCKILY adv in a cocky manner^ ACOCKEYE n pl. -S a squinting eye COCKEYED adjFCOCKEREL n pl. -S a young roosterD COCKER v -ED, -ING, -S to pamper C{LxzC32mCOCOA n pl. -S chocolateD1 COCO n pl. -COS a tall palm tree@0COCKY n pl. COCKIES a cockatoon/aCOCKY adj COCKIER, COCKIEST arrogantly self-confident^.ACOCKUP n pl. -S a turned-up part of somethingn-aCOCKTAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to drink alcoholic beverages+,]COCKSURE adj certainD+ COCKSPUR n pl. -S a thorny plantJ*COCKSMAN n pl. -MEN an individual who soils himself in constrained circumstances *deemed offensive*j)YCOCKSHY n pl. -SHIES a target in a throwing contest O>(+OF=COCOYAM n pl. -S a tropical tuber><COCOTTE n pl. -S a prostituteL;COCOPLUM n pl. -S an evergreen shrub:!COCOONER n pl. -S one who retreats to the private world of the familyf9QCOCOON v -ED, -ING, -S to wrap or envelop tightlyd8MCOCONUTTY adj -TIER, -TIEST resembling a coconutP7%COCONUT n pl. -S the fruit of the cocoV61COCOMAT n pl. -S a matting made from coirJ5COCOBOLO n pl. -LOS a tropical tree74uCOCOBOLA n pl. -S cocobolo53qCOCOANUT n pl. -S coconut CF|6(CTG-CODEBTOR n pl. -S one that shares a debtFCODEBOOK n pl. -S a book listing words and their coded equivalentsjEYCODE v CODED, CODING, CODES to convert into symbolsFDCODDLER n pl. -S one that coddlesRC)CODDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to pamperBB CODDER n pl. -S a cod fishermanHACODABLE adj capable of being codedz@yCODA n pl. -S a passage at the end of a musical compositionJ?COD v CODDED, CODDING, CODS to foolh>UCOCREATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to create together 5{Fga5`SECODFISH n pl. -ES the cod (a marine food fish)hRUCODEX n pl. -DICES or -DEXES an ancient manuscriptXQ5CODESIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to design jointlylP]CODERIVE v -RIVED, -RIVING, -RIVES to derive jointly>OCODER n pl. -S one that codesPN%CODEN n pl. -S a coding classificationTM-CODELESS adj being without a set of lawsLLCODEINE n pl. -S a narcotic alkaloid3KmCODEINA n pl. -S codeine1JiCODEIN n pl. -S codeine1IiCODEIA n pl. -S codeineLHCODEC n pl. -S an integrated circuit o!7^]CODON n pl. -S a triplet of nucleotides (basic components of DNA)L\CODOMAIN n pl. -S a mathematical setD[ CODLING n pl. -S an unripe apple1ZiCODLIN n pl. -S codlingXY5CODIRECT v -ED, -ING, -S to direct jointlypXeCODING n pl. -S the process of converting into symbolsrWiCODIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to arrange or systematizeJVCODIFIER n pl. -S one that codifiesRU)CODICIL n pl. -S a supplement to a will7TuCODGER n pl. -S an old man =A1fiCOELIAC n pl. -S celiacTe-COEFFECT n pl. -S an accompanying effectHdCOEDITOR n pl. -S one that coeditshcUCOEDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to edit with another person@bCOED n pl. -S a female student@aCOECILIAN n pl. -S a caecilianr`iCODRIVER n pl. -S one who takes turns driving a vehicle_CODRIVE v -DROVE, -DRIVEN, -DRIVING, -DRIVES to work as a codriverx^uCODPIECE n pl. -S a cover for the crotch in men.s breeches <g2^Wu<5oqCOENURE n pl. -S coenurusnnaCOENDURE v -DURED, -DURING, -DURES to endure togetherlm]COENAMOR v -ED, -ING, -S to inflame with mutual love|l}COENACT v -ED, -ING, -S to enact jointly or at the same timek COEMPT v -ED, -ING, -S to buy up the entire supply of a productZj9COEMPLOY v -ED, -ING, -S to employ togetherriiCOEMBODY v -BODIED, -BODYING, -BODIES to embody jointly1hiCOELOME n pl. -S coelomg-COELOM n pl. -LOMS or -LOMATA a body cavity in some animals COELOMIC adj ^ N^Vx1COERECT v -ED, -ING, -S to erect together@wCOERCIVE adj serving to coerceNv!COERCION n pl. -S the act of coercingFuCOERCER n pl. -S one that coerces~tCOERCE v -ERCED, -ERCING, -ERCES to compel by force or threat sCOEQUATE v -QUATED, -QUATING, -QUATES to equate with something else`rECOEQUAL n pl. -S one who is equal with another qECOENZYME n pl. -S a substance necessary for the functioning of certain enzymesJpCOENURUS n pl. -RI a tapeworm larva 3>163tmCOFFEE n pl. -S an aromatic, mildly stimulating beverageHCOFF v COFT, COFFING, COFFS to buy;}COFACTOR n pl. -S a coenzyme=COEXTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to extend through the same space or time as anotherV~1COEXIST v -ED, -ING, -S to exist togetherT}-COEXERT v -ED, -ING, -S to exert jointlyt|mCOEVOLVE v -VOLVED, -VOLVING, -VOLVES to evolve together9{yCOEVALLY adv contemporarilytzmCOEVAL n pl. -S one of the same era or period as anotherFyCOESITE n pl. -S a type of silica B&fLBZ 9COGITO n pl. -TOS a philosophical principle\ =COGITATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to ponderH COGENT adj convincing COGENTLY adv^ ACOGENCY n pl. -CIES the state of being cogent\=COG v COGGED, COGGING, COGS to cheat at diceT-COFOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to found jointlyHCOFFRET n pl. -S a small strongboxpeCOFFLE v -FLED, -FLING, -FLES to chain slaves togethervqCOFFIN v -ED, -ING, -S to put in a coffin (a burial case)\=COFFER v -ED, -ING, -S to put in a strongbox Pcv(^PFCOGWHEEL n pl. -S a toothed wheelpeCOGWAY n pl. -WAYS a railway operating on steep slopesLCOGON n pl. -S a tall tropical grasshUCOGNOVIT n pl. -S a written admission of liabilityZ9COGNOMEN n pl. -MENS or -MINA a family nameJCOGNIZER n pl. -S one that cognizesCOGNIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to become aware of in one.s mind\=COGNISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to cognizebICOGNATE n pl. -S one that is related to another3 mCOGNAC n pl. -S a brandy $gf$j YCOHOBATE v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES to distill againR)COHO n pl. -HOS or -HOES a small salmonzyCOHESION n pl. -S the act or state of cohering COHESIVE adjl]COHERER n pl. -S a device used to detect radio waves@COHERENT adj sticking togetherhUCOHERE v -HERED, -HERING, -HERES to stick together;}COHEIR n pl. -S a joint heirP%COHEAD v -ED, -ING, -S to head jointlyJCOHABITEE n pl. -S one who cohabits-COHABIT v -ED, -ING, -S to live together as man and wife while unmarried Gz&7G@,COIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to quoinX+5COIFFURE v -FURED, -FURING, -FURES to coifL*COIFFEUR n pl. -S a male hairdresserZ)9COIFFE v COIFFED, COIFFING, COIFFES to coifP(%COIF v -ED, -ING, -S to style the hair9'yCOHUNE n pl. -S a palm treeP&%COHOST v -ED, -ING, -S to host jointlyH%COHOSH n pl. -ES a medicinal plantT$-COHORT n pl. -S a companion or associate|#}COHOLDER n pl. -S an athlete who holds a record with another1"iCOHOG n pl. -S a quahog)!YCOHOE n pl. -S coho Dw_j5YCOINFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to infer jointlyn4aCOINFECT v -ED, -ING, -S to infect with two organisms@3COINER n pl. -S one that coinsx2uCOINCIDE v -CIDED, -CIDING, -CIDES to be in the same placeT1-COINAGE n pl. -S the act of making coins0 COIN v -ED, -ING, -S to make coins (metal currency) COINABLE adj@/COILER n pl. -S one that coilsX.5COIL v -ED, -ING, -S to wind in even rings\-=COIGNE v COIGNED, COIGNING, COIGNES to quoin oF^]"oz?yCOITUS n pl. -ES sexual intercourse COITAL adj COITALLY adv1>iCOITION n pl. -S coitus7=uCOISTRIL n pl. -S coistrel5<qCOISTREL n pl. -S a knavef;QCOIR n pl. -S a fiber obtained from coconut husksZ:9COINVENT v -ED, -ING, -S to invent togetherj9YCOINTER v -TERRED, -TERRING, -TERS to bury togetherv8qCOINSURE v -SURED, -SURING, -SURES to insure with anotherF7COINMATE n pl. -S a fellow inmatel6]COINHERE v -HERED, -HERING, -HERES to inhere jointly .H$b.|I}COLANDER n pl. -S a kitchen utensil for draining off liquidsJHCOLA n pl. -S a carbonated beveragebGICOL n pl. -S a depression between two mountains%FQCOKY adj cokelikeE-COKING n pl. -S the process of converting coal into coke (a carbon fuel)\D=COKELIKE adj resembling coke (a carbon fuel)HCCOKEHEAD n pl. -S a cocaine addicttBmCOKE v COKED, COKING, COKES to change into a carbon fuel^AACOJONES n/pl the testicles *deemed offensive*R@)COJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to join together OaGoObSICOLEAD v -LED, -LEADING, -LEADS to lead jointlyZR9COLE n pl. -S a plant of the cabbage familyXQ5COLDNESS n pl. -ES the state of being cold9PyCOLDLY adv in a cold manner5OqCOLDISH adj somewhat cold^NACOLDCOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to knock unconsciousdMMCOLD n pl. -S the relative lack of heat; a chilljLYCOLD adj COLDER, COLDEST having little or no warmth@KCOLBY n pl. -BYS a mild cheeseJ9COLBIE n pl. -S one of the most loving and sweet persons you will ever meet 2 {1R2V_1COLIFORM n pl. -S a bacillus of the colon^COLICKY adj -CKIER, -CKIEST pertaining to or associated with colic5]qCOLICINE n pl. -S colicinZ\9COLICIN n pl. -S an antibacterial substanceJ[COLIC n pl. -S acute abdominal pain/ZeCOLEWORT n pl. -S coleFYCOLEUS n pl. -ES a tropical plantDX COLESSOR n pl. -S a joint lessorDW COLESSEE n pl. -S a joint lesseepVeCOLESLAW n pl. -S a salad made of shredded raw cabbage1UiCOLESEED n pl. -S colzaHTCOLEADER n pl. -S one that coleads c!PvgqCOLLAPSE v -LAPSED, -LAPSING, -LAPSES to crumble suddenly9fyCOLLAGEN n pl. -S a proteinLeCOLLAGE v -LAGED, -LAGING, -LAGES to arrange materials in a collage (a kind of artistic composition)xduCOLITIS n pl. -TISES inflammation of the colon COLITIC adjBc COLISTIN n pl. -S an antibiotic|b}COLISEUM n pl. -S a large structure for public entertainment\a=COLINEAR adj lying in the same straight line9`yCOLIN n pl. -S the bobwhite dW MKdp COLLEGER n pl. -S a student supported by funds from his college\o=COLLEGE n pl. -S a school of higher learning@nCOLLEEN n pl. -S an Irish girllm]COLLECT v -ED, -ING, -S to bring together in a groupJlCOLLATOR n pl. -S one that collatesrkiCOLLATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to compare criticallyDj COLLARET n pl. -S a small collarHiCOLLARD n pl. -S a variety of kale$hMCOLLAR v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a collar (something worn around the neck) L:=pL`zECOLLOID n pl. -S a type of chemical suspensionfyQCOLLOGUE v -LOGUED, -LOGUING, -LOGUES to conspireRx)COLLINS n pl. -ES an alcoholic beverageJwCOLLIERY n pl. -LIERIES a coal mine>vCOLLIER n pl. -S a coal miner9uyCOLLIE n pl. -S a large dogdtMCOLLIDER n pl. -S a type of particle accelerators%COLLIDE v -LIDED, -LIDING, -LIDES to come together with violent impactlr]COLLET v -ED, -ING, -S to set a gem in a rim or ringRq)COLLEGIA n/pl soviet executive councils :Zq_:4mCOLOCATE v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES to place two or more housing units in close proximityhUCOLOBUS n pl. -BUSES or -BI a large African monkeyT-COLOBOMA n pl. -MATA a lesion of the eyeB COLLYRIA n/pl medicinal lotionspeCOLLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to blacken with coal dust5qCOLLUVIA n/pl rock debrisJ~COLLUDER n pl. -S one that colludes^}ACOLLUDE v -LUDED, -LUDING, -LUDES to conspireL|COLLOQUY n pl. -QUIES a conversationR{)COLLOP n pl. -S a small portion of meat k X'+kX5COLONIST n pl. -S one who settles a colony` ECOLONISE v -NISED, -NISING, -NISES to colonizeT -COLONIC n pl. -S irrigation of the colonR )COLONIAL n pl. -S a citizen of a colonyJ COLONEL n pl. -S a military officer- aCOLONE n pl. -S colonbICOLON n pl. -S a section of the large intestine^ACOLON n pl. -ES a monetary unit of Costa Rica`ECOLOGNE n pl. -S a scented liquid COLOGNED adjxuCOLOG n pl. -S the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number F>>+F^ACOLOREDS n/pl black people *deemed offensive*3mCOLORED adj having colorHCOLORANT n pl. -S a pigment or dyezyCOLORADO adj of medium strength and color -- used of cigars%COLOR v -ED, -ING, -S to give color (a visual attribute of objects) to|}COLOPHON n pl. -S an inscription placed at the end of a book|}COLONY n pl. -NIES a group of emigrants living in a new landFCOLONUS n pl. -NI a freeborn serftmCOLONIZE v -NIZED, -NIZING, -NIZES to establish a colony G}~ sxG-!aCOLOSSAL adj gigantic^ ACOLORWAY n pl. -WAYS an arrangement of colors-COLORMAN n pl. -MEN a sportscaster who provides commentary during a game)COLORIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to give color to a black-and-white filmpeCOLORIST n pl. -S a person skilled in the use of color7uCOLORISM n pl. -S coloringZ9COLORISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to colorizebICOLORING n pl. -S appearance in regard to color7uCOLORFUL adj full of colorD COLORER n pl. -S one that colors X?=X+COLTAN n pl. -S a black ore containing columbite and tantalite\*=COLT n pl. -S a young male horse COLTISH adj\)=COLPITIS n pl. -TISES a vaginal inflammation>(COLOURWAY n pl. -S a colorway\'=COLOURIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to colorize\&=COLOURISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to colorize5%qCOLOURER n pl. -S colorerB$ COLOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to colorn#aCOLOTOMY n pl. -MIES a surgical incision of the colonl"]COLOSSUS n pl. -LOSSI or -LOSSUSES a gigantic statue =HJ3=F5COLY n pl. COLIES an African birdP4%COLURE n pl. -S an astronomical circleT3-COLUMNEA n pl. -S a bushy tropical plant"2ICOLUMN n pl. -S a vertical cylindrical support COLUMNAL, COLUMNAR, COLUMNED adjl1]COLUMEL n pl. -S a small column-like anatomical partH0COLUMBIC adj pertaining to niobiumD/ COLUGO n pl. -GOS a small mammalf.QCOLUBRID n pl. -S any of a large family of snakesj-YCOLTHOOD n pl. -S the state or time of being a coltF,COLTER n pl. -S a blade on a plow 'NEw ^'3?mCOMATIK n pl. -S komatikn>aCOMATIC adj having blurred vision as a result of coma9=yCOMATE n pl. -S a companionf<QCOMANAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to manage jointly#;MCOMAL adj comose":ICOMAKER n pl. -S one who assumes financial responsibility for another.s default9%COMAKE v -MADE, -MAKING, -MAKES to serve as comaker for another.s loanp8eCOMA n pl. -S a condition of prolonged unconsciousnessN7!COMA n pl. -MAE a tuft of silky hairs\6=COLZA n pl. -S a plant of the cabbage family l,XXH5COMBINE v -BINED, -BINING, -BINES to blendjGYCOMBI n pl. -S a machine having a combined function@FCOMBER n pl. -S one that combs@ECOMBE n pl. -S a narrow valleyHDCOMBATER n pl. -S one that combatsC=COMBAT v -BATED, -BATING, -BATS or -BATTED, -BATTING, -BATS to fight againstB9COMB v -ED, -ING, -S to arrange or clean with a comb (a toothed instrument)JACOMATULA n pl. -LAE a marine animalB@ COMATOSE adj affected with coma C4TCTR-COMEDIAN n pl. -S a humorous entertainerbQICOMEBACK n pl. -S a return to former prosperityP-COME v CAME, COMING, COMES or COMETH to move toward something or someoneBO COMBUST v -ED, -ING, -S to burnpNeCOMBOVER n pl. -S hair that is combed over a bald spotHMCOMBO n pl. -BOS a small jazz band@LCOMBLIKE adj resembling a combLKCOMBINGS n/pl hair removed by a combJJCOMBINER n pl. -S one that combineszIyCOMBINED n pl. -S a skiing competition combining two events `dDj`N\!COMETHER n pl. -S an affair or matter\[=COMET n pl. -S a celestial body COMETARY adjTZ-COMER n pl. -S one showing great promise\Y=COMEMBER n pl. -S one that shares membershipvXqCOMELY adj -LIER, -LIEST pleasing to look at COMELILY advtWmCOMEDY n pl. -DIES a humorous play, movie, or other workHVCOMEDOWN n pl. -S a drop in statusXU5COMEDO n pl. -DOS or -DONES a skin blemishPT%COMEDIST n pl. -S a writer of comediesDS COMEDIC adj pertaining to comedy Hc*^HDh COMIX n/pl comic books or strips9gyCOMITY n pl. -TIES civility fCOMITIA n pl. COMITIA a public assembly in ancient Rome COMITIAL adjjeYCOMINGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to blend thoroughly1diCOMING n pl. -S arrival%cQCOMICAL adj funny5bqCOMIC n pl. -S a comedianbaICOMFY adj -FIER, -FIEST comfortable COMFILY advH`COMFREY n pl. -FREYS a coarse herbh_UCOMFORT v -ED, -ING, -S to soothe in time of grief1^iCOMFIT n pl. -S a candyF]COMETIC adj pertaining to a comet 'V^o'Ds COMMISH n pl. -ES a commissionerFrCOMMIS n pl. COMMIS a junior chef9qyCOMMIE n pl. -S a CommunistdpMCOMMERCE v -MERCED, -MERCING, -MERCES to communeFoCOMMENT v -ED, -ING, -S to remarkFnCOMMEND v -ED, -ING, -S to praise`mECOMMENCE v -MENCED, -MENCING, -MENCES to begin\l=COMMANDO n pl. -DOES or -DOS a military unitdkMCOMMAND v -ED, -ING, -S to direct with authority jECOMMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA a fragment of a few words or feet in ancient prosody9iyCOMM n pl. -S communication yy-t9-yj}YCOMMOVE v -MOVED, -MOVING, -MOVES to move violentlyB| COMMONLY adv in a common mannerX{5COMMONER n pl. -S one of the common people^zACOMMON n pl. -S a tract of publicly used landJyCOMMON adj -MONER, -MONEST ordinary7xuCOMMODE n pl. -S a cabinet;w}COMMO n pl. -S communicationvvqCOMMIX v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES to mix togetherHuCOMMITTER n pl. -S one who commitst COMMIT v -MITTED, -MITTING, -MITS to do, perform, or perpetrate w&v(b wfQCOMP v -ED, -ING, -S to play a jazz accompaniment%QCOMOUS adj comoseT-COMOSE adj bearing a tuft of silky hairs COMORBID adj existing simultaneously with another medical condition3mCOMMY n pl. -MIES commieJCOMMUTER n pl. -S one that commutes^ACOMMUTE v -MUTED, -MUTING, -MUTES to exchangeJCOMMUNER n pl. -S one that communestmCOMMUNE v -MUNED, -MUNING, -MUNES to converse intimately^~ACOMMUNAL adj belonging to a community; public >"rJ>V1COMPEER v -ED, -ING, -S to equal or matchN!COMPASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to go around\=COMPAS n pl. COMPAS a popular music of Haiti\=COMPART v -ED, -ING, -S to divide into partsJ COMPARER n pl. -S one that comparesv qCOMPARE v -PARED, -PARING, -PARES to represent as similard MCOMPANY v -NIED, -NYING, -NIES to associate withD  COMPADRE n pl. -S a close friendr iCOMPACT adj -PACTER, -PACTEST closely and firmly uniteddMCOMPACT v -ED, -ING, -S to pack closely together 0Hg-0X5COMPLECT v -ED, -ING, -S to weave together9yCOMPLEAT adj highly skilled`ECOMPLAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to express discontentl]COMPING n pl. -S the playing of a jazz accompanimentJCOMPILER n pl. -S one that compilesxuCOMPILE v -PILED, -PILING, -PILES to collect into a volumeT-COMPETE v -PETED, -PETING, -PETES to vie COMPERE v -PERED, -PERING, -PERES to act as master of ceremoniesD COMPEND n pl. -S a brief summaryl]COMPEL v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS to urge forcefully Y\YT%-COMPLY v -PLIED, -PLYING, -PLIES to obeyf$QCOMPLOT v -PLOTTED, -PLOTTING, -PLOTS to conspirer#iCOMPLINE n pl. -S the last liturgical prayer of the day5"qCOMPLIN n pl. -S complineJ!COMPLIER n pl. -S one that complies@ COMPLICE n pl. -S an associateV1COMPLEX adj -PLEXER, -PLEXEST complicatedT-COMPLEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to make complexvqCOMPLETE adj -PLETER, -PLETEST having all necessary partstmCOMPLETE v -PLETED, -PLETING, -PLETES to bring to an end u!L/COMPRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to compactH.COMPOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to add toP-%COMPOTE n pl. -S fruit stewed in syrupL,COMPOST v -ED, -ING, -S to fertilizeR+)COMPOSER n pl. -S one that writes musicx*uCOMPOSE v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES to form the substance ofz)yCOMPORT v -ED, -ING, -S to conduct oneself in a certain wayn(aCOMPONY adj composed of squares of alternating colors)'YCOMPONE adj componyH&COMPO n pl. -POS a mixed substance HpH7=COMSYMP n pl. -S a person sympathetic to Communist causes *deemed offensive*F6COMSAT n pl. -S a service mark used for communications services involving an artificial satelliteB5 COMRADE n pl. -S a close friendr4iCOMPUTER n pl. -S a machine that computes automatically`3ECOMPUTE v -PUTED, -PUTING, -PUTES to calculate@2COMPT v -ED, -ING, -S to countf1QCOMPRIZE v -PRIZED, -PRIZING, -PRIZES to comprisez0yCOMPRISE v -PRISED, -PRISING, -PRISES to include or contain lT~lH@CONCEIT v -ED, -ING, -S to imagineJ?CONCEDER n pl. -S one that concedest>mCONCEDE v -CEDED, -CEDING, -CEDES to acknowledge as truer=iCONCEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to keep from sight or discovery<CONCAVE v -CAVED, -CAVING, -CAVES to make concave (curving inward)B; CONATUS n pl. CONATUS an effort:CONATION n pl. -S the inclination to act purposefully CONATIVE adj`9ECON v CONNED, CONNING, CONS to study carefullyD8 COMTE n pl. -S a French nobleman e[s-qe1KiCONCHIE n pl. -S conchyHJCONCHA n pl. -S an ornamental diskICONCHA n pl. -CHAE an anatomical shell-like structure CONCHAL adjPH%CONCH n pl. -S or -ES a marine molluskdGMCONCERTO n pl. -TOS or -TI a musical compositionBF CONCERT v -ED, -ING, -S to plan\E=CONCERN v -ED, -ING, -S to be of interest to>DCONCEPTI n/pl fertilized eggsBC CONCEPT n pl. -S a general idea3BmCONCENT n pl. -S harmonyjAYCONCEIVE v -CEIVED, -CEIVING, -CEIVES to understand NJNjNfUQCONCRETE v -CRETED, -CRETING, -CRETES to solidify\T=CONCOURS n pl. CONCOURS a public competitionNS!CONCORD n pl. -S a state of agreementzRyCONCOCT v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare by combining ingredientsbQICONCLUDE v -CLUDED, -CLUDING, -CLUDES to finishHPCONCLAVE n pl. -S a secret meetingLOCONCISE adj -CISER, -CISEST succinct\N=CONCHY n pl. -CHIES a conscientious objectorZM9CONCHOID n pl. -S a type of geometric curveTL-CONCHO n pl. -S concha (ornamental disk) xS f x@^CONDOM n pl. -S a prophylacticJ]CONDOLER n pl. -S one that condolesX\5CONDOLE v -DOLED, -DOLING, -DOLES to mourn[ACONDO n pl. -DOS or -DOES an individually owned unit in a multiunit structureFZCONDIGN adj deserved; appropriatefYQCONDENSE v -DENSED, -DENSING, -DENSES to compress^XACONDEMN v -ED, -ING, -S to criticize severelyWCONCUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to injure the brain by a violent blowXV5CONCUR v -CURRED, -CURRING, -CURS to agree G:hLG gCONE v CONED, CONING, CONES to shape like a cone (a geometric solid)pfeCONDYLE n pl. -S a protuberance on a bone CONDYLAR adjreiCONDUIT n pl. -S a channel or pipe for conveying fluidsTd-CONDUCT v -ED, -ING, -S to lead or guideJcCONDUCER n pl. -S one that conduceszbyCONDUCE v -DUCED, -DUCING, -DUCES to contribute to a resultPa%CONDOR n pl. -S or -ES a coin of ChileJ`CONDONER n pl. -S one that condonest_mCONDONE v -DONED, -DONING, -DONES to forgive or overlook nw!z Dn^qACONFERVA n pl. -VAE or -VAS a freshwater algappeCONFEREE n pl. -S one upon whom something is conferredZo9CONFER v -FERRED, -FERRING, -FERS to bestowznyCONFECT v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare from various ingredientsVm1CONFAB v -FABBED, -FABBING, -FABS to chat/leCONEY n pl. -NEYS cony7kuCONEPATL n pl. -S conepate5jqCONEPATE n pl. -S a skunkRi)CONENOSE n pl. -S a bloodsucking insecth CONELRAD n pl. -S a system of defense in the event of air attack dUz@d`zECONFLATE v -FLATED, -FLATING, -FLATES to blendtymCONFIT n pl. -S meat cooked and preserved in its own fatfxQCONFIRM v -ED, -ING, -S to assure the validity ofJwCONFINER n pl. -S one that confines~vCONFINE v -FINED, -FINING, -FINES to shut within an enclosureJuCONFIDER n pl. -S one that confidestCONFIDE v -FIDED, -FIDING, -FIDES to reveal in trust or confidence9syCONFETTO n pl. -TI a bonbonjrYCONFESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to acknowledge or disclose X2dxXJCONFUTER n pl. -S one that confutes^ACONFUTE v -FUTED, -FUTING, -FUTES to disprovel]CONFUSE v -FUSED, -FUSING, -FUSES to mix up mentallyX5CONFRONT v -ED, -ING, -S to face defiantly>CONFRERE n pl. -S a colleagueJCONFOUND v -ED, -ING, -S to confusen~aCONFORM v -ED, -ING, -S to become the same or similarX}5CONFOCAL adj having the same focus or focib|ICONFLUX n pl. -ES a flowing together of streamsd{MCONFLICT v -ED, -ING, -S to come into opposition y+MNrP%CONGO n pl. -GOES an eellike amphibianv qCONGLOBE v -GLOBED, -GLOBING, -GLOBES to become a globule^ ACONGIUS n pl. -GII an ancient unit of measureV 1CONGEST v -ED, -ING, -S to fill to excess; }CONGER n pl. -S a marine eelb ICONGENER n pl. -S one of the same kind or class`ECONGEE v -GEED, -GEEING, -GEES to bow politelyvqCONGEAL v -ED, -ING, -S to change from a fluid to a solidJCONGE n pl. -S permission to depart CONGA v -ED, -ING, -S to perform a conga (Latin American dance) mGWs'm1iCONINE n pl. -S coniine/eCONIN n pl. -S coniineN!CONIINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloidHCONIFER n pl. -S an evergreen treezyCONIDIUM n pl. -NIDIA a fungus spore CONIDIAL, CONIDIAN adjbICONICITY n pl. -TIES the state of being conical@CONICAL adj shaped like a coneD CONIC n pl. -S a geometric curve`ECONGRESS v -ED, -ING, -ES to assemble together>CONGRATS n/pl congratulations>CONGOU n pl. -S a Chinese tea1iCONGO n pl. -GOS congou 2s+kr2R$)CONK v -ED, -ING, -S to hit on the head7#uCONJUROR n pl. -S conjurer;"}CONJURER n pl. -S a sorcererl!]CONJURE v -JURED, -JURING, -JURES to summon a spirit CONJUNTO n pl. -TOS a style of dance music along the Mexican borderfQCONJUNCT n pl. -S one that is joined with anotherJCONJUGAL adj pertaining to marriagenaCONJOIN v -ED, -ING, -S to join together CONJOINT adjD CONIUM n pl. -S a poisonous herbCONIOSIS n pl. -OSES an infection caused by the inhalation of dust IP[>I(.UCONNOTE v -NOTED, -NOTING, -NOTES to imply another meaning besides the literal oneD- CONNOR n pl. -S a saltwater fishJ,CONNIVER n pl. -S one that connives+CONNIVE v -NIVED, -NIVING, -NIVES to feign ignorance of wrongdoing>*CONNER n pl. -S one that consT)-CONNECT v -ED, -ING, -S to join together'(UCONNATE adj innaten'aCONN v -ED, -ING, -S to direct the steering of a shipB& CONKY adj full of a tree fungusf%QCONKER n pl. -S a chestnut used in a British game >ai r>f8QCONSIST v -ED, -ING, -S to be made up or composedp7eCONSIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to give over to another.s careR6)CONSIDER v -ED, -ING, -S to think about5)CONSERVE v -SERVED, -SERVING, -SERVES to protect from loss or depletion\4=CONSENT v -ED, -ING, -S to permit or approve>3CONQUIAN n pl. -S a card gameR2)CONQUEST n pl. -S the act of conquering\1=CONQUER v -ED, -ING, -S to overcome by force`0ECONOID n pl. -S a geometric solid CONOIDAL adj7/uCONODONT n pl. -S a fossil 9Vn{9\B=CONSULT v -ED, -ING, -S to ask an opinion ofrAiCONSUL n pl. -S an official serving abroad CONSULAR adjh@UCONSTRUE v -STRUED, -STRUING, -STRUES to interpret`?ECONSTANT n pl. -S something that does not vary >CONSPIRE v -SPIRED, -SPIRING, -SPIRES to plan secretly with anotherR=)CONSORT v -ED, -ING, -S to keep company@<CONSOMME n pl. -S a clear soupJ;CONSOLER n pl. -S one that consoles\:=CONSOLE v -SOLED, -SOLING, -SOLES to comfortF9CONSOL n pl. -S a government bond IT0{3I,L]CONTEMPT n pl. -S the feeling of one who views something as mean, vile, or worthless5KqCONTEMPO adj contemporaryDJ CONTEMN v -ED, -ING, -S to scorn;I}CONTE n pl. -S a short storyrHiCONTANGO n pl. -S postponement of the transfer of stockPG%CONTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to hold withinnFaCONTAGIA n/pl causative agents of infectious diseasesZE9CONTACT v -ED, -ING, -S to communicate withJDCONSUMER n pl. -S one that consumesZC9CONSUME v -SUMED, -SUMING, -SUMES to use up IpuI^VACONTORT v -ED, -ING, -S to twist out of shape`UECONTO n pl. -TOS a Portuguese money of accountbTICONTINUO n pl. -UOS a type of instrumental partXS5CONTINUE v -UED, -UING, -UES to go on withBR CONTINUA n/pl mathematical sets.QaCONTEXT n pl. -S the part of a discourse in which a particular word or phrase appearsPP%CONTEST v -ED, -ING, -S to compete forNO!CONTESSA n pl. -S an Italian countessHNCONTENT v -ED, -ING, -S to satisfy@MCONTEND v -ED, -ING, -S to vie @A^b^ICONTRIVE v -TRIVED, -TRIVING, -TRIVES to deviseT]-CONTRITE adj deeply sorry for one.s sins\%CONTRAST v -ED, -ING, -S to place in opposition to set off differencesJ[CONTRARY n pl. -TRARIES an oppositeZCONTRAIL n pl. -S a visible trail of water vapor from an aircraftpYeCONTRACT v -ED, -ING, -S to decrease in size or volumeXX5CONTRA n pl. -S a Nicaraguan revolutionary`WECONTOUR v -ED, -ING, -S to make the outline of wUbHgCONVENT v -ED, -ING, -S to convene7fuCONVENOR n pl. -S convenerJeCONVENER n pl. -S one that convenes^dACONVENE v -VENED, -VENING, -VENES to assemble cCONVECT v -ED, -ING, -S to transfer heat by a process of circulation`bECONUS n pl. CONI an anatomical part in mammals\a=CONURE n pl. -S a tropical American parakeetZ`9CONTUSE v -TUSED, -TUSING, -TUSES to bruise_ CONTROL v -TROLLED, -TROLLING, -TROLS to exercise authority over 22]2Rq)CONVICT v -ED, -ING, -S to prove guilty7puCONVEYOR n pl. -S conveyerHoCONVEYER n pl. -S one that conveysJnCONVEY v -ED, -ING, -S to transportBm CONVEXLY adv in a convex manner lCONVEX n pl. -ES a surface or body that is convex (curving outward)jkYCONVERT v -ED, -ING, -S to change into another formrjiCONVERSO n pl. -SOS a Jew who converted to ChristianityriiCONVERSE v -VERSED, -VERSING, -VERSES to speak togetherpheCONVERGE v -VERGED, -VERGING, -VERGES to come together aq;{@a#{MCOOCOO adj crazyBz COOCH n pl. -ES a sinuous dancenyaCOO v COOED, COOING, COOS to make the sound of a dove7xuCONY n pl. CONIES a rabbittwmCONVULSE v -VULSED, -VULSING, -VULSES to shake violentlyDv CONVOY v -ED, -ING, -S to escortpueCONVOLVE v -VOLVED, -VOLVING, -VOLVES to roll togetherJtCONVOKER n pl. -S one that convokespseCONVOKE v -VOKED, -VOKING, -VOKES to cause to assemble rCONVINCE v -VINCED, -VINCING, -VINCES to cause to believe something mSXFmHCOOKIE n pl. -S a small, flat cake3mCOOKEY n pl. -EYS cookieR)COOKERY n pl. -ERIES the art of cooking@COOKER n pl. -S one that cooksJCOOKBOOK n pl. -S a book of recipes|}COOK v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare food by heating COOKABLE adjxuCOOINGLY adv in the manner of cooing doves; affectionately+]COOF n pl. -S a doltL~COOEY v -EYED, -EYING, -EYS to cooee;}}COOER n pl. -S one that coosj|YCOOEE v COOEED, COOEEING, COOEES to cry out shrilly )L,h-)T-COOLABAH n pl. -S an Australian gum treeT-COOL adj COOLER, COOLEST moderately coldP%COOL v -ED, -ING, -S to make less warm7uCOOKY n pl. COOKIES cookieX 5COOKWARE n pl. -S utensils used in cookingd MCOOKTOP n pl. -S a counter-top cooking apparatusb ICOOKSHOP n pl. -S a shop that sells cooked foodj YCOOKOUT n pl. -S a meal eaten and prepared outdoorsH COOKOFF n pl. -S a cooking contestT-COOKLESS adj having no person that cooksX5COOKING n pl. -S the act of one that cooks Jw<x{J-aCOOMBE n pl. -S combe+]COOMB n pl. -S combe7uCOOLY n pl. COOLIES coolie3mCOOLTH n pl. -S coolnessX5COOLNESS n pl. -ES the state of being cool9yCOOLLY adv in a cool manner5qCOOLISH adj somewhat coolJCOOLIE n pl. -S an Oriental laborer7uCOOLIBAH n pl. -S coolabahLCOOLER n pl. -S something that coolsR)COOLDOWN n pl. -S a gradual return of physiological functions to normal levels after strenuous exercise^ACOOLANT n pl. -S a fluid used to cool engines 4aYk43)mCOOTER n pl. -S a turtle>(COOT n pl. -S an aquatic birdN'!COOPTION n pl. -S the act of cooptingV&1COOPT v -ED, -ING, -S to elect or appointZ%9COOPERY n pl. -ERIES the trade of coopering`$ECOOPER v -ED, -ING, -S to make or mend barrelsB# COOP v -ED, -ING, -S to confineF"COONTIE n pl. -S a tropical plantR!)COONSKIN n pl. -S the pelt of a raccoon COONSHIT n pl. -S a stinky or smelly black person *deemed offensive*5qCOONCAN n pl. -S conquian1iCOON n pl. -S a raccoon 8q::xk8/4eCOPECK n pl. -S kopeckd3MCOPE v COPED, COPING, COPES to contend or strive 2ECOPAY n pl. -PAYS a fee required by a health insurer to be paid by the patientF1COPATRON n pl. -S a fellow patront0mCOPASTOR n pl. -S one that shares the duties of a pastor/ COPARENT v -ED, -ING, -S to share in the custody of one.s childB. COPALM n pl. -S a hardwood tree/-eCOPAL n pl. -S a resin3,mCOPAIBA n pl. -S a resinL+COP v COPPED, COPPING, COPS to steal;*}COOTIE n pl. -S a body louse z}-U k<zn@aCOPLOT v -PLOTTED, -PLOTTING, -PLOTS to plot togetherL?COPLANAR adj lying in the same plane+>]COPIOUS adj abundantP=%COPING n pl. -S the top part of a wallJ<COPILOT n pl. -S an assistant pilotD; COPIHUE n pl. -S a climbing vineB: COPIER n pl. -S one that copiesL9COPIABLE adj capable of being copied>8COPER n pl. -S a horse dealerL7COPEPOD n pl. -S a minute crustacean96yCOPEN n pl. -S a blue colorB5 COPEMATE n pl. -S an antagonist Q n,uDQtJmCOPREMIA n pl. -S a form of blood poisoning COPREMIC adj-IaCOPRAH n pl. -S copraFHCOPRA n pl. -S dried coconut meat-GaCOPPRA n pl. -S copra2FiCOPPICE v -PICED, -PICING, -PICES to cause to grow in the form of a coppice (a thicket)>ECOPPERY adj resembling copperfDQCOPPERAS n pl. -ES a compound used in making inks1CiCOPPERAH n pl. -S copraB COPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with copper (a metallic element)fAQCOPOUT n pl. -S a backing out of a responsibility NF|NFSCOPYBOY n pl. -BOYS an office boylR]COPYBOOK n pl. -S a book used in teaching penmanshippQeCOPY v COPIED, COPYING, COPIES to imitate COPYABLE adjP1COPURIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to become purified with another substancepOeCOPULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to engage in coitusxNuCOPULA n pl. -LAS or -LAE something that links COPULAR adj;M}COPTER n pl. -S a helicopterHLCOPSE n pl. -S a coppice COPSY adjjKYCOPRINCE n pl. -S one of two princes ruling jointly '&''^\ACOQUET v -QUETTED, -QUETTING, -QUETS to flirt`[ECOPYREAD v -READ, -READING, -READS to copyeditZ-COPYLEFT n pl. -S a license that allows use of copyrighted software free;Y}COPYIST n pl. -S an imitator^XACOPYHOLD n pl. -S a type of ownership of landW COPYGIRL n pl. -S a girl who runs errands in a newspaper officetVmCOPYEDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to prepare copy for the printertUmCOPYDESK n pl. -S an editor.s desk in a newspaper office^TACOPYCAT v -CATTED, -CATTING, -CATS to imitate 68Jn6fgQCORALLITE n pl. -S the skeleton of a marine polypdfMCORAL n pl. -S a mass of marine animal skeletonsbeICORACOID n pl. -S a bone of the shoulder girdle>dCORACLE n pl. -S a small boatRc)COR n pl. -S an ancient unit of measure@bCOQUITO n pl. -TOS a palm treeLaCOQUINA n pl. -S a small marine clamJ`COQUILLE n pl. -S a cooking utensilL_COQUI n pl. -S a small arboreal frogh^UCOQUETTE v -QUETTED, -QUETTING, -QUETTES to coquetX]5COQUETRY n pl. -TRIES flirtatious behaviorbR{tmf_XQJC<xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YR5.'  KD=6/(! ǃFƃ<Ń1ă'à vkaVLA}pf\RH<1&vlcXNC:/#{ndYND90%{qg\S~J}@|4{)zyxw{vqugt^sV5+|qf\SI>1'rLqBp8o.n$mlkjziqhgg^fUeKd@c7b/a%`_^]}\s[hZ\YRXHW? adGta3qmCORDATE adj heart-shaped`pECORDAGE n pl. -S the amount of wood in an areatomCORD v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a cord (a thin rope)7nuCORBY n pl. CORBIES corbieNm!CORBINA n pl. -S a food and game fishBl CORBIE n pl. -S a raven or crowCORMLET n pl. -S a small corm;}CORMEL n pl. -S a small corm 1<^a1L%CORNICLE n pl. -S a part of an aphid\$=CORNICHE n pl. -S a road built along a cliff|#}CORNICE v -NICED, -NICING, -NICES to decorate with a moldingh"UCORNHUSK n pl. -S the husk covering an ear of corn !CORNFLAKE n pl. -S a flake of a cereal made from toasted ground corn1 iCORNFED adj fed on cornl]CORNETTO n pl. -TOS or -TI a musical wind instrument5qCORNETT n pl. -S cornettohUCORNETCY n pl. -CIES a rank in the British cavalryT-CORNET n pl. -S a trumpetlike instrument "Z/"l0]CORNUTO n pl. -TOS the husband of an unfaithful wife+/]CORNUTED adj cornute1.iCORNUTE adj horn-shaped5-qCORNUS n pl. -ES a cornelp,eCORNU n pl. -NUA a hornlike bone formation CORNUAL adjh+UCORNSILK n pl. -S a silky thread on an ear of corn*-CORNROW v -ED, -ING, -S to braid hair tightly in rows close to the scalp\)=CORNPONE n pl. -S a bread made with cornmealN(!CORNMEAL n pl. -S meal made from corn>'CORNILY adv in a corny manner`&ECORNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to form keratin JO839mCORONEL n pl. -S coronalZ89CORONATE v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES to crown~7CORONARY n pl. -NARIES an artery supplying blood to the heartX65CORONAL n pl. -S a wreath worn on the head55qCORONACH n pl. -S a dirge 4CORONA n pl. -NAS or -NAE a luminous circle around a celestial bodyh3UCOROLLA n pl. -S a protective covering of a flowerh2UCORODY n pl. -DIES an allowance of food or clothesF1CORNY adj CORNIER, CORNIEST trite %w38g%XD5CORRADE v -RADED, -RADING, -RADES to erodejCYCORPUS n pl. -PORA or -PUSES a human or animal bodytBmCORPSMAN n pl. -MEN an enlisted man trained in first aid9AyCORPSE n pl. -S a dead bodyF@CORPS n pl. CORPS a military unitF?CORPORAL n pl. -S a military rankL>COROZO n pl. -S a tropical palm treen=aCOROTATE v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES to rotate together5<qCORONOID adj crown-shaped@;CORONET n pl. -S a small crown: CORONER n pl. -S an officer who investigates questionable deaths VYYV7NuCORRODY n pl. -DIES corodyrMiCORRODE v -RODED, -RODING, -RODES to eat away graduallyNL!CORRIVAL n pl. -S a rival or opponent3KmCORRIE n pl. -S a cirqueHJCORRIDOR n pl. -S a narrow hallway;I}CORRIDA n pl. -S a bullfightrHiCORRETTO n pl. -S espresso mixed with brandy or liqueur^GACORRECT adj -RECTER, -RECTEST free from errorbFICORRECT v -ED, -ING, -S to make free from error"EICORRAL v -RALLED, -RALLING, -RALS to place livestock in a corral (an enclosure) ?{t;z?7YuCORTEGE n pl. -S a retinue5XqCORSLET n pl. -S corseletbWICORSETRY n pl. -RIES the work of making corsetsV)CORSET v -ED, -ING, -S to fit with a corset (a supporting undergarment)RU)CORSELET n pl. -S a piece of body armor1TiCORSE n pl. -S a corpse5SqCORSAIR n pl. -S a pirateZR9CORSAGE n pl. -S a small bouquet of flowers;Q}CORSAC n pl. -S an Asian foxfPQCORRUPT adj -RUPTER, -RUPTEST dishonest and venalOCORRUPT v -ED, -ING, -S to subvert the honesty or integrity of Mk2=HM3dmCORVINA n pl. -S corbinahcUCORVID n pl. -S any of a family of passerine birdsTb-CORVETTE n pl. -S a small, swift warship3amCORVET n pl. -S corvetter`iCORVEE n pl. -S an obligation to perform feudal serviceD_ CORUNDUM n pl. -S a hard mineralR^)CORULER n pl. -S one that rules jointly9]yCORTISOL n pl. -S a hormone^\ACORTINA n pl. -S a membrane on some mushrooms5[qCORTIN n pl. -S a hormoneZ%CORTEX n pl. -TICES or -TEXES the outer layer of an organ CORTICAL adj 3yS g3pneCOSECANT n pl. -S a trigonometric function of an angle1miCOSEC n pl. -S cosecantlCOSCRIPT v -ED, -ING, -S to collaborate in preparing a script forHkCOS n pl. -ES a variety of lettuceRj)CORYZA n pl. -S a head cold CORYZAL adjFiCORYPHEE n pl. -S a ballet dancer^hACORYMB n pl. -S a flower cluster CORYMBED adjXg5CORYBANT n pl. -BANTS or -BANTES a revelerdfMCORY n pl. CORY a former monetary unit of Guineae CORVINE adj pertaining or belonging to the crow family of birds ]y/bi,]){YCOSMICAL adj cosmicJzCOSMIC adj pertaining to the cosmosPy%COSMETIC n pl. -S a beauty preparation9xyCOSINESS n pl. -ES cozinesslw]COSINE n pl. -S a trigonometric function of an angle9vyCOSILY adv in a cosy mannerHuCOSIGNER n pl. -S one that cosignsPt%COSIGN v -ED, -ING, -S to sign jointly-saCOSIE n pl. -S a cozyDr COSHER v -ED, -ING, -S to coddleFqCOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to bludgeon3pmCOSEY n pl. -SEYS a cozyLoCOSET n pl. -S a mathematical subset DpC  COSTAR v -STARRED, -STARRING, -STARS to star with another actor`ECOSTA n pl. -TAE a rib COSTAL adj COSTALLY adv9COST v COST or COSTED, COSTING, COSTS to estimate a price for production ofD COSSET v -ED, -ING, -S to fondleN!COSSACK n pl. -S a Russian cavalryman)YCOSS n pl. COSS koszyCOSMOS n pl. -ES the universe regarded as an orderly systemR~)COSMIST n pl. -S a supporter of cosmismR})COSMISM n pl. -S a philosophical theoryb|ICOSMID n pl. -S a hybrid vector used in cloning gda,A gACOSTUME v -TUMED, -TUMING, -TUMES to supply with a costume (a style of dress)3mCOSTREL n pl. -S a flask^ ACOSTMARY n pl. -MARIES an herb used in saladsH COSTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST expensive9 yCOSTLESS adj free of charge1 iCOSTIVE adj constipated 5COSTING n pl. -S an estimation of the price of the production of somethingbICOSTER n pl. -S a hawker of fruit or vegetablesD COSTATE adj having a rib or ribsP%COSTARD n pl. -S a large cooking apple nVx 8n5qCOTERIE n pl. -S a clique COTENANT n pl. -S one who is a tenant with another in the same placezyCOTEAU n pl. -TEAUX or -TEAUS the higher ground of a regionP%COTE v COTED, COTING, COTES to pass byjYCOTAN n pl. -S a trigonometric function of an angleD COT n pl. -S a light, narrow bed>COSY adj COSIER, COSIEST cozyP%COSY v COSIED, COSYING, COSIES to cozyX5COSTUMEY adj of or pertaining to a costumeJCOSTUMER n pl. -S one that costumes IY_8If#QCOTTAGER n pl. -S one that lives in a small house"COTTAGE v -TAGED, -TAGING, -TAGES to vacation at a small houseV!1COTTA n pl. -TAE or -TAS a short surpliceD  COTQUEAN n pl. -S a vulgar womanCOTININE n pl. -S an alkaloid produced by nicotine in the bodyD COTINGA n pl. -S a tropical birdHCOTILLON n pl. -S a ballroom dancebICOTIDAL adj indicating coincidence of the tides/eCOTHURNI n/pl cothurnspeCOTHURN n pl. -S a buskin worn by ancient Roman actors &h:zEp&F/COUCHER n pl. -S one that couches1.iCOUCHANT adj lying downT--COUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to put into wordsD, COTYPE n pl. -S a taxonomic type1+iCOTYLOID adj cup-shapedD* COTURNIX n pl. -ES a small quailt)mCOTTONY adj resembling cotton (a soft, fibrous material)R()COTTON v -ED, -ING, -S to take a liking1'iCOTTIER n pl. -S cottar&ACOTTER n pl. -S a pin or wedge used for fastening parts together COTTERED adjB% COTTAR n pl. -S a tenant farmerN$!COTTAGEY adj resembling a small house J`X#}9Jf:QCOULISSE n pl. -S a side scene of a theatre stage9COULIS n pl. COULIS a thick sauce of pureed vegetable or fruit@8COULEE n pl. -S a small ravineN7!COULDST a past 2d person sing. of canP6%COULDEST a past 2d person sing. of can15iCOULD past tense of canD4 COUGHER n pl. -S one that coughsv3qCOUGH v -ED, -ING, -S to expel air from the lungs noisilyB2 COUGAR n pl. -S a mountain lionH1COUDE n pl. -S a type of telescopeP0%COUCHING n pl. -S a form of embroidery (X#U/x(LCCOUNTBACK n pl. -S a tiebreak method2BiCOUNT v -ED, -ING, -S to list or mention the units of one by one to ascertain the totalA%COUNSEL v -SELED, -SELING, -SELS or -SELLED, -SELLING, -SELS to advise @COUNCIL n pl. -S a group of persons appointed for a certain function^?ACOUMAROU n pl. -S the seed of a tropical treeh>UCOUMARIN n pl. -S a chemical compound COUMARIC adj1=iCOULTER n pl. -S colterP<%COULOMB n pl. -S an electrical measureP;%COULOIR n pl. -S a deep gorge or gully *p<0v*HNCOUPLING n pl. -S a joining devicelM]COUPLET n pl. -S a pair of successive lines of verseFLCOUPLER n pl. -S one that couplesbKICOUPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to unite in pairsZJ9COUPE n pl. -S an automobile with two doorsDI COUP v -ED, -ING, -S to overturntHmCOUNTY n pl. -TIES an administrative division of a state`GECOUNTRY n pl. -TRIES the territory of a nationTF-COUNTIAN n pl. -S a resident of a countyBE COUNTESS n pl. -ES a noblewomanFDCOUNTER v -ED, -ING, -S to oppose 'k7b'bXICOURSING n pl. -S the pursuit of game by houndsFWCOURSER n pl. -S one that coursesVCOURSE v COURSED, COURSING, COURSES to cause hounds to chase game@UCOURLAN n pl. -S a wading bird;T}COURIER n pl. -S a messengerNS!COURANTO n pl. -TOS or -TOES courantePR%COURANTE n pl. -S an old, lively dance5QqCOURANT n pl. -S courante"PICOURAGE n pl. -S the quality that enables one to face danger fearlessly; spiritO%COUPON n pl. -S a certificate entitling the holder to certain benefits @yo=@Vc1COUTH adj COUTHER, COUTHEST sophisticated`bECOUTER n pl. -S a piece of armor for the elbow;a}COUTEAU n pl. -TEAUX a knifeV`1COUSINRY n pl. -RIES cousins collectivelyz_yCOUSIN n pl. -S a child of one.s aunt or uncle COUSINLY adjV^1COUSCOUS n pl. -ES a North African cerealF]COURTLY adj -LIER, -LIEST statelyb\ICOURTIER n pl. -S one who attends a royal courtV[1COURTESY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to curtsyDZ COURTER n pl. -S one that courts;Y}COURT v -ED, -ING, -S to woo ogNxluCOVENANT v -ED, -ING, -S to enter into a binding agreementFkCOVEN n pl. -S a group of witchesjjYCOVE v COVED, COVING, COVES to curve over or inward&iQCOVARY v -VARIED, -VARYING, -VARIES to exhibit variation of two or more variablesJhCOVALENT adj sharing electron pairsVg1COUVADE n pl. -S a primitive birth ritual\f=COUTURE n pl. -S the business of dressmakingTe-COUTHIE adj COUTHIER, COUTHIEST friendly5dqCOUTH n pl. -S refinement n-vaCOVERTLY adv secretly@uCOVERT n pl. -S a hiding placet%COVERT adj COVERTER, COVERTEST hidden, not discussed, kept under wraps;s}COVERLID n pl. -S a coverletDr COVERLET n pl. -S a bed coveringRq)COVERING n pl. -S something that coversDp COVERER n pl. -S one that coversXo5COVERALL n pl. -S a one-piece work garmentxnuCOVERAGE n pl. -S the extent to which something is coverednmaCOVER v -ED, -ING, -S to place something over or upon U*N5UB COWAGE n pl. -S a tropical vineJCOWABUNGA interj expressing delightHCOW n pl. -S or KINE a farm animalFCOW v -ED, -ING, -S to intimidateF~COVING n pl. -S a concave molding-}aCOVINE n pl. -S covinP|%COVIN n pl. -S a conspiracy to defraudF{COVEY n pl. -EYS a flock of birdsFzCOVETOUS adj excessively desirousDy COVETER n pl. -S one that covetsRx)COVET v -ED, -ING, -S to desire greatly|w}COVERUP n pl. -S something used to conceal improper activity (o#u%n,a(5qCOWFLOP n pl. -S a cowpat3mCOWFLAP n pl. -S cowflopJ COWFISH n pl. -ES an aquatic mammalB  COWER v -ED, -ING, -S to cringe> COWEDLY adv in a cowed mannert mCOWBOY v -BOYED, -BOYING, -BOYS to tend cattle or horses; }COWBIRD n pl. -S a blackbirdLCOWBIND n pl. -S a species of bryonyLCOWBERRY n pl. -RIES a pasture shrubZ9COWBELL n pl. -S a bell around a cow.s neckHCOWBANE n pl. -S a poisonous plant;}COWARDLY adj lacking courageN!COWARD n pl. -S one who lacks courage kw>$jkhUCOWLING n pl. -S a covering for an aircraft engine;}COWLIKE adj resembling a cowP%COWLICK n pl. -S a lock of unruly hairV1COWL v -ED, -ING, -S to cover with a hood\=COWINNER n pl. -S one of two or more winners~COWHIDE v -HIDED, -HIDING, -HIDES to flog with a leather whipN!COWHERD n pl. -S one who tends cattleB COWHERB n pl. -S an annual herb5qCOWHAND n pl. -S a cowboy1iCOWHAGE n pl. -S cowageP%COWGIRL n pl. -S a female ranch worker .dXD|.J&COWRITER n pl. -S one that cowrites%)COWRITE v -WROTE, -WRITTEN, -WRITING, -WRITES to collaborate in writing-$aCOWRIE n pl. -S cowry #COWPUNK n pl. -S combining country and western styles with punk rockF"COWPOX n pl. -ES a cattle disease5!qCOWPOKE n pl. -S a cowboy5 qCOWPLOP n pl. -S a cowpat3mCOWPIE n pl. -S a cowpatD COWPEA n pl. -S a black-eyed peaP%COWPAT n pl. -S a dropping of cow dungFCOWORKER n pl. -S a fellow workerN!COWMAN n pl. -MEN one who owns cattle WdTFWH1COXCOMB n pl. -S a conceited dandy;0}COXALGY n pl. -GIES coxalgia`/ECOXALGIA n pl. -S pain in the hip COXALGIC adjb.ICOXA n pl. COXAE the hip or hip joint COXAL adjD- COX v -ED, -ING, -ES to coxswain\,=COWY adj COWIER, COWIEST suggestive of a cowt+mCOWTOWN n pl. -S a town or city in a cattle-raising areaH*COWSLIP n pl. -S a flowering plantH)COWSKIN n pl. -S the hide of a cowJ(COWSHED n pl. -S a shelter for cowsJ'COWRY n pl. -RIES a glossy seashell /Ju34n/;<}COYOTE n pl. -S a small wolfT;-COYNESS n pl. -ES the state of being coy5:qCOYLY adv in a coy manner19iCOYISH adj somewhat coyt8mCOYDOG n pl. -S a hybrid between a coyote and a wild dogJ7COYAU n pl. -S a steep roof design56qCOY adj COYER, COYEST shy>5COY v -ED, -ING, -S to caressP4%COXSWAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to direct (a crew) as coxswain (the director of the crew of a racing rowboat)@3COXLESS adj having no coxswainn2aCOXITIS n pl. COXITIDES inflammation of the hip joint >7K>@HCRAAL v -ED, -ING, -S to kraaltGmCOZY adj COZIER, COZIEST snug and comfortable COZILY advFCOZY v COZIED, COZYING, COZIES to attempt to get on friendly termsXE5COZINESS n pl. -ES the state of being cozy-DaCOZIE n pl. -S a cozy3CmCOZEY n pl. -ZEYS a cozyDB COZENER n pl. -S one that cozensXA5COZENAGE n pl. -S the practice of cozeningD@ COZEN v -ED, -ING, -S to deceiveH?COZ n pl. COZES or COZZES a cousinD> COYPU n pl. -S an aquatic rodent1=iCOYPOU n pl. -S a coypu \Z)YLRCRACKING n pl. -S a chemical processZQ9CRACKIE n pl. -S a small dog of mixed breedPP%CRACKER n pl. -S a thin, crisp biscuitxOuCRACK v -ED, -ING, -S to break without dividing into parts-NaCRABWISE adv sidewaysZM9CRABMEAT n pl. -S the edible part of a crab@LCRABLIKE adj resembling a crab\K=CRABBY adj -BIER, -BIEST grumpy CRABBILY advBJ CRABBER n pl. -S one that crabsZI9CRAB v CRABBED, CRABBING, CRABS to complain q'@j D\ CRAFTER n pl. -S one that craftsN[!CRAFT v -ED, -ING, -S to make by handFZCRADLER n pl. -S one that cradlesrYiCRADLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to nurture during infancy\X=CRACKY adj CRACKIER, CRACKIEST having cracks;W}CRACKUP n pl. -S a collisionNV!CRACKPOT n pl. -S an eccentric personRU)CRACKNEL n pl. -S a hard, crisp biscuitFTCRACKLY adj -LIER, -LIEST brittle SCRACKLE v -LED, -LING, -LES to make a succession of snapping sounds SuM}9SHfCRAMOISY n pl. -SIES crimson clothBe CRAMMER n pl. -S one that cramsPd%CRAMBO n pl. -BOS or -BOES a word game@cCRAMBE n pl. -S an annual herbrbiCRAM v CRAMMED, CRAMMING, CRAMS to fill or pack tightlyVa1CRAKE n pl. -S a small, harsh-voiced birdT`-CRAGSMAN n pl. -MEN one who climbs cragsj_YCRAGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST full of crags CRAGGILY adv^^ACRAG n pl. -S a large jagged rock CRAGGED adj]CRAFTY adj CRAFTIER, CRAFTIEST skillful in deceiving CRAFTILY adv K.gKPp%CRANIATE n pl. -S one that has a skullJoCRANIAL adj pertaining to the skullvnqCRANE v CRANED, CRANING, CRANES to stretch out one.s neckHmCRANCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to craunch`lECRANAPPLE adj combining cranberries and appleslk]CRAMPY adj CRAMPIER, CRAMPIEST affected with a cramp5jqCRAMPOON n pl. -S cramponjiYCRAMPON n pl. -S a device for raising heavy objectsnhaCRAMPIT n pl. -S a piece of equipment used in curling\g=CRAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to restrain or confine 5V j7n5N}!CRANNOG n pl. -S an artificial island;|}CRANNIED adj having cranniesN{!CRANKY adj CRANKIER, CRANKIEST grumpyRz)CRANKPIN n pl. -S the handle of a crank)yYCRANKOUS adj cranky>xCRANKLY adv in a crank mannerVw1CRANKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to crinkle/veCRANKISH adj eccentricBu CRANKILY adv in a cranky mannerVt1CRANKBAIT n pl. -S a type of fishing lureHsCRANK adj CRANKER, CRANKEST livelyRr)CRANK v -ED, -ING, -S to start manuallyPq%CRANIUM n pl. -NIUMS or -NIA the skull &m8 |&R)CRASIS n pl. CRASES a vowel contractionFCRASHER n pl. -S one that crashesV1CRASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to collide noisilynaCRAPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST markedly inferior in qualityB CRAPPIE n pl. -S an edible fish\=CRAPPER n pl. -S a toilet *deemed offensive*FCRAPOLA n pl. -S nonsense, drivelT-CRAPE v CRAPED, CRAPING, CRAPES to crepe!CRAP v CRAPPED, CRAPPING, CRAPS to throw a 2, 3, or 12 in a dice gameV1CRANNY n pl. -NIES a crevice CRANNIED adj5~qCRANNOGE n pl. -S crannog Gw>f6GfQCRAVE v CRAVED, CRAVING, CRAVES to desire greatly5qCRAVAT n pl. -S a necktieHCRAUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to crunchtmCRATON n pl. -S a part of the earth.s crust CRATONIC adjD CRATEROUS adj containing cratersl ]CRATER v -ED, -ING, -S to form cavities in a surface^ ACRATEFUL n pl. -S as much as a crate can holdr iCRATE v CRATED, CRATING, CRATES to put in a packing box5 qCRATCH n pl. -ES a manger  CRASS adj CRASSER, CRASSEST grossly vulgar or stupid CRASSLY adv ^X.^T-CRAWLWAY n pl. -WAYS a small, low tunnelD CRAWLER n pl. -S one that crawlsCRAWL v -ED, -ING, -S to move with the body on or near the grounddMCRAWFISH v -ED, -ING, -ES to back out or retreat9yCRAWDAD n pl. -S a crayfishP%CRAW n pl. -S the stomach of an animalB CRAVING n pl. -S a great desireB CRAVER n pl. -S one that cravesFCRAVENLY adv in a cowardly mannerN!CRAVENER adj, CRAVENEST very cowardlyR)CRAVEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make cowardly hNBl']CREAKY adj CREAKIER, CREAKIEST creaking CREAKILY advB& CREAK v -ED, -ING, -S to squeakD% CRAZY n pl. -ZIES a crazy personX$5CRAZY adj -ZIER, -ZIEST insane CRAZILY advd#MCRAZING n pl. -S a fine surface crack on pottery`"ECRAZE v CRAZED, CRAZING, CRAZES to make insaneH!CRAYONER n pl. -S one that crayonsf QCRAYON v -ED, -ING, -S to use a drawing implementB CRAYFISH n pl. -ES a crustaceanN!CRAWLY adj CRAWLIER, CRAWLIEST creepy THETN1!CREATINE n pl. -S a chemical compound50qCREATIN n pl. -S creatineb/ICREATE v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES to cause to existr.iCREASY adj CREASIER, CREASIEST having folds or wrinklesF-CREASER n pl. -S one that creases, CREASE v CREASED, CREASING, CREASES to make a fold or winkle inv+qCREAMY adj CREAMIER, CREAMIEST rich in cream CREAMILY adv>*CREAMERY n pl. -ERIES a dairyD) CREAMER n pl. -S a cream pitcherl(]CREAM v -ED, -ING, -S to form cream (a part of milk) EDp7rAET>-CREDIT v -ED, -ING, -S to accept as trueL=CREDIBLE adj believable CREDIBLY advP<%CREDENZA n pl. -S a piece of furniture-;aCREDENT adj believingB: CREDENDA n/pl articles of faith39mCREDENCE n pl. -S beliefD8 CREDAL adj pertaining to a creed57qCRED n pl. -S credibility>6CRECHE n pl. -S a day nurseryD5 CREATURE n pl. -S a living beingF4CREATOR n pl. -S one that createsj3YCREATIVE n pl. -S one who has the ability to createJ2CREATION n pl. -S something created 7k_f7+I]CREESE n pl. -S krisnHaCREEPY adj CREEPIER, CREEPIEST repugnant CREEPILY adv;G}CREEPIE n pl. -S a low stoolDF CREEPER n pl. -S one that creepsHECREEPAGE n pl. -S gradual movementjDYCREEP v CREPT or CREEPED, CREEPING, CREEPS to crawl|C}CREEL v -ED, -ING, -S to put fish in a creel (a fish basket)fBQCREEK n pl. -S a watercourse smaller than a riverdAMCREED n pl. -S a statement of belief CREEDAL adj3@mCREDO n pl. -DOS a creedZ?9CREDITOR n pl. -S one to whom money is owed tZV otPS%CRENELLE n pl. -S a rounded projection"RICRENEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to provide with crenelles+Q]CRENATED adj crenatejPYCRENATE adj having an edge with rounded projectionsFOCREMINI n pl. -S a brown mushroom+N]CREME n pl. -S creamJMCREMATOR n pl. -S one that crematesL CREMATE v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES to reduce to ashes by burningXK5CREMAINS n/pl the ashes of a cremated bodyFJCREESH v -ED, -ING, -ES to grease )J)\CREPERIE n pl. -S a restaurant that serves crepes (thin pancakes)f[QCREPE v CREPED, CREPING, CREPES to frizz the hair ZCREOSOTE v -SOTED, -SOTING, -SOTES to treat with a wood preservativeLYCREOSOL n pl. -S a chemical compoundX%CREOLIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to cause a language to become a creoleZW9CREOLISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to creolizeTV-CREOLE n pl. -S a type of mixed languagePU%CREODONT n pl. -S an extinct carnivore^TACRENSHAW n pl. -S a variety of honeydew melon JB~2jJ\f=CRESSET n pl. -S a metal cup for burning oilfeQCRESS n pl. -ES a plant used in salads CRESSY adjRd)CRESOL n pl. -S a chemical disinfectant1ciCRESCIVE adj increasingb!CRESCENT n pl. -S the figure of the moon in its first or last quarterHaCREPY adj CREPIER, CREPIEST crepeyF`CREPON n pl. -S a crinkled fabricv_qCREPITUS n pl. CREPITUS a grating sound made in breathingj^YCREPINESS n pl. -ES the quality of resembling crepeL]CREPEY adj CREPIER, CREPIEST crinkly C>qCfqQCRETONS n/pl a spread of shredded pork and onionsDp CRETONNE n pl. -S a heavy fabricoCRETINIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to turn into or label as a cretin^nACRETINISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to cretinize3mmCRETIN n pl. -S an idiotRl)CRETIC n pl. -S a type of metrical footFkCRESYLIC adj pertaining to cresol-jaCRESYL n pl. -S tolylNi!CRESTING n pl. -S a decorative copingXh5CRESTAL adj pertaining to a crest (a peak)bgICREST v -ED, -ING, -S to reach a crest (a peak) 8DL d8h|UCRIB v CRIBBED, CRIBBING, CRIBS to confine closelyp{eCREWNECK n pl. -S a sweater with a collarless necklineHzCREWMATE n pl. -S a fellow crewmanZy9CREWMAN n pl. -MEN one who serves on a shipDx CREWLESS adj without any crewmen>wCREWEL n pl. -S a woolen yarnDv CREWCUT n pl. -S a short haircutZu9CREW v -ED, -ING, -S to serve aboard a shipNt!CREVICE n pl. -S a cleft CREVICED adjdsMCREVASSE v -VASSED, -VASSING, -VASSES to fissurePr%CREVALLE n pl. -S a food and game fish "x 8d">CRIER n pl. -S one that criesX5CRICOID n pl. -S a cartilage of the larynxN!CRICKEY interj -- used as a mild oathnaCRICKET v -ED, -ING, -S to play cricket (a ball game)hUCRICK v -ED, -ING, -S to cause a spasm of the neckD CRICETID n pl. -S a small rodentN!CRIBWORK n pl. -S a framework of logsN!CRIBROUS adj pierced with small holes@CRIBBLED adj covered with dotsT-CRIBBING n pl. -S a supporting frameworkB~ CRIBBER n pl. -S one that cribs>}CRIBBAGE n pl. -S a card game C^S ]CnaCRIMSON v -ED, -ING, -S to make crimson (a red color)JCRIMPY adj CRIMPIER, CRIMPIEST wavyV1CRIMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to wrinkleD CRIMPER n pl. -S one that crimps@CRIMP v -ED, -ING, -S to pleat3mCRIMMER n pl. -S krimmer/eCRIMINY interj crimine3 mCRIMINI n pl. -S creminij YCRIMINE interj -- used to express surprise or angerb ICRIMINAL n pl. -S one who has committed a crimeN !CRIME n pl. -S a violation of the lawL CRIKEY interj -- used as a mild oath :DNp:JCRIPE interj -- used as a mild oath|}CRIP n pl. -S a cripple (disabled person) *deemed offensive*dMCRIOLLO n pl. -LLOS a person of Spanish ancestryB CRINUM n pl. -S a tropical herbD CRINOID n pl. -S a marine animalLCRINKLY adj -KLIER, -KLIEST crinkledV1CRINKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to wrinkleFCRINITE n pl. -S a fossil crinoidN!CRINGLE n pl. -S a small loop of ropeFCRINGER n pl. -S one that cringesnaCRINGE v CRINGED, CRINGING, CRINGES to shrink in fear DBS8Df+QCRISPY adj CRISPIER, CRISPIEST crisp CRISPILY adv>*CRISPLY adv in a crisp mannerD) CRISPER n pl. -S one that crispsN(!CRISPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make crisp)'YCRISPATE adj curledJ&CRISP adj CRISPER, CRISPEST brittleJ%CRISP v -ED, -ING, -S to make crispp$eCRISIS n pl. CRISES a crucial turning point CRISIC adj)#YCRIS n pl. -ES krisJ"CRIPPLER n pl. -S one that cripplesj!YCRIPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to disable or impairL CRIPES interj -- used as a mild oath _y-J?_h5UCROAK v -ED, -ING, -S to utter a low, hoarse sound34mCRITTUR n pl. -S critter93yCRITTER n pl. -S a creaturex2uCRITIQUE v -TIQUED, -TIQUING, -TIQUES to judge as a critic 1CRITIC n pl. -S one who judges the merits of something CRITICAL adjJ0CRITERIA n/pl standards of judgment1/iCRIT n pl. -S criticism\.=CRISTATE adj having a projection on the headH-CRISTA n pl. -TAE a part of a cell, CRISSUM n pl. CRISSA a region of feathers on a bird CRISSAL adj J<#=J9AyCROCOITE n pl. -S a mineralV@1CROCKPOT n pl. -S an electric cooking potX?5CROCKET n pl. -S an architectural ornament>>CROCKERY n pl. -ERIES potteryP=%CROCK v -ED, -ING, -S to stain or soilL<CROCINE adj pertaining to the crocush;UCROCHET v -ED, -ING, -S to do a type of needlework5:qCROCEINE n pl. -S crocein79uCROCEIN n pl. -S a red dye58qCROC n pl. -S a crocodilex7uCROAKY adj CROAKIER, CROAKIEST low and hoarse CROAKILY advD6 CROAKER n pl. -S one that croaks i0H [iDL CROOK adj CROOKER, CROOKEST sick>KCROOK v -ED, -ING, -S to benddJMCRONYISM n pl. -S a kind of political favoritismHICRONY n pl. CRONIES a close friendbHICRONE n pl. -S a withered old woman CRONISH adj7GuCROMLECH n pl. -S a dolmenRF)CROKINOLE n pl. -S a kind of board gameFECROJIK n pl. -S a triangular sailDD CROFTER n pl. -S a tenant farmerlC]CROFT v -ED, -ING, -S to farm on a small tenant farm\B=CROCUS n pl. -CUSES or -CI a flowering plant ^73VmCROPPIE n pl. -S crappieBU CROPPER n pl. -S one that cropsrTiCROPLESS adj being without crops (agricultural produce)7SuCROPLAND n pl. -S farmlanddRMCROP v CROPPED, CROPPING, CROPS to cut off short QCROONY adj CROONIER, CROONIEST having or being a soft singing styleDP CROONER n pl. -S one that croonsLOCROON v -ED, -ING, -S to sing softlyPN%CROOKERY n pl. -ERIES crooked activityJMCROOKED adj -EDER, -EDEST dishonest -{7I%u-Da CROSSE n pl. -S a lacrosse stick``ECROSSCUT v -CUT, -CUTTING, -CUTS to cut acrossH_CROSSBOW n pl. -S a kind of weapon|^}CROSSBAR v -BARRED, -BARRING, -BARS to fasten with crossarmsH]CROSSARM n pl. -S a horizontal barT\-CROSS adj CROSSER, CROSSEST ill-temperedJ[CROSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to intersectFZCROSIER n pl. -S a bishop.s staffRY)CRORE n pl. -S a monetary unit of India@XCROQUIS n pl. CROQUIS a sketchWCROQUET v -ED, -ING, -S to drive a ball away in a certain game blA-bBk CROTALE n pl. -S a small cymbaljCROSTINO n pl. -NI a small piece of toast topped with a spreadPi%CROSTATA n pl. -S a type of fruit tartnhaCROSSWAY n pl. -WAYS a road that crosses another roadJgCROSSTIE n pl. -S a transverse beamf1CROSSPLY adj having layers of fabric with cords lying crosswise in a tire>eCROSSLY adv in a cross mannerJdCROSSLET n pl. -S a heraldic symbolFcCROSSING n pl. -S an intersectionFbCROSSER n pl. -S one that crosses 8o+GEz8>vCROUTE n pl. -S a pastry case@uCROUSE adj lively CROUSELY advt CROUPY adj CROUPIER, CROUPIEST affected with croup CROUPILY advDs CROUPOUS adj pertaining to croupXr5CROUPIER n pl. -S an attendant in a casinoZq9CROUPE n pl. -S the rump of certain animalsPp%CROUP n pl. -S a disease of the throatDo CROUCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to stoopDn CROTON n pl. -S a tropical plant@mCROTCHET n pl. -S a small hook lCROTCH n pl. -ES an angle formed by two diverging parts CROTCHED adj Z}IdMCROWFOOT n pl. -FOOTS or -FEET a flowering plant@CROWER n pl. -S one that crows9~yCROWDY n pl. -DIES porridge1}iCROWDIE n pl. -S crowdyD| CROWDER n pl. -S one that crowdsv{qCROWD v -ED, -ING, -S to press into an insufficient spacez CROWBAR v -BARRED, -BARRING, -BARS to use a steel bar as a leverPy%CROWBAIT n pl. -S a type of fruit tart>xCROW v -ED, -ING, -S to boast`wECROUTON n pl. -S a small cube of toasted bread fw<IAfV 1CRUCIBLE n pl. -S a heat-resistant vessel5 qCRUCIATE adj cross-shapedD  CRUCIAN n pl. -S a European fishF CRUCIAL adj of supreme importanceN!CRU n pl. -S a grade or class of wine3mCROZIER n pl. -S crosier1iCROZER n pl. -S a crozeZ9CROZE n pl. -S a tool used in barrel-makingV1CROWSTEP n pl. -S a step on top of a wall7uCROWNET n pl. -S a coronet7uCROWNER n pl. -S a coroner CROWN v -ED, -ING, -S to supply with a crown (a royal headpiece) *4lN*\=CRUDITY n pl. -TIES the state of being crudetmCRUDITES n/pl pieces of raw vegetables served with a dipHCRUDE n pl. -S unrefined petroleumbICRUDE adj CRUDER, CRUDEST unrefined CRUDELY adv^ACRUDDY adj -DIER, -DIEST filthy; contemptibleR)CRUD v CRUDDED, CRUDDING, CRUDS to curdJCRUCK n pl. -S a curved roof timbervqCRUCIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to put to death on a crossnaCRUCIFIX n pl. -ES a cross bearing an image of ChristV 1CRUCIFER n pl. -S one who carries a cross Nuf$NP%CRUISEY adj CRUISIER, CRUISIEST cruisyLCRUISER n pl. -S a boat that cruises9CRUISE v CRUISED, CRUISING, CRUISES to sail about touching at several ports!CRUFT n pl. -S technical material that is redundant, old, or inferior>CRUET n pl. -S a glass bottleB CRUELTY n pl. -TIES a cruel actD CRUEL adj CRUELER, CRUELEST or CRUELLER, CRUELLEST indifferent to the pain of others CRUELLY advCRUDO n pl. -S sliced, uncooked seafood often served with a sauce O]OL'CRUMBUM n pl. -S a despicable personZ&9CRUMBLY adj -BLIER, -BLIEST easily crumbled\%=CRUMBLIES n/pl old people *deemed offensive*v$qCRUMBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to break into small piecesD# CRUMBER n pl. -S one that crumbsv"qCRUMB v -ED, -ING, -S to break into crumbs (small pieces)J!CRULLER n pl. -S a small sweet cake -CRUISY adj CRISIER, CRUISIEST frequented by homosexuals seeking partners|}CRUISING n pl. -S the act of driving around in search of fun .0XN|.J1CRUNCHER n pl. -S one that crunchesp0eCRUNCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to chew with a crackling soundZ/9CRUMPLY adj -PLIER, -PLIEST easily wrinkledV.1CRUMPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to wrinklef-QCRUMPET n pl. -S a small cake cooked on a griddleB, CRUMP v -ED, -ING, -S to crunchz+yCRUMMY adj -MIER, -MIEST of little or no value CRUMMILY advV*1CRUMMIE n pl. -S a cow with crooked hornsj)YCRUMHORN n pl. -S a double-reed woodwind instrument^(ACRUMBY adj CRUMBIER, CRUMBIEST full of crumbs ^<b ><CRUSE n pl. -S a small bottleh;UCRUSADO n pl. -DOES or -DOS an old Portuguese coinJ:CRUSADER n pl. -S one that crusadesv9qCRUSADE v -SADED, -SADING, -SADES to engage in a holy warH8CRUS n pl. CRURA a part of the legV71CRURAL adj pertaining to the thigh or legL6CRUPPER n pl. -S the rump of a horse;5}CRUOR n pl. -S clotted blood4!CRUNODE n pl. -S a point at which a curve crosses itself CRUNODAL adjH3CRUNK n pl. -S a type of rap musicR2)CRUNCHY adj CRUNCHIER, CRUNCHIEST crisp 1H)o1nFaCRUX n pl. CRUXES or CRUCES a basic or decisive point^EACRUTCH v -ED, -ING, -ES to prop up or supportfDQCRUSTY adj CRUSTIER, CRUSTIEST surly CRUSTILY advXC5CRUSTOSE adj forming a thin, brittle crustZB9CRUSTAL adj pertaining to the earth.s crustA CRUST v -ED, -ING, -S to form a crust (a hardened outer surface)H@CRUSILY adj covered with crossletsF?CRUSHER n pl. -S one that crushesr>iCRUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to press or squeeze out of shape>=CRUSET n pl. -S a melting pot 5PxHr59PyCRYOLITE n pl. -S a mineralTO-CRYOGENY n pl. -NIES a branch of physicszNyCRYOGEN n pl. -S a substance for producing low temperaturesM9CRYOBANK n pl. -S a place for storing human tissue at very low temperatures+L]CRYER n pl. -S crier^KACRYBABY n pl. -BIES a person who cries easilybJICRY v CRIED, CRYING, CRIES to weep CRYINGLY advnIaCRWTH n pl. -S an ancient stringed musical instrument^HACRUZEIRO n pl. -ROS a monetary unit of BrazilJGCRUZADO n pl. -DOES or -DOS crusado (UOV(b[ICUATRO n pl. -S a small guitar of Latin America+Z]CTENOID adj comblike\Y=CTENIDIA n/pl comblike anatomical structures5XqCSARDAS n pl. -ES czardasPW%CRYSTAL n pl. -S a transparent mineralnVaCRYPTO n pl. -TOS one who belongs secretly to a group/UeCRYPTIC adj mysteriousVT1CRYPT n pl. -S a burial vault CRYPTAL adjPS%CRYOTRON n pl. -S an electronic deviceTR-CRYOSTAT n pl. -S a refrigerating device&QQCRYONICS n/pl the practice of freezing dead bodies for future revival CRYONIC adj 'e.KA'bfICUBICITY n pl. -TIES the state of being cubical@eCUBICAL adj shaped like a cubeld]CUBIC n pl. -S a mathematical equation or expression>cCUBER n pl. -S one that cubes9byCUBEB n pl. -S a woody vineaCUBE v CUBED, CUBING, CUBES to form into a cube (a regular solid)V`1CUBBY n pl. -BIES a small, enclosed space;_}CUBBISH adj resembling a cubF^CUBATURE n pl. -S cubical content3]mCUBAGE n pl. -S cubature\1CUB v CUBBED, CUBBING, CUBS to give birth to the young of certain animals >n,6~>^qACUCKOO v -ED, -ING, -S to repeat monotonouslytpmCUCKOLD v -ED, -ING, -S to make a cuckold (a cornuto) ofboICUBOID n pl. -S a bone of the foot CUBOIDAL adj>nCUBITUS n pl. -TI the forearmrmiCUBIT n pl. -S an ancient measure of length CUBITAL adjNl!CUBIST n pl. -S an adherent of cubismZk9CUBISM n pl. -S a style of art CUBISTIC adjBj CUBIFORM adj shaped like a cube>iCUBICULA n/pl burial chambersFhCUBICLY adv in the form of a cubeDg CUBICLE n pl. -S a small chamber iw ?\iH|CUDGELER n pl. -S one that cudgels"{ICUDGEL v -ELED, -ELING, -ELS or -ELLED, -ELLING, -ELS to beat with a heavy club7zuCUDDY n pl. -DIES a donkeyZy9CUDDLY adj -DLIER, -DLIEST fit for cuddlingFxCUDDLER n pl. -S one that cuddles^wACUDDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to hug tenderly-vaCUDDIE n pl. -S cuddy7uuCUDBEAR n pl. -S a red dyeftQCUD n pl. -S a portion of food to be chewed again5sqCUCURBIT n pl. -S a gourdLrCUCUMBER n pl. -S a garden vegetable R1<}R'UCUIF n pl. -S coof`ECUFFLINK n pl. -S a fastening for a shirt cuff9yCUFFLESS adj having no cuff%CUFFABLE adj intended to be folded down to the ankle -- used of a sock CUFF v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a cuff (a part of a sleeve)T-CUESTA n pl. -S a type of land elevation5CUEIST n pl. -S one that uses a cue (a straight tapering rod) in billiards~CUE v CUED, CUING or CUEING, CUES to give a signal to an actorF}CUDWEED n pl. -S a perennial herb Y S%CULCHIE n pl. -S an Irish word for a country person *deemed offensive*@ CULCHIE adj CULCHIER, CULCHIEST descriptive of a culchie (a country person) *deemed offensive*> CULCH n pl. -ES an oyster bed3 mCUKE n pl. -S a cucumberP %CUITTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to coax` ECUISSE n pl. -S a piece of armor for the thighJCUISINE n pl. -S a style of cooking/eCUISH n pl. -ES cuissepeCUIRASS v -ED, -ING, -ES to cover with a type of armor ?:r)?N!CULLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to trickP%CULLIS n pl. -LISES a gutter in a roof@CULLION n pl. -S a vile fellowjYCULLET n pl. -S broken glass gathered for remelting@CULLER n pl. -S one that culls7uCULLAY n pl. -LAYS quillaiX5CULL v -ED, -ING, -S to select from othersHCULINARY adj pertaining to cookery;}CULICINE n pl. -S a mosquito9yCULICID n pl. -S a culicineV1CULEX n pl. CULEXES or CULICES a mosquitohUCULET n pl. -S a piece of armor for the lower back h6h"%CULSHIE n pl. -S an Irish word for a country person *deemed offensive*@!CULSHIE adj CULSHIER, CULSHIEST descriptive of a culshie (a country person) *deemed offensive*J CULPRIT n pl. -S one that is guiltyl]CULPABLE adj deserving blame or censure CULPABLY advjYCULPA n pl. -PAE negligence for which one is liableD CULOTTE n pl. -S a divided skirtjYCULMEN n pl. -MINA the upper ridge of a bird.s beakX5CULM v -ED, -ING, -S to form a hollow stem k%Pu1F-CULTURAL adj produced by breedingL,CULTRATE adj sharp-edged and pointed@+CULTLIKE adj resembling a cult*CULTIVAR n pl. -S a variety of plant originating under cultivationJ)CULTIST n pl. -S a member of a cultJ(CULTISM n pl. -S devotion to a cultD' CULTISH adj pertaining to a cult;&}CULTIGEN n pl. -S a cultivarB% CULTIC adj pertaining to a cult/$eCULTCH n pl. -ES culch^#ACULT n pl. -S a religious society CULTISH adj (y/o<M|(P:%CUMIN n pl. -S a plant used in cooking-9aCUMBROUS adj unwieldyP8%CUMBIA n pl. -S a Latin-American danceH7CUMBERER n pl. -S one that cumbersD6 CUMBER v -ED, -ING, -S to hinder55qCUMARIN n pl. -S coumarinj4YCUM v CUMMING, CUMS to ejaculate *deemed offensive*/3eCUM prep together with72uCULVERT n pl. -S a conduitJ1CULVERIN n pl. -S a medieval musket30mCULVER n pl. -S a pigeonF/CULTUS n pl. -TUSES or -TI a cult. CULTURE v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES to make fit for raising crops 4[&f3Zv4>HCUNNER n pl. -S a marine fishvGqCUNIT n pl. -S 100 cubic feet (2.83 cubic meters) of woodfFQCUNIFORM n pl. -S wedge-shaped writing characters+E]CUNEATIC adj cuneate+D]CUNEATED adj cuneateLCCUNEATE adj wedge-shaped; triangular'BUCUNEAL adj cuneate/AeCUNDUM n pl. -S condom`@ECUMULUS n pl. -LI a type of cloud CUMULOUS adjX?5CUMULATE v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES to heap1>iCUMSHAW n pl. -S a gift3=mCUMQUAT n pl. -S kumquat-<aCUMMIN n pl. -S cumin9;yCUMMER n pl. -S a godmother b[FQCUPELLER n pl. -S one that cupels5PqCUPELER n pl. -S cupellerRO)CUPEL v -PELED, -PELING, -PELS or -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS to refine gold or silver in a cuplike vessel>NCUPCAKE n pl. -S a small cake9MyCUPBOARD n pl. -S a cabinetL)CUP v CUPPED, CUPPING, CUPS to place in a cup (a small, open container)lK]CUNT n pl. -S the female pudendum *deemed offensive*JJCUNNING n pl. -S skill in deceptionLICUNNING adj -NINGER, -NINGEST crafty ]}5[]B[ CUPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST cuplikeZZ9CUPPING n pl. -S an archaic medical processVY1CUPPER n pl. -S one that performs cupping9XyCUPPA n pl. -S a cup of teaZW9CUPOLA v -ED, -ING, -S to shape like a dome;V}CUPLIKE adj resembling a cupDU CUPIDITY n pl. -TIES greed; lustT%CUPID n pl. -S a naked, winged representation of the Roman god of lovepSeCUPHOLDER n pl. -S a device for holding a cup in a carvRqCUPFUL n pl. CUPFULS or CUPSFUL as much as a cup can hold `}3P!G`3hmCURACOA n pl. -S curacaoHgCURACAO n pl. -S a type of liqueur`fECURABLE adj capable of being cured CURABLY adv7euCUR n pl. -S a mongrel dogfdQCUPULE n pl. -S a cup-shaped anatomical structure1ciCUPULATE adj cup-shaped+b]CUPULAR adj cupulatejaYCUPULA n pl. -LAE a cup-shaped anatomical structure/`eCUPRUM n pl. -S copper>_CUPROUS adj containing copperF^CUPRITE n pl. -S an ore of copper;]}CUPRIC adj containing copper@\CUPREOUS adj containing copper Cq>q7CFtCURATOR n pl. -S a museum managerPs%CURATIVE n pl. -S something that curesRr)CURATION n pl. -S the work of a curatornqaCURATE v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES to act as curator ofLpCURASSOW n pl. -S a turkey-like birdtomCURARIZE v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES to poison with curarePn%CURARINE n pl. -S a poisonous alkaloid/meCURARI n pl. -S curareBl CURARE n pl. -S an arrow poison/keCURARA n pl. -S curare1jiCURAGH n pl. -S currachVi1CURACY n pl. -CIES the office of a curate 7Zk07FCURDLER n pl. -S one that curdlesT~-CURDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to congeal@}CURD v -ED, -ING, -S to curdle| CURCUMIN n pl. -S the coloring ingredient of the spice turmericF{CURCUMA n pl. -S a tropical plant>zCURCULIO n pl. -LIOS a weevil7yuCURCH n pl. -ES a kerchiefxCURBSIDE n pl. -S the side of a pavement bordered by a curbingfwQCURBING n pl. -S a concrete border along a street@vCURBER n pl. -S one that curbs^uACURB v -ED, -ING, -S to restrain CURBABLE adj RJ RP %CURIE n pl. -S a unit of radioactivitybICURIA n pl. -RIAE a court of justice CURIAL adj CURFEW n pl. -S a regulation concerning the hours which one may keepdMCURF n pl. -S an incision made by a cutting toolxuCURETTE v -RETTED, -RETTING, -RETTES to treat with a curetLCURET n pl. -S a surgical instrument>CURER n pl. -S one that cures3mCURELESS adj not curabledMCURE v CURED, CURING, CURES to restore to healthJCURDY adj CURDIER, CURDIEST curdled zdVwzN!CURLING n pl. -S a game played on ice&QCURLICUE v -CUED, -CUING, -CUES to decorate with curlicues (fancy spiral figures);}CURLEW n pl. -S a shore bird@CURLER n pl. -S one that curlsX5CURL v -ED, -ING, -S to form into ringletsN!CURIUM n pl. -S a radioactive elementN !CURITE n pl. -S a radioactive mineralf QCURIOUS adj -OUSER, -OUSEST eager for informationB  CURIOSA n/pl pornographic booksR )CURIO n pl. -RIOS an unusual art object OO"qBs'OV 1CURRIER n pl. -S one that curries leatherzyCURRIE v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to prepare food a certain wayHCURRICLE n pl. -S a light carriageHCURRENT n pl. -S a continuous flow7uCURRENCY n pl. -CIES moneyD CURRANT n pl. -S an edible berry+]CURRAN n pl. -S curn3mCURRAGH n pl. -S currach7uCURRACH n pl. -S a coracle;}CURR v -ED, -ING, -S to purr)YCURN n pl. -S grain7uCURLYCUE n pl. -S curlicueriCURLY adj CURLIER, CURLIEST tending to curl CURLILY adv Yc`Yr)iCURSOR n pl. -S a light indicator on a computer displayF(CURSIVE n pl. -S a style of print'%CURSILLO n pl. -S a type of spiritual retreat (seclusion with a group)B& CURSER n pl. -S one that cursesh%UCURSED adj CURSEDER, CURSEDEST wicked CURSEDLY advx$uCURSE v CURSED or CURST, CURSING, CURSES to wish evil upon# CURRY v -RIED, -RYING, -RIES to prepare leather for use or sale;"}CURRISH adj resembling a curZ!9CURRIERY n pl. -ERIES the shop of a currier (p 3kr(F5CURTSEY v -ED, -ING, -S to curtsy\4=CURTNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being curt93yCURTLY adv in a curt mannerX25CURTESY n pl. -SIES a type of legal tenure-1aCURTATE adj shortenedT0-CURTANA n pl. -S a type of English sword;/}CURTALAX n pl. -ES a cutlass^.ACURTAL n pl. -S an animal with a clipped tail-CURTAIN v -ED, -ING, -S to provide with a hanging piece of fabricL,CURTAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to cut shortB+ CURT adj CURTER, CURTEST abruptF*CURSORY adj hasty and superficial EZ,MEj?YCUSEC n pl. -S a volumetric unit of flow of liquidsJ>CUSCUS n pl. -ES an arboreal mammalH=CURVY adj CURVIER, CURVIEST curved`<ECURVINESS n pl. -ES the quality of being curvy+;]CURVIFORM adj curvedH:CURVEY adj CURVIER, CURVIEST curvy9!CURVET v -VETED, -VETING, -VETS or -VETTED, -VETTING, -VETS to prance81CURVE v CURVED, CURVING, CURVES to deviate from straightness CURVEDLY adv@7CURULE adj of the highest rank^6ACURTSY v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES to bow politely L{9^E L@LCUSS v -ED, -ING, -ES to curse7KuCUSPIS n pl. -PIDES a cusp;J}CUSPIDOR n pl. -S a spittoon7IuCUSPIDAL adj having a cuspBH CUSPID n pl. -S a pointed toothGCUSP n pl. -S a pointed end CUSPAL, CUSPATE, CUSPATED, CUSPED adjDF CUSK n pl. -S a marine food fishDE CUSHY adj CUSHIER, CUSHIEST easy%DQCUSHIONY adj softfCQCUSHION v -ED, -ING, -S to pad with soft material>BCUSHILY adv in a cushy mannerJACUSHAW n pl. -S a variety of squash3@mCUSHAT n pl. -S a pigeon #t(vG#pWeCUSTUMAL n pl. -S a written record of laws and customsTV-CUSTOS n pl. -TODES a guardian or keeperTU-CUSTOMER n pl. -S one who buys somethingJTCUSTOM n pl. -S a habitual practiceDS CUSTODY n pl. -DIES guardianshipR-CUSTARDY adj CUSTARDIER, CUSTARDIEST resembling or suggestive of custardPQ%CUSTARD n pl. -S a thick, soft dessertZP9CUSSWORD n pl. -S a profane or obscene wordHOCUSSO n pl. -SOS an Ethiopian treeBN CUSSER n pl. -S one that cussesBM CUSSEDLY adv in a cranky manner Xam.X\a=CUTENESS n pl. -ES the quality of being cuter`iCUTE adj CUTER, CUTEST pleasingly attractive CUTELY adv;_}CUTDOWN n pl. -S a reductionh^UCUTCHERY n pl. -CHERIES a judicial office in India1]iCUTCH n pl. -ES catechur\iCUTBLOCK n pl. -S a limited area authorized for loggingL[CUTBANK n pl. -S a steep stream bank;Z}CUTBACK n pl. -S a reductionJYCUTAWAY n pl. -AWAYS a type of coatX9CUT v CUT, CUTTING, CUTS to divide into parts with a sharp-edged instrument HTvHNl!CUTIS n pl. -TES or -TISES the coriumzkyCUTINIZE v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES to become coated with cutinZj9CUTINISE v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES to cutinizebiICUTIN n pl. -S a waxy substance found on plants;h}CUTIE n pl. -S a cute persontgmCUTICULA n pl. -LAE the outer hard covering of an insect@fCUTICLE n pl. -S the epidermisDe CUTGRASS n pl. -ES a swamp grass1diCUTEY n pl. -TEYS cutie`cECUTESY adj -SIER, -SIEST self-consciously cuteDb CUTESIE adj -SIER, -SIEST cutesy b _Db@wCUTPURSE n pl. -S a pickpocketPv%CUTOVER n pl. -S land cleared of treesFuCUTOUT n pl. -S something cut outrtiCUTOFF n pl. -S the point at which something terminates7suCUTLINE n pl. -S a captionfrQCUTLETTE n pl. -S a breaded patty of chopped meatBq CUTLET n pl. -S a slice of meatdpMCUTLERY n pl. -LERIES the occupation of a cutlerroiCUTLER n pl. -S one who sells and repairs cutting toolsBn CUTLASS n pl. -ES a short sword3mmCUTLAS n pl. -ES cutlass HFmc@CUTWORM n pl. -S a caterpillarN!CUTWORK n pl. -S a type of embroideryfQCUTWATER n pl. -S the front part of a ship.s prowJCUTUP n pl. -S a mischievous personF~CUTTY n pl. -TIES a thickset girl }CUTTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to fold cloth in a particular fashionZ|9CUTTING n pl. -S a section cut from a plant>{CUTTER n pl. -S one that cuts^zACUTTAGE n pl. -S a means of plant propagationFyCUTTABLE adj capable of being cutjxYCUTSCENE n pl. -S a type of scene in computer games 1ZP{1R)CYANITE n pl. -S a mineral CYANITIC adj9yCYANINE n pl. -S a blue dye1 iCYANIN n pl. -S cyanine~ CYANIDE v -NIDED, -NIDING, -NIDES to treat an ore with cyanidP %CYANID n pl. -S a compound of cyanogen5 qCYANIC adj blue or bluishD  CYANATE n pl. -S a chemical saltN!CYANAMID n pl. -S a chemical compound7uCYAN n pl. -S a blue color-aCWM n pl. -S a cirqueHCUZ n pl. CUZES or CUZZES a cousinR)CUVETTE n pl. -S a small tube or vesselLCUVEE n pl. -S wine blended in casksbR{tmf_XQJC<xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YR5.'  KD=6/(! +_*T)J(@'5&+% $# "!y oeZE< 3 (   tkcXLA8-! wlaVI=2'znaXL?2)!wlaW߃Lރ?݃5܃)ۃ ڃك ؃׃tPF:0&~ulaWNփhՃ[ԃQӃH҃:у-Ѓ"σ΃̓̃|˃qʃfɃ[ȃPǃFƃ<Ń1ă'à vkaVL 8!cFCYBERWAR n pl. -S a conflict in which enemies try to gain access to each other.s computer systemspeCYBERSEX n pl. -ES an online sex-oriented conversationFCYBER adj pertaining to computerspeCYATHIUM n pl. -ATHIA the flowerhead of certain plantsACYANOSIS n pl. -NOSES bluish discoloration of the skin CYANOSED, CYANOTIC adj|}CYANOGEN n pl. -S a reactive compound of carbon and nitrogenD CYANO adj pertaining to cyanogen k%AH@!CYCLEWAY n pl. -WAYS a bikewayH CYCLERY n pl. -RIES a bicycle shop5qCYCLER n pl. -S a cyclistV1CYCLECAR n pl. -S a type of motor vehicle`ECYCLE v -CLED, -CLING, -CLES to ride a bicycle7uCYCLASE n pl. -S an enzymeJCYCLAMEN n pl. -S a flowering plantJCYCASIN n pl. -S a sugar derivativeD CYCAS n pl. -ES a tropical plantB CYCAD n pl. -S a tropical plant%CYBORG n pl. -S a human linked to a mechanical device for life support #F<#b)ICYCLO n pl. -CLOS a three-wheeled motor vehicle.(aCYCLIZE v -CLIZED, -CLIZING, -CLIZES to form one or more rings in a chemical compoundN'!CYCLITOL n pl. -S a chemical compoundT&-CYCLIST n pl. -S one who rides a bicycle\%=CYCLING n pl. -S the act of riding a bicycle$%CYCLIN n pl. -S any of a group of proteins that control the cell cycle4#mCYCLICAL n pl. -S a stock whose earnings fluctuate widely with variations in the economyh"UCYCLIC adj moving in complete circles CYCLICLY adv ']X);2}CYGNET n pl. -S a young swan>1CYESIS n pl. CYESES pregnancy+0]CYDER n pl. -S cider/CYCLOSIS n pl. -CLOSES the circulation of protoplasm within a cellt.mCYCLOPS n pl. -LOPES a Greek mythological one-eyed beingh-UCYCLOPS n pl. CYCLOPS a minute one-eyed crustaceanZ,9CYCLOPIAN adj of a style of ancient masonry+CYCLONE n pl. -S a rotating system of winds CYCLONAL, CYCLONIC adjH*CYCLOID n pl. -S a geometric curve ;_&ds/p;1?iCYMLIN n pl. -S cymling>>CYMENE n pl. -S a hydrocarbon@=CYME n pl. -S a flower cluster5<qCYMBLING n pl. -S cymling@;CYMBIDIA n/pl tropical orchids7:uCYMBALOM n pl. -S cimbalom\9=CYMBALER n pl. -S one that plays the cymbalsR8)CYMBAL n pl. -S a percussion instrument77uCYMATIUM n pl. -TIA a cyma+6]CYMAR n pl. -S simarT5-CYMA n pl. -MAS or -MAE a curved molding54qCYLIX n pl. CYLICES kylix3=CYLINDER v -ED, -ING, -S to furnish with a cylinder (a chamber in an engine) 3^k%y}3FLCYPRES n pl. -ES a legal doctrineDK CYPHER v -ED, -ING, -S to cipherTJ-CYNOSURE n pl. -S a center of attractionXI5CYNODONT n pl. -S a type of fossil reptileFHCYNICISM n pl. -S cynical quality^GACYNICAL adj distrusting the motives of othersBF CYNIC n pl. -S a cynical person%EQCYMOUS adj cymoseVD1CYMOSE adj resembling a cyme CYMOSELY adv-CaCYMOL n pl. -S cymene;B}CYMOID adj resembling a cymaNA!CYMOGENE n pl. -S a volatile compoundL@CYMLING n pl. -S a variety of squash {xVM{PX%CYSTOID n pl. -S a cyst-like structurezWyCYSTITIS n pl. -TITIDES inflammation of the urinary bladder@VCYSTINE n pl. -S an amino acidBU CYSTIC adj pertaining to a cystBT CYSTEINE n pl. -S an amino acid5SqCYSTEIN n pl. -S cysteine)RYCYST n pl. -S a sac`QECYPSELA n pl. -LAE an achene in certain plants3PmCYPRUS n pl. -ES cypressVO1CYPRINID n pl. -S a small freshwater fish>NCYPRIAN n pl. -S a prostituteBM CYPRESS n pl. -ES a thin fabric Y~oYDa CZAR n pl. -S an emperor or kingj`YCYTOSOL n pl. -S the fluid portion of cell material\_=CYTOSINE n pl. -S a component of DNA and RNAR^)CYTON n pl. -S the body of a nerve cellN]!CYTOLOGY n pl. -GIES a study of cells\=CYTOKINE n pl. -S a kind of substance secreted by cells of the immune systemZ[9CYTOGENY n pl. -NIES the formation of cellsdZMCYTIDINE n pl. -S a compound containing cytosine~YCYTASTER n pl. -S a structure formed in a cell during mitosis $`rfn$FnDABBLER n pl. -S one that dabblesRm)DABBLE v -BLED, -BLING, -BLES to splash>lDABBER n pl. -S one that dabs\k=DAB v DABBED, DABBING, DABS to touch lightly!jIDA n pl. -S dad9iyCZARITZA n pl. -S a czarinaRh)CZARIST n pl. -S a supporter of czarismPg%CZARISM n pl. -S autocratic governmentJfCZARINA n pl. -S the wife of a czarTe-CZAREVNA n pl. -S the daughter of a czarDd CZAREVICH n pl. -ES a czarevitchNc!CZARDOM n pl. -S the domain of a czarJbCZARDAS n pl. -ES a Hungarian dance ;b'O e;bzIDACTYLIC n pl. -S a verse consisting of dactylsRy)DACTYL n pl. -S a type of metrical footjxYDACRON n pl. -S a synthetic polyester textile fiberVw1DACOITY n pl. -COITIES robbery by dacoitsFvDACOIT n pl. -S a bandit in IndiaBu DACKER v -ED, -ING, -S to waverFtDACITE n pl. -S a light gray rockDs DACHA n pl. -S a Russian cottageBr DACE n pl. -S a freshwater fish7quDABSTER n pl. -S a bunglerBp DABCHICK n pl. -S a small grebeTo-DABBLING n pl. -S a superficial interest aic aHDAEMON n pl. -S demon DAEMONIC adj>DAEMON n pl. -S or -ES daimon)YDAEDAL adj skillfuldMDADO v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S to set into a grooveN!DADGUM interj -- used as an intensive3mDADDY n pl. -DIES fatherR)DADDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to diddleP%DADAIST n pl. -S a follower of dadaismH~DADAISM n pl. -S the dada movementb}IDADA n pl. -S an artistic and literary movement)|YDAD n pl. -S fatherf{QDACTYLUS n pl. -LI a leg joint of certain insects bL]dMDAGLOCK n pl. -S a dirty or tangled lock of wool\=DAGGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to drag in mudfQDAGGER v -ED, -ING, -S to stab with a small knife3 mDAGGA n pl. -S marijuanaJ DAG n pl. -S a hanging end or shred\ =DAFTNESS n pl. -ES the quality of being daftX 5DAFT adj DAFTER, DAFTEST insane DAFTLY advV 1DAFFY adj -FIER, -FIEST silly DAFFILY advJDAFFODIL n pl. -S a flowering plantLDAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to thrust aside c{1E k!cpeDAIDZEIN n pl. -S a chemical found chiefly in soybeansFDAHOON n pl. -S an evergreen treeFDAHLIA n pl. -S a flowering plant%QDAHL n pl. -S dal7uDAHABIYA n pl. -S dahabeah7uDAHABIEH n pl. -S dahabeah7uDAHABIAH n pl. -S dahabeahT-DAHABEAH n pl. -S a large passenger boatFDAH n pl. -S a dash in Morse codeFDAGWOOD n pl. -S a large sandwichFDAGOBA n pl. -S a Buddhist shrineDAGO n pl. -S or -ES an Italian or Spaniard *deemed offensive* /niD/~'DAIRY n pl. DAIRIES an establishment dealing in milk products;&}DAIQUIRI n pl. -S a cocktailP%%DAINTY n pl. -TIES something deliciousr$iDAINTY adj -TIER, -TIEST delicately pretty DAINTILY adv5#qDAIMYO n pl. -MYOS daimior"iDAIMON n pl. -S or -ES an attendant spirit DAIMONIC adj^!ADAIMIO n pl. -MIOS a former Japanese nobleman- aDAIMEN adj occasionalnaDAILY n pl. -LIES a newspaper published every weekdayFDAIKON n pl. -S a Japanese radishD DAIKER v -ED, -ING, -S to dacker 72GT7p2eDALAPON n pl. -S an herbicide used on unwanted grassesh1UDAL n pl. -S a dish of lentils and spices in India90yDAKOITY n pl. -TIES dacoity//eDAKOIT n pl. -S dacoitF.DAKERHEN n pl. -S a European birdr-iDAK n pl. -S transportation by relays of men and horsesb,IDAISY n pl. -SIES a flowering plant DAISIED adj5+qDAISHIKI n pl. -S dashikiH*DAIS n pl. -ISES a raised platformp)eDAIRYMAN n pl. -MEN a man who works in or owns a dairyV(1DAIRYING n pl. -S the business of a dairy S W Wl=]DALTONIC adj pertaining to a form of color blindnessN<!DALTON n pl. -S a unit of atomic massV;1DALMATIC n pl. -S a wide-sleeved vestmentX:5DALLY v -LIED, -LYING, -LIES to waste timeF9DALLIER n pl. -S one that dallies'8UDALLES n/pl rapidsB7 DALETH n pl. -S a Hebrew letterT6-DALESMAN n pl. -MEN one living in a dale/5eDALEDH n pl. -S daleth/4eDALE n pl. -S a valleyv3qDALASI n pl. DALASI or DALASIS a unit of Gambian currency -_ }LY`-/IeDAMMER n pl. -S dammar;H}DAMMAR n pl. -S a hard resinXG5DAMIANA n pl. -S a tropical American shrubZF9DAMFOOL n pl. -S a stupid or foolish personJEDAMEWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant/DeDAME n pl. -S a matronnCaDAMASK v -ED, -ING, -S to weave with elaborate design-BaDAMAR n pl. -S dammar>ADAMAN n pl. -S a small mammalF@DAMAGER n pl. -S one that damagesR?)DAMAGE v -AGED, -AGING, -AGES to injure>=DAM v DAMMED, DAMMING, DAMS to build a barrier to obstruct the flow of water (ju1~Ir(FVDAMPEN v -ED, -ING, -S to moisten@UDAMP adj DAMPER, DAMPEST moistZT9DAMP v -ED, -ING, -S to lessen in intensity1SiDAMOZEL n pl. -S damsel1RiDAMOSEL n pl. -S damselvQqDAMNIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to cause loss or damage to5PqDAMNEST n pl. -S damndest@ODAMNER n pl. -S one that damnsjNYDAMNED adj DAMNEDER, DAMNEDEST or DAMNDEST damnable3MmDAMNDEST n pl. -S utmostLLDAMNABLE adj detestable DAMNABLY adv>KDAMN v -ED, -ING, -S to cursePJ%DAMMIT interj -- used to express anger \ps0\~aDANCE v DANCED, DANCING, DANCES to move rhythmically to musicN`!DANAZOL n pl. -S a synthetic androgen^_ADAN n pl. -S a level of skill in martial artsJ^DAMSON n pl. -S a small purple plum3]mDAMSEL n pl. -S a maidenX\5DAMPNESS n pl. -ES the state of being damp9[yDAMPLY adv in a damp manner5ZqDAMPISH adj somewhat dampY DAMPING n pl. -S the ability of a device to prevent instability@XDAMPER n pl. -S one that dampsHWDAMPENER n pl. -S one that dampens PF~4P;l}DANDY adj -DIER, -DIEST finefkQDANDRUFF n pl. -S a scurf that forms on the scalp7juDANDRIFF n pl. -S dandruffFiDANDLER n pl. -S one that dandlesRh)DANDLE v -DLED, -DLING, -DLES to fondle>gDANDILY adv in a dandy mannerzfyDANDIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to cause to resemble a dandyDe DANDER v -ED, -ING, -S to strollfdQDANCEY adj DANCIER, DANCIEST suitable for dancingpceDANCEWEAR n pl. -S clothing suitable for dance classesBb DANCER n pl. -S one that dances ]o#KD]^wADANGLE v -GLED, -GLING, -GLES to hang loosely5vqDANGEST n pl. -S damndestHuDANGER v -ED, -ING, -S to endanger;t}DANG v -ED, -ING, -S to damnJsDANEWORT n pl. -S a flowering plant;r}DANEWEED n pl. -S a danewort7quDANEGELT n pl. -S danegeldjpYDANEGELD n pl. -S an annual tax in medieval EnglandfoQDANDYISM n pl. -S the style or conduct of a dandyHnDANDYISH adj suggestive of a dandy mDANDY n pl. -DIES a man who is overly concerned about his appearance BhPmBFDAPHNE n pl. -S a flowering shrub DAP v DAPPED, DAPPING, DAPS to dip lightly or quickly into waterT-DANSEUSE n pl. -S a female ballet dancerN!DANSEUR n pl. -S a male ballet dancer1~iDANSAK n pl. -S dhansakX}5DANKNESS n pl. -ES the state of being dankn|aDANK adj DANKER, DANKEST unpleasantly damp DANKLY advV{1DANISH n pl. -ES a pastry of raised doughHzDANIO n pl. -NIOS an aquarium fishJyDANGLY adj -GLIER, -GLIEST danglingFxDANGLER n pl. -S one that dangles .r > DARER n pl. -S one that dares% QDAREFUL adj brave DARE v DARED or DURST, DARING, DARES to have the necessary courage/ eDARBIES n/pl handcuffs/eDARBAR n pl. -S durbardMDARB n pl. -S something considered extraordinaryP%DAPSONE n pl. -S a medicinal substancedMDAPPLE v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES to mark with spots~DAPPER adj -PERER, -PEREST looking neat and trim DAPPERLY advLDAPHNIA n pl. -S a minute crustacean ?Cv1?T-DARKEY n pl. -S darky *deemed offensive*HDARKENER n pl. -S one that darkensJDARKEN v -ED, -ING, -S to make darkhUDARK adj DARKER, DARKEST having little or no light@DARK v -ED, -ING, -S to darken%DARIOLE n pl. -S a type of pastry filled with cream, custard, or jelly@DARINGLY adv in a brave manner1iDARING n pl. -S braveryP%DARIC n pl. -S an ancient Persian coin8 uDARESAY v to venture to say -- DARESAY is the only form of this verb; it is not conjugated UozUp!eDARN v -ED, -ING, -S to mend with interlacing stitchesL DARLING n pl. -S a much-loved personjYDARKY n pl. -KIES a black person *deemed offensive*%QDARKSOME adj darkjYDARKROOM n pl. -S a room in which film is processedX5DARKNESS n pl. -ES the state of being darkV1DARKLY adv -LIER, -LIEST in a dark manner7uDARKLING n pl. -S the dark\=DARKLE v -KLED, -KLING, -KLES to become dark5qDARKISH adj somewhat darkT-DARKIE n pl. -S darky *deemed offensive* F[HRFF-DASHEEN n pl. -S a tropical plantV,1DASH v -ED, -ING, -ES to strike violentlyd+MDARTLE v -TLED, -TLING, -TLES to dart repeatedly@*DARTER n pl. -S one that dartsd)MDART v -ED, -ING, -S to move suddenly or swiftlyF(DARSHAN n pl. -S a Hindu blessingL'DARNING n pl. -S things to be darned5&qDARNEST n pl. -S damndest@%DARNER n pl. -S one that darnsB$ DARNEL n pl. -S an annual grassf#QDARNED adj DARNEDER, DARNEDEST or DARNDEST damned7"uDARNDEST n pl. -S damndest